Lurker > NeonTentacles

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Wearing pants right out of the dryer is so sublime >_>
NeonTentacles1502/17 1:38pm
Witcher 3 update accidentally includes realistic vagina mods
NeonTentacles2802/17 11:54am
Does Metroid Prime Remaster have the Pirate/Prime lore fix in it? *spoilers*
NeonTentacles402/16 2:52pm
Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch!?
NeonTentacles1602/16 12:45pm
Lt Surge was right. Raichu is so much better than Pikachu
NeonTentacles3802/15 9:48pm
Will I actually learn Japanese if I play these games? >_>
NeonTentacles302/15 7:42pm
Here's how to complete the pokedex in FireRed/LeafGreen >_>
NeonTentacles1902/15 5:09pm
Favorite Eeveelution?
NeonTentacles1302/15 1:07pm
Wow, Netflix's Squid Game adaptation is really faithful to the show!
NeonTentacles202/15 6:43am
Are you gonna fuck on Valentine's Day? >_>
NeonTentacles1202/14 5:26pm
Internet Explorer is disable TODAY! RIP to all the good times we had >_>
NeonTentacles2502/14 5:26pm
Did you know anyone who failed out of school due to WoW? >_>
NeonTentacles6202/14 1:59pm
Here's how to complete the pokedex in Emerald >_>
NeonTentacles4502/13 1:31pm
......that was it for the Halftime Show?
NeonTentacles202/12 8:42pm
Fellow Ravenclaws get in here. Fuck those other houses!
NeonTentacles4802/12 3:35am
WTF @ Samus's face in Metroid Prime 1 Remaster *obvious spoilers* >_>
NeonTentacles14302/11 8:22pm
If ur not a peasant and have Switch Online+, play the Mario 3 GBA bonus levels
NeonTentacles9402/11 8:22pm
Sega and Nier creator Yoko Taro recreating classic Sega titles as anime waifus
NeonTentacles2502/11 4:50pm
WTF @ these $350 Astro Boy Boots
NeonTentacles1902/11 4:50pm
Texas man steals monkeys from zoo. Gets arrested. Says he'll do it again!
NeonTentacles702/11 3:37pm
Damn I LOVE global warming! Literally 52F right now!
NeonTentacles3902/11 12:54pm
GTA is Hogwarts but with guns
NeonTentacles802/10 7:43pm
Pearl and Marina
NeonTentacles602/10 4:17pm
Is Ben Simmons seriously the only notable player on the Nets now? >_>
NeonTentacles402/10 12:13pm
So Nintendo is gonna have Pokemon RBY/GSC on Gameboy for Stadium 1/2 use..right?
NeonTentacles1702/10 6:17am
Spanish news anchorwomen
NeonTentacles1902/10 12:19am
Here's how to complete the pokedex in Crystal >_>
NeonTentacles4602/10 12:05am
STILL no Metroid Prime 4 info LMAO
NeonTentacles1702/09 2:21pm
You're reading the newspaper when you see an ad for a $450k crack party
NeonTentacles702/09 7:50am
You get a BAN! You get a BAN! Everyone gets a BAN!
NeonTentacles2502/09 6:37am
Here's how to complete the pokedex in Yellow >_>
NeonTentacles3802/09 1:52am
Did any speedrun mad men see Samus's face in the rerelease yet?
NeonTentacles102/08 9:06pm
Reminder that Yakuza 0 is REAL!
NeonTentacles1002/08 8:21pm
So was this Direct worth going to jail over like that one guy did?
NeonTentacles802/08 6:55pm
Gordon Ramsay when he was a 19yo chef apprentice
NeonTentacles2202/08 12:38pm
Should all Slytherins be on a dark wizard watchlist? >_>
NeonTentacles2302/08 9:37am
Remember when people were 'boycotting' Modern Warfare 2? lol
NeonTentacles702/08 7:30am
Harry Potter should've ended up with Cho Chang
NeonTentacles6102/07 11:25pm
NeonTentacles602/07 2:43pm
$100,000 but any topic that isn't about Hogwarts Legacy gets modded
NeonTentacles202/07 2:26pm
I bought a PS5 2 weeks ago and havent even opened it yet lol >_>
NeonTentacles4602/07 1:40pm
Imagine continuing The Office without Michael Scott
NeonTentacles102/07 12:38pm
Time to lay my Vita to rest. Good night sweet prince
NeonTentacles2602/07 9:16am
Why the FUCK did no one tell me that Winback on the N64 rocks my balls!?
NeonTentacles602/06 8:07pm
wtf there's more DBZ shit in Fortnite now? >_>
NeonTentacles3602/06 9:55am
Outside of everything, would you fuck JK Rowling? >_>
NeonTentacles6402/05 8:25am
Best Bond video game: Goldeneye or Everything or Nothing?
NeonTentacles2202/05 8:21am
Goldeneye really should've been a disaster given its dev history >_>
NeonTentacles7402/05 12:23am
lol I forgot Boris's password in Goldeneye is KNOCKERS >_>
NeonTentacles1802/04 12:58pm
Perfect Dark takes place this year >_>
NeonTentacles3402/04 9:07am
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