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Topics: 107

Posts: 208
Last Post: 4:58:30pm, 07/25/2024
Previous results can be seen here:

The rules:
1. Listen to the album in full
2. Rank every track on the album
3. For the results, there will be a curve at the top of each list; two additional points between #1 and #2, and one additional point for the next two ranks. This way, the songs that really stick out to someone get an edge that is not immediately negated by someone else putting it lower. In the case of Demon Days, someone's 15th track will get 1 point, 14th 2 points, 4th 12 points, 3rd 14 points, 2nd 16 points, and 1st 19 points. For albums with greater than 15 tracks, everything ranked below #15 will be given 0 points and the scale for the top 15 will be the same as a 15-track album. For albums with more than 20 tracks, you only have to list your top 15 (with 16-20, I still like having the average rank listed)
4. If you want to include comments for inspanidual songs, I will compile them in the results
5. The results will be posted at the beginning of the next topic
6. The deadline to vote is Thursday, August 1st at 8:00 AM Central Time; If you do get in a vote after the deadline but before I post the results, I will probably include it.
7. Every few weeks, a nomination period will open; there may or may not be a theme. Each user can nominate one album. The following week, everyone will be able to rank their top ~5 among the choices - this will use a bottom-up scoring approach, i.e. voting for one album will give your #1 a single point, voting for five will give your #1 five points, so it is always better to vote for the maximum number of albums. The top ~5 will then be covered.
8. Skits and tracks under 40 seconds will be excluded from the rankings unless argued otherwise

The Mountain Goats - All Hail West Texas track list:
1. The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton
2. Fall of the Star High School Running Back
3. Color in Your Cheeks
4. Jenny
5. Fault Lines
6. Balance
7. Pink and Blue
8. Riches and Wonders
9. The Mess Inside
10. Jeff Davis County Blues
11. Distant Stations
12. Blues in Dallas
13. Source Decay
14. Absolute Lithops Effect

Future weeks:
8/1: The Protomen - Act II: The Father of Death (+ album nominations)
8/8: Black Country, New Road - Ants From Up There (+ album voting)
8/15: Superorganism - Superorganism

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