Current Events > Batman the Animated Series Watchthrough (Take 2)

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08/29/19 12:13:12 AM

My last topic purged.

Here's what i watched so far from my first topic.

1. On Leather Wings - 4.5/5
2. The Underdwellers - 3.5/5
3. Prophecy of Doom - 3/5
4. Ive Got Batman in my Basement - 2.5/5
5. See No Evil - 3.5/5
6. P.O.V - 4/5
7. The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy - 4.5/5

8. A Bullet For Bullock

In this episode Detective Harvey Bullock reluctantly teams up with Batman after receiving death threats from an anonymous person.

This story doesn't focus on any major villains, but some gangsters and other bad guys.

First off, I loved the intro to this episode. The jazzy tune really sets the scene for this adventure. It reminds me of some 1950's film noir. The jazz music plays in and out throughout the ordeal." data-time="

Now, in this particular story we learn a little bit more about Harvey Bullock. He's a lonely man and no one likes him. He's even brash with his co-workers. At one point officer Montoya ask Bullock what he's doing for New Year's and he replies with, "The same thing I always do, my laundry."

It was also interesting to see the chemistry between Batman and Bullock as the two don't really like each other. However, this episode showed that they work really well together. The ending is quite a surprise and it's funny. I loved it.

Rating - 4/5

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08/29/19 12:39:58 AM

Nice! Keep it up. I've been watching the older episodes too. Some of them arent quite as good as I remember writing wise. But the look and aesthetic are so good. The first few Joker episodes so far aren't that great though, aside from Hamill nailing the voice.
Dot Dot Dot...
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08/29/19 2:58:26 AM

Idk why no one else cares usually CE eats topics like this up.

Maybe it only works with Game of Thrones.
Dot Dot Dot...
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08/29/19 3:07:47 AM

I missed those title cards when the new series started.
I keep the dope fiends higher than the Goodyear Blimp
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08/30/19 1:25:11 AM

9. It's Never Too Late


In this next episode, Batman finds himself in the middle of a mob war.

An old time mob boss by the name of Arnold Stormwell is the target of Rupert Throne, a much younger crime boss who's looking to expand his territory.

In this story, Batman plays sort of a dark angel to Stormwell. Batman wants Stormwell to give information to the police to help put away some of the criminals who are plaguing the city. Stormwell refuses at first, but decides it's best to retire from crime after Batman leads him on sort of a tour of his criminal life and shows how it's affecting those he loves." data-time="

This episode is a lot different than the other episodes because we find our hero trying to convince a bad guy to give up his criminal acts. Usually it's just Batman versus a bad guy and then we call it a day. In this adventure Batman takes on the challenge of trying to redeem the criminal. It's a good story and there's plenty of action towards the end to keep fans satisfied." data-time="

Rating - 4/5
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08/30/19 2:02:15 AM

Yeah a lot of the the episodes you expect the least are the best ones. Tbh the action isn't very good in the show. It is best when it goes into the emotion of the villains for the most part. I really love the two part Two Face episode. And of course Heart of Ice is a classic, and completely reinvented the character of Mr. Freeze.

And an episode that is super underrated is the Clock King. It is honestly my favorite episode, and is a quick one shot episode that shows off the best parts if what make the show great. You take a character who is downtrodden on and fucked over who just can't handle it anymore and snaps and goes after whoever fucked them over. Usually the villains don't even hate Batman they just see him as a nuisance in their way. But I love how there really are very few super powers, mostly just people who kind of have a theme and a suit. Joker has clowns and a purple suit. Riddler got riddles and a green suit. Two face got half and half colored suit. Motherfucking Clock King has a brown ass suit and a bowler hat, with tiny little lines on his glasses to make them look like clocks. And he totally jobs Batman and it is hilarious, especially with his kind of mix between a nasal nerdy voice and kind of deeper lawyer type voice.

I got you cornered! You have no where to go.

But I know something you don't Batman. The 5:00 to Main is always 6 minutes late. Fucking just falls his ass backwards off the side of the building and Batman rushes to the side to see him waving to him on the train getting away easily.

Shit cracks me up every time.

