Current Events > Teen Titans CYOA: Romance Resurrected part 2

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04/29/17 1:11:07 AM


The rematch can be done in the bedroom.
4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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04/29/17 1:34:20 AM

Malcrasternus posted...

The rematch can be done in the bedroom.

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04/29/17 8:18:00 AM

Malcrasternus posted...

The rematch can be done in the bedroom.

this is a sig.
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04/29/17 7:54:30 PM


"I'm up for it," you say.

"What?" Raven says.

"What?" you say back. "Are you unsure of yourself?"

"Yeah, are you?" Beast Boy says. "Huh? Huh?"

Raven glares as she shoves Beast Boy's face out of the way.

"I'm game," Raven says with a determined look on her face.

Everyone else cheers in excitement.

"Alright, so, where should we set up?" Beast Boy asks as he gets up off the floor.

"The kitchen counter is smaller than the table," Robin says.

Everyone heads over that way and you go around to the other side. You put your right elbow down and Raven matches you. You clasp hands and Cyborg holds them together to be straight up from the counter top.

"No magic," Cyborg says, "and no Chinese chi or whatever."

"Yeah," Beast Boy grins, "no chi-ting--"

Everyone groans long before Beast Boy finishes saying it.

"Ready..." Cyborg says. "Wrestle!"

He lets go, you and Raven put in your all.

"Go Raven!" Starfire cheers. "Wrestle down his arm and claim victory!"

"C'mon, Rorek, you got this!" Beast Boy cheers.

"You aren't holding back on me, are you?" you ask Raven.

"Why? Getting nervous?" Raven asks back.

"You haven't moved," Robin points out.

Cyborg looks from both sides and even uses a ruler that comes from his arm to measure.

"Yep, not even a millimeter in either direction," he says.

"Seriously?" Beast Boy says. "C'mon, you can do better than that, Rorek!"

"Put more into it, Raven!" Jinx says.

"Now you're on my side?" Raven asks.

"Oh whatever, just win," Jinx says.

You keep pushing your arm against hers, but you neither make ground nor lose ground to her. Now it's a matter of endurance.

It's about a minute or so before you feel Raven start to weaken. You give it another push, and you finally push things over to your left side!

"Yeah!" Beast Boy cheers. "Go go!"

"No!" Jinx says. "What're you doing?"

"Aaah!" Raven says as she starts to tip over. "I dare you to try this!"

After only a few more seconds, you get the back of Raven's hand to touch the counter top.

"Yeaaaah!" Beast Boy cheers. "Rorek wins!"

"A splended test of strength," Starfire smiles.

"I humbly admit defeat," Raven says as she stands up straight.

"Let's shake hands," you say.

You and Raven shake hands across the counter.

"Back to the movie," Beast Boy says.

You all look back at the television to find the movie wasn't paused.

"What happened?" Cyborg says. "You said you paused it."

"No, I said 'we'll' pause it," Beast Boy says, "but nobody did."

By now, Operation: Grand Slam has begun, with chaos ensuing from Goldfinger's henchmen and the troops colliding. Goldfinger reveals he had an American army colonel uniform ready, and then kills Mr. Ling and his own men to make his escape.

"Man, now we're gonna get rewind spoilers," Beast Boy says.
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04/29/17 7:54:41 PM

The movie goes backwards through the beginning of Operation: Grand Slam and returns to moving forward upon Bond kissing Galore. From here, Bond manages to persuade Galore to go against the crazed Goldfinger. She sides with Bond, and replaces the Delta 9 nerve gas with harmless air while getting a message out to the American government about the plan. Therefore, when Galore's team of pilots flies over Knox, the sprayers do nothing, but the guards all play dead to make it seem things are going as Goldfinger planned.

That's when Goldfinger and his men raid the fort, Goldfinger himself arriving in a helicopter with the "atomic device". Bond is brought into the vault and cuffed to the bomb, as planned, and that's when the twist is revealed and we see Goldfinger make his sly escape. Now feeling betrayed for being left behind, Goldfinger's top henchman tries to disarm the bomb but is killed by Oddjob. Bond breaks loose of his cuffs and fights Oddjob. Oddjob proves himself incredibly strong, breaking a post Bond uses as a weapon with one single chop. Bond punches him across the face, but Oddjob seems unaffected.

The fight outside rages on as Bond is thrown across the floor. Bond tries using a machine lever as a weapon but is disarmed easily. Bond keeps getting thrown around, Oddjob smiling the whole time he manhandles the secret agent. However, Bond is thrown towards a broken electrical cable. Bond throws Oddjob's own hat at him but misses wide left, wedging it between steel bars. While Oddjob goes to fetch his hat, Bond takes hold of the cable! He touches cable to the bars, killing Oddjob with an untold amount of electricity.

However, the problem now is the bomb. Bond can't figure out it, so thankfully Felix arrives with a specialist, and they disarm the bomb with seconds to spare. In fact, the countdown shows "0:07" as a tongue-in-cheek nod to Bond.

With Fort Knox saved, Bond is invited to the White House to have lunch with the President. However, Goldfinger resurfaces by hijacking the plane Bond is on! Goldfinger takes aim with a golden revolver, Bond fights to get it away from him! But then, just as Bond warned Galore earlier in the film, the gun goes off and *WHOOSH* a plane window breaks to create explosive decompression! Goldfinger is sucked out and to his death, Bond tries to help Galore the cockpit but the plane is going down!

