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Topics: 140
Last Topic: 10:07:53pm, 04/24/2024
My account is old enough to drink

Posts: 10
Last Post: 9:08:16pm, 07/18/2024
When there were proposals to make Southern California a state (to be called Colorado, oddly enough), the borders would have been the northern borders of the counties of San Luis Obispo, Kern, and San Bernardino. Seems like a reasonable definition for Southern California. Northern California is everything above those counties, technically.

I can see excluding SLO and Kern, but then San Bernardino has a huge part of it unquestionably part of Southern California unless you count Los Angeles as Central California (I've seen some weirdos from San Diego claim that). I suppose you could count just part of San Bernardino as Southern California though. A lot of those three counties feel distinct from Southern California.

The concept of Central California is weird and I tried to figure that out and it's too hard to find a line. Can't tell me that Santa Barbara is the boundary when Lancaster is north of it. Likewise, can't tell me that Monterey is the northern boundary when Fresno is roughly the same latitude. But I will say that Central California is mostly in Northern California. Have fun with that.


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Manual Posts: 2
Last Post: 1:54:19am, 10/18/2006
Now I see it. XD
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