I just love the old school kind of feel to the show. Switching from the newer parts like in Justice League to the original Batman episodes does kind of make Batman look like a punk a lot of the time. He just doesn't pay attention and gets hit on the back of the head by random crooks to get knocked out all the time.
Dot Dot Dot...
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08/30/19 2:06:48 AM

Are you purposely steering clear of the big villain episodes?
This is where my sigs suppose to be.
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08/30/19 9:55:22 AM

TheoryzC posted...
Are you purposely steering clear of the big villain episodes?

Not really. I plan to watch a Joker episode next.
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08/30/19 10:17:16 AM

Have you listened to hbi2k's podcast Batrankings?
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
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08/30/19 7:22:07 PM

LightHawKnight posted...
Have you listened to hbi2k's podcast Batrankings?

No. I'll check it out.
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09/02/19 12:49:43 AM

Be a Clown will be my next episode.
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09/03/19 8:33:56 PM

10. Be a Clown


In this episode, Batman takes on the Joker, but the story focuses on the mayor of Gotham and his son. The kid feels like his father doesn't understand him and starts admiring the Joker because of his "magic" skills.

This is a pretty average episode compared to the previous one that I watched.

There's a lot of cheesy moments in here. There's one line Batman shouts, "Alright Joker, get ready for a little "bat magic."

This episode is reminiscent of "I've Got Batman in My Basement," but that episode was pretty bad. This one was just average at best.

Rating - 3/5

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09/06/19 3:15:08 AM

I'm shooting for Zatanna next.
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09/06/19 8:54:08 PM

11. Zatanna


In this episode, Bruce Wayne is attending a magic show with Alfred. It turns out Wayne is friends with the performer. Her name is Zatanna and she's pretty hot for a cartoon character if I do say so myself.


Wayne trained with Zatanna's father in order to learn how to become an escape artist, which he now uses in almost all his battles. However, both Zatanna and her father came to know Wayne as John Smith, a fake name he gave to them.

For Zatanna's final magic trick, she planned on making the Gotham Mint's millions of dollars in cash disappear and then reappear. She succeeds in making it disappear, but fails to make it come back. This leads police to think she stole the money.

Bruce knows Zatanna is innocent and helps her capture the real villain.

He's this really bland guy who has two lackeys that seem like they're straight out of the 1950's.


While the bad guy was sort of boring, I really liked the episode. I enjoyed learning about Bruce Wayne's history and how he trained to become the caped crusader. I also loved the banter between Wayne and Zatanna. I would love to see her in a future live action movie.

Rating - 4/5
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09/09/19 2:16:32 AM

Bump to stay alive.
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09/09/19 1:55:32 PM

12. Read My Lips *SPOILERS*


This is a fantastic episode. I love the villain in this story and the music and writing was top notch.

This adventure centers around a bad guy who uses a puppet to commit his crimes. The Ventriloquist has a multiple personality disorder. He uses a puppet called Scarface who resembles Al Capone, a mobster in the 1930s.


The Ventriloquist and Scarface organize and plan out robberies with three other henchmen. These guys are really unique looking. They almost look like Dick Tracey bad guys.


The reason I love this episode so much is because everything works on so many levels. As I said the music and the story are so good. We also see Batman using more of his detective and stealth skills to catch the criminals who are robbing every place and business in Gotham. The henchmen even had their own personalities. They were given some time to shine on the screen. Usually the henchmen are just there for Batman to beat up.


We also get a throwback to another episode. Batman references Zatara who helped train him in the episode Zatanna.

However, the Ventriloquist is the main show here. It's interesting to see a bad guy who's not all there in the head.

At one point, Batman tricks the puppet into thinking that the Ventriloquist is a rat who's been feeding him information about the gang. The puppet orders the men to kill the Ventriloquist. The henchmen look at each other and in a funny moment one of them replies, "But boss if we do that then you're you know..."


The ending was perfect. It concludes with the Ventriloquist in a hospital of some sort. Some of the doctors and nurses are talking to each other and they assume the medication they're giving him is working, but in the end we see the Ventriloquist making another Scarface puppet. A sort of good ending with a dark twist.

Rating - 5/5
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