*KABOOM* The plane crashes and explodes on the surface of the ocean!

Felix and a helicopter pilot survey the area, finding a nearby island. Galore wants to signal to them, but Bond won't let her. They fall back onto their bed of parachutes, implying that that is how they miraculously survived.

"This is no time to be rescued," Bond says to her before they kiss passionately.

Gold~ Fingaaaah~!

"That was good," Raven says.

"Only good?" you say.

"I told you I wasn't that into James Bond," she shrugs. "But this was still good."

"Well I think it's time," Beast Boy says. "Bed time."

"Same here," Robin says. "See everyone in the morning."

"Good night," Starfire says.

"Can I watch more movies?" Jinx asks as she takes the remote.

"Go right ahead," Cyborg says. "I'm gonna make sure all the light bulbs are up to date. You two sure you don't know what happened to them?"

You and Raven shake your heads "No", doing your best to keep in your laughs.

"Alright," Cyborg says. "After I've checked the bulbs, I'll be going to bed myself. See ya."

"Night," Jinx says as she searches for more Bond movies. "What about you two? You in for at least one more?"

A) Sure
B) No, thanks
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04/29/17 8:05:49 PM


Jinx is fun and all, but I think Raven could go about some, reassurance.
4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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04/29/17 8:07:07 PM

B) No, thanks
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04/29/17 8:11:10 PM

B.. Raven does need more time
this is a sig.
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04/30/17 1:30:08 AM


"No, thanks," you say. "Raven and I should rest up if we're going to be dancing and sparring."

"Alright," Jinx says. "Good night."

You and Raven leave Ops and head down the hall. You reach Raven's door, she opens it and you wrap your arms around her, kissing her on the ear and cheek.

"Rorek, no," Raven says as she slips loose.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I just don't think we should with Jinx in the building."

"Just because of Jinx?" you say. "When we were having our bit of fun before, you weren't bothered by having the other Titans in the building."

"That's different," she says.


"I... I can't explain it but it just is," she says as she walks to her bed.

"Well, now I feel foolish for turning down a movie," you say.

"Don't try and use Jinx to goad me into making out with you," she says as she hangs up her cloak. "We've known each other less than a week, I think we can last a night without 'having our bit of fun'."

"I understand," you say. "As a gentleman, I can respect a lady's prerogative. Good night, Raven."

"Good night, Rorek," she says as she slips under the covers.

You close her door for her and go to your room. You enter inside, sit down on the bed and take off your shoes. You then roll all the way onto the bed and rest your head on the pillow. You drift off to sleep slowly.

In the morning, you get up and pick out fresh clothes. You hurry to the bathroom and into the shower. You scrub and rinse, remembering Raven used your shampoo. You decide to leave it in case she wants to use it again.

As you finish showering, you can hear talking on the other side of the door.

"I'm going first."

"What? No way, I got here first."

You wrap yourself in a towel and crack the door open. You see Raven and Jinx standing there, with towels of their own prepared.

"Good morning, ladies," you say.

"Morning," Jinx smiles.

"Are you almost done?" Raven asks.

"Oh, um," you say. "I suppose I can't hog the bathroom. Let me gather my things."

You turn around and pick up your clothes from the counter.

You hear a *breeen~* as you notice your towel start to come undone! You scramble to stop it from falling and almost drop your clothes on the floor.

"Jinx!" Raven reprimands.

"What?" Jinx says. "I was helping you out."

"What?" you say.

"Jinx's signature magic is probability manipulation in the negative," Raven says. "Aka, she's good at making 'bad luck' situations happen."

"Oh...! That explains your name," you say.

"But in this case, bad luck for Rorek would've been great luck for us," Jinx smiles.

"And that's another reason why I'm going next," Raven says.

"If you'll pardon me, ladies," you say as you make your way to the door, tightly clutching your towel closed.

You cross the hall and open the door to your room.

"I'll be heading to Ops after this," you say, "would either of you like some..."

A) Scrambled eggs
B) Sausage
C) Porridge
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04/30/17 2:25:00 AM


Because it's very punny to me.
4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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04/30/17 5:17:50 AM

Malcrasternus posted...

Because it's very punny to me.

this is a sig.
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04/30/17 6:58:35 AM

A) Scrambled eggs
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05/01/17 3:11:53 AM



"Mmm," Jinx says as she looks at your body. "If you're offering--"

"Stop," Raven says as she glares at her.

"What?" Jinx laughs. "He set the joke up way too easily."

"Sausage is fine," Raven says as she glances at you. "See you in a bit."

Raven enters the bathroom, you enter your room. You dry off and get dressed, blow drying your hair before wrapping you black-and-white striped scarf around you.

"Oh~...!" Jinx says as you step out. "Looking good in that tanktop. Showing off the guns~."

"Thank you," you say. "See you in Ops."

You head down the hall and into Ops, where the others have already arrived.

"Good morning, Titans," you say as you go right to the kitchenette.

"Mor*yawn*ing," Beast Boy yawns. "Whatcha makin'?"

"Well, I don't suppose there are any sausages?" you say. "I was going to grill some up for myself, along with Raven and Jinx. And anyone else who hasn't eaten breakfast or just wants sausage."

