F-Zero 99!

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Current Events » F-Zero 99!
Tfw you spend twenty seconds in first place and then fucking asplode.
Hambo's alt.
voldothegr8 posted...
That feeling when you enter a GP, get 25th on the first race and all your rivals beat you

That feeling when you crash out on the final race of a grand Prix in 5th place before the final finish line ;-;
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Hey that was me too! Hit the shortcut on Silence and hit the jump right after really bad and couldn't steer back in lol. >_>

I think the idea is to not hit that jump.
CyricZ He/him
Climbed to B rank, best I've done though is 3rd. A few other top 10 finishes. This game is a blast.
THE Ohio State: 2-0 | Las Vegas Raiders: 1-0
CyricZ posted...
Hey that was me too! Hit the shortcut on Silence and hit the jump right after really bad and couldn't steer back in lol. >_>

I think the idea is to not hit that jump.

That final turn got me so bad on silence. I was doing SO well, last race of a grand Prix, never beat them yet. Hit a wall while boosting and it just ping pinged me into oblivion. I was so distraught
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Kaldrenthebold posted...
Hit a wall while boosting and it just ping pinged me into oblivion
The classic Silence experience. I need to get on this game lol.
Arizona Diamondbacks: 66-61
UNICLR: Phonon | GBVSR: Nier/Zeta
Those turns in Silence are straight evil
Neon >_>
Trying to get a win with the Golden Fox and best I've come is 2nd. Falcon was an easy 1st and I know the Goose and Stingray will be easy as well.
Wild Goose > Fire Stingray > Blue Falcon > Golden Fox
Neon >_>
I've tried them all and Fire Stingray is still my preference. It sucks if I get pinged or fuck up a turn but otherwise it's smooth sailing.
THE Ohio State: 2-0 | Las Vegas Raiders: 1-0
Finally played a pro track event where people chose White Land. Port Land 2 is cool and all but damn. I now have a the practice tracks I've seen that can be had so far I think.
THE Ohio State: 2-0 | Las Vegas Raiders: 1-0
Nothing like being 1st in the final lap, cornered a turn slow and immediately dropping to 25th in a split second. It's fucking cut throat out here >_>
Neon >_>
Golden Fox definitely recovers health way faster than Wild Goose
Neon >_>
Got my Golden Fox win so now on to Wild Goose where I've been consistently getting top 10. Had rivals that finished 1st and 2nd so that was fun.
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Golden Fox definitely recovers health way faster than Wild Goose

Golden Fox is crazy ressource management.

You can and have to boost like a madman, and pray to to the captain that you don't hit a single bump.

Truly a high risk machine.

I probably should play more with wild goose instead of blue falcon myself.
voldothegr8 posted...
Finally played a pro track event where people chose White Land. Port Land 2 is cool and all but damn. I now have a the practice tracks I've seen that can be had so far I think.
I just finished doing several Pros, and I did White Land 3 or 4 times in a row
...I think I'm done here...
I'm curious if someone here was already able to win a (mini) Grand Prix.

I had some 2nd places and wins in single races, but the grand prix trophy is still beyond my reach.

On one hand it feels like it's only a matter of time, on the other hand I'm afraid that the competition only gets more extreme over time, so I will never get that at all.
Yeah now's the best time to go for it lol.
CyricZ He/him
CyricZ posted...
Yeah now's the best time to go for it lol.

Maybe I can sneak a Knight grand prix win, when everyone is using the tickets for queen and king cup as soon as they get released.
Been trying to get 1st to the start line with Golden Fox forever, even getting 2nd a bunch of times. Then I just randomly get it with Wild Goose during the Mini Prix lol
Neon >_>
Karovorak posted...
A win seems so close, yet so far.
Bro, you can be 1st, take a turn slow and suddenly everyone passes you and you're like 20th lol. This is like mood swing the game
Neon >_>
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Bro, you can be 1st, take a turn slow and suddenly everyone passes you and you're like 20th lol. This is like mood swing the game

At least it works both ways.

I was 11th in the last turn of Mute City, and somehow, 5 seconds and at least 4 explosions later (including a KO of my own) I ended up first.

A lucky player KO refilling your energy can turn around a lot.
I finally got 1st place during a Mini-Prix race! Let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


....only for it to not count in my rewards screen because it wasn't during a F-Zero 99 race >_>


That's fucking bullshit
Neon >_>
Just need to get Fire Stingray and I have a victory with all machines

Edit: Nailed it
Congrats you two.

I was able to win with all machines by now too, but I have to say that I feel most comfortable with Blue Falcon and Wild Goose.

But mostly Blue Falcon. Gonna get all these skins soon (except grand prix win :((
Wow good job.
CyricZ He/him
JMPzero posted...
Just need to get Fire Stingray and I have a victory with all machines

Edit: Nailed it
Damn, that's awesome. I'll probably never achieve that.

Any tips for pwning the competition?
Neon >_>
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Damn, that's awesome. I'll probably never achieve that.

Any tips for pwning the competition?

The most important part is knowing your machine, and getting a feel for your energy management.

Blue Falcon for example is mostly fine with using 2 boosts per lap, Golden Fox should be nearly on fire every time you reach the charging area.

The worst you can do is overhealing your car, so use that boost button. That also means, be carefull about your super boost.

If your energy is full, and your super boost is close to full, boost if you can. Using the super boost doesn't uses your energy, so use the energy somewhere else.

