Which online game has the worst community?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Which online game has the worst community?
Worst community

Lets see which to steer clear from.
over watch
That I have personally played? StarCraft II. One of the players actually threatened to rape and kill me and my wife for not saving his base or something. (Which we would have, but I knew that we had won the game, and pulling our army away from the wreckage of the enemies base would have caused us to lose. I wasn't trying to be a dick, I got him a win like 5 minutes later.) I followed up with Blizzard and they told me they were contacting the local police through his ISP to report the threat. I didn't hear the end of it, but I figure that's company policy.
Ever since the day you left, my fate's been set unknown... How many years to walk this path alone?
[...] So why'd you close your eyes... why can't I shut mine?
Minecraft. It's full of preteens who think "dabbing" is cool.
All of them, which is why I don't play online games. I hate dealing with people all day every day at work. Gaming with others isn't any less annoying
BADoglick to the Max!
Puzzle and Dragons: 338 705 421
Your on one of them right now.

But in all seriousness, any community has the potential to come out as the worst (as any community would if enough people join as its inevitable that dickwads will join as well for "attention seeking")
I'm slowly learning that the gamefaqs main boards is not a place for discussion, this is a place for sad lonely attention seekers to go and pick fights.
kind9 posted...
Minecraft. It's full of preteens who think "dabbing" is cool.

What's dabbing and why are PotDers talking about it all of the sudden? Seems to be the third or fourth time this week I might have heard it mentioned. Google returned some results about being a way to consume weed and other results about it being a dance.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
what is lol game? never heard of it, but cod gets a bad rep, and supposedly that's what they were playing in that swatting incident.
"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us, now there's not"
JebronLames posted...
what is lol game ? never heard of it, but cod gets a bad rep, and supposedly that's what they were playing in that swatting incident.

League Of Legends.
I'm slowly learning that the gamefaqs main boards is not a place for discussion, this is a place for sad lonely attention seekers to go and pick fights.
Zeus posted...
kind9 posted...
Minecraft. It's full of preteens who think "dabbing" is cool.

What's dabbing and why are PotDers talking about it all of the sudden? Seems to be the third or fourth time this week I might have heard it mentioned. Google returned some results about being a way to consume weed and other results about it being a dance.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dab_(dance )
Voted COD but that's because whenever I hear a COD fan talk(in real life) my skin crawls. Probably because it's a kid and/or chav talking about it.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing.
http://psnprofiles.com/wwinterj - http://i.imgur.com/kDysIcd.gif
http://i.imgur.com/tsQUpxC.jpg Thanks, Nade Duck!
I've heard it's LoL, but that game never appealed to me, so I can't say for sure. Based on my own experiences, CoD.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
CoD and the other big console releases aimed at preteens are the obvious choice. But I imagine the communities surrounding those p2w mobile games where people form groups and pressure each other into spending more money could easily be a new low for humanity.
And with that... pow! I'm gone!
Digital card games

Some people lose their damn minds and start sending angry PMs when they lose
All praise Mead
From what I can tell the Eve Online is both awful and great at the same time.
It's between League of Legends and Overwatch.
Zeus posted...
kind9 posted...
Minecraft. It's full of preteens who think "dabbing" is cool.

What's dabbing and why are PotDers talking about it all of the sudden? Seems to be the third or fourth time this week I might have heard it mentioned. Google returned some results about being a way to consume weed and other results about it being a dance.

Im not fifty years old guys, I swear
League of Legends, and I used to play plenty of COD years ago. LoL was the game that made me stop online gaming
"I'm the straightest guy on this board. I'm so straight that I watch gay porn." - Smarkil
Hard to say, between games like LoL, PUBG, and Overwatch. Generally speaking, newer, or highly populated PvP games have such a childish, awful community that makes it mandatory to auto-mute everybody.

A combination of PvP tryhards, frequent cheating, and random matchmaking destroys any chance a friendly community could have had. You never saw anything close to this bad back when you used to have to connect to dedicated servers for games. AvP2, Quake, Unreal Tournament, those games had FAR better communities, because you typically played with the same pool of people on the servers. You obviously had some dickheads, but nowhere close to the sheet volume you do now. Hell, the fact that you had to do some work to get into online matches helped weed out the little kids - something that these shitty random queues don't do.
I have a signature. Apparently this is important, but I still don't have my secret cool kid decoder ring yet.
WaffIeElite posted...
Hard to say, between games like LoL, PUBG, and Overwatch.
I never played League, but I used to watch its community as though it were a soap opera.
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Even if it were, you wouldn't wanna listen to it!
Poll of the Day » Which online game has the worst community?