"Sounds good to me," Cyborg says. "Check the freezer, we got some of those brown 'n' serve."

You open the freezer and pull out boxes of namebrand frozen sausages. You open those and let the sausages thaw out while you prepare the stove and a skillet.

"Any white rice still around?" you ask. "Something to have with the sausage besides toast?"

"Sorry," Beast Boy yawns. "I had a late night snack of the rice, some sauce, and some diced potatoes."

"You took time to dice and cook potatoes?" Cyborg asks.

"Nah, it was the leftovers from the time you made potatoes," Beast Boy says.

"That was like two weeks ago!" Cyborg says.

"Yeah, which is why I was up the rest of the night with a stomach ache," Beast Boy says.

"I'd imagine, with all that starch," you say. "I can say from experience that I've had some... starch powered storms of my own. I swear one night I made my bedsheets flutter it was that strong."

Beast Boy, Cyborg and even Robin laugh.

You put the sausages on the skillet and they start sizzling. You pop bread in the toaster after all, preparing butters and jams. You turn the sausages to grill them evenly, and have a batch ready by the time Raven enters Ops.

"How many would you like?" you ask her.

*cachak* "And would you like butter or jam on your regular toast?"

"Four sausage, and butter is fine," Raven smiles. "Oh, and a glass of milk."

You magically place four on a plate and then spread butter on one side of the toast and serve them together with a tall glass of milk.

"And a fork," you say as you gently place that on the plate.

"Thank you," she says.

You put more bread in the toaster and set aside a few sausages for yourself.

"Pile 'em on!" Cyborg grins as he holds out his own plate.

You put seven sausages there, leaving four for Jinx. Cyborg takes an egg and cracks it open to cool directly on a skillet for a single sunny-side-up. He scoops that up and puts it on his plate before sitting at the table.

*cachak* The next round of toast is ready, you make that yours with a spread of strawberry jam.

"So, with our dance steps," you say to Raven, "I was thinking we could review the steps themselves one more time, then work on turns. We'll need to work on measuring those out for when it comes time to make large circles with the rest of the dancing couples."

"That sounds like fun," she says.
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05/01/17 3:12:18 AM

Jinx arrives, dressed in her original outfit, as you put more bread in the toaster.

"I like the smell of your shampoo," Jinx says to Raven. "I hope you don't mind that I used it this time. Didn't expect you to be the 'fresh spring' type, either."

"That's not my shampoo," Raven says. "That's Rorek's."

"Glad you liked it," you say. "Though, I suppose that means Raven didn't use it this time?"

"No, I used my own this time," Raven says.

You nod as you serve Jinx sausages.

"I did take a quick sniff of it, though," Raven mutters quickly.

You chuckle as you pour glasses of milk for yourself and Jinx. You munch on toast as *cachak* the last slices of toast pop from the toaster.

"Butter or jam?" you ask Jinx as you bring them out.

"Jam, please."

You spread the jam on the toast and then present it to her. You also hand her a fork for her sausage.

Everyone has their fill of breakfast, Robin and Starfire sharing a platter of bacon and Beast Boy having a big bowl of fruit flavored cereal, and you help put things away in the sink.

"Alright, so while you two are having fun learning to dance," Jinx says, "what am I doing with my fire element training?"

"Well you still need to show you can produce a larger flame," you say, "and then prove you can bring a fire to your hand."

"Is that all?" she asks. "I want to be making fireballs or streams of flames!"

"Then master the basics and you can start on those," you say.

"But I'm bored with just burning grass," Jinx whines.

"That reminds me," Robin says, "I wanted to ask about a patch of dirt I found while jogging."

"We had a bit of a mishap with fire and wind," you say. "Sorry about that."

"It's alright," he says. "At least it's not Beast Boy burying things again."

"How else was I going to keep Cy from eating all my marshmallows?" Beast Boy argues.

"I keep telling you it wasn't me," Cyborg defends. "It was probably Silkie."

"Silkie didn't smell like purple horseshoes and red balloons!" Beast Boy counters.

"Shall we?" you ask Raven.

"Yes," she says.

You two walk out of Ops together, followed by Jinx. You three go to the elevator and ride down to the training room.

"This is our stop," you say. "Jinx, you must work on building a flame from a material first, as well as pulling flames from existing sources. Only then can you start on creating a fireball from thin air."

"Fine..." Jinx pouts.

You and Raven exit the elevator and let Jinx continue down to the lobby. You and Raven then walk to the center of the room and stand together with hands at the read.

"Alright, we'll do the basic three step, with left leading," you say. "Ready and... One, two three."

You step, glide and regroup smoothly.

"Good," you say. "Now with right leading... One, two three."

You step, glide and regroup all in mirrored fashion, just as smoothly.

"Very good," you say. "How about a quick box step? Left leading and... One, two three."

You step, glide, regroup, then step backward, glide backward and regroup right where you started from.

"Excellent," you say. "Now, we did the ninety degree turn, yes? That led us in a little circle. If we adjust our turn to only be 45 degrees, let's see how the circle grows. Left leading, and therefore a left turn. Ready and... One, two three!"
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05/01/17 3:12:53 AM

You step, glide, regroup, turn and repeat, Raven's cloak swishing along as you go. You repeat until you come back to your starting point.

"If you were keeping count, that was total of eight times," you say.

