Jurassic (Cretaceous) Park?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Jurassic (Cretaceous) Park?
Would you want to visit a real-life Jurassic (Cretaceous) Park?

I think it would be cool to see extinct dinosaurs in real life, but I know the problems involved with reviving the bigger ones at least...maybe I'd look at them from a safe enough distance.
PSN: killersalmon / Epic: aliensalmon1986
Nintendo Network Name: JohnJohn
Would I risk death to gaze upon ancient bird ancestors? Yes, yes I would!
I want to see a giant pacarana. Basically a capybara about the size of a horse.

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
I might sometime, if it's near enough and easy enough on the wallet.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
At this point in my life, probably not.

I haven't even been to a normal zoo for nearly 40 years. I can't see being willing to fly thousands of miles to an island to look at giant not-lizards.

And that's before getting into the discussion about whether or not recreating dinosaurs is a terrible, terrible idea.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
ParanoidObsessive posted...
At this point in my life, probably not.

I haven't even been to a normal zoo for nearly 40 years. I can't see being willing to fly thousands of miles to an island to look at giant not-lizards.

And that's before getting into the discussion about whether or not recreating dinosaurs is a terrible, terrible idea.
it's a great idea, but i also don't like humans very much.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl

This also reminds me that in the DND game Im playing, we have a Cretaceous Courtyard, IIRC
Currently Playing - Ghostwire: Tokyo (PS5)
Switch FC: 7216-4417-4511 Add Me because I'll probably add you. I'm the LinkPizza you'll see around
Probably, assuming they didn't spare any expenses.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
I would if they make it safe.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
Giant War Sloths!!
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Are they actual dinosaurs or the fake, amphibian gene spliced scientific monstrosities from the book/movie?
It'd be cool, but actually pulling it off would be so expensive that I wouldn't consider it worth the price the tickets had to be.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
adjl posted...
It'd be cool, but actually pulling it off would be so expensive that I wouldn't consider it worth the price the tickets had to be.

just like in the movie Jurassic Park, Its basically just for millionaires and billionaires
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
If its in the area.
FrozenBananas posted...
just like in the movie Jurassic Park, Its basically just for millionaires and billionaires

They'll have a coupon day.
FrozenBananas posted...
just like in the movie Jurassic Park, Its basically just for millionaires and billionaires

It's... kind of not, though?

In the original movies, it's clearly intended for the masses, it just never has a chance to open. Hammond explicitly says he doesn't want it to just be for the rich. (Granted, book Hammond is waaay more of an asshole and is definitely in it solely for the money, but even he has more of a Disney-esque mentality of getting tons of people into the park, not just the rich, because you make more money that way).

In Jurassic World, you basically see tons of families there, and the Disney parallels are even more obvious.

The park is essentially designed to be affordable, but with tons of turnover and merch generating revenue, while reducing operating costs by cutting as many corners as possible (which is why everthing goes wrong).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
If I had the money, I would.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
The problem was the design of the park.

If it was made like a regular zoo everyone would be safe
In the long run we are all dead

I'm fine with a postcard or photo of the exhibits.

fishy071 posted...
I would if they make it safe.

Already questioning how someone could put a full-size Pterodactyl in an enclosure. You didn't think about these dinosaurs back when teenagers were shouting them out to turn into power rangers.

Why? I suppose if you are masochistic, you would definitely want to put yourself in harm's way to experience a living nightmare just for the hell out of it but those with sane minds would want to avoid such negative experiences. So, no thank you...
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Poll of the Day » Jurassic (Cretaceous) Park?