Board 8 > 5 star tears into 3S OE. [Third Strike] [Street Fighter] [Angry People]

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11/02/11 8:29:00 AM

For those who don't follow the game, 5 star is one of the best and most well-known American 3S players. He posted this thread at the SRK forums about a week ago:

here's some notable quotes (with gamefaqs-friendly censoring):

Ok, I don't get involved on the forums much, I'm not even going to complain about the online because obviously there is nothing they can do about that, but f*** this game is so garbage. How these people can claim this is going to be the best console version is appalling. After seeing the new patch, just had enough of these f******. Every time I think of Derek Neal's dumb face, I just want him to understand how much of a moron he is, but that is like trying to explain differential equations to a 4 year old.

Without even having to say, I don't even play online, my Xbox live expired and I haven't renewed it, there is no point, I have more fun playing training mode than a bunch of 8 year old kids with down syndrome, I'll leave those to JR Rodriguez.

I play this game only for training mode, and they can't even get that right. There is no option to turn the training dummy to human, wtf? Every game has that. Even the Dreamcast version has that option. Changing the rounds obviously don't work in the menus. And now parry training is all f***ed up after this last patch. You can no longer reset state and now if you turn auto parrying on, it makes the character you are controlling to parry practice do auto parrying. Are you f***ing kidding me?

Not only does a bunch of crazy s*** happen in games that I can't even begin to explain, but these Capcom idiots can't even get the basic options of the game right. Can't change rounds?? I mean seriously, I've seen the complaints about win streaks online, that obviously hasn't been fixed, wtf are they patching? It is really sad how halfed ass this game is, especially considering all they had to do was get the menus right, since there was no work needed to be done in the game.

I don't know how Capcom hires people to make games or work on these projects, but these people obviously don't know anything, don't test anything, don't pay any attention to details. It is really sad for all the people that looked forward to this game and bought consoles just to play it only for it to be such a disaster. Did I have high expectations? No, of course not. Did I at least expect it to be better than the PS2 version? Yes.

Yet, these guys also have the audacity to sell match packs from a tourney played on laggy monitors. I mean, I was invited to this event and trust me, as soon as I found out that there was laggy monitors used by people at Capcom, the ones that made this game, I already knew this game was going to suck. I mean if you are the staff making this game and you play on laggy monitors and not notice a difference, lol, you must know nothing about the game at all.

It is sad how they found a way to butcher this classic game and found ways to make money off of those that truly expected a decent product.

(more to come in the next few posts)
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11/02/11 8:32:00 AM

Alright so check this s*** out.

I was at the 3rd Strike invitational that they were running up at the Capcom office in SF. I'm about to share to you guys some Tales from the 3s Crypt here.

1. 16 players, including 4 Nihonjin, Boss, Kokujin, Tokido and originally Kenzo but later Higa. They had already chosen 14 players to attend before me and Pyro were even aware of this event. Isn't that funny how you say the 2 most well known players in the US and Pyro who is way more accomplished than me, going to SBO like 8 out of 9 years don't hear about this until 14 out of 16 has been chosen?

2. So this thing was supposed to be like top f***ing secret, we had to sign some wavers saying that we would not talk about this until they are able to sell this s*** on Xbox Live i guess lol. So I'm at the office, I take a picture on my iphone of the game screen, and here comes Derek Neal, running to me and like literally getting in my face and screaming at me. YOU BETTER DELETE THAT I AM NOT JOKING OR ELSE I WILL GET MY LAWYERS ON YOU. lol what a f***ing joke right?

3. Laggy ass monitors at Capcom who make these games. Need I say more? Had Pyro actually shown up, he would've sat down, played one game, win or lose, got up and just went home. I played Boss first round of the tourney, we played one round, Makoto vs Ken and just looked at each other and laughed at how much of a joke this was. I lost to Boss when he hit me with a Hayate cancel into Seichusen, I had gotten up already, let go of the controller, only to see that, he did not even correctly link into Seichusen, lol.