"Yes, it was," she says. "Your point?"

"It's all math," you say. "90 degrees was four turns, and 45 degrees was eight. If we had spun 180 degrees, it would only take us two turns, like a modified box step. Pretty simple math, actually, 360 degrees divided by the degrees you turn is the number of turns you'll need. The fun in that is if you divide 360 unevenly. What say we try 75 degrees? Left leading and left turn, and... One, two three."

You step, glide, regroup, turn and repeat. With 75 degree turns, you don't make a perfect return to your starting point, but overlap it slightly.

"You see the shape?" you ask as you keep going.

"No, I don't know what shape we're making," she says.

"Let's start over from here. I'll trace the movements of our inside feet, my left and your right."

You focus mana around your left foot.

"And... One, two three."

You start stepping, gliding and regrouping again, repeating and repeating. You go four times, then four more, and four more until you've traced all the way around with a total of 24 steps.


"Oh...! It's lovely," Raven says as she dazzles at the large kaleidoscopic shape.

"It'll be even lovelier when we get you into a flowing gown," you say.

"Oh that's right," she says. "I haven't even thought about that."

"Don't worry, we have plenty of time for that," you say. "For now, let's get to that magical sparring we talked about."

"Ooo, yes!" Raven says with an eager smile.

She floats back and puts her cloak's hood up.

"I'm not sure how I should feel about you being more excited for this than about dancing with me," you smirk.

"Just bring on whatever magics these prissy princesses have waiting for me," Raven smirks back.

"Alright, then," you say.

You prepare your mana and cast your basic level

A) Binding Spell
B) Disorientation Spell
C) Summoning Spell

wow I made this update longer than I realized. and I stayed up later than I meant to.
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05/01/17 5:12:35 AM

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05/01/17 6:22:56 AM

this is a sig.
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05/01/17 12:19:51 PM


That binding spell sounds fun for other situations.
4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/01/17 7:17:05 PM


You overlap your hands, palm to palm so that your left hand is on top. You then slide them against each other to spark the mana. You point your left hand down at the ground and use it to draw a circle in the air while you cross fingers on your right hand; index and middle crisscross at the same time your ring and pinkie fingers cross.

A summoning circle appears on the ground, glowing with bluish-white light.

"Summoning spells are the expertise of the Danforths, Ruby's family," you say. "Again, I'm only adept at the lower levels, while Ruby is a young master of the art. At my level, I can really only summon..."

*whoo whoo whoosh!* Energy swirls and... *Bwii~* A glimmering white squirrel.

"A squirrel?" Raven says.

"Well it was either that, a rabbit, or a chicken," you say. "But given how you feel about rabbits and chickens, I chose to play nice and go with the bushy tailed Eastern gray squirrel. I would've modeled him after a Red Squirrel but then he wouldn't be red anyway."

"How am I supposed to be scared of a squirrel?" Raven asks as she touches down on the ground.

"Well, you see, it once again comes down to math," you say. "For the same amount of mana Ruby could summon a wolf or a bull, I can summon..."

You swipe your left hand wide from one side to the other, creating dozens of summoning circles!

"This many squirrels!" you shout.

You uncross your fingers and use both hands to signal the squirrels. You bring your hands together, and the squirrels converge on Raven's position!

"Hey!" she shouts as the squirrels climb up her cloak and legs. "Stop~! Th-That tickles! Ah!"

Raven levitates away, but the squirrels cling to her. Raven's ticklishness causes her to drift and dip sporadically as she laughs uncontrollably.

"No! Stop!" she says through giggles. "How... How am I supposed to combat these?"

"Well, they're not real squirrels, so don't feel bad if you throw them around or get a bit rough with them. The other way is to break the summon circles, or incapacitate the summoner."

Raven uses her aura to become like a shadow, and she dips into the ground to slip through the grasp of the squirrels. She surges towards you, you command for the squirrels to pursue. Raven leaps from the shadow and throws a punch, you lean back to dodge. Raven throws a high roundhouse kick, you slap it away at her knee. Raven goes to throw another punch, but the squirrels anchor her via her cloak.

"Ack!" Raven says as she feels the cloak tug at her neck.

"Keep trying," you say as you make another circle behind you.

Raven uses her magical telekinesis to toss the squirrels off, you pick up your new summon.

"Bawkaaa~!" the hen squawks loudly.

"Ah!!" Raven blurts as she flails and falls back.

Raven falls to the floor, and the squirrels scramble all over her.

"Stop!" she blurts as she starts getting tickled again. "I... *laugh* It's too much."

"If you can't even handle squirrels, how will you be able to take on more advanced animals?" you ask as you set the chicken down. "Ruby can summon hawks, wolves, bulls, snakes, spiders, things that are far more dangerous than just little bushy squirrels and chickens."

The chicken you summoned clucks as it walks off to the side.

"Don't feel like you have to hold back," you say. "Summon Constructs like these are tougher than normal animals. You can fight them and not feel bad."

Raven grunts as she grabs all the squirrels with her magic. She then levitates them off her body.

"Though, mutilating them would still be cruel and unusual," you say quickly.
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05/01/17 7:17:13 PM

Raven clumps all the squirrels together and then seals them inside a sphere made form her aura. The squirrels squirm and sniff around inside while Raven holds out a hand. She gathers mana into her hand, then gathers moisture from the air around her! She gathers it into one large globe, and then spreads the globe out into a flat circle.

