This 18 y/o Kid was SUSPENDED after a Customer accused of him being RACIST!!!

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » This 18 y/o Kid was SUSPENDED after a Customer accused of him being RACIST!!!
Would you ever give a Cop or Military member something for free?

28 y/o Zachary Randolph from Katy, Texas was Suspended from him Cookie Store Job because a customer was upset that he paid for an officer's order and not him and accused Zach of being RACIST!!

He was suspended at Great American Cookies Mall after he bought a cop a free brownie out of his own wages and upper management put him on temporary leave for a week because another family complained he didn't buy their cookies as well.

Zach said the customers in line overheard the interaction and became upset and threatened to "beat him up" because he was racist and promised to get him fired

His mother, Tami Kurz posted what happened on her FB and said "Since when does buying a police officer a cookie give anyone a reason to attack someone. And when did a Corporation want to FIRE someone for being KIND, taking what a customer said or did, regardless of how hateful they are"

Zach said he was working a normal shift at Katy Mills Mall when a cop who worked at the mall bought a 2.75 cheesecake brownie. He said he wanted to show his appreciation for the official protecting and serving his community. He said "he's just a really nice guy and on top of that, he has a badge. That's enough for me to buy something. That's the least i can do. A lot of people i know my age don't support police officers, i don't think that's fair"

A family behind him overheard what was going on and became upset when they asked for free treats and when they asked him, Zach said "No, because you don't have a badge. Sorry"

A middle aged man became upset and threatened him and threatened to get him fired and Zach ran behind the back while his co-workers tried to defuse the situation.

The next day, Zach was told to bring all of his stuff and into a meeting wher upper management wanted him fired but his manager refused to do so and instead suspended him. But because this brought national attention, the store reversed their decision and gave him an apology as they said the issue was not that he bought the officer a brownie but rather the events that unfolded with another customer.

Would you ever give something for free to a cop/military member?.

Zach -

The Cookie Shop -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Wait they threatened a guy with violence? Why didn't the cop arrest them?
Why did the family even ask for free shit? People are fucking moochers.
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
Jen0125 posted...
Why did the family even ask for free shit? People are fucking moochers.

They took the kindergarten line "I hope you brought enough for the whole class" a little too seriously and carried it to adulthood.
lmao wtf is wrong with people. so if some hot chick in front of that family was hitting on the cashier and he ended up paying for her cookie, they'd be upset with that too? or is this just because it was a cop? also where does the racism angle play in?

in any case, people act so entitled sometimes
I made Erik_P admit he's wrong on 5/28/16.
Yes and no? I wouldn't be against giving some treats as appreciation but it wouldn't be my first train of thought either. Their jobs/positions have hazards but it is something they chose to go into. Granted though the pay from what I have seen isn't exactly the best either.

Jen0125 posted...
Why did the family even ask for free shit? People are fucking moochers.

Indeed. It wasn't like the officer asked Randolph. He was just being appreciative and treated the officer to a cookie. That family can't expect the same treatment given Randolph's reasoning to treat the officer.

Super_Thug44 posted...
also where does the racism angle play in?

Funny enough my friends and I were briefly talking about this yesterday and how some folks are too quick to play the "that's racist" card to scare others into accepting their demands. One friend says it is almost like the "red scare" again.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
Super_Thug44 posted...
also where does the racism angle play in?

Allegations of racism can and have destroyed people. Throwing it around unnecessarily is a good way for manipulative people to get others to bend over backwards for them. Well either that or they have an unusually sensitive victim complex.
Not without reason no.

Ridiculous that he got in trouble for that though.
Currently playing - Bloodborne
TheFalseDeity posted...
Ridiculous that he got in trouble for that though.

Indeed and rather crazy that upper management was siding with the customer. I am glad the manager had more sense.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
funny enough I had a military dude complain about me because I wouldn't give a "military discount"

anyway I hate all cops but that being said, I hate entitled customers more. so I will defend this incredibly naive Zach fellow
acesxhigh posted...
funny enough I had a military dude complain about me because I wouldn't give a "military discount"

That would depend entirely on the establishment/business as well I'd imagine. Workers, especially those at the cashier level, wouldn't have the authorization to make a call on something like that unless the owner/manager already have it established.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth"
"Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!"
Full Throttle posted...
A middle aged man became upset and threatened him and threatened to get him fired and Zach ran behind the back while his co-workers tried to defuse the situation.

The next day, Zach was told to bring all of his stuff and into a meeting wher upper management wanted him fired but his manager refused to do so and instead suspended him. But because this brought national attention, the store reversed their decision and gave him an apology as they said the issue was not that he bought the officer a brownie but rather the events that unfolded with another customer.

Usually places in Texas have enough sense to not fire or suspend somebody over SJW nonsense.

Jen0125 posted...
Why did the family even ask for free shit? People are fucking moochers.

Because they probably already get most other shit for free from government programs.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
"left leaning centrist"
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
Jen0125 posted...
"left leaning centrist"

Literally what happens when you get people used to handouts, which is one reason why I'd never go further left. #LeftLeaningCentrist #NotLeftist #JustSayNoToBernieBurnsUSADownSanders

Also the controversy only exists because leftists have increasingly pandered to SJW elements thus making this sort of nonsense more permissible. Honestly, given your complicity in that movement, it's ironic to hear you whining about it... unless you're not really a Sanders supporter and only pretended to have that affiliation to make them worse.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
So police officer is a race now?
No locked doors, no windows barred. No more things to make my brain seem SKARD.
Full Throttle posted...
28 y/o Zachary Randolph from Katy, Texas was Suspended from him Cookie Store Job because a customer was upset that he paid for an officer's order and not him and accused Zach of being RACIST!!

No good deed goes unpunished.
Someone is showing respect for an officer by giving him free stuff but isn't giving the same thing to me? Must be racist! Because if I don't get the exact same thing as someone else than it must be racism!

People like that actually make me mad. Not only are you just contemptible as a person, you are actually discouraging other people from doing nice things.
Full Throttle posted...
Would you ever give a Cop or Military member something for free?

Nope. However what folk do with their own wages is their own business. This customer was just pulling the race card for attention and sadly got it.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Zeus posted...
Because they probably already get most other shit for free from government programs.

I hope you don't drive on public roads and use many of the other things created and/or subsidized by "free" government programs.
wow what shitlords
Not for nothing, but I believe police officers are supposed to turn down free shit like this, so as not to appear they are taking bribes in some form, among other reasons. Maybe it varies from state to state or whatever, but even if it's not policy it's probably a good idea to forego taking free stuff if you're a cop.

That said, it was a fucking cookie. JFC how cheap can those other assholes be?
"outrage culture sure is fun." - Nade Duck
Poll of the Day » This 18 y/o Kid was SUSPENDED after a Customer accused of him being RACIST!!!