Fire Stingray has to be more careful with boosts itself (since they don't regenerate that much), but the same princible applies. Wild goose has crazy max energy, so half life is more than enough anyways, but the regeneration is low too.

Do a practice run, and get a feel how many boosts you can do in a race, and where.

Being a bit more careful in Lap 3 is fine. It's better to go with high energy into lap 4, so you have your boosts available during the final lap, and have some energy to spare because the last lap is full with exploding red bumpers.

And if you can get a kill, go for the kill. Spin this smoker out of existence. Even killing a bumper NPC is nice in a single race, and awesome in a grand prix, because it increases your max energy cap, and killing a player can push you from a decent rank to a top one.


Use your boost, don't overheal.

Oh, and don't even think about boosting IN the charging area, outside of the start itself. You want as much as heal as possible, so boost BEFORE.
I can't count the number of players not holding down after a jump.
THE Ohio State: 3-0 | Las Vegas Raiders: 1-1
voldothegr8 posted...
I can't count the number of players not holding down after a jump.

Good point

Read all the tips in the mainmenu.

But honestly, the competition got crazy by now.

I'm not sure if I will ever be able to get that close to an grand prix again.
Hover around rank 20 to get sparks in lap 1-2 then push for 1st, strategic skyway usage, take safe KOs with spins unless you have a free uncontested boost into an opponent, don't hit the red bumpers on the final lap, and boost to the finish to the point where you have no health unless you KO'd someone late.
Shit game

(I keep losing)
Don't Stress, Become #Phresh
I won two today and got second in another. Hooray!
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Nothing like ranking 26th in a mini prix when you're trying to a color for a vehicle >_>
Neon >_>
I saw someone that was level 63 and another guy that was level 42.

How the fuck?
Neon >_>
I'm level 12 lol
http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u223/chocolateFRESH/arts/kraid.png - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
I think I'm lvl 20? I won 4 times and still loving the game. I'm just hoping this leads to bigger and better things cuz I think I love this as a concept
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
I'm only level 17. These people must've been playing nonstop >_>
Neon >_>
legendarylemur posted...
I think I'm lvl 20? I won 4 times and still loving the game. I'm just hoping this leads to bigger and better things cuz I think I love this as a concept
Leaks showed Queen League is coming late September and King is sometime in October. They also showed an arcade mode, a survival mode, and a battle mode. And there's placeholder maps for F-zero tracks that were exclusive to the Satelliview F-Zero game. It definitely seems like there will be plenty of content coming.
Neon >_>
Yeah I saw the datamines. Man if they manage to pull these out within a reasonable amount of time on a freaking free (well I use Nintendo online for other things anyways) game, it'll be GOTY contender for me.

Funny thing though, now that I got good and am getting top 10s on a regular basis, I'm like damn... I dunno if I wanna learn more maps. When I sucked though, I wanted like 10 more maps
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
I think I hit level 31 before work. Grinding out top 25 finishes with Blue Falcon since I didn't get to race with my favorite machine much.
Finally got nearly all blue Falcon colors, only the grand prix win and total score one are missing.

Now it's time for wild goose.

But I have to say, getting consistently good results became a lot harder by now. I wasn't even close the the top 3 yesterday, in none of my (mini) grand prix.

My last win also is already quite some time ago. Pretty frustrating to see how I become better, but my results are getting worse.
Your mmr is increasing so each win will be harder to come by. Falcon being the jack of all trades punishes any mistake.
JMPzero posted...
Your mmr is increasing so each win will be harder to come by. Falcon being the jack of all trades punishes any mistake.

I honestly think that Falcon is more forgiving than Golden Fox and maybe even Fire Stingray.

Golden Fox feels like a "get top 3 or die trying" car.

MMR aside (if there truly is one), I'm extremly far away from what I see from others. Last Mini Prix some Lvl ~55 Stingray did 1st / 2nd / 1st, and he had a freaking 5 second lead on 2nd place on Port Town II.

That's like 3 leagues above what I could ever do.
Just KO'd a friend so that has made my night.
Man it feels good to KO someone in Top 5 right before the finish line LOL
Neon >_>
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Man it feels good to KO someone in Top 5 right before the finish line LOL

Just another proof that we are, deep down, actually pure evil.

Bonus points if it's in a grand prix.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
Yeah I'm trying to win with every car. Is it me or is Blue Falcon hot trash? With the other 3 vehicles, I almost never get below 15th place nowadays cuz regular queue is almost always just the same 2 maps anyways. With Blue Falcon, my peak is 3rd place but I regularly get around 33rd place avg

The biggest problem is Falcon is light as hell. He loses all speed upon bashing into anybody and getting flown to Narnia, and he isn't even that great top speed or acceleration. His turn is also somehow worse than the hockey puck, and of course it's worse than the chrome dome (I don't remember their names) which has the best grip. The 4th one nobody plays has the advantage of being great at tussling, which can help sneak into 1st with skywalk at the last second.

I don't understand what the actual advantage of using Falcon is. It's not like other vehicles have glaring weaknesses, but they have clear strengths. Falcon has the weakness of being unable to tussle at all, and no strengths lol. This vehicle is not made to be played on a 99 mode
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
I used to hate Golden Fox but after realizing how much it can boost, I love it now
Neon >_>
I haven't played that much with Golden Fox yet cuz I'm still trying to get a win with Falcon. But it does seem like a really interesting vehicle. I've seen some top ppl use it to good effect.

Overall though imo Wild Goose has to be the best vehicle but Stingray can hit much higher peaks.
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo
Current Events » F-Zero 99!
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