Lurker > cjsdowg

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Anyone else like the Deathnote movie?
cjsdowg511/20 3:24pm
Furry artist can make a lot of money.
cjsdowg1811/20 1:24pm
Ohio cuts up the map to give GOP 80% of the state.
cjsdowg4411/19 10:08pm
We need to stop acting like the South were not monsters in the Civil War.
cjsdowg1711/19 7:28pm
40% of Republicans don't want kids learn about racism.
cjsdowg2311/19 1:18pm
Republicans with the communist scare once more.
cjsdowg611/19 11:41am
So house Republicans are ok with violence aimed at AOC.
cjsdowg1511/19 11:09am
Police are so nice to Kyle Rittenhouse 2.0.
cjsdowg111/17 6:48pm
Look at Kyle and Judge be buddy buddy.
cjsdowg2911/17 11:17am
Notice how guys have to find women attractive
cjsdowg2711/16 6:43pm
Do Republicans cheat to win ?
cjsdowg811/16 5:20am
Dems say Harris and Butigieg are were the party is going.
cjsdowg4211/14 6:02pm
Trump tried to hide the silenced CDC.
cjsdowg611/14 10:23am
GOPer: There should be only one Religion in America...
cjsdowg2111/13 10:43pm
How can you be a Trump support ( not a joke question)
cjsdowg711/13 8:03pm
Close down restaurants that you miss?
cjsdowg1911/13 5:50pm
Shuri being unvaxxed is holding up Black Panther 2.
cjsdowg2111/13 12:33am
We don't want any more Black pastors here: Defense in Arbery case
cjsdowg911/12 7:38am
Was the Arrowverse ever good? spoilers
cjsdowg1511/11 7:53am
Obama ran as Progressive then moved to the right, and dems lost seats.
cjsdowg411/09 10:01pm
Did Kojima have someone to rein him in on MSG1-3 spoilers
cjsdowg211/09 8:10pm
Look how black cops get treated compared to non black cops.
cjsdowg2011/09 8:50am
Cop plants drugs on black men, DA declined to prosecute cop.
cjsdowg1211/09 12:22am
I don't like Travis Scott,but some of the hate is racist.
cjsdowg2111/08 4:15pm
Lady makes some good points.
cjsdowg111/08 2:52pm
Republican Paul Gosar everyone .
cjsdowg1911/08 7:18am
Republicans are always outraged about something..Dems can't win.
cjsdowg7611/07 11:45pm
Someone one was injecting people with something at the Astro World .
cjsdowg1011/07 4:53pm
The tow truck in cars must have horrible lie.
cjsdowg511/07 2:09am
Biden standing up for undocumented people
cjsdowg111/06 6:53pm
Long Bell Peppers ? Have anyone here used them?
cjsdowg511/06 4:11pm
School teaches the Golden Rule to preschools..FOX what woke maddness is this.
cjsdowg3511/06 9:42am
Republicans lose.. We need to go further to the right for our base.
cjsdowg1211/05 10:14pm
What is something you liked when you were younger but not anymore.
cjsdowg611/05 10:59am
Do centrist really think the Roads Bill would have moved people.
cjsdowg311/04 10:20pm
Do you care about the eternals?
cjsdowg511/04 7:08pm
Woke up today and people are blaming progressives, and defending Manchian.
cjsdowg511/03 6:58am
What will Dems Learn from this seeming loss in VA ?
cjsdowg2511/02 10:52pm
The reaction to Eternals is funny.
cjsdowg211/02 8:14pm
Why is Joe Rogan famous ?
cjsdowg4311/02 10:34am
Let's Go Brandon is so stupid .
cjsdowg311/02 6:20am
Cop showing how much they respect citzens.
cjsdowg411/01 8:17pm
What is the Worst Anime couple, that we are expected to enjoy.
cjsdowg3011/01 6:30pm
Halloween Kills; I hate how the town has to be stupid for MM to work (spoilers)
cjsdowg4211/01 2:05pm
Top Republican likes that people almost wrecked Biden's bus.
cjsdowg111/01 8:17am
It seems as if people think African Americans owe Democrats their support.
cjsdowg17611/01 7:12am
NBC Poll Dem vs Republicans. (Dems are shit at messaging)
cjsdowg711/01 1:13am
Republicans and the police in Texas broke the KKK act.
cjsdowg1610/31 10:21pm
Republican Cops delay back up when liberal cop was in danger.
cjsdowg10310/31 9:49pm
Trump doing the Tomahawk Chop..just because it is racist???
cjsdowg810/31 12:08am
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