Lurker > tremain07

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ITT: dumb things you used to do or believe
tremain071110/02 9:01am
The incel movement is growing
tremain07310/01 11:52pm
That whistle blower is as good as dead if Trump finds out who they are
tremain071810/01 1:35pm
Chris Collins resigns
tremain07209/30 2:38pm
Trump's meltdown continues
tremain074109/30 11:43am
Even with the audio clip, I doubt Trump will really be in trouble
tremain073009/27 1:14am
I have 5 broken laptops in my house from over 12 years
tremain071209/26 12:31pm
Greta Thunberg is another David Hogg
tremain071709/24 5:21pm
Where does CE stand on the Spider man situation?
tremain07209/24 12:50am
Biden is on tape bragging about using his influence to protect his son.
tremain071109/22 12:18pm
Trump wins again, who to blame for it
tremain07709/19 10:51am
People say the baby boomers fucked us up but doesn't that mean that
tremain07409/18 11:19am
Racist police fossil Joe Apario running for office again
tremain07309/16 9:38am
Pokemon made history today
tremain073009/15 5:44pm
Help me out here,CE
tremain07309/14 8:14pm
I found some lube, what can I do with it?
tremain071409/14 12:38pm
Guilty Gear 2020 confirmed for time skip May has aged models have changed
tremain072809/13 3:29pm
If the left loses to Trump again will they change?
tremain071409/13 12:56pm
Do you fear your job being automated one day?
tremain07809/12 12:11am
What's the weirdest crime you expect to see one day?
tremain07409/11 7:35pm
exactly when was it that 9/11 became blame the left day?
tremain07209/11 3:21pm
How does CE feel about the Doomer movement?
tremain07909/10 7:42pm
Ce what do you think of this scenario
tremain07209/10 12:35am
I have 7 dollars for dinner tonight, what should I get
tremain072609/04 10:04am
Why did Persona 1 and 2 fall into obscurity where 3,4 and 5 soared?
tremain072409/03 12:37am
Boogie's having another melt down
tremain071909/01 9:23pm
Hey CE, did you know there are people who don't bathe everyday?
tremain07808/31 12:20pm
It's Friday night, why are you on CE instead of doing normal people stuff?
tremain071508/30 10:42pm
How does CE feel about Funimation?
tremain072008/30 9:56pm
2020 election is Trump vs Biden who do you vote for?
tremain072708/30 3:23am
Double Standards, are they the true reason society is so fucked up?
tremain07808/29 3:22pm
Should I try that Dragon Quest demo on the switch?
tremain074208/29 12:38am
You ever wonder what life would be like if Myspace,Facebook,Youtube and Twitter
tremain071008/28 12:14am
Why are people standing in a line in that W.O.W game?
tremain072408/27 11:56am
What's CE's favorite super saiyan form
tremain07208/26 12:22pm
CE but it has boss battle posters, what would their music be?
tremain07408/26 12:18am
Joe Biden ad on why you should vote for him
tremain073408/24 7:11pm
Trump administration tries to allow firing of gay people just for being gay
tremain072008/24 10:42am
Do you think girls actually have the boob envy thing?
tremain07308/22 11:37pm
Actually met a human named Sonic today
tremain072008/22 4:12pm
Electoral votes do not have to vote for the candidate that wins their state
tremain071408/21 9:03pm
Trump declares himself the chosen one
tremain073808/21 6:01pm
The story of Dragonball introduces a new character
tremain07608/20 10:35am
Just got my estimate for my car repair CE, check it out.
tremain07808/19 9:13pm
Ah fuck, Jack n the box's Taco box item is no longer on the menu
tremain07708/19 3:22pm
How are the Proud Boys not labeled a terror cell yet?
tremain071108/17 3:39pm
What are the odds of Sanders and Warren dropping out before 2020?
tremain072208/17 3:15pm
Hey CE, wanna see something weird?
tremain07108/16 7:30pm
How come Vegeta is the only guy in Dragonball to actually cover his hands
tremain07708/16 1:50am
e3, came and went, evo, came and went. Now I'm all bored
tremain071308/15 10:45am
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