Trump accuses Jewish Americans of dual loyalty in unhinged comments.

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Poll of the Day » Trump accuses Jewish Americans of dual loyalty in unhinged comments.
So it wont let me link it but google "Trump jews".

Trump basically tells liberal jews if they dont vote for him they are destroying america and israel.

So much is hurtful with these statements but its trump so I doubt anyone is actually offended by the pig.
Unfortunately, this is America in the 21st century, so this will probably make him more popular.
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
I saw a clip yesterday where he said Democrats are advocating for "aborting" babies after birth.

I hate him.
Didnt he say this exact same shit like 4 years ago

that didnt as long as I thought it would to find:

So yeah, welcome to 2019.
guys, if you don't vote for Joe Biden you ain't black
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Trump has the weirdest dual loyalty take where he seemingly thinks they SHOULD have dual loyalty, and being a liberal is betraying that.
Sulugnaz posted...
Fuck your both sides bullshit.

It's called the 2cock phallus


I mean the tu quoque fallacy
"Salt cures Everything!"
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DeathMagnetic80 posted...
Trump has the weirdest dual loyalty take where he seemingly thinks they SHOULD have dual loyalty, and being a liberal is betraying that.
It's almost as if everything he says is straight Orwellian, but by complete accident.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
papercup posted...
Unfortunately, this is America in the 21st century, so this will probably make him more popular.
He could lose the Jewish space laser contingent.
ever since trump left office things gotten pretty bad. Mutant mayhem wasnt under trumps term.
Things are about to get arvified
ArvTheGreat posted...
ever since trump left office things gotten pretty bad. Mutant mayhem wasnt under trumps term.

You cant be serious? Biden isnt perfect but he is a great extension of moderate change that was Obama's admin.

Looking forward to Trump losing in 2024 again

Sam Seder did a funny bit about Trump's comments
Like I said however many months (years now, maybe?) ago, all the Dem party has to do now is not shit the bed nor grow complacent. You know one or both might happen, and that's the price we pay for letting a party run by rich white guys who pretend to care about everyone else put an old man front and center who has shown over the last five or six years he's losing his faculties with each rotation around the Sun. The Jewish community, however, is probably taking as much delight or pleasure from this time around as they did four years ago when Trump said the same sort of thing.
Devil_May_Cry posted...
You cant be serious? Biden isnt perfect but he is a great extension of moderate change that was Obama's admin.

Looking forward to Trump losing in 2024 again

Sam Seder did a funny bit about Trump's comments
Food prices more than doubled.
Gas prices more than doubled.
Strategic oil reserves drained.
Consumer debt hitting all time highs.
Housing costs and interest rates through the roof.
National debt at 33 trillion and growing.
2.7 million illegal border crossings in 2022 alone.
113 billion taxpayer dollars sent to fund a foreign war with no end in sight.

Yeah, Biden is doing great. Really knocking it out of the park.

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
Yup, higher prices are all Biden's fault. Couldn't possibly be the record profits that corporations are raking in.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
That's a 1.23% profit margin increase on food. Hard to equate that to the overall 117% price increase.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde
Conservatives love saying "actually, you are the Nazis for being antisemitic and not supporting Israel"
What would Bligh do?
Ozmose posted...
Food prices more than doubled.
No, they didn't.

Ozmose posted...
Gas prices more than doubled.
No, they didn't.

Ozmose posted...
Strategic oil reserves drained.
Up there you were complaining about higher gas prices. You drain strategic oil reserves to help increase supply and, therefore, keep prices down.

So are you in favour of lower gas prices or no? Pick a lane.

Ozmose posted...
Consumer debt hitting all time highs.
Not Biden's fault.

Ozmose posted...
National debt at 33 trillion and growing.
The single largest increase ever to the US national debt was fiscal 2020, where the debt grew by $4 trillion. Notably, that was under Trump.

Also notable: Trump's tax cuts have spiked the deficit (every single year since those tax cuts were passed has seen deficits of >$1 trillion), so if you have a problem with US debt levels, maybe aim your criticism there.

Ozmose posted...
113 billion taxpayer dollars sent to fund a foreign war with no end in sight.
This accounts for ~6% of the US military's budget, or about 0.25% of the GDP, and has mostly consisted of shipping out items that would otherwise be sitting in storage doing nothing except accruing maintenance costs. In return, one of the US's two biggest geopolitical foes is getting their assholes turned inside out, with their army being ground down to sawdust, all without any US military personnel putting their lives in danger.

Even ignoring the moral imperative of helping a democracy under threat of tyranny, the strategic aims of thwarting Russia, strengthening NATO, and warding off China, or the intelligence benefits of evaluating military tech and tactics against a reasonably well-equipped enemy military (first time American equipment has been used against such a foe in a non-insurgency conflict since the end of WW2), a purely transactional view of the conflict shows it is a massive net-positive for the West in general and the US in particular.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Ozzy continues to self-pwn
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Sulugnaz posted...
Fuck your both sides bullshit.
But both sides ARE bullshit.
What is the downside to having a third party that actually stands a chance?
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
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Sulugnaz posted...
And utterly missing the point... we have this person. (What I said has nothing to do with whether or not there's a 3rd party... It's about 'Whataboutism')
Here's the thing: your fanatical brand of "us vs them" is what got this imbecile, who has zero political motivations beyond parroting trite talking points and feeding off of the positive and negative attention it generates, into office in the first place. You unwittingly gave him that platform because you didn't reject this shitty two-party system that serves no one but the elites who see it as a game.
When I say both sides are shit, its not "Whataboutism", its a statement of fact.
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
i take it you have rejected "this shitty two party system" yeah?

how's that working out for you?
if i wasn't important then why would you waste all your poison
Shrek posted...
i take it you have rejected "this shitty two party system" yeah?

how's that working out for you?
I've grilled over 5000 hotdogs this year alone.
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
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Sulugnaz posted...
This is a long rant that has literally nothing to do with what I said. Awesome.

yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
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AltOmega2 posted...
I've grilled over 5000 hotdogs this year alone.
so not very well then
Sulugnaz posted...
Theres a reason youre tagged the way you are. Youre just showing how apt it is.
Not sure what the best method for posting gifs is so you get this bigass link:
ConfusedTorchic posted...
so not very well then
I actually surpassed last year's record before the end of the summer so things are looking pretty good
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
AltOmega2 posted...
What is the downside to having a third party that actually stands a chance?
Answer: it makes the ideologically-opposed party much more likely to win.

