Board 8 > Mass Effect 2 beated (spoilers, discussion, and next game to play!)

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03/01/12 1:58:00 AM

The whole "dead for 2 years" thing might have something to do with it.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 2:00:00 AM

oh, yeah. they also killed him, then just brought him right back.

woo me2 story

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/01/12 2:06:00 AM

Really? Eldritch abomination robots are fine, coming back from the dead is not?

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 2:10:00 AM

coming back from the dead isn't the problem; killing him in one scene, then reconstructing him in the next... it's just like why? That whole thing seemed entirely unnecessary. The end result of that is that he ends up owing Cerberus, but then he also bails out at the end, anyway. And then he seemingly rejoins the Alliance in ME3!

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/01/12 2:11:00 AM

Why not?

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 2:12:00 AM

That definitely seemed like Bioware's thought process.

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it."
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03/01/12 2:18:00 AM

For a serious answer, it's this:

A) it establishes how big of a threat the Collectors are. They just killed the biggest badass in the Universe, and the only guy who actually bought into the whole Reapers thing. It's a win-win.

B) It offers an excuse for the character edit. Yeah, I know Miranda says the whole "has to be the same" stuff but really you could justify that Shepard always looked like that. It's one of the issues I have going into ME3. You can edit your guy, but why?

C) It changes the whole dynamic of the game going forward. Shepard is trying to reestablish his role across the galaxy. It's basically like if Mega Man games actually justified why he doesn't have all the powers from the previous games. In this sense, team building and having to work your way back up to the top makes sense.

D) It makes for an interesting dynamic by putting Shepard under the control of a group he doesn't agree with. Normally, games allow you to choose your alliances. Making Shepard have to succeed while at the same time having the ever watchful eye of the Illusive Man. You focus so much on the "well he left in the end" when it's more important to the story-telling within the individual game.

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 3:27:00 AM

Also, what's the canon ending? Do we know yet?

Menji~ by Ctrl-Alt-Del
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03/01/12 10:03:00 AM

From: ZFS | #055
coming back from the dead isn't the problem; killing him in one scene, then reconstructing him in the next... it's just like why? That whole thing seemed entirely unnecessary. The end result of that is that he ends up owing Cerberus, but then he also bails out at the end, anyway. And then he seemingly rejoins the Alliance in ME3!

It let everyone he met on his journey start the conversation with "Shepard? I thought you died..."

'he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance' - ertyu quoting Tidus
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baron von toast
03/01/12 12:00:00 PM

From: Menji76 | #029
I didn't play the first

Oh, well then, don't mind me. Carry on. But if you did, you would be disgusted.

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Icon Classic
03/01/12 2:57:00 PM

"coming back from the dead isn't the problem; killing him in one scene, then reconstructing him in the next... it's just like why? That whole thing seemed entirely unnecessary. "

Rock touched on this somewhat with his last response - it creates tension between The Illusive Man and Shepard. The Illusive Man is, essentially, the main antagonist of the game. The Reapers and Collectors play a peripheral role. They're the main threat, sure, but we know we aren't going to see much of the Collectors until the end of the game, and we aren't going to see the Reapers until Mass Effect 3, so some force has to work against Shepard. And rather than create another Saren, Bioware chose to fill that antagonist role with someone that Shepard has to work with. It's a great dynamic. You have the ever-watchful Illusive Man, spending untold fortunes to resurrect Shepard in order to fulfill the Illusive Man's goals, often manipulating Shepard and Shepard's crew, placing Shepard in harm's way. And then you have Shepard, who is only willing to work with the Illusive Man because they share the same goal.

I wouldn't call it lazy. It's a risk - going back to another Saren would be lazy, I think. There are some areas glossed over in Mass Effect 2 - mostly relating to the Alliance - but I wouldn't characterize Shepard's two year death as a 'why not' story mechanic.

"Also, what's the canon ending? Do we know yet?"

