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Texas GOP committee votes to remove language barring association with Nazis

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Current Events » Texas GOP committee votes to remove language barring association with Nazis
So just being explicit with it now.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
I mean they are fascists
TX Dems should include mention of that on every piece of advertisement that they run.

oh wait, thatd probably gain the GOP some votes down there.

Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Well if they did that then they wouldn't have anyone left to talk to.
Who is? I am!
Are we allowed to call them what they are yet?
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Well that's one way to completely get rid of the little bit of subtlety that was left
Born to lose, live to win!
He says there's a rise of far right ideology.. on the left? o.0
CADE_FOSTER posted...
I mean they are fascists

Heavy weight, one more stone...
Nazi sympathizing fuck faces.

This is why you can't differentiate between Nazis and their sympathizers.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Ruvan22 posted...
He says there's a rise of far right ideology.. on the left? o.0
It's just bullshit "Nazis are left wing" rhetoric
How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
I'm curious how many nazi sympathizers are currently in the Republican party.
Who cares if Bosa is racist?
Post #13 was unavailable or deleted.
Forty_Niners posted...
I'm curious how many nazi sympathizers are currently in the Republican party.

all of them bustin makes me feel good
It's like they just can't wait to ship minorities and their opponents to the gas chambers
Forty_Niners posted...
I'm curious how many nazi sympathizers are currently in the Republican party.
That Venn diagram is a fucking circle.
Forty_Niners posted...
I'm curious how many nazi sympathizers are currently in the Republican party.
If you are a Republican, you are by definition a Nazi sympathizer, because you are in a party that does not reject Nazis
Games: \\ Music:
Forty_Niners posted...
I'm curious how many nazi sympathizers are currently in the Republican party.

It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
Are there still people on this board that say conservatives should be respected?
Rika_Furude posted...
Are there still people on this board that say conservatives should be respected?
I know Duncan absolutely hates when people paint all Republicans or conservatives with the same brush (due to his caretakers/parents being Fox News Republicans), despite he himself doing the same with Democrats.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
Nazi imagery has no place outside the bedroom
unclekoolaid73 posted...
Nazi imagery has no place outside the depths of hell
Not changing this signature until I think of a better one. Stated 8/26/2021
Join the unknown:
TheGoldenEel posted...
If you are a Republican, you are by definition a Nazi sympathizer, because you are in a party that does not reject Nazis
Akshully, you can't call them Nazis until they start putting people in ovens - chuds defending the GOP
The ball is round, the game lasts 90 minutes. That's fact.
Everything else, is theory.
GOP: i HaTe WhAt YoU sAy BuT wIlL dEfEnD yOuR rIgHt To SaY iT
loafy013 posted...
Akshully, you can't call them Nazis until they start putting people in ovens - chuds defending the GOP
Those chuds say the early stages of genocide means they've only put some people in ovens
unclekoolaid73 posted...
Nazi imagery has no place outside the bedroom
Nazi imagery has no place anywhere. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
FGO US:973,940,202 JP:410,404,215
Resident Europa fangirl
The wording's confusing me. What exactly are they removing?
evening main 2.4356848e+91
ReiRei89 posted...
Nazi imagery has no place anywhere. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

Nazi imagery belongs in vidya about WW2 and museums.

Though that does not conflict with your latter statement.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Solar_Crimson posted...
I know Duncan absolutely hates when people paint all Republicans or conservatives with the same brush (due to his caretakers/parents being Fox News Republicans), despite he himself doing the same with Democrats.
Yeah but that's Duncan and nobody takes that guy seriously
How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?
Guide posted...
The wording's confusing me. What exactly are they removing?
Two months after a prominent conservative activist and fundraiser was caught hosting white supremacist Nick Fuentes, leaders of the Republican Party of Texas have voted against barring the party from associating with known Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers.

In a 32-29 vote on Saturday, members of the Texas GOPs executive committee stripped a pro-Israel resolution of a clause that would have included the ban.In a separate move that stunned some members, roughly half of the board also tried to prevent a record of their vote from being kept.
Please don't be weird in my topics
Guide posted...
The wording's confusing me. What exactly are they removing?
I guess you can't be booted from a position because you hang out with literal Nazis in public.
Antifar posted...

Jesus fucking christ.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
GOP: "Woke Woke Woke! It's all woke!"

Also the GOP: "Umm, like, can we really be throwing around vague, poorly defined and exploitable terms like 'Nazi' and 'antisemitism'?"
Antifar posted...
roughly half of the board also tried to prevent a record of their vote from being kept.
Fucking bitch ass cowards
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Well, they werent wrong by saying that shit isnt running rampant on college campuses.

But here was their chance to take a clear stance in the exact opposite direction of that, and they fucking blew it, and I literally laughed when I heard his explanation as to why. The fact that he doesnt think this shit is a problem on the right TOO is beyond stupid.
My resolution - the next time the Eagles are in the Superbowl, I'm going!
February 10th, 2023
There's only one reason why someone would willingly hang out with a confirmed Nazi.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
If you can't get elected without the Nazi vote you shouldn't be elected.
Umbreon posted...
There's only one reason why someone would willingly hang out with a confirmed Nazi.