Raven zaps another spark of energy into the circle of water before shouting "Ame!"

The water circle breaks into droplets, and rain sprinkles on all the summoning circles at once. The magic runes start to spark and... *pewf pewf pewf* The squirrels disappear inside Raven's magic ball, and the chicken disappears in the middle of strutting.

"Remarkable," you say. "You managed to achieve water gathering and the rain technique all in one go. But the sparring isn't over yet."

You charge more mana and cast

A) Sound Magic
B) Illusion Magic
C) Arcane Energy
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05/01/17 7:38:18 PM

this is a sig.
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05/01/17 8:11:48 PM

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05/01/17 8:44:52 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/02/17 1:23:59 AM


You create dozens of copies of yourself that surround Raven on all sides.

"Don't worry, they're all projections," you assure, your voice coming from all the other Roreks at once.

"Darn," Raven smirks, "I kinda like what I see."

"Find the real me quickly or I'll cast a stronger illusion," you say.

You start running around, your illusions copying or mirroring your movements to make a chaotic swarm around her.

Raven blasts energy randomly, but only hits illusions. You prepare more mana as you move around the room, your illusions hiding you from her sight.

"Just because I can't see the real one," Raven says as she sits with legs crossed, "doesn't mean I can't sense you."

Raven meditates, and must be focusing on her Empathic abilities. The illusions being just images, they won't copy thoughts or emotions, so you hurry to create a diversion.

"Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk!"

"What?" Raven says as she opens her eyes.

She looks down and sees all the chickens!

"Ah!" she says as she brings in her legs. "... Wait, these are just illusions! What's the point of--? AH!"

Raven yelps and flails as your illusionary chickens jump and flutter their wings in her face.

"That's the point," you and the Roreks say. "Can't sense me if you can't focus."

"Bawk bawk bawk!" one illusion chicken squawks as it stands by Raven's head.

*bing* The elevator arrives and opens up.

"I did it!" Jinx says as she walks in. "I managed to bring a fire into my hand!"

You stop running to look at her, and Jinx notices what's going on.

"Wait a minute," Jinx says. "You can duplicate yourself? Then why did Raven make such a big deal about stuff? Lend me one!"

"Shut up!" Raven says as she futilely swings fists and fake chickens. "They're not solid, they're just illusions."

Jinx uses the hand not holding the little ball of fire to poke one of the Roreks, and her finger goes through.

"Whoa. Pretty convincing. But look! I did it!"

She holds her other hand out to show your illusions the fireball. The problem is, the real you is not over there to see.

"Um... that's very good, Jinx," you say in stereo.

"Very good?" Jinx says, disappointed. "This is great! Now I can start on making my own fire, like you said!"

"Yes, you can," you say. "Um, just give me a moment--"

"Found you!" Raven shouts.

Raven lunges through the illusions and tackles you to the ground! Your illusions all disappear, so now it's just you, Raven and Jinx.

"Well done," you grunt.

Raven lets you up, you see Jinx walking over with flame in hand.

"Oh, yes, that really is an impressive flame," you say at the sight of the grapfruit sized fireball. "Where did you find such a thing?"

"Cyborg let me use some spare printer paper," she says. "I used the heat trick to make a nice bit of fire, and had plenty of time to focus and pull the flame from paper to hand."

"Excellent," you say as you stand up and brush off. "And you're doing very well at maintaining it in your hand. It hasn't faded at all since drawing it to your hand?"

"Nope, same size," Jinx smiles.

"Don't go switching classes yet," Raven says. "I want to test myself against more of these other magics."

"Then let's see how well you do against..."

A) Binding Magic
B) Sound Magic
C) Disorientation Magic
D) More Illusion Magic
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05/02/17 1:29:22 AM

C) Disorientation Magic
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05/02/17 2:33:37 AM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/02/17 7:00:54 AM

this is a sig.
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05/02/17 7:11:47 PM


"Disorientation Magic."

You flick your hand and hit Raven in the eyes with a bit of magical energy.

"Ah!" she yelps again as she blinks and steadies herself. "W-Wait. E-Everything's upside-down!"

"Yes, Disorientation Magic's signature move is to invert the way your eyes and mind perceive your surroundings," you say.

You then have Jinx and yourself move to the far side of the room.

"If you can manage to make it over here," you tell Raven, "I will undo the spell. Otherwise, it's on you to recorrect your brain."

"How?" Raven asks as she wobbles and staggers.

"That's the puzzle," you say. "Now, for your fire element training, Jinx. You know how it feels to hold the fire in your hands. That is important for this final lesson."

You take the fire from her hands and into yours, then put it out with a shake, getting a sad "Aww" out of Jinx.

"Keep mana charged in your hands," you instruct. "Rub them together and create friction."

Jinx rubs her hands together furiously.

"Whoa," you say, "you might want to slow down there..."

"I can feel it," Jinx says. "I can feel the mana scraping against itself, like flint rocks or a match head."

"Which is why you should be careful," you say as sparks and embers flutter out.

Jinx stops, and looks at her hands with excitement and glee.

"Now, it's a good thing you mentioned flint and matches," you say. "You need to make the motion of your hands like that of a match striking to ignite."

