Working class and poor people

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Working class and poor people
Maybe because some people in the country feel left out so Trump resonates with them because he appears to offer them hope and they cling to that.
What would Bligh do?
He's brash and speaks his mind, which draws people in. Does it matter that he sounds like a clown? No, if anything it helps because he doesn't sound like a politician with their cookie cutter corporate responses to everything.
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Trump is the greatest salesman to ever live. Convincing Christians that the seven deadly sins incarnate is the next best thing to Jesus and convincing the poor that they will be saved from corrupt millionaires by a corrupt millionaire.
When every possible choice sucks, why vote for the lesser evils?

Go for the outsider. Hope he burns it all down. Enjoy the show.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Who in the working class is both not poor and right wing?
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Invoking tribalism with propaganda and cult of personality.

Playing into people's prejudices and saying anyone who challenges them is wrong, and is "liberal elite agenda". Then using said "agenda" as a strawman for any issue to invoke an emotional response from a demographic that typically has less access to higher education.
They like what he says and don't realize he won't follow through on 90% of it.
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Poor people look up to rich people because they want to hold out hope that they'll be rich one day. They don't realize it's those same rich people they look up to are the ones pushing to prevent that from happening.

That, plus racists like the racist things he says.
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Ignorance and stupidity.

Dont get me wrong, you dont have to be stupid to be poor or clever to be wealthy, but theres a whole lot of poor people who are stupid and will vote against their own interests if somebody tells them that nothing is their fault.
Other: Ressentiment

EDIT: I should've just searched "ressentiment trump", lol

This essay contributes to and reframes the preliminary scholarly assessments of President Donald J. Trumps appeals to rage, malice, and revenge by sketching the rhetorical dimensions of an underlying emotional-moral framework in which victimization, resentment, and revenge are inverted civic virtues. I elaborate on the concept of ressentiment (re-sentiment), a condition in which a subject is addled by rage and envy yet remains impotent, subjugated and unable to act on or adequately express frustration. Though anger and resentment capture part of Trumps aective register, I suggest that ressentiment accounts for the unique intersection where powerful sentiments and self-serving morality are coupled with feelings of powerlessness and ruminations on past injuries. Thus, shifting focus from the rhetoric of resentment to that of ressentiment explains how Trump is able to sustain the aective charge of animus without forfeiting the moral high ground of victimhood to his audiences oppressors Democrats, the press, criminals, immigrants, foreign adversaries, welfare recipients, the Me Too movement, globalists, and racial Others.
The more educated you are the more likely you are to be left leaning. The richer you are, the more likely you are to lean right. The more religious you are, the more likely you are to lean right. The idea that poor people are more right leaning is a myth and statistics don't back that up, even when poor people tend to be less educated.

They also use social insecurities like immigration and racism to keep their foot in the door. Noam Chomsky put it this way, Conservatism is a ragtag team of misfits. 4 main groups that would be too unpopular to stand on their own teaming up together, so they form an alliance with each other and look past each others' flaws, that they undoubtably don't really like. These are the pillars of the party. These groups are

Gun owners
Very religious people
Rich people

This was said 10 years ago, and the party has shifted more towards fascism since then, so I don't know how relevant it is anymore. The theory is that a Conservative is likely one of these core things primarily while not caring much about the others, but there are some that do just act completely out of their interests. I think it's a good way to look at things.

I've known devout religious people that detest the way Trump talks about Mexicans, but overlook it because he's pro-life, and they've been taught from a young age that abortion is murder.
streamofthesky posted...
Other: Ressentiment

EDIT: I should've just searched "ressentiment trump", lol

I didn't know there was a term for it, but this is roughly what I was going to suggest. Trump blames something else for their problems, and without the political literacy needed to evaluate how valid that blame actually is, that's more appealing than less straightforward efforts to identify the cause and effect solutions (solutions that usually don't yield immediate results and are too complex for downstream effects to be obvious).
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Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
Poll of the Day » Working class and poor people