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Topics: 158
Last Topic: 3:20:49pm, 07/17/2024
Anyone here playing Crimeboss: Rockay City?

Posts: 89
Last Post: 3:17:16pm, 07/17/2024
J03can posted...
I'm interested to hear about people's firsthand experience with this game

Honestly, to me it's an objective 6 or 7 out of 10 but a personal 9/10. Something about the game just absolutely clicked with me. If you've played payday you basically have an idea what the game is. The mission variety is lacking at the moment, but it's only really noticeable when playing multiplayer and they're updating it frequently. The way you take turf is basically a big death match type shoot out but everything you do costs money so there's a fair amount of strategy around where to spend your money and how to manage your resources.

For example, you can sell your coke for cash but you may end up getting a mission where you can pay for assets with at a reduced cost than if you paid with money.

The acting is pretty comical, the only genuinely bad VA is Chuck Norris who sounds like he just woke up from a nap. But the cutscenes are mostly just little bite-sized scenes that add a little flavor.

Not sure what else to say, I have almost 90 hours in it and don't see myself putting it down any time soon.

Down with the Signess.

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