You put mana into your own hands and slide them off each other. Your mana sparks and a fireball burns brightly in your right hand. Jinx looks at her hands, and tries the same. She gets a spark, but no fire.

"Remember that sensation of holding the fire," you say. "Remember its heat. Remember its light. Remember how it dances and flickers. Then strike the mana against itself."

Jinx takes a moment to concentrate, then swipes one hand over the other.

*fwoosh* A flame ignites!

"Yes!" Jinx says as she holds it up. "I did it!"

"Wonderful," you say. "Now you need to refine that skill."

You put your fire out, and then snap your fingers to make another.

"Focus on the fingers you snap with," you say. "Concentrate your mana on those fingertips."

Jinx focuses her energies into her thumb and middle finger. She then snaps her fingers, but can only get the spark.

"Thicken the mana, increase the friction coefficient," you say. "You need to same ignition point in just your two fingers as your entire palms."

Jinx keeps trying, you look over at Raven. She slowly walks forward, but she drifts to the left.

"I think you're a bit off course," you say to her.

"Everything's upside down and backwards!" she yells. "And... I'm starting to get a bit dizzy..."

"Well it is Disorientation Magic," you say. "It's simple but rather effective. Many of us know it, but it is the expertise of the Zozas, Roxanne's family."

Raven sits down, takes deep breaths, closes her eyes, and meditates. Jinx meanwhile keeps snapping her fingers with no results.

"Don't force it," you tell her. "While the element of fire is considered the naturally more wild and intense, you need to have some semblance of calm as you spark the flame. Otherwise it will get away from you."

Jinx nods and takes a deep breath of her own. She focuses her mana, and snaps her fingers. But still gets nothing.
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05/02/17 7:11:53 PM

"C'mon!" she shouts as she snaps fingers.

Raven stands up, but her eyes stay closed. She walks forward again, and doesn't falter off a straight line towards you. You smile as she walks right up to you.

"Careful, you'll bump into me," you tease.

She stops, and puts her hands on your shoulders.

"I made it," she says. "Dispel the disorientation."

"Aren't you going to open your eyes?" you ask.

"No, because you will be upside-down and I might fall over."

You chuckle as you remove the disorientation magic. Raven opens her eyes, and smiles.

"I'm ready to take that break now," she chuckles.

You chuckle with her.

"Well, I'm not really sure what else to do now," you say. "How about..."

A) Work on Raven's Water Element
B) Work on Raven's Wind Element
C) Work on your gloomy goth poetry
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05/02/17 7:25:25 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/02/17 7:36:58 PM


Yeah probably a good way relax
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05/02/17 7:48:46 PM

this is a sig.
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05/03/17 1:41:44 AM


"We work on my gloomy goth poetry?"

"Yes, that sounds good," Raven says.

"Poetry?" Jinx says with excitement. "Can I help?"

"No," Raven says as she turns you towards the elevator. "A girl who doodles unicorns isn't going to be of help for this."

"Oh come on," Jinx whines. "It's not like I'm going to be doing anything other than this."

She snaps her fingers trying to spark a flame. Still nothing.

"She can accompany us, Raven," you say. "It's just writing a poem."

You ride the elevator up with Raven and Jinx and return to the top floor.

"Where should we work on it?" you ask as you head down the hall. "It would be a bit cluttered to work on it in one of our bedrooms."

"Cluttered?" Jinx says. "You just need space to write, right?"

"I suppose..."

"Then let's just hang out in your room," she says as she goes to your door.

Jinx enters your room without another thought, Raven sighs but follows. You follow as well, take out your pad and pencil and sit

A) At the desk
B) On the bed
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05/03/17 1:57:07 AM


4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/03/17 2:08:06 AM

A) At the desk
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05/03/17 4:47:21 AM

this is a sig.
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05/03/17 6:56:29 PM


"Could I see what you have?" Jinx asks as she sits on the foot of the bed.

"Certainly," you say as you flip your book open to the page.

You hand the book to Jinx to read it.

"Family Tree or binding chain," she mutters, "this bloodline brings chronic pain. I am not willing to play your games. Just because I'm the Seventh doesn't make me the same. Hmm... Seems a bit--"

"Dr. Seuss?" you say. "I felt the rhythm wasn't very creative."

"Well, no, I was going to say it was almost too personal," Jinx says. "You want your poetry to be personal but still relatable."

"Oh," you say. "Hmm, yes... Let me rewrite this..."

Family Tree or binding chain?
This bloodline brings chronic pain.
I am not willing to play your games.

You ponder on how to change the next line to be more relatable and less specific to just your family, yet somehow still communicates what your original line said.

You wiggle your pencil, tapping it against the pad.

"Rorek," Raven says.

"Yes?" you say, looking up.

"Could I have some paper and a pencil?" she asks. "I should try to work on my own material for Saturday."

"Of course," you say.

You take out a spare pencil and a fresh notepad from your knapsack and hand them over to Raven.

"Thank you," she says.

"What about me?" Jinx asks. "I don't want to just be sitting here doing nothing while you two brainstorm."

"Umm... Here," you say as you take out your sketchpad and colored pencils. "Sketch away."

"Ooo~...!" Jinx says as she takes them in hand.

"You never told me you had art supplies in there," Raven says.

"You never asked," you reply. "Would you have taken interest in them if you'd known they were there?"

"... Probably not," Raven mutters.

