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LurkerFAQs, Active DB, DB1, DB2, DB3, Database 4 ( 07.23.2018-12.31.2018 ), DB5, DB6, DB7, DB8, DB9, DB10, DB11, DB12, Clear


Topics: 35
Last Topic: 10:16:43pm, 11/12/2024
The MKBHD situation is insane.

Posts: 216
Last Post: 12:46:45am, 12/28/2018
andel posted...
DezDroppedFreak posted...
foreverzero212 posted...
Weird hill to die on? Repeatedly misgendered? All the video caught was him saying a gender neutral "you guys" and then apologizing for it. Unless I missed something.

According to the person at hand it was the fifth time it happened, and you can hear him address her as sir at least twice before finally saying maam.

even if this is true and it was intentional (clearly wasnt) the customer response was insane and that person should be charged and banned from the property

Some people think the more enraged and uncontrollable your outbursts are the more woke points you get. I'm going to find my headphones and rewatch a few times because it seems I likely missed something
lions and panthers oh my

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