Current Events > Remember when people said that Obama set back race relations in America?

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08/15/17 9:19:44 AM

asdf8562 posted...

I dont why Im giving you a serious response at all honestly.

I don't why either.

This whole "I'm going to ignore your points and pretend your a troll so I can dismiss you." is what children who know they are wrong do.

Stop doing

Everything about the post I quoted alone was intectually wrong for suggesting racism for the most part died or even mostly died after the 1960s.

I don't think Racism will ever die. But that was never what the topic was discussing

It didnt die, it went in the closet. You say stuff like less segregation and race riots like while ignoring with each passing decade the idea of being openly racist became less exceptable. As such, a racist could not openly be racist and had to go in the closet about it or perform low key roundabout acts.

I think it's lazy and disiegenious to say "Well sure we were equals and the law was equals and people treat each other better and now we have Nazi parades, calls for segregation and race riots. but actually nothing has changed it's just in the past all the people who thought these things did so secretly in private! Now they do it openly in public!"

Is just a lazy handwave. For one thing even if we acccept it. The difference between closeted private whispers and literal public demonstrrations and laws is gigantic.

For a second, it's completely pulled your ass to go "Well everyone secretly actually thought X and just never admitted it." as you can say that for literally everything.

In fact that's literally the logic extreme femminsits use when they claim all men are rapists.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 9:51:27 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
asdf8562 posted...

I dont why Im giving you a serious response at all honestly.

I don't why either.

This whole "I'm going to ignore your points and pretend your a troll so I can dismiss you." is what children who know they are wrong do.

Stop doing

Everything about the post I quoted alone was intectually wrong for suggesting racism for the most part died or even mostly died after the 1960s.

I don't think Racism will ever die. But that was never what the topic was discussing

It didnt die, it went in the closet. You say stuff like less segregation and race riots like while ignoring with each passing decade the idea of being openly racist became less exceptable. As such, a racist could not openly be racist and had to go in the closet about it or perform low key roundabout acts.

I think it's lazy and disiegenious to say "Well sure we were equals and the law was equals and people treat each other better and now we have Nazi parades, calls for segregation and race riots. but actually nothing has changed it's just in the past all the people who thought these things did so secretly in private! Now they do it openly in public!"

Is just a lazy handwave. For one thing even if we acccept it. The difference between closeted private whispers and literal public demonstrrations and laws is gigantic.

For a second, it's completely pulled your ass to go "Well everyone secretly actually thought X and just never admitted it." as you can say that for literally everything.

In fact that's literally the logic extreme femminsits use when they claim all men are rapists.

Your logic is rediculous.
1) I never said nothing changed. In fact my post quite clearly says there was change. However change doesnt mean the problem is gone. Neither does it mean its a non issue anymore.
2) My post is literally addressing closet racist. Not all white people. A racist can extend to a multiple of angles from openly hating anyone non white,..... to getting in their feelings a non white is in a position of power over them and thinking its a right reserved only to white many displayed openly i might add with Obama and when Trump automatically thinking bad about an entire race of people (examples, muslims are all terrorist, mexicans are rapist, black people are thugs).

Fact of the matter is people who were factually racist in the 60s, didnt all just hit the 70s and drop their hatred of anyone non white. Or their ideals on where a non white belongs in society. Social acceptance of racism and laws allowing it openly changed drastically however that doesnt change how they felt. Or low key laws and rules that suppressed anyone non white. As contrary to your deluded belief, racial issues were still an issue for the past 50 years for many regardless if you have grew up in a part of the country where its not as bad or prominent at all.

Could closet racist before now go on a hate parade? No.
Why? Because the social acceptance of openly practicing such has changed.
Do I think all white people are closet racist? No, i never claimed or suggested this and my post is specific about the closet ones.
Do I think racism changed for the better since the 60s? Yes, at least its not acceptable to openly be racist.
Do I think racism is a non issue? No, a simple history check of the past 50 years will tell you its still a problem. Not as bad of a problem doesnt make it not a problem anymore.
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Post #153 was unavailable or deleted.
08/15/17 10:01:37 AM

Darmik posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...
Just imagine for each one, it's JFK talking about being Catholic.