Thats not true.

This guy is a fucking hero as far as Im concerned. He spoke at my shul, and apparently convinced a number of white supremacists to hang up their cloaks and reform.
My resolution - the next time the Eagles are in the Superbowl, I'm going!
February 10th, 2023
Umbreon posted...
There's only one reason why someone would willingly hang out with a confirmed Nazi.

In addition to the above, I would hang out with a nazi just to try to understand what the fuck was going through their head. I don't know how long I would last, but I would try .
evening main 2.4356848e+91
So explain, what does this mean exactly? From the title it sounds like they lifted a previous ruling that prevented individuals with known associations to Nazi groups from participating.
Link_of_time posted...
So explain, what does this mean exactly? From the title it sounds like they lifted a previous ruling that prevented individuals with known associations to Nazi groups from participating.

I wondered the same, and was answered:

Antifar posted...
Two months after a prominent conservative activist and fundraiser was caught hosting white supremacist Nick Fuentes, leaders of the Republican Party of Texas have voted against barring the party from associating with known Nazi sympathizers and Holocaust deniers.

In a 32-29 vote on Saturday, members of the Texas GOPs executive committee stripped a pro-Israel resolution of a clause that would have included the ban.In a separate move that stunned some members, roughly half of the board also tried to prevent a record of their vote from being kept.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
Link_of_time posted...
So explain, what does this mean exactly? From the title it sounds like they lifted a previous ruling that prevented individuals with known associations to Nazi groups from participating.
They voted down a propsed amendment that would have barred such associations
The proposed demands were significantly watered down ahead of the partys quarterly meeting this weekend. Rather than calling for a break from Defend Texas Liberty, the faction proposed general language that would have barred associations with individuals or groups known to espouse or tolerate antisemitism, pro-Nazi sympathies or Holocaust denial.

But even that general statement was too much for the majority of the executive committee. In at-times tense debate on Saturday, members argued that words like tolerate or antisemitism were too vague or subjective. The ban, some argued, was akin to Marxist and leftist tactics, and would create guilt by association that could be problematic for the party, its leaders and candidates.
It could put you on a slippery slope, said committee member Dan Tully.
Rinaldi abstained from voting on the ban, but briefly argued that antisemitism is not a serious problem on the right before questioning what it would mean to "tolerate" those who espouse it. "I don't see any antisemitic, pro-Nazi or Holocaust denial movement on the right that has any significant traction whatsoever," he said.

Supporters of the ban disagreed. They noted that the language was already a compromise, didnt specifically name any group or individual and would lend credence to resolutions in which the Texas GOP has generally condemned antisemitism and restated its support for Israel.

To take it out sends a very disturbing message, said Rolando Garcia, a Houston-based committee member who drafted the language. Were not specifying any individual or association. This is simply a statement of principle.
Please don't be weird in my topics
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Post #45 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
The GOP: "We're totally not Nazis, guys!"

*pulls some shit like this*

Also the GOP: "I just don't understand why people think we're Nazis!"

Don't forget all the times (because it's been many) that Nazis openly ran for office under the republican banner and the GOP just said, "What? We can't do anything. Anyone can say they're a republican. Who are we to tell them they're not?" and just shrug at people's jaws on the floor.
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
FlyEaglesFly24 posted...
Well, they werent wrong by saying that s*** isnt running rampant on college campuses.

Where? College campuses have been chasing off right wing chuds, Nazis, anti-semites, Turning Point speakers, Ben Shapiros, and dozens of other hatemongers for years.

Unless you're conflating protests that say, "Stop the Palestinian genocide," with actual anti-semitism. Is that what you're doing, you think?
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
Bullet_Wing posted...
This dude have Nazi fetishes or something?

The guy who bought Clarence Thomas' votes on SCOTUS has all the Nazi memorabilia, including creepy shit like Nazi bedsheets.

Would not surprise me if there are bedroom Nazis at this point.

Fuckin' a...
What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3
FlyEaglesFly24 posted...
Thats not true.

This guy is a fucking hero as far as Im concerned. He spoke at my shul, and apparently convinced a number of white supremacists to hang up their cloaks and reform.
And that works on an individual level. Non Nazis don't have the time to go out converting people, at least not enough so as to make a difference on a large scale. To be honest it's not their responsibility to do so. The responsibility is on the Nazi to not be fucking Nazis. I view my responsibility as stopping them from harming people, not making them be better people.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
DnDer posted...
Where? College campuses have been chasing off right wing chuds, Nazis, anti-semites, Turning Point speakers, Ben Shapiros, and dozens of other hatemongers for years.

Unless you're conflating protests that say, "Stop the Palestinian genocide," with actual anti-semitism. Is that what you're doing, you think?

Shall I keep going?

My resolution - the next time the Eagles are in the Superbowl, I'm going!
February 10th, 2023
Current Events » Texas GOP committee votes to remove language barring association with Nazis
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