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11/02/11 8:35:00 AM

Derek Neal if you're reading this: Go f*** yourself. All you had to do was port the game and give us good netcode and matchmaking. You f***ed up. No one was asking for a worthless vault or some garbage achievement system. We just wanted the game we love with good netcode. That was it.

We love 3rd Strike, just not 3SOE.

Not a single recognized player thinks this game is good.

A top Oro player told me that "Super cancels are a lot harder to do and EX moves don't come out."

A player that qualified for SBO in 2003 who doesn't play Yun and is not named Valle said that. "It is impossible to do fireball Denjin."

I can go on and on and on and on and drop names, but believe me when I say, not a single recognized 3s player will vouch for this junk.

Way to f*** up the Mona Lisa.

Offline play is not good either. Especially since you need a CRT first off. And second, the timing is off on a lot of things, especially Genei Jin combos or super cancels. I've seen Hung and Pyro miss countless things while playing this. Even Justin said there was something wrong and he plays Chun Li..

Anyways. All I know is, we sent a f***ing man to the moon in like the 50s or 60s. We can clone human beings. That is like a bazillion miles away and yet, we cannot have lagless online 3rd Strike. WTF


Where is Derek Neal now? He was everywhere before the release, where is he now?

When Maxamillion (sorry for sp) got called out, he responded. When Floe got called out, he responded. They at least had the courtesy to address the problems associated to whatever they were involved in. Now this Derek Neal claims arcade perfect to everyone, I want to hear his response on why it is not arcade perfect. He was quick to read the forums and threaten me with a law suit. I know he is reading this forum right now.

Please stop hiding like Gadhafi. We will find you.
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11/02/11 8:38:00 AM

"Arcade perfect"

I have no personal vendetta. I have a career and I like girls. It is obvious that most of the population that play 3rd Strike don't like this edition, with all the threads on the forums, but obviously no one listens. So I am just using my voice like everyone else, demonstrating leadership qualities to lead against trash.

If that is the medium for which 3rd is to be played in 2011, then don't call it arcade perfect. You can just say, we tried our best to mimic the greatest fighting game ever made 3rd Strike, but how can one duplicate the Mona Lisa? Really, I knew as soon as I went to the Capcom office this game was going to suck. But I signed some legal documents not being able to talk about it and warn everyone about the suckage.

And I don't understand why I can't have a personal vendetta if I chose to have one. This game is my blood sweat and tears for the last 10 years. I've invested my time, my money, my passion and everything to this game and community, only for these idiots at Capcom to come and put out this garbage. I've spend countless hours teaching players this game and I know when an effort is made. There is obviously no effort made. I am lucky to have an arcade to still play 3rd Strike at, and always have been, but there are players who don't and always have wished to play arcade perfect 3rd Strike somehow, and that is what these car salesmen used to bait them into buying this, "arcade perfect". This is obviously disrespectful to every player who has wanted that experience, but also disrespectful to every 3rd Strike legend in America and Japan hoping to have a revival and see the glory of this game. MOV called this game incomplete and an injustice to 3rd Strike fans.

What should I do? Sit back and let them get away with this trash? Japanese players obviously aren't going to hit up this board especially with the arcades they have there. Pyro doesn't even acknowledge this games existence along with just about every other Socal 3rd Strike player. Please, don't make excuses for these people. In 3rd Strike, to be the best, you have to force yourself to demand perfection, to train, to learn and make an effort to raise the level of your play and the level of this game. You get out of this game as much as you put into it. So as long as we keep saying it is just a $15 game and make excuses saying that is about as good as it gets in 2011, settling for mediocre ports, than that is all we will get. Don't get used that.

Please don't make a mockery out of the game I love.

I think that about covers it for quotes. Thoughts?
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11/02/11 8:41:00 AM

2. So this thing was supposed to be like top f***ing secret, we had to sign some wavers saying that we would not talk about this until they are able to sell this s*** on Xbox Live i guess lol. So I'm at the office, I take a picture on my iphone of the game screen, and here comes Derek Neal, running to me and like literally getting in my face and screaming at me. YOU BETTER DELETE THAT I AM NOT JOKING OR ELSE I WILL GET MY LAWYERS ON YOU. lol what a f***ing joke right?

