pills vs injections vs suppositories vs liquid vs inhaled

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » pills vs injections vs suppositories vs liquid vs inhaled
How do you prefer to take your medicine?

I am your father
I remember when I was a kid, liquid medicine was the absolute worst thing ever. If I take medicine it's always in pill form.
Inhaled for sure
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I'm actually a fan of liquids. I had to take some liquid antibiotics after having my wisdom teeth out, and I found it much easier than pills. Sure, it tastes a bit weird, but so do pills, and I have enough trouble with those that I get the misfortune of tasting them rather often. Blech.
An asteroid, Mr. President.
SUPOSITORIES BY FAR! I hate the taste of liquid medicines and I'm afraid of hallowing pills
I am your father
Pills, then liquid
"Life's a game. It's meant to be played."
"Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic."
Snorting them
I generally abstain, but if I have to take meds, I usually take pills (still hate em).
No duckies, just drowning.
Muscles posted...
Inhaled for sure

Let me guess, you're talking about pot.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
just give me the one shot. i don't want to take a pill for a week that my cause side effect each time i take it.
I'm always 50% right all the time
Vape all the way
supossitories are way better
I am your father
I usually prefer the convenience of pills, but if I want something to work fast (like NyQuil) then I prefer liquid. Pills just take too long to dissolve and enter the blood stream.
I am a senior software engineer. If you see me post here, I am tired of writing TPS reports.
adjl posted...
Muscles posted...
Inhaled for sure

Let me guess, you're talking about pot.

I am.
Steam Deuce420
suppositories are weird. and gross.
Kill From The Shadows
Poll of the Day » pills vs injections vs suppositories vs liquid vs inhaled