The City of Telosa

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » The City of Telosa

The city of Telosa is a planned project.

What do you think of this project?
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
Refreshing to see left wing grifts from time to time. Thanks, Nade Duck!
Why fix our cities when we can just make new ones? What a waste.
What would Bligh do?
If your idea for a city relies on vehicles that currently don't exist as anything other than concept art, it's probably not going to come to fruition.
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adjl posted...
If your idea for a city relies on vehicles that currently don't exist as anything other than concept art, it's probably not going to come to fruition.

Hey, it could always be worse:,_Saudi_Arabia
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
It's in the same vein, just framed to attract investors instead of being a vanity project for a narcissistic dictator.
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God, this fucking airplane.

Anyway, like all utopias, they're promising a location without a history. It doesn't matter what country they're in, they can handle it. It doesn't matter what they produce, as long as people are there. Who was there before? What sort of material wealth is available to help maintain production standards? Who owns the land? What country is this in?
The fundamental questions for anything past "this would be nice" are ignored and paved over for all utopias.
Bonus points where the idea is to just build in the middle of a desert in the middle of nowhere because that's where the land's cheap enough to try, with little regard for what that means for the sustainability of the food and water supply for all these people.

There is some merit in the idea of trying to build a city in well-planned chunks instead of growing organically, since it lets you head off some of the problems that tend to arise when cities make it up as they go, but that idea is held back by the reality that getting that much useful land all at once is really expensive and you won't see any sort of return until you've built most of a city on it. That means that if you want to try, you have to settle for land that isn't useful, and that's cheap for a reason.
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There are non-trivial solutions to basically everything included in it, but, that requires saudi levels of money. Including massive AC units that condense water out the air.
But, they don't have a spot. They don't have a county or a state.
I must be thinking of a different utopia city grift, then, since I remember one that had picked out a spot in Arizona (in the middle of a desert).
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Poll of the Day » The City of Telosa