There is no canon, at least according to Bioware. There are certain 'hard' aspects of the story that are true for everyone - the Collectors attack Horizon, Shepard and crew go through the relay - but most of the events surrounding the suicide mission are dependant on the player.

At school.
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03/01/12 3:04:00 PM

This topic took a wrong turn when Jack was placed at the top of a character inequality and I guess it was too much to recover from.

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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:04:00 PM

Anything below Insanity is easy mode.

Even Insanity mostly feels like easy mode. Infiltrator da best. <3 Any mission that isn't immediately able to be solved with your normal weapons and powers is solved almost instantly by using heavy weapons. Hardest mission is definitely the one where the 3 YMIR mechs go around blowing up crates if you're intent on saving all of the crates.

Mass Effect 1 was also pretty easy with Immunity abuse.

Geologists will date anything.
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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:06:00 PM

After romancing Ashley in Mass Effect, Jack in Mass Effect 2, and Morrigan in Dragon Age: Origins I began to realize I have an unconscious habit of dating the unhinged Bioware females.

Geologists will date anything.
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03/01/12 3:07:00 PM

Is Ashley really "unhinged?"

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 3:08:00 PM

She's racist. Of course she is.

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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:09:00 PM

Is Ashley really "unhinged?"

Not in general, but she is definitely less sane than Liara.

Geologists will date anything.
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03/01/12 3:09:00 PM

My 101 year old Aunt was racist, too, but I wouldn't call her unhinged!

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 3:10:00 PM

From: TheRock1525 | #068
My 101 year old Aunt was racist, too, but I wouldn't call her unhinged!

Sounds like you're a closet racist yourself!

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03/01/12 3:11:00 PM

We already had that topic where I was a poor racist homophobe!

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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03/01/12 3:12:00 PM

From: Master Epyon | #062
Even Insanity mostly feels like easy mode. Infiltrator da best. <3 Any mission that isn't immediately able to be solved with your normal weapons and powers is solved almost instantly by using heavy weapons. Hardest mission is definitely the one where the 3 YMIR mechs go around blowing up crates if you're intent on saving all of the crates.

Is it even possible to save all the crates? I guess it is, but I would never be able to do it. And I would never try. I just played that mission a while ago and defeated the three YMIRs pretty easily, but only had 8 crates left. Oh well, doesn't really matter.

Hardest part of the game is without a doubt the Biotic Barrier walk in the Suicide Mission. God damn husks and that scion. If you don't kill that thing fast enough, you get swarmed with nowhere to run.

~Halo You're not the brightest.
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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:18:00 PM

Is it even possible to save all the crates?

Take the...nuke gun, whatever it was called. Step out from behind cover, blow up the first mech and finish it. Fire a shot at the mech on the left, closest to the next set of crates, to draw its attention. After that kill the 3rd mech on the right as it takes the longest to reach the crates, since the 2nd one's attention is drawn to you. When the right mech drops, kill the remaining one.

Hardest part of the game is without a doubt the Biotic Barrier walk in the Suicide Mission. God damn husks and that scion. If you don't kill that thing fast enough, you get swarmed with nowhere to run.

That part is pretty annoying and I had to bust out my heavy weapons for it. Same with the side mission where you protect that quarian from varren.

Geologists will date anything.
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03/01/12 3:22:00 PM

Really? I had no trouble protecting the quarian from the varren. Position Grunt right next to the quarian with his shotgun equipped, then stick around the same area... it's not at all difficult.

I rarely use heavy weapons. The only time I will for sure use it is during the IFF mission, I will bring the Cain in order to one-shot kill the core. Other than that, I really don't use heavy weapons like ever.

Though I'm curious, what heavy weapon did you bring to the Suicide Mission? The Cain doesn't even do that much to the Human Reaper, so I'm trying to figure out what I should bring instead.

~Halo Everybody run!
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baron von toast
03/01/12 3:25:00 PM

From: ZFS | #055
killing him in one scene, then reconstructing him in the next... it's just like why?