...Isn't this making himself look like an ass?

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11/02/11 8:43:00 AM

...Isn't this making himself look like an ass?

based on the tone of his topic I don't think he cares much! he's not a fan of Derek Neal obviously.
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11/02/11 8:43:00 AM

He doesn't really seem to care how he comes off. He's just venting his obvious frustrations about the game he loves being butchered so badly.

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11/02/11 8:44:00 AM

I have a career and I like girls.

Definitely my favorite part.

Xbox GT/PSN name: TatteredUniform
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11/02/11 8:45:00 AM

The thing that really surprised me was when he suggested the OE port is worse than the PS2 port. I've never played it in the arcade so I have no idea how they all compare, but from reading some quotes I get the impression that 3S enthusiasts aren't huge fans of the PS2 version.
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11/02/11 8:49:00 AM

I just want to point out that SF4 is currently the only true perfect fighting game. 3S is garbage and this guy has only himself to blame for worshiping 3S.

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11/02/11 8:50:00 AM

3S is really fun, SF4 is fun too
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11/02/11 8:50:00 AM

From: OmarsComin | #009
I get the impression that 3S enthusiasts aren't huge fans of the PS2 version.

They aren't.

But for people like me, it was the only way to play 3rd Strike until 3SOE came out because I never had a Dreamcast and my local arcade shut down.

"The great GF...Bahamut."
"...GF? I...? Using my powers...It is you humans...I fear..."
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Dauntless Hunter
11/02/11 8:50:00 AM

From: OmarsComin | #001
It is really sad for all the people that looked forward to this game and bought consoles just to play it only for it to be such a disaster.

Were there really any people who did this.

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11/02/11 8:56:00 AM

They aren't.

But for people like me, it was the only way to play 3rd Strike until 3SOE came out because I never had a Dreamcast and my local arcade shut down.

Yeah same here. I only played 3S on PS2 except for a couple dabblings in GGPO until OE came out. From what it looks like, people looking for arcade perfect 3S can still only find it in arcades. Every console port has had issues, and playing in emulators/GGPO the game supposedly runs too fast and of course has PC input lag. Probably not a huge deal for most people but for 3S enthusiasts it seems to be.

It is really sad for all the people that looked forward to this game and bought consoles just to play it only for it to be such a disaster.

Were there really any people who did this.

I did! 3S is my favorite game, and I was psyched about it getting an arcade perfect release on consoles. Bought a 360 for it and was planning on buying an arcade stick as well.
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11/02/11 8:58:00 AM

Should've got a PS3 instead!

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11/02/11 8:59:00 AM

Should have moved to Japan so you can play real 3S.

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11/02/11 9:01:00 AM

Should've got a PS3 instead!

yeah in retrospect I probably would! neither version is Arcade Perfect anyway and there seems to be more PS3 users on B8. Would've saved me money, too. I can get by on a PS3 controller but I can't keep playing fighting games on a 360 dpad.

Should have moved to Japan so you can play real 3S.

Filipino Champ says they have good burgers there!
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11/02/11 9:03:00 AM

at least I can sooth myself knowing that according to SRK lag tests I have a 1 frame less laggy version of SF4. it's the little things.
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11/02/11 9:06:00 AM


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11/02/11 3:30:00 PM

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11/02/11 4:31:00 PM

oh also apparently the port was based off the DC version, they started with that code and ported it over to 360/PS3 because they thought it would be easier than emulating the CPS-3 hardware accurately. the DC version is well known for adding input lag, having some of the moves work wrong, and just generally being messed up.

I think if you're going to call your port "arcade perfect" you should probably just emulate the CPS-3 as close as you can and make sure your emulator doesn't add lag to the setup. I suspect that probably would've made most people happy. Also might've helped the online situation, since across the board people who have played both say that GGPO 3S worked better than OE 3S for online play, even though both have some issues.
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