Board 8 > So the Guild Wars 2 beta client is up for pre-load. [Weekend beta event] [GW2]

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Xiahou Shake
04/27/12 3:39:00 PM

Awww yeah, I got 5 minutes of pure bliss before I decided it's better to wait until I get that extra RAM stick. Playing with only 2 gigs of RAM makes this game just barely playable.
I've waited this long, I can wait another hour or two to secure another stick. Since Anvil Rock is full I ended up rolling on Borlis Pass with another friend, but I'm going to transfer as soon as some space opens up. I rolled a Charr Elementalist, since I want to save Human PvE content for release but I really want to play an Elementalist ASAP. >_>

Borlis Pass (Soon Anvil Rock) - Zaekhalus - Charr - Elementalist

Falcon Punch
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04/27/12 5:14:00 PM

Yeah, I went to PvP a bit since I don't want the PvE content to get too stale. Plus working for things that will all go away in two days... not so fun.

People are really bad right now. Rifle Warrior too strong. Though Necromancers are a huge pain to kill. Wish I could try WvW but it's full and I haven't been able to get in.

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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04/27/12 6:34:00 PM

Also I dunno if it's really your computer, Shake.

I'm playing on a laptop I bought four months ago that can run everything I've thrown at it fine at mid-high settings and GW2 is still nearly unplayable for me. I stopped playing for now... I don't really want to do PvE a bunch since it'll be wiped and PvP is unplayable with this amount of lag.

I'm sure other people will be plenty happy to test.

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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04/27/12 6:35:00 PM

Fort Aspenwood - Cress Arvein - Charr - Warrior

FA has such a huge lead in WvW it's kinda funny, actually.
Explored Lion's Arch to 100% and poked around the Charr areas before doing both WvW and normal PvP. Both seem interesting and getting buffed up to level 80 is always fun.

Congrats to 2011 Rivalry Rumble Guru winner, SuperNiceDog
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04/27/12 6:36:00 PM

Trying a thief.

Anvil Rock - Amelie Orseln - Human - Thief

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04/27/12 6:42:00 PM

Also my boss wanted me to show up sooner tomorrow.

LOL him.

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04/27/12 6:48:00 PM

That human tutorial doesn't get old.

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04/27/12 6:50:00 PM

*Go to cemetery, every tombstone can be read*

Welp, there goes 20 minutes of my time.

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04/27/12 7:36:00 PM

So far I've tried Elementalist, Engineer, Warrior, Thief, and Guardian up to about level 8ish to get a basic feel for how they play.

Enjoyment wise, imo, Elementalist > Thief > Guardian > Engineer > Warrior, at least in the early levels (and obviously this is subjective).

Gonna prolly delete my Warrior, Engineer, and Guardian soon so I can try the last 3 classes, save my Elementalist and Thief for some PvP/maybe a bit more PvE, I wanna see at least SOME stuff past level 10.

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04/27/12 7:57:00 PM

Thief is pretty damn fun so far, I'll try to play everything but Guardians cause I'll main one at release.

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04/27/12 8:06:00 PM

Aaaan down for maintenance!

Current goal : Kill that damn lieutenant in the bandit cave neer Shaemoor.

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04/27/12 8:19:00 PM

I still have the flickery blue outlines, but other than that it's very fun. Got my ranger to level 6, just doing all the hearts in the Norn starting zone.

It's iubaris, not Lubaris.
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04/27/12 8:20:00 PM

Is the Norn starting area any good? I'm not gonna roll one cause my first permanent character will be Norn, I want my first release experience to be 100% fresh.

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04/27/12 8:23:00 PM

Well I don't have anything to compare it to, but I liked it!

It's iubaris, not Lubaris.
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04/27/12 8:25:00 PM

Maybe it's less laggy than the human area.

Everywhere is so full of people it's not even funny! But then it means the game will probably sell well once it releases so it's all good.

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04/27/12 8:39:00 PM

From: Ayuyu | #111
Current goal : Kill that damn lieutenant in the bandit cave neer Shaemoor.

Yes my god, was in a group of like 14 people a bit ago and we wiped entirely when he was at about 1/4th health. He like 2 shots you.

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04/27/12 8:48:00 PM

From: Ayuyu | #113
Is the Norn starting area any good? I'm not gonna roll one cause my first permanent character will be Norn, I want my first release experience to be 100% fresh.

Much worse than the human one from my experience. Plus I had the opening quest glitch on me and I ended up killing the first boss three times. Oops.

I switched servers to be able to get into WvW. Lots of fun even if the lag makes it unplayable. The PvE worlds are also more manageable.

Definitely excited for when they get the FPS up and the server is more responsive.

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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04/27/12 8:54:00 PM

From: tcaz2 | #116
Yes my god, was in a group of like 14 people a bit ago and we wiped entirely when he was at about 1/4th health. He like 2 shots you.

That damn level 5 boss!

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04/27/12 8:55:00 PM

Also man this game is gonna have such an amazing comnunity.

Just because of how the game is made, it's just fun seeing other people, it's like you're in a group all the time, I really like this.

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04/27/12 9:41:00 PM

Lag is much more bearable already!

Trying elementalist this time, every new class I try becomes my new favorite.

Dat Water boomerang dagger skill, it's amazing.

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04/27/12 10:21:00 PM

Yeah, the lag issue has vanished outside of really crowded areas. Quite surprised at the turn-around.

I'm also surprised at how fun all of the different classes are. I've been having a good time playing a Rifle Warrior and Warrior was the class I was least interested in. Might end up getting the extra character slots... hopefully gems aren't too expensive to get with in game cash.

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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Xiahou Shake
04/27/12 10:49:00 PM

FINALLY got my hands on the extra sticks I needed. I actually had crazy memory config problems on top of the stuff from earlier, but it's all sorted out now.
Finally time to start, I'm quivering with hype.

