This 9 y/o Indiana Boy with Autism was Handcuffed AND Charged with BATTERY!!!

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Poll of the Day » This 9 y/o Indiana Boy with Autism was Handcuffed AND Charged with BATTERY!!!
Do you think the teachers were right to call the police based on what happened?

The shocking video of a 9 y/o autistic boy was arrested AND handcuffed by police officers at a school after a playground fight with bullies!!

Teachers called police at Needham Elementary School in Franklin, Indiana after 2 members of staff had to break up the fight.

The school was put on "lockdown" while the cops arrived and the boy was later charged as a juvenile with BATTERY!

Video taken by the boy's father shows cops handcuffing his crying son and leading him out to a cruiser

The boy was held at Johnson County Juvenile Detention Cetnre for 20 minutes and was charged as a juvenile with battery and criminal mischief.

His father, Ronnie Shepperd said his son was protecting himself from a bully who hit him.

Ronnie said "Watching my 9 y/o autistic son being handcuffed was very disturbing. He's very traumatized by it. My son was being bullied by another kid and he told staff several times about it. Nothing was done so when the kid hit him twice in 4 days, he fought back. Since he is autistic, he went into defense mode when he got hit so he hit a teacher after she broke up the fight. But when he calmed down, he said sorry to the teacher. The 2nd fight in 4 days broke out when my son was trying to kill a locust and the bully shoved him and said "stop killing that bug". So he got up and the bully punched him in the eye so the fight was on again. The 9 y/o kid went behind the other boy and pushed him down and started choking him".

When a teacher tried to stop it, the 9 y/o boy jumped on the teacher's back and started CHOKING her before another teacher stepped in.

The 9 y/o is still traumatized over it and has now moved schools as the father said he's never felt better.

Do you think the teachers did the right thing to call the police on the 9 y/o boy?

The arrest -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
A rechargeable battery?
You havent set a signature for the message boards yet
wtf, cops. wtf.

Full Throttle posted...
The 2nd fight in 4 days broke out when my son was trying to kill a locust and the bully shoved him and said "stop killing that bug".

tbh, going around killing bugs is kinda fucked up.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Kid obviously should be in special needs classes if hes gonna act like that
Zeus posted...
tbh, going around killing bugs is kinda fucked up.

Did ya not have friends? Boys killin bugs is kinda the norm.
Official nosy neighbor and gossip
I mean serial killers start with animals before they move on to people...
You are now blinking and breathing manually.
Zeus posted...
wtf, cops. wtf.

Full Throttle posted...
The 2nd fight in 4 days broke out when my son was trying to kill a locust and the bully shoved him and said "stop killing that bug".

tbh, going around killing bugs is kinda fucked up.

I agree, I think it's obvious who the real bully is
"Let me be brave"
OmegaTomHank posted...
Kid obviously should be in special needs classes if hes gonna act like that

If he's going to stand up to bullies while his teachers don't care unless he fights back? This kid isn't the problem here.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
The lesson is don't kill bugs
Yes, he should have been arrested for assaulting someone.

Doesn't matter his age, race, religion, or mental handicaps.

He won't be charged with assault. This will just show him there are consequences for his actions.

This is more about the chocking of the teacher. Kids should stand up for themselves if they are getting picked on, but there is no need to assault someone trying to break up the fight. The teacher shouldn't have been trying to break it up in the first place, but that's no excuse to attack someone that isn't a threat to you.

Him knowing right or wrong when it comes to that is irrelevant before some says it. He knows now.

And wait, he was traumatized? What about the poor teacher that was chocked for no reason? She should/could sue the school for an unsafe work environment.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
StarKnight23 posted...
Zeus posted...
wtf, cops. wtf.

Full Throttle posted...
The 2nd fight in 4 days broke out when my son was trying to kill a locust and the bully shoved him and said "stop killing that bug".

tbh, going around killing bugs is kinda fucked up.

I agree, I think it's obvious who the real bully is

This. I myself once got in a fight with my brother because he was killing love bugs. I scuffed his knee and my family chastised me for it and had him go back out and kill love bugs while I was forced to sit inside and watch.

Regardless of his killing bugs, though, seeing a little autistic boy in handcuffs is appalling. I want to cry, I feel so bad for him.
You feel bad for him?

He straight up assaulted someone without cause.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
SmokeMassTree posted...
You feel bad for him?