Jinx flips the sketchpad open and sets it against her thighs. But then she looks uncomfortable, and puts her legs down. She leans over and unlaces her boots. She slips them off and sets them aside, then puts her feet up on the bed to better prop up the sketchpad.

You return to your poem, and have an idea for the next line!

Family Tree or binding chain?
This bloodline brings chronic pain.
I am not willing to play your games.
Just because I share the family name!

You look over the rest, and think of other ways to communicate the same message.

"Y'know, I think you have a point," Raven says to you. "It's hard to think of the sad stuff when you and I have been having a great time."

"Really?" Jinx says. "You? Unable to be grump and sad?"

"Just keep doodling your unicorns, shorty," Raven says as she lies on her stomach on the bed.

"I'm not doodling a unicorn," Jinx says. "It's a pegasus."

"Whatever," Raven says as she slips off her shoes.

"Oh, you do wear socks," you say as you see the ankle socks that are as blue as her cloak. "Ever since Santa Cruz and the beach, I thought you went without them."

"I have a way of taking them both off and putting them both on at the same time," Raven says. "But it's too chilly indoors to go barefoot."

"I know, right?" Jinx says as she softly scratches with a yellow pencil.

You three are quiet again while you and Raven brainstorm and Jinx changes pencils to scratch and sketch with a dark green.
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05/03/17 6:56:55 PM

You look at your poem again and think harder on how to revise it. You need a rhyme for "life" that fits the theme. Binding chain, pain, not willing to play games, the family burden, the trouble it causes... Then you get your lightbulb moment!

How selfish of you, to control MY life!
Glory for you means I endure strife!
But I will not break, I will not bend,
I will make this tradition end.

"How about this?" you ask.

Jinx looks up as you bring the chair over to sit by the bed. You hold the notepad up and she reads.

"Yeah, that actually works a bit better," Jinx says.

Raven turns onto her side and sits up to read for herself.

"I have to admit," she says. "Jinx was right about making it less personal for the sake of relatability."

"Then I am satisfied," you say as you tuck your notepad away.

"I still need more time to brainstorm mine," Raven says as she returns to resting on her stomach.

"How about some music?" Jinx asks. "That might help take her mind off it, y'know?"

"Sounds like a good idea," you say as you set up your player again.

You press play and, as the player is on random, it plays


the options are blank for you guys cuz then you'd know what it plays, making it NOT random.
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05/03/17 6:59:43 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/03/17 7:06:21 PM

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05/03/17 7:13:41 PM

Fine then you can randomize it:

this is a sig.
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05/03/17 8:26:00 PM

Alakazamtrainer posted...
Fine then you can randomize it:

no Ms. New Booty for you then

randomizer chose...


"Wait," Raven says as the music builds. "Is that...?"

She turns over onto her side to look at the player as the music continues and eventually leads into a gutteral shout.

"What...?" Jinx says in confused and possibly disturbed surprise.

"Yes...!" Raven grins. "Psychosocial. Classic."

Raven grins as she rolls back to her stomach.

"I did my time, and I want out," Raven sings alongly softly as her feet kick to keep beat. "So effusiiive fate! It doesn't cut. The soul is not so vibrant. The reckoning. The sickening. Back at you, subversion! Pseudo-sacred with psycho virgin. Go drill your deserts. Go dig your graves.
Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save. Sinking in, getting smaller again.
Undone! It has begun. I'm not the only one.

"And the rain will kill us all~. Throw~ ourselves~ against, the wall. But no one else can see~. The preservation of the martyr in me."

Psychosocial! Psychosocial! Psychosocial!

"You... like this song?" Jinx asks quietly as she leans in close to you.

"Yes," you say just before the next Psychosocial!

Psychosocial! Psychosocial!

You look over at Raven. Something is oddly endearing about how she taps her foot and bobs her head left and right in rhythm. Jinx looks between you and her, and looks a little less confused, as if she finally understands how you two get along.

Raven doesn't sing along with the next verse, but she does hum. Jinx meanwhile does her best to continue sketching her pegasus.

"And the rain will kill us all~," Raven sings softly again. "Throw~ ourselves~ against, the wall. But no one else can see~. The preservation of the martyr in me."

You head bang a little with the guitar solos that accompany the second round of Psychosocial! Psychosocial! Psychosocial!

"Oh, here comes the best part," Raven smiles as she glances over her shoulder and listens to the drums. "The limits of the deeeeead~...!"

Raven head bangs a bit herself as she returns to looking at her paper.

"The limits of the deeeeead~...!"

"You two are so weird," Jinx sighs.

"Shut up," Raven says quickly before the next "The limits of the deeeeead~...! The limits of the deeeeead~...!"

Raven hums again until the chorus comes back around.

"And the rain will kill us all~. Throw~ ourselves~ against, the wall. But no one else can see~. The preservation of the martyr in me. And the rain will kill us all~. Throw~ ourselves~ against, the wall. But no one else can see~. The preservation of the martyr in me."

One more guitar solo before "The limits of the deeeeead~...!" returns.

"So~ good," Raven says as she throws her head back and curls her toes and legs up.

"So weird," Jinx says.

"But now I can't be gloomy because I love that song," Raven grumbles.

"Then how about I play something cute so you'll be miserable?" you ask.

"Ha ha," she laughs sarcastically.