But JKF being a Catholic President wasn't anything new or a landmark achievement was it?

Seems silly to think any of that is wrong. He's not allowed to mention he's black or the prejudice thrown against him?

UnfairRepresent posted...
That was the belief the Civil Rights era started to make mainstream and grew until about 2009 and now that belief is being replaced with the pre-60s mainstream thought of race is vitally important, a big divider and a part of your identity.

What the fuck are you talking about?

How on Earth was color blindness on the rise between the 60's and now?

The fuck you talking about. Jfk being catholic was probably the biggest hurdle of his campaign and something brought up constantly through his presidency.
Give me your tired, your poor,Your masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me.
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08/15/17 10:05:35 AM

kewldude475 posted...
If you think Obama set back race relations in America, you're probably racist.

Stellar argument here.

"If you say thing I don't like ur racist."

That's just shutting out all conversation

Why would his skin pigmentation be a point of contention?

That's a question you should ask Obama because he thought it was incredibly important.

Making that an issue is beyond silly, and that's what truly sets back "race relations"


Cj_WlLL_VVlN posted...

The fuck you talking about. Jfk being catholic was probably the biggest hurdle of his campaign and something brought up constantly through his presidency.

Not just his presidency but his campaign.

His refusal to hide his Catholic beliefs risked his entire political career.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 10:10:06 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...

Do you or do you not believe that inequality differentially cuts across race?

If you do, then race is important to discuss and understand. If you don't, then you are willfully blind.

Sorry, there's no in between, so you can't really play to your "the truth is always in the middle" schtick.
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Post #157 was unavailable or deleted.
08/15/17 10:13:50 AM

COVxy posted...

Do you or do you not believe that inequality differentially cuts across race?

I'm not sure what this question means. Just sounds like a mess.

COVxy posted...

Sorry, there's no in between, so you can't really play to your "the truth is always in the middle" schtick.

Nobody has said anything about "The middle."

You're just throwing out your prepared handwaves without even realizing they are incoherant
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 10:16:11 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
I'm not sure what this question means. Just sounds like a mess.


Do you think that different races of people experience different levels of inequality?

or let me rephrase

Do you think that race is a predictive factor when ti comes to inequality?

It's a very simply question that you have been avoiding. Now explicitly by pretending not to understand.
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Post #160 was unavailable or deleted.
08/15/17 11:19:03 AM

COVxy posted...

Do you think that race is a predictive factor when ti comes to inequality?

I'm still not sure what you're trying to say here. What does Cancer have to do with anything?

But yeah, blak skinned folks are less likely to get skin cancer. But more likely to develop other cancers.

Whites are next and then Hispanics and Asians statiscally are less likely to develop cancer.

I dont understand what that has to do with this topic or inequality.

You just seem to be ignoring the topic and asking random nonsense questions. What's your actual point?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:24:01 AM

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08/15/17 11:24:15 AM

Unfair, just shut the fuck up. I've bitten my tongue this whole time but your are still fucking going. You sound uneducated and uniformed. Silence yourself and leave this thread, lest you choose to continue to play the fool.
Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Final Fantasy 15, Breath Of The Wild, Overwatch
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08/15/17 11:29:50 AM

COVxy posted...


YourAlt posted...
Unfair, just shut the fuck up. I've bitten my tongue this whole time but your are still fucking going. You sound uneducated and uniformed. Silence yourself and leave this thread, lest you choose to continue to play the fool.

I'd argue the one who does nothing but launch a wearly spread of insults is the one who is uninformed.

It's what children who know they are wrong do because they have no actual point.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:32:04 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
COVxy posted...


YourAlt posted...
Unfair, just shut the fuck up. I've bitten my tongue this whole time but your are still fucking going. You sound uneducated and uniformed. Silence yourself and leave this thread, lest you choose to continue to play the fool.

I'd argue the one who does nothing but launch a wearly spread of insults is the one who is uninformed.

It's what children who know they are wrong do because they have no actual point.