He straight up assaulted someone without cause.

Hes a 9 y/o with mental issues, I dont think that teacher was in serious danger of being choked to death.

Man, hes probably bawling his eyes out in those pictures too. I may start bawling my eyes out.
The teacher is probably bailing her eyes out from being attacked.

This kid needs to learn he can't do shit like that. If this incident doesn't scare him straight it's probably time to start looking at other ways for him to learn that don't involve many other students.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
SmokeMassTree posted...
The teacher is probably bailing her eyes out from being attacked

Yeah, by a 9 y/o.
You say that as if a 9 y/o doesn't have the strength to choke you out.

Let the little guy get your back and slap on a rear naked. If you don't know what you're doing/nooone breaks it up you're going to sleep.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
Im pretty sure I would have little to no difficulty dealing with a 9 y/o trying to choke me. Even allowing that the teacher is probably a smallish woman, hes still pretty fucking tiny.
SmokeMassTree posted...
You say that as if a 9 y/o doesn't have the strength to choke you out.

Let the little guy get your back and slap on a rear naked. If you don't know what you're doing/nooone breaks it up you're going to sleep.

Maybe your weak ass, not hard to pull a 9 year olds hands off you.
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
lol I would destroy you boy

I bet my 6 y/o could choke both of you out if you gave him your back.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
Hello, 911? My 3 year old is assaulting me! I'm scared and I need you to lock her up!
SmokeMassTree posted...
lol I would destroy you boy

I bet my 6 y/o could choke both of you out if you gave him your back.

Only thing you're destroying is a scale.
This is my signature, there are many others like it, but this one is mine.
If you take 110% of what I say seriously then you're gonna have a bad time.
Full Throttle posted...
the 9 y/o boy jumped on the teacher's back and started CHOKING her

Do you think the teachers did the right thing to call the police on the 9 y/o boy?

No locked doors, no windows barred. No more things to make my brain seem SKARD.
DistantMemory posted...
my family chastised me for it and had him go back out and kill love bugs while I was forced to sit inside and watch.

your family is fucked up
FrndNhbrHdCEman posted...
Zeus posted...
tbh, going around killing bugs is kinda fucked up.

Did ya not have friends? Boys killin bugs is kinda the norm.

Uh. no, no it is not.
equo ne credite!
Full Throttle posted...
the 9 y/o boy jumped on the teacher's back and started CHOKING her

Do you think the teachers did the right thing to call the police on the 9 y/o boy?


This... He might've had a case before.. but his tactics are not defensible.
"Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist."- GC
SmokeMassTree posted...
This is more about the chocking of the teacher. Kids should stand up for themselves if they are getting picked on, but there is no need to assault someone trying to break up the fight. The teacher shouldn't have been trying to break it up in the first place, but that's no excuse to attack someone that isn't a threat to you.

To be fair, her breaking up the fight could of been seen as getting him off the bully so he can fight, i.e. joining the fight.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
Full Throttle posted...
When a teacher tried to stop it, the 9 y/o boy jumped on the teacher's back and started CHOKING her before another teacher stepped in.

If I didn't read this my answer would have been different. The teachers absolutely did the right thing. If it was a simple fight then being expelled would have been enough at best. However if he starts attacking authority figures then he should expect a more harsher punishment. The kid having Autism doesn't give him a free pass to do whatever he may please and the parents should still teach him right and wrong not "oh he has Autism so that's ok!".
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
SmokeMassTree posted...
Yes, he should have been arrested for assaulting someone.

Doesn't matter his age, race, religion, or mental handicaps.

He won't be charged with assault. This will just show him there are consequences for his actions.

He's 9. Cops shouldn't be involved at all. It's a school matter and, unless a parent is pressing charges, it should be handled in-house.

SmokeMassTree posted...
You say that as if a 9 y/o doesn't have the strength to choke you out.

I.... what?
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Cruddy_horse posted...
FrndNhbrHdCEman posted...
Zeus posted...
tbh, going around killing bugs is kinda fucked up.

Did ya not have friends? Boys killin bugs is kinda the norm.

Uh. no, no it is not.

Considering that FrCE has been stalking me for almost a year now, it's kind of a given that he's a pretty fucked up guy. The fact that he enjoys killing animals and setting fires should surprise nobody.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Kyuubi4269 posted...
SmokeMassTree posted...
This is more about the chocking of the teacher. Kids should stand up for themselves if they are getting picked on, but there is no need to assault someone trying to break up the fight. The teacher shouldn't have been trying to break it up in the first place, but that's no excuse to attack someone that isn't a threat to you.

