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how do guys that follow redpill grifters not realize quickly that shit is a joke

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Current Events » how do guys that follow redpill grifters not realize quickly that shit is a joke
i have never met a woman that is into that kinda cringelord shit. you can spot the drones who watch that kinda content because they all use phrases like 'high value male' but those kinda dudes never succeed using that 'strategy'.

dudes like that human trafficker and the fresh and fit guys only seem to attract an incel or incel adjacent audience and are only looking to bilk them out of money by telling them to get in shape and get rich lol. it's just wild in '23 people are still falling for another variation of the pickup artist type grifters
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn .-Fubonis
It should be a warning sign that all these high value males they follow and emulate are never in committed, long term relationships. These losers never stop and wonder "hmm, why can't this guy that's telling me how to get women ever manage to get a woman to stick around?" and if they do, the answer they usually come to is that he's just such a good catch that he can't be held down.
*runs out of topic naked*
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codey posted...
It should be a warning sign that all these high value males they follow and emulate are never in committed, long term relationships. These losers never stop and wonder "hmm, why can't this guy that's telling me how to get women ever manage to get a woman to stick around?" and if they do, the answer they usually come to is that he's just such a good catch that he can't be held down.

yeah, it is just such an obvious grift and the 'advice' they give is just dumb af

randy_123r posted...
I think it's pretty easy to see how they can fall for it tbh. Young men, struggling with dating, first search up how to get dates on Youtube, Reddit, TikTok or whatever. Some red piller tells them that the advice people normally give are garbage, and you should workout, get game, money, etc, basic stuff. They dig deeper, already believing the surface level advice, and fall for the more fucked up shit with how men and women truly act. Their minds are fucked, but they're too far in, every answer is given to them, lacking the ability to challenge those ideas, and they see the materialistic results of the people they follow.

the part i don't get is that it just seems absurd even on its face. not much different than the get rich quick grifters imo
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn .-Fubonis
I like to think most of the people who follow folks like that are aimless individuals who already have some pretty shit beliefs, and now they're latching on to these grifter types because they provide them with "guidance" while reinforcing the aforementioned shit beliefs they have.
What is up, my sister!?
The problem with this conversation is that the advice they give genuinely works in certain areas of the world and no matter where you are it'll work with certain women, but it's generalized advice. So it'll ring true for some and it's bullshit to others. Just a YMMV thing, to put it simply.
It seems to me like the higher cost of living area you're in (and the younger you are) the truer it gets. Most extreme example would be Saudi Arabia where "value" in the way redpillers use the term is pretty much everything from what I've heard. Somewhere much poorer like rural arkansas or whatever, your competition is way less intense so you'll get by just fine as a normal dude
<le anime sig>
Not just young people. Boomers fall for it too.
Metallica > Megadeth
I've noticed the ones who actually have what they consider success with it end up complaining about women anyway. It's always because redpill either doesn't work on many women or it attracts women as shitty and untrustworthy as them. Shocking.
...I think I'm done here...
Hayame_Zero posted...
I've noticed the ones who actually have what they consider success with it end up complaining about women anyway. It's always because redpill either doesn't work on many women or it attracts women as shitty and untrustworthy as them. Shocking.
Yeah that's another weird thing. They seem to think women are a certain way and then use tactics that only attract that very kind of woman. "Wtf why is my girlfriend who I picked up by saying "did you fart because you blew me away" so capricious"
<le anime sig>
It works on women who like toxic men.

Then the toxic men red pill again
ORAS secret base:
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
because they're already convinced before they fully buy in just from everything they hear
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
A lot of the people that follow this stuff may actually know full well that much of this is a grift, but... the grifters are espousing a worldview and overall political agenda that those who fall into it agree with.

There is a part of modern conservatism focused on creating in-groups and out-groups. Young men are horny, trying to figure out life, and see the girls around them being more mature for their age and being treated differently. The grifters prey on these natural parts of growing up and coming of age by hyper-focusing on misogyny and machismo.

They convince a demographic, primed by religion and capitalism to think they "deserve" a female - and then find targets for that demographic to blame for all their problems and frustrations.

The right wing believe a fact is what their hierarchical belief structure dictates should be true - Not what is reflected in objective reality.
My little cousin who is in high school said its literally The LineIn The Sand between dudes who get pussy and dudes are who are super duper wierdo losers. Guys who are redpilled get zero coochihe.
OG status Triple OG Status pipedown yung bol
Im Neo Im Leo Im Desiax Clark
Nasty_Nitro posted...
My little cousin who is in high school said its literally The LineIn The Sand between dudes who get pussy and dudes are who are super duper wierdo losers. Guys who are redpilled get zero coochihe.
Kinda funny since that's the way it should work if you actually use the term the way it was conceptualized in The Matrix. Life isn't supposed to be easy if you take the red pill, knowing the truth is supposed to turn your world upside-down and fuck up your life and all its comforts
<le anime sig>
Kitt posted...
I like to think most of the people who follow folks like that are aimless individuals who already have some pretty shit beliefs, and now they're latching on to these grifter types because they provide them with "guidance" while reinforcing the aforementioned shit beliefs they have.

Also, like a lot of conservative beliefs, they only work rarely, and when they do the only show when it works and not when it fails.

Rich vs poor, only show those who made it. Ignoring the failures.

Fake it till you make it.

Conspiracy theories and right wing outrage culture porn / memes, only show the info that bolsters your view, hide the rest. Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
Same way the woman equivalent of male bashing types do it.

