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LurkerFAQs, Active Database ( 12.01.2023-present ), DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5, DB6, DB7, DB8, DB9, DB10, DB11, DB12, Clear


Topics: 1017
Last Topic: 9:05:36pm, 07/21/2024
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Posts: 921
Last Post: 11:05:06pm, 07/25/2024
archizzy posted...
Here is an example of why using a debit card is bad. Even if you think this doesn't apply to you. Let's say you make a purchase somewhere with your debit card and they have a security breach and someone gets that card number.

They can make a large purchase and its really treated like writing a check. The issue is most banks offer overdraft protection for free on checking as long as you have the money in savings.

So for the hell out with an extreme example lets say you have $40,000 in savings and someone goes out and buys a new car with your debit card and the overdraft protection kicks in they can practically drain that account.

Where as a credit card you can set that limit to whatever you want and no money ever leaves your account until you pay that credit card. Any charge that isn't yours you can dispute to your bank and they take care of it.

In the other scenario your cash is gone and it is a long ass process to get it back. In the meantime you could be in danger of defaulting on all of your other payments because they just drained your savings. It can become a nightmare.

From a protection standpoint you are absolutely risking a ton by using a debit card vs a credit card. There is no doubt about it.

Exactly. My wifes debit card got picked up by a gas station skimmer and someone bought a $700 TV with our money. Took two months to get that money back.

Two years later the same thing happened with our credit card. Someone made a bunch of purchases totaling like $3000. It was all cleared off as fraudulent charges within two days and we had new cards with new numbers overnighted to us.


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