To be fair, her breaking up the fight could of been seen as getting him off the bully so he can fight, i.e. joining the fight.

This is true.

People need to know that getting in between two people in a fight makes you a part of the fight.
I am Kaname_Madoka
SASUGA MUTEN SHANTSA SAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"We have a zero tolerance policy on bullying!" *looks the other way* Every school says it takes the matter seriously, but even when it ends in somebody committing suicide, they don't really care that much until it looks like their career is about to be ended. At that point, it's "care until things blow over."

My high school had very little bullying, from what I observed, unless they were totally getting it wrong. My favourite instance of their idiocy was this fat, nerdy kid who'd verbally attack people tougher than him then run crying to the vice principal the instant anyone laid a hand on him. Okay, him getting punched for running his mouth shouldn't necessarily be tolerated, but the fact he'd always get away with his offenses because somebody else's were worse always frustrated me. The administration basically judged all the books by their respective covers and punished the cool or tough kids even though none of them were the instigators. We had a class lecture provided to us once and the vice principal (one of two, but we got the asshole this time) refused to listen to anybody else's testimony other than the "victim's."


His ineptitude caught up to him though, as he was next in line for a promotion based on seniority, but they gave it to the good VP instead, so he went all emo and quit his job... I managed to make him super awkward once, and revelled in it... My lock broke and I had to see him to replace it, and he thought I was some troublemaker that he was expecting. Because he's a total power-tripper who never wanted to listen, he kept rambling at me for about 15 minutes doing this "bad cop" routine before capping it off with "what do you have to say for yourself?!" Of course, I replied with "my lock broke and the secretary told me to come ask you for a new one, but you wouldn't let me get a word in..." He went brick red and, to his credit, apologized profusely, but still, it was great to watch him squirm and basically kiss my ass for the remainder of our time dealing with the lock issue. You could tell he felt bad and/or stupid.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
Child is known to teachers as autistic.
Child complains about bullying, is ignored.
Child is bullied again, defends himself.
Teacher is caught in the middle after the school fails in it's responsibilities to stop the bullying.
Teacher calls the cops after a physical issue with a 9YO and presses charges.

Handled this just right, if it was back when people didn't understand autistic kids.
Anyone with a response like 'well it doesn't matter what's wrong with him, he shouldn't do it' has never met an autistic kid. The school took him on, knowing his issues and said they could handle it, then call the cops? Real smooth.
Mod me? You don't even know me!
Syntheticon posted...
has never met an autistic kid.

I've met many people with many mental disorders thanks. ADHD, Autism and many others. A free pass isn't the way to handle anyone with mental disabilities.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
wwinterj25 posted...
I've met many people with many mental disorders thanks. ADHD, Autism and many others. A free pass isn't the way to handle anyone with mental disabilities.

Not taking the bullying seriously was also not the way the handle things, but that didn't stop the teachers from doing just that.
Who's your favorite character from "Bend It Like Beckham"? And you can't say Beckham.
I'm not Autistic, so not really the same, but when I was bullied, I told my teachers. They did nothing. They did nothing when I said I wanted to kill myself. They did nothing but assume I was wrong. Eventually I had to be pulled out from school. I still have issues that tend to manifest, especially online.

So the Autistic child needs to be given leeway, especially when he told the staff he was being bullied. Only the most vile of people, or nut jobs like SMT(now ignored), would say the kid deserved it
''Death? Explain.''
''Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. Sacrifice leads to death. So feel free to kill yourself.'' - Ghaul and The Speaker
Zeus posted...
SmokeMassTree posted...
Yes, he should have been arrested for assaulting someone.

Doesn't matter his age, race, religion, or mental handicaps.

He won't be charged with assault. This will just show him there are consequences for his actions.

He's 9. Cops shouldn't be involved at all. It's a school matter and, unless a parent is pressing charges, it should be handled in-house.

SmokeMassTree posted...
You say that as if a 9 y/o doesn't have the strength to choke you out.

I.... what?

It doesn't matter if he was 1 minute old. If you attack someone, especially their neck, you should be held responsible.

And that clearly wasn't a response to you so idk why you're acting like it was
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
Golden Road posted...
Not taking the bullying seriously was also not the way the handle things, but that didn't stop the teachers from doing just that.

