Hypothetically if you guys won a big powerball jackpot would

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Hypothetically if you guys won a big powerball jackpot would
do you think it would, most people's biggest complaints are lack of money, no?
Not every problem, but most.

all material problems, definitely
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I have no problems, I'm perfect!

But seriously, probably not.
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You specify a big powerball, so I am going to assume a take home amount of at least 200m.

I don't have to work anymore. Goodbye job that I hate.
I can afford to take classes that interest me and expand my education.
I can leave America before it becomes too radicalized.
I can get grs and ffs by top surgeons.
I can get a therapist to help my mental wellness.
I can get aides or take physical classes to help my physical health.
I can afford to travel and meet people I've only known online.
I can afford an accountant to watch my spending and invest my money.
I can hire lawyers to make sure my family gets some of the money without losing it all to taxes and fees.
I'm sure I would have other problems but, ya this would fix most of them.
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Won't fix my heart but it'll pay for the best Doctors to do so
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I don't have money problems, so no.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
I don't really have any problems, at least one's that aren't currently being resolved.

If you count not being able to afford a house in my city as a problem, then yea the jackpot would solve that.
So I was standing still at a stationary store...
Every last problem? No i do have some health issues. But it would solve about 99% and all of my key problems.
Currently playing - Scarlet Nexus
Honestly, I dont really have any notable problems these days.
Glob posted...
Honestly, I dont really have any notable problems these days.

This. I don't really have money problems but money is always a problem with inflation so it'd help to have a huge nest egg.

But also if I won a billion dollar Powerball I'd spend most of it on my community to try to help homeless people with transitional housing and services.
it would solve all of my issues except 1

the basic peace of mind that you wouldn't ever have to worry about bills or a sudden unexpected financial hit alone would go a long, long way for majority of people
see my gundams here
updated 4/07/24; hg dantalion
Jen0125 posted...
This. I don't really have money problems but money is always a problem with inflation so it'd help to have a huge nest egg.

But also if I won a billion dollar Powerball I'd spend most of it on my community to try to help homeless people with transitional housing and services.

Yeah, it wouldnt massively improve my life, but it would massively improve the lives of plenty of others.
Poverty cant buy happiness.

That money would solve all of my problems, yes; although, Im sure it would create new ones.
It'd remove some pretty considerable stressors for me and everyone I care about. Some things can't be fixed with money, but quite a few things can.
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I think it would fix most of my current problems At least my very current ones

KJ_StErOiDs posted...
I don't have money problems, so no.

Tbf, even without money problems, you could have normal problems that money would fix
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Glob posted...
Yeah, it wouldnt massively improve my life, but it would massively improve the lives of plenty of others.

I'd basically just pay off all my debt and live reasonably without working and be able to actually travel. I can afford to live off $50 mil or so the next 30-50 years and give the rest away.
Jen0125 posted...
I'd basically just pay off all my debt and live reasonably without working and be able to actually travel. I can afford to live off $50 mil or so the next 30-50 years and give the rest away.

How much is this hypothetical jackpot?
Yep. I don't really have any social or big mental stuff right now, so financially I'd be set after that
"I, Garland, will knock you all down!"
Glob posted...
How much is this hypothetical jackpot?

I only play the lottery if it's over $1bn so my winnings would be like $500m
Jen0125 posted...
I only play the lottery if it's over $1bn so my winnings would be like $500m

If I had that sort of cash Id probably end up giving away or spending on other people more than 490 million.
Jen0125 posted...
I'd basically just pay off all my debt and live reasonably without working and be able to actually travel. I can afford to live off $50 mil or so the next 30-50 years and give the rest away.

With a 2.32% APY in a savings for $50,000,000 you would receive roughly $92,000 a month in interest.
Jen0125 posted...
I only play the lottery if it's over $1bn so my winnings would be like $500m
Hey did you ever get that library degree you talked about?
boy posted...
With a 2.32% APY in a savings for $50,000,000 you would receive roughly $92,000 a month in interest.

That'd be nice (and excessive) . I would get a financial advisor to help me figure out what's best for me but I'd def be giving most to my community causes.

GranTurismo posted...
Hey did you ever get that library degree you talked about?

I did! I graduated last year with my MLIS at a 3.9 GPA. I got one B the whole program lol I really wanted the 4.0 but that's okay.
Jen0125 posted...
That'd be nice (and excessive) . I would get a financial advisor to help me figure out what's best for me but I'd def be giving most to my community causes.

I did! I graduated last year with my MLIS at a 3.9 GPA. I got one B the whole program lol I really wanted the 4.0 but that's okay.
Oh but you kept your same job? Maybe they gave you a raise new degree
GranTurismo posted...
Oh but you kept your same job? Maybe they gave you a raise new degree

My job is in an unrelated field. I just got the degree because I wanted to do the program to be honest. Having an AAS, BS, and MLIS help my resume but they didn't give me any extra knowledge or skills for my job I have now.

I do make really good money at my job for just me though.
Not every problem but it would solve quite a few.
I don't think so.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
Most, but not all.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
I don't think I have financial problems...

Do I?

"Salt cures Everything!"
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Lokarin posted...
I don't think I have financial problems...

Do I?

Maybe. Didn't you say you can't afford pizza as much as you could before?
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Idk, I guess it would be nice, I would have to invest most of it.

The idea that the lottery ruins peoples lives is a total lie. By every metric people who win the lottery have their lives improved vastly. Medically, financially, socially, everything.

Yeah you have a lot of friends who hang around you because you have money. It's because you can afford to take them nice places instead of spending all your and their time slaving away.
I don't really have any problems at the moment, unless you want to get very small-scale, so... technically no?

I'd pay of my mortgage, but that's the only debt I'm carrying. Other than that and not having to work anymore, I can't see myself living a lot differently. I'm quite content with where I am in life.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
It would. And then if I ever started dating I'd be 100% sure NOT to tell the lady. Don't need for her to start being greedy and asking why I don't pay for everything or buy her everything. My money not hers.
"SPOILERS"... If ppl call me a douche bag I reply "Well at least I'm scoring!"

but also make more problems, such is life.

It doesn't even need to be a powerball prize; just winning one of these many game shows would be sufficient (not Jeopardy though, those folks eat their grits).
Yellow posted...
The idea that the lottery ruins peoples lives is a total lie. By every metric people who win the lottery have their lives improved vastly. Medically, financially, socially, everything.

That's mostly just the fact that "local guy wins lottery, declares bankruptcy within two years!" makes for an interesting headline, whereas "local guy wins lottery, sees life improve" does not. In practice, most lottery winners do indeed see overall improvements.
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Aside from lifespan and health, I am certain it will fix every other problem in existence.
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It would solve so many of my problems, present and future.

Blah, blah, blah, and blah.
Poll of the Day » Hypothetically if you guys won a big powerball jackpot would