Current Events > Have you ever faced any racism in real life?

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06/14/17 5:20:11 AM


Vote nao.
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06/14/17 5:23:58 AM

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06/14/17 5:26:33 AM


Nothing extreme mind you but yes.
Maybe it's because I liked Columbo as a kid, but when something bothers me, I can't even sleep at night.
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06/14/17 5:59:17 AM

I have very white skin but an extremely stereotypically hispanic last name. Once when I was wearing a name tag for work in highschool, an older gentleman said to me, "Wow you look really nice for someone with that kind of a last name". Didn't bother me, but I was a bit taken aback.

In all my life, that is the only time I've ever really experienced any form of it.
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im not 13
06/14/17 6:05:05 AM

Rika_Furude posted...
no and neither have 99.99999999% of people in westernized countries


To answer your question TC yes I have. A few times.
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06/14/17 6:09:27 AM

Kind of, I've been targeted for having darker skin at times in my life. Like once I had the cops called on me for walking in a neighborhood at like 11 AM with a backpack on. I think one of the reasons was that I had pretty tan skin at the time because I had been out in the sun a lot.
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
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06/14/17 6:09:48 AM

First instance was when I was 5 years old and was forcefully made aware of the fact that race is a thing.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
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06/14/17 6:10:37 AM

yeah i definitely have

nothing compared to the 60's and 70's, but still racism is wrong in all forms

Kineth posted...
First instance was when I was 5 years old and was forcefully made aware of the fact that race is a thing.

that's so young to be aware, sad to hear
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06/14/17 6:22:55 AM

Yeah... it is.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
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Coolppl Owns
06/14/17 6:34:35 AM

yeah, mostly racist comments and slurs

went laser tagging with a group of indian friends a few years ago and had a bunch of white dudes staring us down. when we left the venue they drove by in their f-150 and screamed white power

also got called chink a bunch of times in middle school
_.-=/Got Coolppl?\=-._
=-._\Got Coolppl?/_.-=
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06/14/17 6:35:14 AM

yea, but I've had a large part of my family die because of their ethnicity, so that kinda put things in perspective, for me.

like, hearing some loser call me the n-word didn't have the kinda sting that they hoped it would.

I've been harassed by cops a few times, though, and that sucked. especially when you know how powerless you are in those kinda situations.
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06/14/17 6:51:15 AM

boxington posted...
I've had a large part of my family die because of their ethnicity

How did that happen?
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
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06/14/17 6:55:43 AM

my family's from Rwanda.

my siblings and I and a bunch of my cousins were born in the US (or Canada or somewhere in Europe), but pretty much everyone else is from there.
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06/14/17 6:56:18 AM

Sativa_Rose posted...
boxington posted...
I've had a large part of my family die because of their ethnicity

How did that happen?

Jewish probably, although it's not an ethnicity strictly speaking. Ethnically speaking Ashkenaze (Eastern Europeans) are very different from Sefarads (Northern Africa), and then there is the Sabra, etc.

Edit - aha, saw the above post so no.
Ave Caesar, Rosae Rosam et Spiritus Rex ! - Voila, ca ne veut absolument rien dire, mais l'effet reste le meme.
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06/14/17 7:03:57 AM

But it's weird as a white dude. Old people will stand in line with you and nudge you while pointing at a black guy and say "Watch that guy. I bet he's gonna steal something". It's not often, but it's weird that these guys will try and lump you in as being as hateful as them because you're white.

As a kid, I would just shyly nod because I didn't know how to handle the situation. Now I tell them to fuck off.
PSN: Jiek
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06/14/17 7:05:16 AM

Someone called me a "white boy" once. I was mortified and scarred for life. I haven't felt safe enough to leave my home since.
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06/14/17 7:06:53 AM

got a "go back to your country" from the stereotypical old white lady.

Joke is on her, I was both in the US, and the hospital I was born in was literally 20 minutes away from the bus stop she was yelling at me in front of.
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06/14/17 7:06:55 AM

living in the civilized East coast, thankfully it's nothing super hardcore racist, but people who inch a little away from me/keep their distance are the worst kinds of people. Like what the fuck... I wear glasses and don't have any tattoos how do I even look like a shoplifter? I look like a nerd lmao
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omega cookie
06/14/17 7:07:35 AM

I was accused of hating Jews because I'm German by a guidance counselor when I was in middle school. There was this really annoying Jewish kid in my class, and someone vandalized his locker and wrote that K word across the inside of the door with spray paint and because I was the only German in that town, they assumed it was me.

Not only did I not even know what that word was(I was 11 at the time), both sides of my family fought the Nazis as members of the US military. I was confused, and fucking pissed.