Let's be clear here I'm not against anyone standing up for themselves against bullies. I'm more than aware that a lot of schools are useless when it comes to stopping bulling. Probably due to being scared of the parents of said bullies I'd guess. What I am against though is attacking members of authority.

jedirood posted...
So the Autistic child needs to be given leeway, especially when he told the staff he was being bullied. Only the most vile of people, or nut jobs like SMT(now ignored), would say the kid deserved it

So where does this free pass end in your eyes then?
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
SmokeMassTree posted...
Zeus posted...
SmokeMassTree posted...
Yes, he should have been arrested for assaulting someone.

Doesn't matter his age, race, religion, or mental handicaps.

He won't be charged with assault. This will just show him there are consequences for his actions.

He's 9. Cops shouldn't be involved at all. It's a school matter and, unless a parent is pressing charges, it should be handled in-house.

SmokeMassTree posted...
You say that as if a 9 y/o doesn't have the strength to choke you out.

I.... what?

It doesn't matter if he was 1 minute old. If you attack someone, especially their neck, you should be held responsible.

And that clearly wasn't a response to you so idk why you're acting like it was

And that responsibility should be handled IN SCHOOL, not involving the cops.

And the second thing may not have been directed to me, but it's a baffling remark all the same considering a 9 y/o isn't even remotely close to being strong enough to choke out an adult. Even most 12 y/os aren't strong enough for that.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
When the teachers do their fucking job and stop it.t

And I never said anything about a free pass. Consequences are one thing, but the Cops? No. That's too much.
''Death? Explain.''
''Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. Sacrifice leads to death. So feel free to kill yourself.'' - Ghaul and The Speaker
jedirood posted...
And I never said anything about a free pass. Consequences are one thing, but the Cops? No. That's too much.

So if you was a teacher and a kid grabbed you around the throat you would just phone his parents and have done with it? I personally would go to whatever lengths I could to have that kid punished.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Why does anyone even care about a 9 year old charging a battery
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
wwinterj25 posted...
jedirood posted...
And I never said anything about a free pass. Consequences are one thing, but the Cops? No. That's too much.

So if you was a teacher and a kid grabbed you around the throat you would just phone his parents and have done with it? I personally would go to whatever lengths I could to have that kid punished.

Then you don't understand Autism you dolt. Ignored for stupidity
''Death? Explain.''
''Devotion inspires bravery. Bravery inspires sacrifice. Sacrifice leads to death. So feel free to kill yourself.'' - Ghaul and The Speaker
jedirood posted...
Then you don't understand Autism you dolt. Ignored for stupidity

So again you're talking about giving him a free pass. I honestly don't care if you ignore me but proclaiming it just means I win.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Zeus posted...
SmokeMassTree posted...
Zeus posted...
SmokeMassTree posted...
Yes, he should have been arrested for assaulting someone.

Doesn't matter his age, race, religion, or mental handicaps.

He won't be charged with assault. This will just show him there are consequences for his actions.

He's 9. Cops shouldn't be involved at all. It's a school matter and, unless a parent is pressing charges, it should be handled in-house.

SmokeMassTree posted...
You say that as if a 9 y/o doesn't have the strength to choke you out.

I.... what?

It doesn't matter if he was 1 minute old. If you attack someone, especially their neck, you should be held responsible.

And that clearly wasn't a response to you so idk why you're acting like it was

And that responsibility should be handled IN SCHOOL, not involving the cops.

And the second thing may not have been directed to me, but it's a baffling remark all the same considering a 9 y/o isn't even remotely close to being strong enough to choke out an adult. Even most 12 y/os aren't strong enough for that.

Assault shouldn't be handled in school. That is a matter for the police.

Old man, a 9 y/o would ring you the fuck out if you gave him your back. Especially one that has been in jujitsu for a couple years. It's not about strength. If he gets his arm right up on your windpipe and ratchets down on it, you have about 20 seconds to get free or you're taking a nap. A permanent nap if he doesn't let go after you've gone unconscious.

