How happy would you say your are generally with your life on a scale of 1-10?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » How happy would you say your are generally with your life on a scale of 1-10?
How happy generally....

.....with your life would you estimate?
"I've always wanted there to be nothing between us. Now there's not"----smallville
Smallville posted...
i hate my life
Number XII: Larxene.
The Organization's Savage Nymph.
Probably a 5. Lots of room for improvement but it's also full of good things that I enjoy.
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -
An 8. I have a loving family, relatively healthy, financially stable and fully employed. Not much to complain about...except that I feel overworked. I haven't gone on leave in almost a year. And that's not by choice.

I hardly have time to pursue personal hobbies and I feel as though I need to work on religious and spiritual aspects of my life.

"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
I was going to say 6.5, but I'm not sure whether to round up or down. I'll need to think about this one.
In Zeus We Trust: All Others Pay Cash
1 or 2.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
I said 7. I'm healthy, good relations with my family, I have an alright job and really good friends and I'm likely to buy my own place within 2 years.

But then my anxiety or whatever it is reminds me I'm quite likely going to die alone regardless
2017 St. Louis Cardinals are 21-15
What_The_Chris posted...
I said 7. I'm healthy, good relations with my family, I have an alright job and really good friends and I'm likely to buy my own place within 2 years.

But then my anxiety or whatever it is reminds me I'm quite likely going to die alone regardless

I believe in you.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
cheers ^^ the point is, don't give up
2017 St. Louis Cardinals are 21-15
I'd say 7. No health problems, loving family, my tiny amount of friends are awesome.

However, my love life is nonexistent and I could use a better job. I absolutely hate my voice. I also think I'm kinda dumb. >.>

I don't care either way.
wwinterj25 posted...
Probably a 5. Lots of room for improvement but it's also full of good things that I enjoy.

This is almost exactly what I was going to post word for word.
8/10. I'm pretty content, but I have periodic problems with my knees and hips that I'd prefer not to.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
1 should probably put 2 because hey I don't want to kill myself.
Everything is okay
RIP_Supa posted...
I've seen some stuff
Maybe I'll put something here one day.
9 >__>

feels good man, everything is awesome
the White-Sounding Black Chick

Second child in July, good govment' career, my girlfriend and I own a house, gotta car. I'm not hard up for cash.
RCtheWSBC posted...
9 >__>

feels good man, everything is awesome

You go girl.

Yeah I'm at a 9-10

Probably would be at a solid 10 with a good mate but I arguably don't need one.
I love people.
I hate people.
I'll be a solid 10 when I can make more progress towards my long-term career and financial goals! Both of which are possible with my summer government internship :)
the White-Sounding Black Chick
probably a 9 which is probably better than a 10. if you're a 10 you're complacent and not trying to improve anything
Take me for what I am -- who I was meant to be.
And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.
Alexandra_Trent posted...
An 8. I have a loving family, relatively healthy, financially stable and fully employed. Not much to complain about...except that I feel overworked. I haven't gone on leave in almost a year. And that's not by choice.

I hardly have time to pursue personal hobbies and I feel as though I need to work on religious and spiritual aspects of my life.


everything we do in life is a choice. If you're not doing it, it's because you've decided you value other things more than what you don't do
Take me for what I am -- who I was meant to be.
And if you give a damn, take me baby, or leave me.

Depression has robbed a lot.
One day dude, I'm just gonna get off the bus, and I'm gonna run in the woods and never come back, and when I come back I'm gonna be the knife master!
-The Rev
I said 8. Im in good health, in a great relationship for 6 years strong, and financially stable. I just wish we could travel the world more and not have to work to pay bills.
Gamertag: F1RE v2 PSN ID: F1REx
Man got me a 9 and she sexy.
Clench281 posted...
Alexandra_Trent posted...
An 8. I have a loving family, relatively healthy, financially stable and fully employed. Not much to complain about...except that I feel overworked. I haven't gone on leave in almost a year. And that's not by choice.

I hardly have time to pursue personal hobbies and I feel as though I need to work on religious and spiritual aspects of my life.


everything we do in life is a choice. If you're not doing it, it's because you've decided you value other things more than what you don't do

In a way that's true.

I'll definitely make more of a conscious effort to achieve all that I want to achieve.

"Ladies don't start fights, but they can finish them." -Marie, Aristocats
Clench281 posted...
Alexandra_Trent posted...
An 8. I have a loving family, relatively healthy, financially stable and fully employed. Not much to complain about...except that I feel overworked. I haven't gone on leave in almost a year. And that's not by choice.

I hardly have time to pursue personal hobbies and I feel as though I need to work on religious and spiritual aspects of my life.


everything we do in life is a choice. If you're not doing it, it's because you've decided you value other things more than what you don't do

Biggest oversimplification ever.
Probably 6. I've come to terms with a lot of things but most people would probably be miserable in my position.
Solid 10
Yes, there's no real misery without hope. Without hope you'll never drop beyond not caring.

Just now I had my hopes dashed once again, so I'd say a 3 right now.
A 10. Short of a lottery win, I'm about as happy as I could be at this point.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
not even anything going on right now or anything particularly great but every day is great in some way, even if Im just on the internet getting mad at video games
8. I have a job at the moment, some money, a family (wife and two boys) and everyone gets all their needs taken care of and my wife and boys get their wants. I was able to buy my wife one of those 2-in-1 tablet/laptop things for Mother's Day.

But my wife is also bi-polar and has anxiety issues, and both my boys have behavioral problems. I love them and will always take care of them as long as I have to. But that there is the feeling of always putting others 100% of the time in front of yourself leaves me to the bottle too much and that's not going to do well for my health in the future.

I wouldn't go back in time and change any of it though. It is my lot in life that I can make other's happy with sacrifices then by all means I will. But it isn't ideal in any way at the same time.
I think I need a drink. Almost everybody does only they don't know it. -- Charles Bukowski
5 or 6? Idk. I feel like that number will be different depending on what day you ask me.
i think like a 7-8.

got a great job, a great boyfriend, a great pupper. we rent a house together. we're able to afford a lot of luxuries in life.

i just have general depression and anxiety so that bogs me down a bit
"I am not gay! Can't you get that through your head? I am very much aroused at the site of a naked woman!" - Dan0429
I woke up with a bug in my ear so today only gets a 7
"I'm Mary Poppins ya'll!"
Poll of the Day » How happy would you say your are generally with your life on a scale of 1-10?