Of course, I wasn't nearly as pissed as my great-grandpa was when my mother sent him to have a... "talk" with that guidance counselor. Interesting fact, that's the day I heard "cock sucker" for the first time. It was the only time I ever heard him raise his voice.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 885 ATK
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06/14/17 7:09:17 AM

oh yea, and when people find out that I'm "African", they often complain to me about black Americans.

it's the weirdest thing.
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06/14/17 7:15:03 AM

I had someone I met on FF stop talking to me once they saw I was black

it was so weird, we were on voice chat and everything but the deal breaker was me being black

I wasn't even mad, just confused
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06/14/17 7:26:19 AM

Not overt.

I remember noticing a lady clutching her purse as i seemed to follow her down an escalator so I could meet up with a friend. But that's not real racism.
Screamin' "brand new" when they just sanitized the old ****
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06/14/17 7:28:27 AM

One of the weirdest things that happened to me was when a woman got off the sidewalk, walked 15+ feet around me, and got back onto the same sidewalk. Really?
I don't know which is worse: fanboys or elitist.
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06/14/17 7:31:05 AM

_Marka_Ragnos_ posted...
Didn't bother me, but I was a bit taken aback.

I'm sure you were
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06/14/17 7:31:09 AM

EbonTitanium posted...
One of the weirdest things that happened to me was when a woman got off the sidewalk, walked 15+ feet around me, and got back onto the same sidewalk. Really?

Did you get the urge to start walking in her direction after noticing?
Screamin' "brand new" when they just sanitized the old ****
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06/14/17 7:34:18 AM

vashmoto posted...
EbonTitanium posted...
One of the weirdest things that happened to me was when a woman got off the sidewalk, walked 15+ feet around me, and got back onto the same sidewalk. Really?

Did you get the urge to start walking in her direction after noticing?

No. At first I thought she was heading to one of the fast food places behind me, but then she was back on the sidewalk. I was completely confused.
I don't know which is worse: fanboys or elitist.
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06/14/17 7:41:10 AM

I am white, and I never experienced it until I spent this semester in South Korea, where it happened on 2 occasions that were obvious to me
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06/14/17 7:49:12 AM

Someone almost pulled a gun on me on the subway a couple months ago for being white
One bourbon,one scotch,one beer
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06/14/17 7:54:23 AM

Rika_Furude posted...
no and neither have 99.99999999% of people in westernized countries

That's absurd.
How do you figure?
The only bad part about flying is having to come back down to the f***in' world ~Rat
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06/14/17 7:59:02 AM

ExMechaGodzilla posted...
I am white, and I never experienced it until I spent this semester in South Korea, where it happened on 2 occasions that were obvious to me

Yeah I spent some time in korea and they are openly racist. But they are the most non confrontational people to.
Trying is the first step towards failure, so just dont give it a shot and you cant dissapoint.
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06/14/17 8:10:14 AM

Yep, getting hate from refugees from backwater shitholes is ironic.
"That's the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lion's mouth and flicking his love spuds with a wet towel" - Arnold Rimmer
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06/14/17 8:19:32 AM

Yes I have. I'm half black and half white.

I experienced racism from whites for being black and blacks for not being black enough. Far more crap (like not being allowed by a girlfriend's mother to date her daughter anymore when she saw me) from whites tho.

Fortunately I dont get offended by much. It is annoying tho
Alaph beat Tidal22 easily in maximum handicap mode.
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06/14/17 8:20:45 AM

I'm half Indian half Hispanic. Back in high school I had an Italian girlfriend and she would tell me about all the stuff her dad would say about "brown people"
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06/14/17 8:49:37 AM

Against me? Nothing I can think of. Against someone else? I did hear a hispanic guy say he didn't like black people once but there weren't any black people around so Iunno if that counts.
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06/14/17 8:50:14 AM


I use to walk my dog at night near Lake Parker.
While taking her for a walk I'd wear my Local H beanie & have headphones on listening to music.

A cop stopped in the middle turn lane & got out to ask me what I was doing out at 11pm.

Me - what does it look like I'm doing.
Cop - are you getting smart with me?
Me - would you even be able to tell if I was.
Cop - do you know what I could do to you?
Me - do you know what I could do to you for wrongful harassment after I make a phone call to my uncle or grandfather in st Pete (uncle's csi/ gramps is head guard at st Pete's prison).
Me - so if you want I can give either of them a call with your badge number & you'll be done for wrongful harassment.

He got in his car & left.
All he saw was white male in shorts, a tshirt, long hair & a beanie and thought I was up to something. I was just walking my dog.
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06/14/17 8:53:42 AM

Better answer: Walking my dog.
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06/14/17 9:09:23 AM

LordRazziel posted...
Rika_Furude posted...
no and neither have 99.99999999% of people in westernized countries

That's absurd.
How do you figure?

He likes to pull "facts" about America out of his ass, ignore him..