Falcon Punch
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04/27/12 11:09:00 PM

Man, there is seriously so much going on in this game. I have no idea what's happening 90% of the time. I'm just running around, clicking on people and and then... I don't even know.

Got a Thief to level 6 though. Hopefully things get better...

There was a signature here. It's gone now.
Your face is bees.
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Xiahou Shake
04/27/12 11:33:00 PM

Augh, I finished the Charr tutorial (AND IT WAS AMAZING, it's really like Ayuyu said, it's like the entire rest of the community is in your party), but now I've got more computer problems.
Every 10-15 mins or so, my game (along with my entire computer) freezes up, with whatever sound was playing at the time looping forever as it happens. Gonna have to look into this. -_-

Falcon Punch
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04/27/12 11:42:00 PM


So in the norn area there's a jumping puzzle that is IMPOSSIBLE. You have to dodge ravens while walking across narrow bridges, and then fighting tough monsters on larger platforms. And if you get knocked off you fall into a pit of monsters and you have to escape and walk all the way to the start again. Holy s***. I spent like 30 minutes on it with some other random guy and we didn't finish it and gave up.

I. Love. This. Game.

It's iubaris, not Lubaris.
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04/27/12 11:59:00 PM

I own at Mes pvp, staff > all

* B8 LNC *
*****es be crazy!!
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Xiahou Shake
04/28/12 12:44:00 AM

Awww yeah, GW2 has shot up to the top PC board on Gamefaqs. This game is going places.~
Too bad I can't ****ing play it for more than 10 minutes without needing to reboot. >_> I freaking love what I've seen so far already, though.

Falcon Punch
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04/28/12 3:10:00 AM

Fun times in the Norn starting area. The Sons of Svanir took over an outpost, Crossroads Haven, and we had about 10-12 people try to retake it.

...We wiped like 10 times. And then people started to leave, so we ended up with only 3 people at the end. It remains untaken as of now.

It's iubaris, not Lubaris.
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04/28/12 4:33:00 AM

I really like the fact that the game isn't actually a walk in the park, people don't know what the hell they're doing for the most part and it shows.

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04/28/12 5:59:00 AM

Oh man, the training quest in Claypool was so fun!

external image

Aah yeah.

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04/28/12 6:55:00 AM

My armor is completely destroyed, stupid ass veteran boars.

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04/28/12 8:33:00 AM

From: Ayuyu | #129
I really like the fact that the game isn't actually a walk in the park, people don't know what the hell they're doing for the most part and it shows.

I haven't had a hard PvE fight yet, but I haven't left the starting areas. Most DEs have so many people I can just stand in one place with my Rifle Warrior and spam skills.

PvP though... yeah, everyone is terrible. Just played three matches and had 0 deaths. The map with the trebuchet is hilarious since no one seems to realize how to use it. Just man that for your team all game and you'll easily top the scoreboard and the opponents are screwed since it's so OP. Even in regular combat, I haven't really found decent opponents. They don't dodge and they try to charge into a group of us which never really works out.

Then again, these type of people are on your team too. It's frustrating manning the trebuchet since you can see open control points and you can tell your team to go to them but they never respond. =/

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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04/28/12 1:07:00 PM

Okay, started a Guardian and I'm having a MUCH better time.

There was a signature here. It's gone now.
Your face is bees.
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04/28/12 1:17:00 PM

Funny, I was looking forward to playing Guardian more than any other class and I'm the most disappointed in it.

I hope they announce a release date soon...

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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04/28/12 1:19:00 PM

Maybe it's just because I played a Thief first and it was really complicated for a first class.

Guardian is just straight forward support, and I love support classes.

There was a signature here. It's gone now.
Your face is bees.
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04/28/12 1:25:00 PM

I was looking forward to Guardian because I WANTED to play Support.

It just requires really close range to do anything. If you use support weapons/utilities you die to pretty much anyone 1v1 and it never really seems like my support skills are making any difference. I haven't had a good match as my Guardian whereas my Warrior does great in PvP.

Also someone say when the servers go back up. D:

No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.
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04/28/12 2:50:00 PM

I want to play as guardian so bad, I'll use all the burning skills and the burning traits.

Flames everywhere.

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04/28/12 2:53:00 PM

Game's up for me.

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04/28/12 3:20:00 PM

Man I apparently own at PvP as an elementalist in this game <.<

Destroying people.

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04/28/12 3:21:00 PM

I'll go pvp as a Necro soon, it sounds easy.

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04/28/12 3:22:00 PM

hmmm I should start a Necro soon to try it out. Still need to do that and Mesmer.

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04/28/12 3:23:00 PM

Necros are freaking fun.

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04/28/12 3:28:00 PM

I wouldn't doubt it, it seems to me I'm having more fun in this game playing the opposite of what I usually play in other games (I usually play support or melee).

I've had the most fun with Elementalist, Thief, and Ranger so far.

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04/28/12 3:30:00 PM

Yeah, I can't pvp, lags way too much :(

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04/28/12 3:31:00 PM

I haven't had any lag at all after the downtime yesterday!

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04/28/12 3:44:00 PM

I still get a lot of lag in crowded areas..

And pvp is.. yeah.

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04/28/12 3:44:00 PM

And I always get on the team that loses 50 to 500!

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04/28/12 3:47:00 PM

Do the small-scale PvP then.

Congrats to 2011 Rivalry Rumble Guru winner, SuperNiceDog
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04/28/12 4:05:00 PM

That's what I'm doing.

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04/28/12 4:17:00 PM

You know, I don't feel like playing anymore, the game is incredibly great but I can't stand the fact that I'll lose my progress.

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