Do you have to worry about snow where you're from?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you have to worry about snow where you're from?

Let's see what people think
Not really. I mean we get it but not loads for the most part and I'm in walking distance of the places I go in most cases.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
No, but I do have to worry about other people's reation to snow. Thanks, Nade Duck!
GanonsSpirit posted...
No, but I do have to worry about other people's reation to snow.

everyone suddenly forgets how to drive when it snows here (seattle)
It gets down to 9 degrees Fahrenheit, stays in that vicinity for weeks with no precipitation whatsoever.

And then, suddenly, it gets up to 65-70 and rains.

It's fucking bullshit.
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I live in the south. A little snow freaks people out.
I didn't in florida. I've been in tennessee since last year. It hasn't snowed here yet.
And as her clothes all tumbled 'round her, I could hear my heart
The moonlight shown upon her as she lay back in my bed
Yup Pittsburgh gets cold af
BADoglick to the Max!
Currently, no not ever
All praise Mead
Both where I'm from and where I live now, every fucking year. I miss living in places without snow. Snow is generally awful. Once the novelty very quickly wears off, you're left with a massive inconvenience whether you're driving, walking, whatever.

Granted, it has a great aesthetic quality which I appreciate in film, tv, etc. Mostly when it's used to portray a place as desolate or inhospitable because that's what snow is, completely inhospitable.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
i like the cold so snow is not a problem heck I'm in a t-shirt right now.

the hot weather that is what a Dislike
Having a goal is good, but don't let your goal depress you. Goals are meant to inspire.
BlazeAndBlade posted...
i like the cold so snow is not a problem heck I'm in a t-shirt right now.

the hot weather that is what a Dislike

Not a big fan of heat either. In general, I prefer things a little cool rather than a little warm. In fact, you might say I'm a left-on-the-thermostat-leaning centrist.

However, at least heat doesn't have its own adverse weather condition in most areas.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
More like yah, depends on the month
My Work
Yes but not for the past couple of years presumably thanks to global warming.

This is the kinda global warming I'm okay with.
"We're not even close" - Romans building Rome at the end of Day 1
For most years in Chicago, yes. Winters like last year, are honestly pretty rare where you don't get a lot of snow, and a lot of above average temperatures. Usually you do get numerous noticeable snowfalls, but that the number of days where wind chills get below zero or to minus 10s(rarely) aren't excessive. Heck, I remember a handful of days this past February(in 2017), where the high got to something like the mid to high 50s or the low 60s! Most winters it never gets as warm as that, and any days above the 30s or 40s is rare.
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Oh, I stand corrected.

3 degrees. Three. And it'll be 65 when the rain gets here. fml
Creator of the NEW Digimon: Digital Monsters community board !
Nope, has never snowed here in the 13 years I've lived here. A few years ago we got kind of a slushy hail that was almost snow though
We get snow but it's typically light/dry and not a problem. But there are 1-3 times each winter where a big snow will dump and cause poor road conditions for a couple days.
A plethora of DKC-related fanart to numb your mind:
It doesn't snow every winter here, but the past two have sucked balls. Snow balls.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
We usually get about 5-10 days worth of snow here, spread out through the winter. Usually of the "falls one day, is melted within 24 hours" variety.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
We got like 5 inches last year, which is a lot for us. I live in south Louisiana. Other than that, it rarely snows here.
Not a funny joke Dimentio. If I wanted to laugh your face is inspiration enough. - Mr. L
No. It's the Middle East after all. Although some parts of one of the Emirates does get snow. But it's really far away from Dubai.
"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
So many places around the world :O
Where I'm from? Yes. From November to May lol
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
It's snows a lot where I'm from. Every year. And we get blizzards and stuff. Where I currently live, it snows. But it's pretty random. But nobody knows what to do. And they don't have snow plows or salt trucks. Apparently because they don't need them. So every year, because we seem to need them every year, we borrow them from the next county over
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No, just rain.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
We get on average 100 inches of snow a year. Most of that comes between January and March. To put it simply I am usually spending most of my weekends moving snow and staying the fuck inside.

It is also 1F right now, so it is cold as fuck as well.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
Yep. Canada eh. Had a blizzard and a power outage a couple of days ago.
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Poll of the Day » Do you have to worry about snow where you're from?