Anyone else feel like everyone around them is getting Covid?

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Current Events » Anyone else feel like everyone around them is getting Covid?
I don't know if its people going back to school or just the general jump in cases but fuck...I feel like its just a matter of time until I get it at this point.

I don't want to get it. I'm vaccinated. I wear a mask in public places. I go to work but mostly just stay in my office but still feel like I'm going to get it. Just in the last week and a half I have had to send three of my employees home -- two because their kids tested positive first. Then a family member and a friend have all tested positive now. No one is in the hospital or super sick or anything but I still don't want to get it.

I'm tired of this.

I've actually never met anyone whose had covid that I know of
Suffering is expecting things to last forever
Nope, to this day Ive still never met anyone who has had it. Or at least openly said they had it.
People say I'm no good, crazy as a loon.
'Cause I get stoned in the morning, and drunk in the afternoon.
Wife's 2 brothers both had it, 2 teachers in the school district where I live here died of it. Three kids in my nephew's class got it right before summer, thankfully he did not. Lady I work with was out for two weeks just a few days ago with it, gave it to her elderly parents unknowingly, put her mom in the hospital. COVID has surged in this area nearly 1000% in the last couple months, bumfuck Tennessee so you can probably guess the brainpower of a lot of people here and masks basically don't exist anymore. It feels worse now than it did this time last year.
Above us lay the burdens, Below us lay the truths. We're somewhere in the middle, and we're all discontent too.
Slayer_22 picked waifu -
Myself and a couple of my friends have had it. Friend's mom was in the hospital for a week over it.

Would rather no one else get it.
Watch "Final Fantasy XV Abridged" and "Kingdom Hearts Abridged" right here!
MabusIncarnate posted...
It feels worse now than it did this time last year.

Right. Here too (Florida of course).

Last year they at least let us work from home and maybe that is why it didn't seem as bad or something. Every day someone else is going to get tested because they were around someone or it just sick themselves.
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2 guys at work have died from it. Young black guys.
If you can see this message it's a wonder why it hasn't been modded yet by the snowflakes.
Well young by my standards. 35 and 28.
If you can see this message it's a wonder why it hasn't been modded yet by the snowflakes.
Yep. My family fucked around and now they're finding out. Glad I don't go around them anymore.
Spongebob is not a contraceptive.
Anyone I spend time with is vaccinated and I'm still working remotely so generally no.

I may have been asymptomatic since getting vaccinated but I dunno
"Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words." - Proverbs 23:9
The local news keeps saying cases are spiking but I asked my Mom who's a nurse at the largest hospital in the area and she said they haven't seen any huge increase in Covid patients. Haven't met anyone personally who's gotten it recently.
This was me in April 2020, Im in NYC
Confirmed case in a coworker, so I tend to find an excuse to shy away from anyone else at the workplace who has a dry cough... even though it's been a month since the confirmed case.
"I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." -Cao Cao
I think I might have it right now rip
Not yet, but Delta has now arrived in the community here so that could change...
To Trumble, or not to Trumble, that is the question.
Yes, furniture first wave I only knew 3 people in total who got it. Now atleast 20 people I know/told to me have it including myself
Ask me if I would eat da booty.
yemmy posted...
I think I might have it right now rip

Can you smell and taste?
yemmy posted...
I think I might have it right now rip
Oh no!
"Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words." - Proverbs 23:9
This time last year I did. Now I know everyone has got it atleast once. (TX)
I'm surrounded
No, the closest was a single coworker who came into contact with someone who had it and quarantined. But other then that, nothing.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
My co worker gave it to me last Christmas. Bastard was a germ freak, wore his mask, always was using hand sanitizer, and was always giving me shit saying he knew I was gonna give him covid somehow.

Well he had 3 kids in school, and his response was kids cant spread covid. Smh, all his kids classes ended up quarantining for 2 weeks than later next week I started getting symptoms, which I gave to my roomates

thankfully none of were affected to much tho
whitelytning posted...
Can you smell and taste?

Yeah but I'm just now feeling bad. I mean it's like 50/50 that it's just some cold. I'm not very sick, just a little achy and tired, got snotty nose.
Will_VIIII posted...
Oh no!