Fuck off you hack.
Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Final Fantasy 15, Breath Of The Wild, Overwatch
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08/15/17 11:33:16 AM

If you think Obama set race relations back by sometimes speaking about the very true fact that being black in America is, for the most part, different (and in a lot cases harder) more difficult than being white and that colorblind solutions to problems that affect specific races isn't the answer, the problem is you.
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 11:36:04 AM

I was dying on hearing this never mind that I saw plenty of Republicans in my woods who believed comically racist things about the man and his wife, a lot of anti black tools Black folks racialism to justify their mouth drooling paranoia and downright stupidity folk.
Sigs are boring
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08/15/17 11:37:38 AM

FrisbeeDude posted...
If you think Obama set race relations back by sometimes speaking about the very true fact that being black in America is, for the most part, different (and in a lot cases harder) more difficult than being white and that colorblind solutions to problems that affect specific races isn't the answer, the problem is you.

So Obama caused it but it's everyone else's fault?

Very convient if true.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:38:22 AM

COVxy posted...

The joke is you just said that "race leads to inequality" but you didn't mention inequality of what. So unfair pretends he doesn't understand what you mean, and he gives you statistics on medical issues (which clearly isn't what you were asking about), but what it allows him to do is extend the conversation and troll you further, while deflecting away from the topic altogether.

You see?
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08/15/17 11:38:23 AM

Bishop9800 posted...
--kresnik-- posted...
Obama did make race relations worse. Things were a lot better before he started taking sides in racial issues. He's the one who invited blm to the whitehouse and endorsed them, remember.

Really? How was things better before him?

white america was able to ignore minority specific issues with more effectiveness. Obamas election, combined with the rise in social media, made this much more difficult
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 11:38:28 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...

So now you're just explicitly trolling by spouting gibberish?

Where the fuck did cancer come from? Did you think that was a clever way to pretend like my question is a non-sequitur (despite the fact that it is very related to the discussion at hand, as outlined by my very first post)?
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08/15/17 11:38:48 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
FrisbeeDude posted...
If you think Obama set race relations back by sometimes speaking about the very true fact that being black in America is, for the most part, different (and in a lot cases harder) more difficult than being white and that colorblind solutions to problems that affect specific races isn't the answer, the problem is you.

So Obama caused it but it's everyone else's fault?

Very convient if true.

No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 11:42:08 AM

That_Happened posted...

The joke is you just said that "race leads to inequality" but you didn't mention inequality of what. So unfair pretends he doesn't understand what you mean, and he gives you statistics on medical issues (which clearly isn't what you were asking about)

He directly asked about predictive factor based on racial inequality.

Don't get pissy at me because I answered his stupid question.

COVxy posted...

So now you're just explicitly trolling by spouting gibberish?

No I am answering your direct question.

Answers are reasonable not my fault your question was pointless.

Where the fuck did cancer come from? Did you think that was a clever way to pretend like my question is a non-sequitur (despite the fact that it is very related to the discussion at hand, as outlined by my very first post)?

So you don't actually know what predictive factor means but said it anyway because you read it online and wanted to sound smart.

Then someone actually smart read your copy and pasted question, actually answered it. YOu don't understand it and so you get mad at them.

Says it all right there
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:42:44 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
FrisbeeDude posted...
If you think Obama set race relations back by sometimes speaking about the very true fact that being black in America is, for the most part, different (and in a lot cases harder) more difficult than being white and that colorblind solutions to problems that affect specific races isn't the answer, the problem is you.

So Obama caused it but it's everyone else's fault?

Doesn't make sense to say Obama "caused it." If a parent comes to your house and says "Your son is bullying my child on the playground" and you get angry about it, it's not somehow that parent's fault for pointing out the shitty thing you're partially responsible for. That parent is not the cause of the problem--the problem is with you and your child.
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08/15/17 11:43:08 AM


I refuse to believe that you think that the phrase 'predictive factor' is related only to cancer.

Sorry, too ridiculous to be true.
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08/15/17 11:43:21 AM

"It's Obamas fault race relations got worse because white Americans weren't trying to hear the plights of minorities that much"
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 11:44:12 AM


Did you literally google it and see that the first link was from NCI and assume it was a cancer specific term?