Because they needed an excuse to ditch everything from the first game. Somewhere along the line they realized that that bridging this "your decisions shape the fate of the galaxy" thing across three games would be a lot of work. This gave them an out.

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03/01/12 3:25:00 PM

Icon Classic posted...
There is no canon, at least according to Bioware. There are certain 'hard' aspects of the story that are true for everyone - the Collectors attack Horizon, Shepard and crew go through the relay - but most of the events surrounding the suicide mission are dependant on the player.

Well, I mean if I started ME3 without carrying over my saved stuff. What'll be all the events that it assumed happen?

Menji - at school!
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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:29:00 PM

Though I'm curious, what heavy weapon did you bring to the Suicide Mission?

I think I brought the nuke gun but it's difficult to recall, it was a long time ago.

The varren mission was mostly annoying due to being an infiltrator. Swarms of melee enemies all coming up at once is annoying as hell for my class.

Geologists will date anything.
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03/01/12 3:31:00 PM

From: GT_DoPey | #075
Icon Classic posted...
There is no canon, at least according to Bioware. There are certain 'hard' aspects of the story that are true for everyone - the Collectors attack Horizon, Shepard and crew go through the relay - but most of the events surrounding the suicide mission are dependant on the player.

Well, I mean if I started ME3 without carrying over my saved stuff. What'll be all the events that it assumed happen?

Supposedly they're using the comic thing from the PS3 version of 2. Just without the comic.

From: Master Epyon | #076
Though I'm curious, what heavy weapon did you bring to the Suicide Mission?

I think I brought the nuke gun but it's difficult to recall, it was a long time ago.

The varren mission was mostly annoying due to being an infiltrator. Swarms of melee enemies all coming up at once is annoying as hell for my class.

Punch em.

There's always hope for better things in life. But you can't let anything, friend, lover, God himself, be your hope. You have to be your own hope.
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03/01/12 3:32:00 PM

I'm an Infiltrator too and I had no problems. You just gotta pick your squadmates correctly. Grunt of course. Then whoever else. Having Incinerate helps too.

~Halo Everybody run!
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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:37:00 PM

Posted 3/1/2012 7:32:30 PM
message detail

I'm an Infiltrator too and I had no problems. You just gotta pick your squadmates correctly. Grunt of course. Then whoever else. Having Incinerate helps too.

I usually went with Grunt and Miranda.

Punch em.

Awww yeah

Geologists will date anything.
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03/01/12 3:53:00 PM

From: ShadowHalo17 | #010
From what I found, if you prefer FemShep, you won't like male Shep, and vice versa. I'm male Shep all the way, I can't stand FemShep. But there are plenty of people who love FemShep and can't stand male Shep.

It's weird.

But from what I can tell that's just how it is, one or the other. You can't enjoy both.

Guess I'm special. I find Male Shep to be pretty underrated, but agree that there are certain moments where he's like "Do I really have to read this line?"

I think I like femshep better overall, though Hale overacts sometimes imo, so that's her issue.
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03/01/12 3:54:00 PM

Mass Effect 3

Best Show ever? Our interview of Guru Champ SuperNiceDog!
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Master Epyon
03/01/12 3:55:00 PM

I wish Mass Effect 3 was on Steam.

Geologists will date anything.
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03/01/12 3:58:00 PM

From: Master Epyon | #082
I wish Mass Effect 3 was on Steam.

Don't we all.

There's always hope for better things in life. But you can't let anything, friend, lover, God himself, be your hope. You have to be your own hope.
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03/01/12 4:14:00 PM

I'm fine without it being on Steam!

"I can set you free, mate."
"My freedom was forfeit long ago!"
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03/01/12 4:15:00 PM

wooo console versions

TheRock ~ Slow dramatic zoom-pan. Doesn't phase the hooded man.
"You have issues." - MWC. Pot. Kettle.
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