I've seen racism one time I can remember, but it wasn't targetted towards me. About 8 or 9 years ago, I was working the register at the liquor store and a black customer was in the aisles trying to decide what he wanted, and this middle aged woman came at the register to pay for her stuff and said something along the lines of "he should go back to his country" or something, while looking at him. So I told her to keep her opinion to herself, or that we don't need that kind of comments in here (can't remember how I worded it but anyway, was nearly 10 years ago after all) and she looked at me and then started making excuses, saying it's not what she meant, so I told her "yeah, saying he should go back to his country doesn't have many meanings behind it" She shut up, paid and left. Didn't bother mentionning it to the black customer since he wasn't nearby to hear the exchange and since the store was in the poorer part of the city, I didn't take it up to management either, we got worse customers than that, and honestly it was the first time I saw her and don't recall seeing her since.
PONG WAS REAL? I thought that was just a story parents told kids to scare them
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06/14/17 9:11:06 AM

There were people who made fun of me using stereotypes.
"Someone give me some ibuprofen."
PSN: StickFigures1080
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06/14/17 9:12:11 AM

Yeah, but most peeps can't tell what race I am so a lot of it's racism that technically dun apply ta me so
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06/14/17 9:13:17 AM

Cops used to follow me around the mall and cops used to single me out at parties. Can only assume it was based on the way I look, so yah, sure.
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06/14/17 9:23:18 AM

Online, yes. But most of the time we are taking the piss and everyone is racist against each other.

IRL? Probably no since there are much more locals than foreigners here.
"I'll send in detectives! I'll send in police! I'll send in EVERYTHING IN MY POWER!!!"
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06/14/17 9:26:41 AM

Mako_Sharknado posted...
Yeah, but most peeps can't tell what race I am so a lot of it's racism that technically dun apply ta me so

Lmao, same. No one ever assumes someone is mixed race. People have called me spic or camel jockey and i'm like try again bitch
Alaph beat Tidal22 easily in maximum handicap mode.
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06/14/17 9:32:48 AM

Not ME, but I used to date a girl from Puerto Rico back in 2015. She was what would pass for white in Puerto Rico but not here.

We went to a bar, and as soon as I got there I went to the restroom. She tried to get us drinks, and when I got out of the restroom she was inside.

Her: The bartender won't serve me
Me: What?!
Her: 2 trashy looking people pointed at me and gave me dirty looks, then they told me (insert racist stuff here about jthe place being a bar for certain kind of people, etc)
Me: But the bartender didn't serve you?!
Her: Yes! That's it. Then they called the bartender, pointed at me again and he came here and said "sorry, bar's full, we can't serve new orders, just people who already ordered"

So I asked her to tell me how they were dressed and went to the bar. She was like "noooo, let's just go somewhere else!" but I was like "nah,wait".

So I went to the bar by myself, smiled at those two and nodded... they smiled and nodded back. Then the bartender took my order, and when he got me my drinks I called my girlfriend. I gave her her drink, stared at the 2 idiots (for the record, it was a guy and a girl, not 2 guys, I'm not an idiot), then told the bartender "so you're taking new orders now?"

The bartender went batshit when I said that, and I asked to see his supervisor (it's a bar on a busy Friday, good luck). I ended talking to another bartender and explained him what happened. The bartender that denied my ex said "no, they never pointed at her! The were just being friendly, and they simply told me that the bar was crowded, that's it. It wasn't about HER, it was about the number of people"

So I asked them why would 2 random patrons comment on that and give him directions on when to stop serving people.... he told me that I'd not understand (lol).

While this happened the 2 idiots moved to a different bar within the same venue.
Nov. 3 = best day in Gamefaqs history! ~I don't have any alternate accounts~
Welcome to the Minus World!:
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06/14/17 9:46:59 AM


Got stopped and accused of casing houses in my own neighborhood in the middle of a fucking snow storm while I was out looking for my dog who ran away because I was a black kid walking around at night
Pokemon is awesome
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06/14/17 9:55:04 AM

hateful racism? no

ignorant racism? Yes. I have been asked by minorities why I was born with poor parents even though I was white.

ignorant racism usually has no hateful intention, but it's dumb a bit like people who think all asians are chinese.
Losing an argument? Ends it with but...but...Hillary and her emails!
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06/14/17 10:01:49 AM

Closet was being told to fuck off back to England when in Cardiff, but that hardly counts.
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06/14/17 10:02:58 AM

Sorta lol

Was on omegle vid chat. Ran into a party of white kids and they all did the asian small eyes gesture even though I'm filipino lol
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06/14/17 10:20:54 AM

Yeah, I live in a low-middle class suburb surrounded by white people with a fair amount of them being on welfare.
Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card
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06/14/17 10:22:47 AM

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