No way.
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08/15/17 11:45:19 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
That_Happened posted...

The joke is you just said that "race leads to inequality" but you didn't mention inequality of what. So unfair pretends he doesn't understand what you mean, and he gives you statistics on medical issues (which clearly isn't what you were asking about)

He directly asked about predictive factor based on racial inequality.

Don't get pissy at me because I answered his stupid question.


I wasn't getting pissy. I explained why you responded the way you did. You knew what he was asking, but you took him literally because trolling is your preferred method of communication. This doesn't upset me, so try not to mistake it for a negative reaction.
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08/15/17 11:46:08 AM

That_Happened posted...

Doesn't make sense to say Obama "caused it." If a parent comes to your house and says "Your son is bullying my child on the playground" and you get angry about it, it's not somehow that parent's fault for pointing out the shitty thing you're partially responsible for. That parent is not the cause of the problem--the problem is with you and your child.

Well thats your opinion.

But if said parent went to every "bully"'s parents house for years and ultimately bullying got worse during that time, then bullying got worse during the duration of that parents actions.

Which was the point raised. "Racial relations were set back during the Obama Adminsitration." and you're going "Welll yeah but... IT's everyone apart from Obama's fault!"

That's your opinion and you're entitled to do, but it seems very handwavey to me. Especially for someone who is supposed to be leader of the nation. He directly influenced the direction of the nation, where are now is partly due to him and where we are going is partly due to Trump.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:47:35 AM

COVxy posted...

Did you literally google it and see that the first link was from NCI and assume it was a cancer specific term?

No way.

I don't have to google terms to understand them.

You're projecting again

And still failing to make a single contribution to the topic.

All you have done is insult people, made baseless claims and asked nonsense questions.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:48:51 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
I don't have to google terms to understand them.

Apparently you do. Because that's the only way you come back with a snip as if the term is cancer specific.

Also, for the record, I'm not making fun of you because you had to google the term. We all have to do that occasionally. We all have gaps in our knowledge and vocabulary, especially when that vocabulary is technical in some sense. I'm making fun of you for doing such a shitty half-assed job at googling, grazing just enough information and making just enough assumptions to make an ass out of yourself, while attempting to avoid the very basic question I had asked.
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08/15/17 11:49:27 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...

All I have done is insult people, made baseless claims and asked nonsense questions.

Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Final Fantasy 15, Breath Of The Wild, Overwatch
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08/15/17 11:49:48 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...
That_Happened posted...

Doesn't make sense to say Obama "caused it." If a parent comes to your house and says "Your son is bullying my child on the playground" and you get angry about it, it's not somehow that parent's fault for pointing out the shitty thing you're partially responsible for. That parent is not the cause of the problem--the problem is with you and your child.

Well thats your opinion.

Yes. And it's a damn good one.

COVxy posted...

Did you literally google it and see that the first link was from NCI and assume it was a cancer specific term?

No way.

I told you, man. Lol. Look back at the discussion--now you're so far off your initial question because he's taken you down this tangent, and he still hasn't answered it.
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08/15/17 11:52:15 AM

Unfair got fucking wrecked in this topic. That's what happens when the uninformed try to debate sensitive issues, though.
Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Final Fantasy 15, Breath Of The Wild, Overwatch
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08/15/17 11:53:00 AM

That_Happened posted...

Yes. And it's a damn good one.

Not really. It's pretty tribal and handwavey to me. Just to pretend everyone except the guy you like (who is also the leader) is to blame for the change in the people he is leading.

It's Mal Fet levels of convenience

Its like going into a room for corpses with bullet-holes, seeing one guy standing with a smoking machine gun and then when he goes "Hey they all shot themselves, then I just picked up the gun"

And you go "Yeah that sounds right. Let's not look into this at all since I may not like the implication."
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 11:55:15 AM

UnfairRepresent posted...

Just so you're aware I'm not really reading or listening to you any more. I know what you have to say and there's no reason to. Plus on the few occasions when I actually make a great post this feeling of euphoria washes over me, and for once I'm going to enjoy it.
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08/15/17 11:59:16 AM

That_Happened posted...