Have never met or even heard of anyone having it in my area
See you in the major leagues,Jack. Impossible is an opinion.The only bad decision is indecision.
BalsamicVin posted...
Have never met or even heard of anyone having it in my area
How is this possible
I had covid back in late December through late January. Someone else on the network team at my job has it now. He's vaccinated, so he just has a very mild case. Much better than what I went through.
yemmy posted...
I think I might have it right now rip
Rip @yemmy
My mama got it
She blazed through it like a fucking champ!
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band!
BalsamicVin posted...
Have never met or even heard of anyone having it in my area
Me neither, and I live in the South.

The hospitals are packed worse than they were last year though
...I think I'm done here...
COVID went HAM through my dad's office, got a bunch of people in their church, and got a bunch of people I knew that went out regularly at the height of the pandemic.

Nobody in my circle got it prior to vaccination, though. Which is pretty lucky for my dad, frankly.
<insert sig here>
JTilly posted...
My co worker gave it to me last Christmas. Bastard was a germ freak, wore his mask, always was using hand sanitizer, and was always giving me shit saying he knew I was gonna give him covid somehow.

Well he had 3 kids in school, and his response was kids cant spread covid. Smh, all his kids classes ended up quarantining for 2 weeks than later next week I started getting symptoms, which I gave to my roomates

thankfully none of were affected to much tho
Wow you betrayed your roommates y jtilly y
2 coworkers were just cleared to return to work last week. A 3rd is still out with it. A handful of employee's at my mom's job got exposed a couple days ago by all having a get together with a common friend, who received a positive result the next day(why on earth you'd agree to meet up while awaiting the results baffles me).
Work in progress, please be patient.
A couple dumb neighbor families got it after going on vacation a few weeks ago. Parents, kids, even several aunts, uncles, and cousins for good measure.

There's also a cousin of mine who spends his time extolling the virtues of ivermectin. What a shock, that family has it now too.
I work for an outfit with over a dozen branches with 300 employees and we get emails when confirmed cases pop up in the company. Over the last handful of weeks, its been every 2-4 days that we get a new email with a confirmed case, or cases.

I have a small family and circle of friends. Almost all of us are vaccinated at this point and all of us have avoided catching it so far. Knock on wood. Mostly geriatrics left in my family.
If you have to lie to make your point, then you're just a liar who has no point.
i was very close to getting covid several days ago if my roommate decided to see his grandfather in the past week.
dodged a bullet there.

someone out in public. staffer or resident seems to be the likely source.

with hood to coast going on in my county. it's going to be very hard to dodge the virus until things die down. trying to limit my store trips as much as possible.
Explorers In The Further Regions Of Experience, demons to some, Angels To Others: Pinhead
Since this whole thing started:

Both of my parents (both unfortunately passed)
Brother In Law
2 nephews
Aunt (twice)
3 Co-Workers

And that's just people I consider "close contacts". There's at least another half dozen people I know (like my son's old baseball coach and my next door neighbor) that got it as well.

No idea how it has avoided my household, especially with how close in contact I was when my parents had it and were in the hospital, my job not shutting down at all (save for 2 weeks in April 2020 when we assumed it was at it's peak), and both of my kids being in school most of last year.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
Yes. Literally everyone. Cuz Florida.
bigblu89 posted...
Both of my parents (both unfortunately passed)
I'm sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what that would do to a person.
Work in progress, please be patient.
Ya I feel like the delta v is worse though, vaccinated or not
The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is the worst Zelda Game by far.
KogaSteelfang posted...
I'm sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what that would do to a person.

This. That sucks.

How do you deal with kids in school? That has to be stressful. I had another employee test positive yesterday

Yep. The whole of last year, I don't remember anyone I know of contracting it. Now my sister-in-law's family has it, I was exposed, my parents were exposed, some coworkers had it, my cousin was exposed, big swathes of people that my mom knows had it, and so on.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
Njolk posted...
I've actually never met anyone whose had covid that I know of

Since only from below can one better see the heights.
My boss has Covid and hasn't been to work in almost 2 weeks.
Your words are as empty as your soul
Current Events » Anyone else feel like everyone around them is getting Covid?