"Oh I would just bust out"

Nah, you fucking wouldn't. Idk if you have experienced being chocked from a rear naked, but it's not a pleasant experience. If he gets hooks in and squeezes you better hope your neck is strong for one, and then you have enough understanding of what's even happening to turn into the choke and create space. Your natural instinct is to roll away from the choke but all that does is create more pressure on your windpipe.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
SmokeMassTree posted...
Nah, you fucking wouldn't. Idk if you have experienced being chocked from a rear naked, but it's not a pleasant experience. If he gets hooks in and squeezes you better hope your neck is strong for one, and then you have enough understanding of what's even happening to turn into the choke and create space. Your natural instinct is to roll away from the choke but all that does is create more pressure on your windpipe.

They are 9, you can stand up and they'll come up with you. And if you're not 400lb, your can push your chin down to hold the arm.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
wwinterj25 posted...
jedirood posted...
And I never said anything about a free pass. Consequences are one thing, but the Cops? No. That's too much.

So if you was a teacher and a kid grabbed you around the throat you would just phone his parents and have done with it?.

Actually, odds are he'd be suspended or expelled.

wwinterj25 posted...
I personally would go to whatever lengths I could to have that kid punished.

Which is why you really shouldn't be a teacher.

SmokeMassTree posted...
Assault shouldn't be handled in school. That is a matter for the police.

Except it's not a matter for the police because he's fucking 9 and it's happening in a school.

SmokeMassTree posted...
Old man, a 9 y/o would ring you the fuck out if you gave him your back. Especially one that has been in jujitsu for a couple years. It's not about strength. If he gets his arm right up on your windpipe and ratchets down on it, you have about 20 seconds to get free or you're taking a nap. A permanent nap if he doesn't let go after you've gone unconscious.

Are you seriously talking about 9 y/os in jiu jitsu? wtf, dude. Nobody is giving 9 y/os lessons in jiu jitsu. They're usually not even at the age for mall TKD yet. More importantly, even if I did give a 9 y/o the chance to grab me by the throat, it takes NOTHING to break the hold even if they can lock it in. All I'd need to do is stand up and, if they don't fell off, back up into a wall to knock them loose.

SmokeMassTree posted...
Nah, you fucking wouldn't. Idk if you have experienced being chocked from a rear naked, but it's not a pleasant experience. If he gets hooks in and squeezes you better hope your neck is strong for one, and then you have enough understanding of what's even happening to turn into the choke and create space. Your natural instinct is to roll away from the choke but all that does is create more pressure on your windpipe.

How many times has a 9 y/o applied a rear naked choke on you? Is this some kind of fetish we should know about? At any rate, good luck applying a rear naked choke on an opponent a foot or two taller than you who also happens to be far stronger than you. Not that any of that matters because the 9 y/o in this story DIDN'T have any training nor was he using a rear naked choke.

And given that I've had adults fail to apply one on me, I somehow doubt a kid could manage it.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
Zeus posted...
Actually, odds are he'd be suspended or expelled.

Thanks man. I didn't know. Glad you're always there to educate me on such important matters.

Zeus posted...
Which is why you really shouldn't be a teacher.

I can't disagree with that. I wouldn't have the patience or be able to put up with some of the shit some teachers get.

Zeus posted...
Except it's not a matter for the police because he's fucking 9 and it's happening in a school.

You are aware he actually get handcuffed right? I mean why would the cops do that if they didn't agree with the school?
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -

If you think youre just going to stand up with a 9 y/o wrapped around your neck.

Jujitsu at 9 isn't uncommon. I've had my son in jujitsu and judo classes since his 5th birthday. About 20 other kids all his age are in the same classes.

I will bet any of you $1000 dollars that my son would choke you the fuck out if you gave him your back.
A.K. 2/14/10 T.C.P.
Victorious Champion of the 1st Annual POTd Hunger Games and the POTd Battle Royale Season 3
SMT arguing that an untrained 9 year old, and his "trained" 6 year old, could choke out an untrained adult is fucking hilarious stuff, really dumb but funny.
SmokeMassTree posted...

If you think youre just going to stand up with a 9 y/o wrapped around your neck.

Jujitsu at 9 isn't uncommon. I've had my son in jujitsu and judo classes since his 5th birthday. About 20 other kids all his age are in the same classes.

I will bet any of you $1000 dollars that my son would choke you the fuck out if you gave him your back.

How about you fly here with your kid and I let your kid try, and if he succeeds, I pay for your return tickets? I could do with $1000 to do up my car.
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
Poll of the Day » This 9 y/o Indiana Boy with Autism was Handcuffed AND Charged with BATTERY!!!
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