Have you given up onThe Geek Life?

Poll of the Day

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Poll of the Day » Have you given up onThe Geek Life?
I leave for a few years to get my legs amputated, and I come back to no Geek topics. This hurts my soul, if I syill had one. My red head wife took mine a long time ago. I'm married now, and she supports my heathen life style u like you so called Geeks.

It's good to see some of you still here.
We are who we choose to be.
Welcome back. :)
3DS Friend Code: 3480-2661-5116
The_Wave_Master posted...
I leave for a few years to get my legs amputated, and I come back to no Geek topics. This hurts my soul, if I still had one. My red head wife took mine a long time ago. I'm married now, and she supports my heathen life style u like you so called Geeks.

It's good to see some of you still here.

They were your topics. When you disappeared on us out of the blue, they just sort of died off.

It would be like trying to form Voltron without Keith and the Black Lion. It's just not gonna work. You've got to be there to activate the interlock and form the head.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I agree with PO, those topics were yours.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
Judgmenl posted...
I agree with PO, those topics were yours.

For what it's worth Zeus archived some of it on that board where he talks to himself like PandaMaster
More the former than the latter tbh
Is that a karma building trick or something? I thought Panda was just a little off TBH
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Metalsonic66 posted...
Is that a karma building trick or something? I thought Panda was just a little off TBH
Some people do it for AMP farming. I used to have a board where I tested an auto posting bot but after consulting Devin about it his response was "don't do that" so I dropped it.
Software Architect / Code Janitor / Professional Sheep Herder
It's good to know I'm Keith in Voltron. I could have been Pige or The Princes.

I got really sick for a while. I had my chest split open to try to save my life, it worked, but it caused all sorts of other poroblems which is why I don't have legs any longer.

My longtime girlfriend (Scarlett, now upgraded to Mary Jane) actually married my sorry butt. I bought a house and a car, which I now can't drive, and I have 2 bunny rabbits to go with my 2 cats.

I play an ungodly amount of Marcel Snap with my wife, and I still haven't finished Spider-Man 2 because I'm oddly busy with rehab for my Lt. Dan Legs and being a house husband.
We are who we choose to be.
Well I'm glad you yet live. You went poof without a word, and we suspected the worst after a while. It sucks you lost your legs, though. Congrats on the house and wife.
> Marcel Snap

Unironically would enjoy
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Happy you're still alive Wave, I'm sorry for what happened though.
Obviously I meant Marvel Snap, bit I enjoy the game. I play for ten minutes, and I'm good.
We are who we choose to be.
ParanoidObsessive posted...
They were your topics. When you disappeared on us out of the blue, they just sort of died off.
Basically this. I think I made one when I noticed you'd been AWOL for a while, but like it had 12 posts, so I didn't try again. Welcome back! I asked PO the other month if anyone had heard from you.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
First time I come back to this board in years and it's the day Wave returns to make a Geek topic. Keep on living, brother.
The_Wave_Master posted...
It's good to know I'm Keith in Voltron. I could have been Pige or The Princess.

Let's be honest, nearly all of us wish we were Lance. But most of us are Pidge.

Idiot_Savant posted...
For what it's worth Zeus archived some of it on that board where he talks to himself like PandaMaster

Speaking of which, I should totally go post on my old board and talk to myself.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Thank you all for the well wishes. It means a lot.

Health wise, they don't have any more limbs to cut off, and everything else is fine except finger arthritis, which I blame on decades of Street Fighter.

Oreon, for those who remember, (8/10 Perfect gane.) Is doing fine. He has all his legs and lots of money now as he works for a big time casino corporation doing slot tech work and repair. (The old people drones need their slots.)

My wife is ironically also head of VIP reservations for the high rollers at the same casino,and she's doing real well too.

My mom and brother have passed away, and my brother in law died in a motorcycle accident like a mile from my house getting milk. Some girl on her phone just smoked him, and he died instantly.

The worse part is that we all saw the security video of it happening, and so did my sister and her kids. They're better now, and grown, but it still stinks because he was in investigations at the same casino and moving up before he died.

It's been a rough few years all around.
We are who we choose to be.
The_Wave_Master posted...
and my brother in law died in a motorcycle accident like a mile from my house getting milk. Some girl on her phone just smoked him, and he died instantly.