Just so you're aware I'm not really reading or listening

I noticed that from the start. Most of your tribe are in the same boat. Hence why they are a tribe.

If someone is being raped outside just close the curtains so you can't see it and therefore its not happening logic.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 12:02:38 PM

Dude is really trying to argue Obama is responsible for race relations getting worse because he didn't coddle white America like white politicians have been doing for generations. I thought y'all hated safe spaces
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 12:03:51 PM

FrisbeeDude posted...
Dude is really trying to argue Obama is responsible for race relations getting worse because he didn't coddle white America like white politicians have been doing for generations.

Nobody has said that.

If you have to lie to make a point then your side has already lost.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 12:06:23 PM

UnfairRepresent posted...

All bow down the the great UR! He is master of debating! Da best, da most powerful, da king!

You need to find a better hobby than being dishonest on a dying message board until people give up talking to you, and then pretending to be a master debater as a consequence.
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08/15/17 12:06:34 PM

Bro, I get it, Obama spoke on some issues that effect black people more so than others and a lot of white Americans felt threatened by that
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 12:08:54 PM

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08/15/17 12:09:17 PM

COVxy posted...

All bow down the the great UR! He is master of debating! Da best, da most powerful, da king!

"If you have to lie to make a point then you have lost."

"By that you're claiming you're the best at debating and are our master!"

.... It's like talking to a 7 year old about Ninja Turtles.

FrisbeeDude posted...
Bro, I get it, Obama spoke on some issues that effect black people more so than others and a lot of white Americans felt threatened by that

Okay so youre doubling down on "It's everyone BUT obama's fault!" and yet refuse to comment on how JFK didn't cause an increase in tension against Catholics (in the opposite)?

Interesting that.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 12:11:24 PM

UnfairRepresent posted...

You da best.

The masta.

So intellectual.
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08/15/17 12:13:48 PM

"It's Obamas fault! If he hadn't talked about the experiences black Americans go through in the US, we wouldn't of voted for trump! Something something JFK, something something Catholics"

I'm conceeding to you Obama made race relations worse by daring to voice the feelings of large groups of black people. Dunno what more you want
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
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08/15/17 12:18:49 PM

FrisbeeDude posted...
I'm conceeding to you Obama made race relations worse by daring to voice the feelings of large groups of black people. Dunno what more you want

Even then, he did it so gently and inoffensively. But my white family members out in the country lost their minds and acted like he had joined the black panthers. So fragile.
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08/15/17 12:22:44 PM

FrisbeeDude posted...

I'm conceeding to you Obama made race relations worse

Worse is debatable, he made them regress

But from this topic alone you see how many people actually like that.

That_Happened posted...

Even then, he did it so gently and inoffensively.

That's often worse than being brazen if you're promoting divisive ideals.

Going back to Trayvon Martin, Obama's pussyfooting around actually caused more division than if he either just stood up and condemned Martin or lied to defend him.

Reminds me of this:

^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
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08/15/17 8:25:26 PM

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The Admiral
08/16/17 12:19:30 PM

FrisbeeDude posted...
I'm conceeding to you Obama made race relations worse by daring to voice the feelings of large groups of black people. Dunno what more you want

If "large groups of black people" felt Trayvon was a victim for beating someone's head into the pavement for following him, and Obama's defense of him spoke on their behalf, then you have all the evidence you need about why race relations went to shit under him.
- The Admiral
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08/16/17 12:24:13 PM

The Admiral posted...
FrisbeeDude posted...
I'm conceeding to you Obama made race relations worse by daring to voice the feelings of large groups of black people. Dunno what more you want

If "large groups of black people" felt Trayvon was a victim for beating someone's head into the pavement for following him, and Obama's defense of him spoke on their behalf, then you have all the evidence you need about why race relations went to shit under him.

Does anybody else think Admiral has a portrait of George Zimmerman in his home? What a dumb post.
Currently playing: Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, Final Fantasy 15, Breath Of The Wild, Overwatch
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