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Topics: 627

Posts: 969
Last Post: 2:14:47am, 07/26/2024

"We banned Nightmare and Ido to stop Branded players from locking you."
(Branded players switch to Ra's Disciple)
"Aw dang it. Okay, well ban Ra's Disciple next."
(Branded players switch to Jowgen)
"Aw dang it. Okay, well ban Jowgen next."
(Branded players switch to a Barrier Statue)
"Aw dang it..."

If they actually want to solve the problem, they should have banned Sanctifire itself, not the cards it summons. It's Halqifibrax all over again. The rest of the stuff coming off the list will do nothing. Very few decks will play 3 Zeus (maybe Paleos, Zoodiacs, some decks that use Extrav and want less risk of banishing all of their Zeus) and nobody's going to be looping Trishulas, playing Infernity, or using Sekka's Light in 2024. Absolutely worthless list.

legendarylemur posted...
I don't even know if Zoos ever get to the 3rd Zeus.

You'd have to basically remove everything else from the extra deck that isn't a Zoodiac name or Zeus (stuff like UDF, Megaclops, Typhon, Armored Xyz, etc.) to have enough Zoodiac bodies to make a 3rd Zeus with enough material to be worth using. Some people might think it's worth it, but I don't. So I'm sticking with 2.


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