Favorite video game magazine

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Favorite video game magazine
I loved GamePro for their game guides, tips and tricks and i also loved EGM back in the day. Those were my goto magazines.
Game informer
I remember when Game Informer was like 70 pages long and roughly a third of it was just ads
What would Bligh do?
I liked Game Informer but fell off after a few years because I really was only a Nintendo guy. I liked Nintendo Power for years but then I found their review of Riviera: The Promised Land to be terrible because I loved it and they didn't. I remember it ending with "...but Final Fantasy this is not." it's one of the more unique jrpgs out there it's specifically trying to NOT be final fantasy!!

augh i need to cool down
raytan and Kana are on opposite ends of the Awesome Spectrum.
EGM was my go to
Golden State Warriors: 2022 NBA champions
The 2023 Game of the Year: Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Sorry Zelda)
Nintendo Power had the best presentation of the lot, but I liked EGM cuz of their demo disc compilations.
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Nintendo Power's the only one I really followed (and, for a short while, subscribed to), so I voted for it by default.
"Shhh! Ben, don't ruin the ending!" --Adrian Ripburger, Full Throttle
The only one I've read is Nintendo Power .
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
only magazine subscription I ever had was Nintendo Power
I haven't read any, but my dad would always be reading Playboy magazines when I was little (I assume it's a game magazine).
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Back in the day before it was canceled it was official PlayStation magazine for me. Loved those demo discs.
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acesxhigh posted...
only magazine subscription I ever had was Nintendo Power

This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Nintendo Power was awesome. I still have all my old copies from about 1999 to 2008.

It went very downhill around 2006.
-- Defeating the Running Man of Ocarina of Time in a race since 01/17/2009. --
I have a near complete Nintendo Power collection.
"But don't give up hope. Everyone is cured sooner or later. In the end we shall shoot you." - O'Brien, 1984
Game Players . It was the shit for a couple years. Chris Slate, Bill Donohue, Mike Salmon, Jeff "Lucky" Lundrigan...fuckin' ace.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
Back in the 8-bit/16-bit days: EGM and Gamepro (honorable mention to NP, it only focused on one System)

Afterwards: OPM (again the same as NP, but there were really only two main disc based systems, plus you got a Free Disc full of Demos before the Streaming/DL era)

Overall I think I liked EGM, esp because of their pretty much honest Reviewers
Nintendo Power was the big one for me. I also subscribed to PC Accelerator in my teens. Imagine if Maxim and PC Gamer had a baby, that would be PC Accelerator. I liked it because while PC Gamer would come with one game demo on the disk, PC Accelerator usually came with about a dozen. And also the magazine was full of swimsuit models...
My bookshelf: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/152760030
Comics: https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/profile/dikitain
Sarcasthma posted...
I haven't read any, but my dad would always be reading Playboy magazines when I was little (I assume it's a game magazine).
LOL not sure that qualifies.
GameReviews posted...
Back in the day before it was canceled it was official PlayStation magazine for me. Loved those demo discs.
I liked the demo discs as well. Miss those days!
Used to be Gamesmaster but they are not around anymore I believe. It's been a long time since I've looked at game magazines.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
This thread is a great example of why I don't post here anymore.

It's not about me.
wwinterj25 posted...
Used to be Gamesmaster but they are not around anymore I believe. It's been a long time since I've looked at game magazines.
Lot of those magazines are now gone. I think Game Informer is hanging on but barely. As a kid, I always looked forward to getting GamePro or EGM from money I made cutting grass etc and I'd sit in my bedroom window seat and read those mags from cover to cover and I loved GamePro's game guide section.
Lokarin posted...
Nintendo Power had the best presentation of the lot, but I liked EGM cuz of their demo disc compilations.
I had one subscription to NP during the N64 days! Great magazine but I always liked the magazines that covered all the consoles because I had Sega and Nintendo back in the day.
pionear posted...
Back in the 8-bit/16-bit days: EGM and Gamepro (honorable mention to NP, it only focused on one System)

Afterwards: OPM (again the same as NP, but there were really only two main disc based systems, plus you got a Free Disc full of Demos before the Streaming/DL era)

Overall I think I liked EGM, esp because of their pretty much honest Reviewers

pionear posted...
Back in the 8-bit/16-bit days: EGM and Gamepro (honorable mention to NP, it only focused on one System)

Afterwards: OPM (again the same as NP, but there were really only two main disc based systems, plus you got a Free Disc full of Demos before the Streaming/DL era)

Overall I think I liked EGM, esp because of their pretty much honest Reviewers
To me the best time of gaming was the 8 and 16-bit era when gaming was simple and the game you bought was it and there were no add-ons etc and to me that was the best time of gaming. I rarely play games now because it just all seems to be a money grab and games seem unfinished and then they bombard us with add-ons.
EGM > PC Gamer > GI > the rest
faramir77 posted...
Nintendo Power was awesome. I still have all my old copies from about 1999 to 2008.

It went very downhill around 2006.

Eh. It started going downhill when they got rid of the RPG section.
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GamePro .
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
I used to subscribe to Gameinformer, I stopped liking their stuff because as with most Journalists they're reviews got to be extremely milquetoast, AAA titles tended to get better scores more consistently even in the face of controversy or public opinion being polar opposite. The scoring system was nonsensical imo, like using decimals in the total score when you have a range of 1-10 is just downright annoying, what seperates an 8.0 game from an 8.25?
Poll of the Day » Favorite video game magazine