Let's pretend, for instance, you introduced a third party in the US. If they are (by American standards) centre-left, left-wing, or far-left, they will be more politically aligned with the Democrats than the Republicans but, paradoxically, make a Republican victory far more likely due to siphoning votes from the Democrats (and vice versa if this new party is centre-right, right-wing, or far right). This is because US elections are almost all first-past-the-post (i.e. whichever candidate/party gets a majority - or sometimes just a plurality - of the votes gets 100% of the reward), and basically any country that uses FPTP voting almost always has just two dominant political parties (one on each side of the political spectrum), with any additional parties reduced to fringes that have no reasonable hope of forming government. If two parties of similar power arise on the same side of the political spectrum, it virtually guarantees their ideological opponents a victory, which puts enormous pressure on their voters to either consolidate behind one of the parties or force a merger between them, reducing the number of effective parties on that side of the political spectrum back to one.

If you want additional parties that actually have a reasonable hope of victory and are actually meaningful in terms of their political power, it requires an entire restructuring of how elections work. Proportional representation and/or ranked ballots both help circumvent the above issue and allow multiple parties to exist on a single side of the political spectrum without diluting the power of their voters.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
darkknight109 posted...
Answer: it makes the ideologically-opposed party much more likely to win.

Pretty much. In a perfect world, there'd be an even distribution of smaller parties covering a wide range of ideologies and voters could pick and choose which one best aligned with their views, but we don't live in a perfect world. As it stands, two parties exist, one of which embodies the absolute worst possible aspects of their ideology in a way that makes it pretty much mandatory for anyone that doesn't like those to vote *against* them instead of *for* somebody they like. Add extra alternatives that split the votes against the bad one, and the bad ones chances of winning increase.

I don't disagree that the two-party system sucks (I've voted NDP in most elections, actually, but will probably go Liberal next time because Polievre is pretty concerning), but fixing it involves a whole lot more than just throwing away your vote on a different candidate, in no small part by design. Voting third-party and hoping for the best isn't going to accomplish anything.
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Republicans frequently fuck up the economy, and somehow manage to blame democrats for it. They've basically coasted on Reganomics "working" for a few years in the 80s and continually get the benefit of the doubt on economic matters despite historically its up to democrats to clean up their messes. Great Depression? Republicans in office. Early 90s recession? Republicans. 2000s recession? Republicans. Biden has had to deal with the fallout of a totally mishandled covid response, and global supply chain issues, inflation and the Ukraine war on top of everything else. Republicans basically have "well things were kinda crappy when Carter was president in the 70s" and haven't let go of that.
how is he not in jail? dont they arrest him like once a month
Lmao the US itself, particularly republicans, has dual loyalty between the US and Israel
I'm at a point where a lot of my thoughts on figures I dislike strongly are fairly moderatable.
girls like my fa
AltOmega2 posted...
Here's the thing: your fanatical brand of "us vs them" is what got this imbecile, who has zero political motivations beyond parroting trite talking points and feeding off of the positive and negative attention it generates, into office in the first place. You unwittingly gave him that platform because you didn't reject this shitty two-party system that serves no one but the elites who see it as a game.
When I say both sides are shit, its not "Whataboutism", its a statement of fact.
Everyone that says stuff like this think they're special for pointing out something we've all known for what, decades? Wow, thanks! No, acknowledging the reality of a certain party being even worse is not a magic 'enabling' of the shittier party. This contrarian shit gets everybody nowhere, unless you have a YouTube channel, then it gets you attention and/or money. Maybe you watch some of them, like Brand, Dore, Blumenthal or the many others. Rejecting the two-party system doesn't make it disappear. If you want to do that, please offer a third party that isn't an exact carbon-copy of those two parties you reject.
girls like my fa
BucketCat posted...
how is he not in jail? dont they arrest him like once a month

Rich people getting arrested isn't like other people getting arrested. It's more a matter of "give us a bunch of money that we get to keep if you don't show up in court when we want you to, but otherwise you can go about your life as normal until you're sentenced."
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Trump cannot have a firearm right now; a photo of him holding a gun at I THINK a gun show showed up on social media. When someone pointed out that's a felony they hastily scrubbed all their social media

This pic:
"Salt cures Everything!"
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Lokarin posted...
This pic:
That's totally how normal people hold a gun.
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
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It's a trophy
PSN/Steam ID: Metalsonic_69
Big bombs go kabang.
Says the guy who has dined with literal nazis.
I am the forum boy, I'm the one who posts.
Trump found guilty of some real estate fraud
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube:
Lokarin posted...
Trump found guilty of some real estate fraud

Engoron ordered that some of Trumps business licenses be rescinded as punishment, making it difficult or impossible for them to do business in New York
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
God I hope they seize Trump Tower
Nintendo Network ID: papercups
3DS FC: 4124 5916 9925
I hope they rename it to Dump Tower.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
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Did Trump get the gag order yet? I heard it was imminent.
I am the forum boy, I'm the one who posts.
Poll of the Day » Trump accuses Jewish Americans of dual loyalty in unhinged comments.
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