This was pretty much what happened to my brother. Though in his case he was literally stopped at an intersection when the girl plowed into him. And he lingered for a while (and was in a medically-induced coma for a bit) before he died.

Shit definitely sucks.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I'm really sorry P.O. I don't know what to say.
We are who we choose to be.
I take it you live in Las Vegas
Rip legs
marthalies posted...
I take it you live in Las Vegas
Rip legs

Nope, I live in Mississippi. The Gulf Coast area, and it's nice down here except foe the hurricanes every few decades.

We live maybe 4.5 miles north of the beach, but high enough and far enough inland that we don't get any flooding.
We are who we choose to be.
Wasn't there some guy named ""questionmarkitus"" a long time ago?

Or was he just a PO alt?
Yeah I've slowly been feeling the itch to get out of my city, there's not a lot holding me to this place in particular and my job's been sucking more and more. Rent's going up for a worse time.

I've slapped my resume down to a bunch of places off in Minneapolis and if that doesn't work out, Milwaukee and then Chicago.
I really need to check in more often.

The Big Video Game 4 hour Advertisement Awards are tonight.

BG3 should win, but Alan Wake 2 is a nice dslarkhorse candidate.
We are who we choose to be.
For some reason I'm remembering The_Wave_Master as Orion's 2nd account? I think I've just been high for too long.
girls like my fa
The_Wave_Master posted...
I really need to check in more often.

The Big Video Game 4 hour Advertisement Awards are tonight.

BG3 should win, but Alan Wake 2 is a nice dslarkhorse candidate.
I'm predicting Tears of the Kingdom as frontrunner with a BG3 upset but I like your dark horse pick. Could also see Spider-Man 2 but as much as I enjoyed Spider-Man I'd like to see Alan Wake win more I think
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you
since I haven't played... ANY of those, I think my goty by process of elimination might be Chained Echoes
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
Yellow posted...
Wasn't there some guy named ""questionmarkitus"" a long time ago?

Or was he just a PO alt?

Not me.

I'm generally pretty open about my alts. The CynicalZealot account is obvious, and the PotD_Senate, Supreme Court, Executioner, and Professor accounts were all just made for context-specific jokes. That's pretty much it.

Of course, there is my one secret female alt that I've never revealed and occasionally taunt people about, but I'm never going to admit which one that is. And to be fair I don't really use it at this point, so it's probably not a mystery that can ever be solved.

ReturnOfFa posted...
For some reason I'm remembering The_Wave_Master as Orion's 2nd account? I think I've just been high for too long.

Wave is Oreon's brother (or Oreon is Wave's brother, depending on your point of view).

There was a conspiracy theory for a bit that Wave and Oreon were secretly the same person. Just like there've been conspiracy theories about how Zang and Moonjay were secretly the same person. Any time you get two people who claim to know each other in real life and be connected in some way, you're always going to get people assuming it's just one asshole with multiple gimmick accounts being weird (and to be fair, on PotD, it usually is).
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Late to the party, since I am mostly a lurker here, these days, but welcome back, Wave. I thought the curtain had dropped on you.
-- I Abibde / Samuraiter
Laughing at Game FAQs since 2002.
ParanoidObsessive posted...
Not me.

I'm generally pretty open about my alts. The CynicalZealot account is obvious, and the PotD_Senate, Supreme Court, Executioner, and Professor accounts were all just made for context-specific jokes. That's pretty much it.

Of course, there is my one secret female alt that I've never revealed and occasionally taunt people about, but I'm never going to admit which one that is. And to be fair I don't really use it at this point, so it's probably not a mystery that can ever be solved.

Wave is Oreon's brother (or Oreon is Wave's brother, depending on your point of view).

There was a conspiracy theory for a bit that Wave and Oreon were secretly the same person. Just like there've been conspiracy theories about how Zang and Moonjay were secretly the same person. Any time you get two people who claim to know each other in real life and be connected in some way, you're always going to get people assuming it's just one asshole with multiple gimmick accounts being weird (and to be fair, on PotD, it usually is).
Oh, wow, I'm surprised my memory kept a bit of a connection even if it was inaccurate.

Welcome back Wave, I should've said that initially!
girls like my fa
your female alt better not be Schmendrake lmfao
girls like my fa
What are some of your heathen activities?
girls like my fa
Speaking of (Oreon) Prince, he's currently in the ER with a 102 to 103 fever. He's strong, but I'm worried.