"I wouldn't mind something a bit more positive," Jinx says. "Need to keep my pegasus looking cheerful."

"Then how about something from..." you say as you switch your player to manual.

A) Michael Jackson
B) The Struts
C) Beck
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05/03/17 8:43:34 PM

A michael
this is a sig.
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05/03/17 8:49:13 PM

4/15/1951 - 3/18/2014 "But not forgotten."
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05/03/17 9:30:56 PM

A) Michael Jackson
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05/04/17 1:53:47 AM

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05/04/17 1:55:48 AM

E. Jerk it with Luigi
Am I seducing or being seduced?
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05/04/17 2:48:19 AM


"Michael Jackson!"

"Ooo, now that I like," Jinx smiles.

You slide down the list and select P.Y.T.

"You know you," you say in your smoothest voice as you look at Raven, "you make me feel so good inside, *chuckle*. I always wanted a girl just like you. Such a P.Y.T. Pretty Young Thing. OO-oo~!"

Jinx giggles as Raven glances over her shoulder with a blush and smile.

"Where did you come from, laaady?" you sing along. "And ooh~ won't you take me there, right-away, won't you baby? Tenderoni you've got to be. Spark my nature sugar fly with me. Don't you know now~... Is the perrrfect time. We-can make-it right! Hit-the city lights. Then toniiight~, ease the loooving pain... Let me take you to the maaa~x!

"I want to love~ you!" you say as you stand up dramatically.

"P Y T!" Jinx chimes in.

"Pretty young~ thang!" you continue as you clench your fists over your heart. Then you make a heart with your hands as you sing "You need some luh~vin'!"

"T L C!" Jinx adds.

"Tender love and care! And Iiii~'ll take you there~. Girl~... Whoo~ hoo! I want to love~ you!"

"P Y T!"

"Pretty young~ thang! You need some luh~vin'!"

"T L C!"

"Tender love and care! And Iiii~'ll shake you there~..."

"Aaanywhere... you wanna go..." Jinx says as you dance around to the side of the bed Raven rests on.

Raven turns her head to look at you, and smiles so as to keep from laughing at your antics.

"Wait!" she says with wide eyes. "I have an idea for what I can write."

"That's good but nothin' can stop this burrrnin'," you say as you seamlessly go from talking to singing, "desiiiya to be with you, gotta-get to-you baby. Won't you come, it's emergency~! Cool my fiiiya yearnin'. Honey-come set-me free."

"Stop," Raven giggles as you continue.

"Don't you know now~... Is the perrrfect time. We-can dim-the lights, just-to make-it right. In the niiight~, hit the looovin' spot... I'll give you aaall~ that I've gooot~!"

Raven is laughing as you add hip-popping dance moves to the chorus.

"I want to love~ you!"

"P Y T!"

"Pretty young~ thang! You need some luuuuh~vin'!"

"T L C!"

"Tender love and care! And Iiii'll take you there. Yes I will, yes I will!"

"I want to LOOOVE~ you!" you sing louder, to which Jinx and Raven laugh but also try to shush you. "Pretty young~ thang! You need some luuuuh~vin~'! Tender love and care! And Iiii'll take you there, yes I will. HEE-eee~!"

Pretty Young Thing the electric guitar sounds say.

"Uuuh!" you say as you pelvic thrust, which makes both young woman burst into wide-eyed laughter.

Pretty Young Thing

You breathe heavily to make the noise.

Pretty Young Thing


Pretty Young Thing

"Pretty young thangs, repeat after me," you say as you point to Raven and Jinx. "Say 'na~ na, na'!"

"Na~ na, na!" Jinx and Raven repeat.

"Na~ na na~ na!"

"Na~ na na~ na!"

"Say 'na~ na, na'!"

"Na~ na, na!"

"Nana nana, na!"

"Nana nana, na!"

"Oooh~! Take you there, take you there!" you say as you return to your chair. "Wow, I am... out of breath."
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05/04/17 2:48:26 AM

You sit down as the song continues and the girls laugh a little more.

"But seriously," Raven says. "Thank you for serenading me with that."

"You're welcome," you bow in your seat.

"And thank you for helping me figure out what direction I should be going with my poetry."

"Oh? Can I see?" you ask.

"No, I want it to be a surprise," she says as she covers up the paper.

"That's no fair," you say. "I showed you mine, you should show me yours."

"You did not just say that on accident," Jinx smirks.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," you say as you hide your smirk behind your scarf.

"Well I'm glad to show you mine," Jinx says she turns around the sketchpad.


"Oh, excellent shading," you say.

"Thank you," she says.

"Do you only draw horse-related mythical creatures?" you ask.

"No," she says, "I like drawing all sorts of mythical creatures."

"Then how about a mermaid? Or harpy?"

"Picturing a certain someone as one?" Jinx smirks with a nod towards Raven.

You again hide your smirk behind your scarf.

"Well I'd be sketching myself as one if I could draw people," she says. "I think I'll just sketch a phoenix instead."

"Alright," you say.

Jinx begins sketching with red and orange pencils, you get the itch to sketch something too.

A) Sketch a Raven and Jinx mermaids
B) Sketch a Raven and Jinx harpies
C) Sketch one as a mermaid, the other as harpy
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05/04/17 2:52:29 AM

A) Sketch a Raven and Jinx mermaids
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