Do you think a male customer telling a worker (woman) thanks pretty lady is bad?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you think a male customer telling a worker (woman) thanks pretty lady is bad?
And by bad I mean inappropriate?

I just witnessed this and it was painful. how is saying "thank you beautiful" sexual harassment?! I can understand if he said "thanks sugar tits" but seriously

Ugh, this world, it's just too much for me now.............
Drunk people run stop signs, high people wait for them to turn green
Yes, unless you're an old man because then the woman will just laugh.

Those bastards can get away with anything...
Look at're a bloody puppet!!
Maybe she doesn't want the compliment?
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
FrozenBananas posted...
Yes, unless you're an old man because then the woman will just laugh.

Those bastards can get away with anything...

Yeah pretty sure everyone hates dirty old men, so they only get away with it if you don't think everyone hating them is suitable consequence of their behavior.
Idk if I called the cashier at the grocery store "sexy man" as he bagged my food it'd be rightfully awkward and embarrassing
the White-Sounding Black Chick
RCtheWSBC posted...
Idk if I called the cashier at the grocery store "sexy man" as he bagged my food it'd be rightfully awkward and embarrassing

Hey there beef cake you've got some sexy bagging arms
Never write off the Doctor!
"that'll be $37.42"

Thanks hot stuff, here's $40
the White-Sounding Black Chick
Forgot about this oh my

Well i waited at the airport for like 6 hours because that's prob why -_-
Drunk people run stop signs, high people wait for them to turn green
Junpeiclover posted...
by bad I mean inappropriate?

No. Than again I'm from Yorkshire where it's common to refer to most gals as "love". Such as "thanks love".
Also, jokingly me and a old work colleague who is a guy used to always say things like "thanks babe" whenever we held the door open for each other, passed each other items and whatnot. I had no issue with it as it was just banter.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
I think if somebody is made to feel uncomfortable in the work place, the person making them feel uncomfortable should take it upon themselves to stop doing whatever they're doing that is making them feel uncomfortable, just to not be a bad person.
It's a bit weird.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
If you're an old man or a simpleton with a funny accent, it's probably fine.
EightySeven posted...
FrozenBananas posted...
Yes, unless you're an old man because then the woman will just laugh.

Those bastards can get away with anything...

Yeah pretty sure everyone hates dirty old men, so they only get away with it if you don't think everyone hating them is suitable consequence of their behavior.

After a lifetime of being able to say all the dumb shit that they want, they are so darn fragile when you actually call them out, I got tired of crushing the spirits of old men

Well OK not tired, it just doesn't feel sporting
Never write off the Doctor!
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
I'd think it was weird but I'd put him in his place pretty quickly if he thought he was going to ramp it up the next time.
Dirty Grandpa was one of the worst movies I have ever started and not finished
Never write off the Doctor!
Doctor Foxx posted...
Dirty Grandpa was one of the worst movies I have ever started and not finished

Yeah I've never even watched it. I don't want to either. This topic did remind me of the film though.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
Not "bad", more like inappropriate.

Jen0125 posted...
Maybe she doesn't want the compliment?

Sarcasthma posted...
It's a bit weird.

So these
Not unless he insists on doing it after she has told him to stop.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
The first time? It's going to vary by regional culture, but generally, not anticipating that people aren't going to be okay with it isn't that egregious a fault. Subsequent times, after being asked to stop? It's not okay.
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Poll of the Day » Do you think a male customer telling a worker (woman) thanks pretty lady is bad?