My stupid liner for my prosthetic leg jas created a rough spot on mu thigh. It will be monitored closely.
We are who we choose to be.
I also got into a Book Face debate over whether or not Superman can break vibranium.

My thought is that he's Suoerman and can do anything that the writer wants him to do. (Basically plot armor) Plus, Vibranium has been shattered before, namely by someone on Clark's level, The Cosmic Complainer.

Weigh in with your thoughts.
We are who we choose to be.
The_Wave_Master posted...
I also got into a Book Face debate over whether or not Superman can break vibranium.

My thought is that he's Suoerman and can do anything that the writer wants him to do. (Basically plot armor) Plus, Vibranium has been shattered before, namely by someone on Clark's level, The Cosmic Complainer.

Weigh in with your thoughts.

Vibranium isn't that strong, lots of people can break it.

Now adamantium , on the other hand...
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Spider-Man got snubbed

That Parker Luck
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
It happens. BG3 was the best game of the year.
We are who we choose to be.
The_Wave_Master posted...
My thought is that he's Suoerman and can do anything that the writer wants him to do.

Except, perhaps, defeat Godzilla.

-- I Abibde / Samuraiter
Laughing at Game FAQs since 2002.
The_Wave_Master posted...
It happens. BG3 was the best game of the year.
I have so many games in my backlog but I bought BG3 since it won... Checking it out now since I finished Ghostwire finally
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you
A friend of mine who barely games asked me if I'd gotten BG3 yet, and I was kind of surprised that a) he even knew it existed, and b) that he knew it was the sort of thing I'd probably get eventually.

I thought maybe he was asking because he wanted to ask me to co-op through it, but no. In his own words, he's still in the middle of trying to beat every Halo on Legendary, and by the time he's done GTAVI will probably be out so he has no time. Fucking casual.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
I've gotten the lethal company, and honestly it's a fun little game to play with people over voice chat.
I just downloaded and fired up the Tekken 8 demo on PS5 and after an hour my left thumb is sore. I have Street Fighter 6 too, but it's unopened (it was a gift from my friend Double R, Racist Redneck) and before I even open that game I need to buy some D Pad covers or a new Dualsense (in purple)

Any recommendations for D Pad covers for the Ps5 controller, or should I just treat myself to a purple one for Christmas?
We are who we choose to be.
The_Wave_Master posted...
I leave for a few years to get my legs amputated,

Oof. Sorry to hear that.

and I come back to no Geek topics.

Because they kept getting murdered by the demon known as apathy... and the fact geekery is on the decline as people made the mistake of mainstreaming it.

ParanoidObsessive posted...
They were your topics. When you disappeared on us out of the blue, they just sort of died off.

Well, I kept making them, but everybody was like, ehhhhhhhh.....

Idiot_Savant posted...

For what it's worth Zeus archived some of it on that board where he talks to himself like PandaMaster

Zeus does not talk to himself. Nor does he talk about himself. For Zeus is a humble guy.

Metalsonic66 posted...
Is that a karma building trick or something? I thought Panda was just a little off TBH

I thought it was just a panda thing.

Everybody's got a price / Everybody's got to pay / Because the Million Drachma Man / Always gets his way. AhahahahMMH
Count_Drachma posted...
and the fact geekery is on the decline as people made the mistake of mainstreaming it.

I'd argue that the problem isn't that it was mainstreamed. The problem is what they did with it afterwards.

I think I'm at the point now where nearly every single geeky interest I had for the first 30+ years of my life is now something I utterly loathe and have completely cut out of my life entirely. Shitty people ruined it all because most entertainment industries have been taken over by post-postmodern narcissists who are no longer capable of saying anything worth hearing, let alone anything profound or interesting.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family
Always has been
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Oh shit! Didn't know you still posted on here!
4/1/2023 - Super Mario Sunshine>>>>Super Mario 64
Not changing my signature until 50 different people tag me and disagree. 5/50
ZayKayWill posted...
Oh shit! Didn't know you still posted on here!
Yeah, I just started back.
We are who we choose to be.
yo i missed these topics wtf dude
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
What do you Geeks want for Christmas?
We are who we choose to be.
The_Wave_Master posted...
What do you Geeks want for Christmas?

Not to sound like a beauty pageant... but world peace.

I'm supes comfy where I'm at so all I can think of is helping others in some way.
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Poll of the Day » Have you given up onThe Geek Life?
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