Both need a target to blame everything for their problems.
I think you're confusing redpill philosophy with pick up artistry TC. Former is just enlightenment of certain aspect of woman's nature and the latter is about picking up chicks.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
tehzeldafanboy posted...
The problem with this conversation is that the advice they give genuinely works in certain areas of the world and no matter where you are it'll work with certain women, but it's generalized advice. So it'll ring true for some and it's bullshit to others. Just a YMMV thing, to put it simply.

That's it. Because in certain situations it is shown to work, and it tends to work on women that (on the most surface of levels) have the physical "assets" that make them appear to be top tier women.

It takes zero effort to be a good person.
Why the fuck are there so many posters saying "redpill ideology works"?

Lmao, jesus.
COVxy posted...
Why the fuck are there so many posters saying "redpill ideology works"?

Lmao, jesus.

Because in certain situations, it does.

Showing women that you're a "high value" man, which basically means you make a lot of money that you're willing to spend on her, works on the shallow, surface level. Will it lead to a long lasting relationship built on equality and trust? Probably not. Will it get a lot of wealthy guys laid on a fairly consistent basis? Absolutely.

People that don't think it works tend think that because they've never seen it in action, or think it doesn't work because it doesn't work on every woman.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
bigblu89 posted...
Because in certain situations, it does.

Showing women that you're a "high value" man, which basically means you make a lot of money that you're willing to spend on her, works on the shallow, surface level. Will it lead to a long lasting relationship built on equality and trust? Probably not. Will it get a lot of wealthy guys laid on a fairly consistent basis? Absolutely.

People that don't think it works tend think that because they've never seen it in action, or think it doesn't work because it doesn't work on every woman.

I expect the reason people think it works is because people watch a lot of youtube and reality tv. The population of women you are talking about is a minority of women. Meaning that much more often then not, this shit is a failing strategy. Not to mention, most people who are "redpilled" do not have personal experience in it "working". They just sit around and bitch about how women are shallow subhuman creatures that just go for the chad with money.
COVxy posted...
I expect the reason people think it works is because people watch a lot of youtube and reality tv. The population of women you are talking about is a minority of women. Meaning that much more often then not, this shit is a failing strategy. Not to mention, most people who are "redpilled" do not have personal experience in it "working". They just sit around and bitch about how women are shallow subhuman creatures that just go for the chad with money.

Well, the extreme "redpillers" tend to be the ones trying to follow the formula and either 1) don't have the monetary assets to or 2) live in an area where the women aren't interested in those kinds of men.

Like, If you live in SmallTown USA and walk into the local town bar dressed head to toe in Gucci and start throwing money around, you're going to get laughed out of the place. But if you do it in the heart of LA or NYC, you'll get ushered to the VIP area and will have a half dozen women at your table before you even order a drink.

As someone that (regrettably) hit the NYC club scene from time to time in the early 2000s, I've seen it more than enough times. There are A LOT of shallow people out there looking for relationships that are even more shallow.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
COVxy posted...
Meaning that much more often then not, this shit is a failing strategy.
More often than not, everything is a failing strategy. Unless you consider "be tall and handsome" a strategy I guess
<le anime sig>
I've heard someone who researches and writes on this actually write about how it sucks in young and impressionable men. A lot of things that get them introduced are common sense like eating healthier, working out, focusing on you, etc., most don't go there cause they already hate women with a burning passion and need to find their first outlet for it (obviously this excludes people looking for similar misogynists when they're already there for that).

Peterson has something similar with him, with people still defending him because in his early days what he was talking about wasn't mind-blowing, but it was inoffensive self-help, and because of that validity some people still defend him to this day.

And I've seen a few women defend Tate when he was called a rapist and trafficker on comment sections, though it's far more men.

And if I'm not mistaken the fresh & fit guys are actually physically fit and not ugly, so I don't really doubt that they can at least pull hook ups with shallow women who are at least willing to have sex because the guy is hot enough, but as someone else pointed out, the fact they don't seem able to keep this women around demonstrates that even the shallow ones attracted to physique or money eventually get repulsed by them.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Kradek posted...
I've heard someone who researches and writes on this actually write about how it sucks in young and impressionable men.

But they also target rootless gamers purposefully.

Often the cryptobro, who just wants to help you with gym and women at first, but then will drop leading hints to other more radical right ideas. But let you think you came to those conclusions on your own. Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
Notti posted...
Kradek posted...

But they also target rootless gamers purposefully.

Often the cryptobro, who just wants to help you with gym and women at first, but then will drop leading hints to other more radical right ideas. But let you think you came to those conclusions on your own.

Yes, that's pretty much the gist of it. However gamers are at least online fairly often so it makes sense they may be more susceptible cause of Gamergate. The researcher I was discussing was talking about people sucked in with no history of bigotry or right-wing leanings.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
It's not a real surprise people fall for it. There's also a woman equivalent of "red pill" whatever it's called. Not all guys a predator monsters who demand sex on the first date or they will mentally or physically abuse you. But it's certainly something perpetuated often by that subgroup.

Given the age of the internet it's really no shocker why so many fall into the subgroups. Both subgroups paint the opposite sex as complete monsters who all only want the same thing and this is how we all should respond and demand messaging. Both subgroups blame all of their dating problems on the opposite sex while cherry picking all the bad ones as prime examples.
Ultimately, it's about filling people with bs

Kradek posted...
Yes, that's pretty much the gist of it. However gamers are at least online fairly often so it makes sense they may be more susceptible cause of Gamergate. The researcher I was discussing was talking about people sucked in with no history of bigotry or right-wing leanings.

Yes, I didn't mean to limit it just to gamers, just since we are on gamefaqs I wanted to specify that. Bernie>Biden>poo>Trump
Current Events » how do guys that follow redpill grifters not realize quickly that shit is a joke