Lurker > joe40001

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Which of these is the funnier version of this clip?
joe40001210/22 4:47pm
How often do you feel depressed?
joe400011410/22 2:50pm
I'm really sick of age-shaming/ageism online
joe400011010/20 11:08pm
What score do you get on this Autism / Asperger's Screening Quiz?
joe400015010/16 6:55pm
Was the recent Corona ep of South Park the first time Cartman...*spoilers*
joe400011110/15 6:09am
I really hate my memory, I often feel like 2 weeks just "vanish"
joe400011010/15 12:36am
Question about the boys Season 2 *MAJOR SPOILERS*
joe40001310/14 7:04am
Watching the boys, I'm through S2E3, and I have a thought... *no spoilers*
joe40001210/13 10:50pm
What percent of these pro-trump comments are bots?
joe40001410/13 10:03pm
Is this the Killer's best song?
joe400011010/13 6:13am
Is there some reason you tip for Chinese takeout when you don't normally tip??
joe40001610/13 4:02am
I'm so sick of being fat and hating my body...
joe400018110/12 12:22pm
Of all the dumb things Trump has said, this might be my favorite
joe40001610/11 4:22am
I'm going to be honest, Pharrell Williams...
joe40001110/10 4:51pm
Guy beats all of "Yoshi's Island" BLINDFOLDED
joe40001410/10 5:35am
"Comments are turned off." (I wonder why)
joe40001810/10 4:49am
My friend showed me a weird meme site for conservatives.
joe40001110/08 11:53pm
Every show/movie: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..."
joe400014810/08 4:31pm
We all agree Child Beauty pagents should be cancelled right?
joe400011910/08 8:23am
I don't understand bodywash
joe400017810/07 9:59pm
Is this Trump's best speech?
joe40001110/07 6:30pm
Really digging Agents of Sheild S7 *no spoilers*
joe40001310/06 5:31pm
Far Right Ben Shapiro Totally Owns Far Left Ignorant Jackass
joe40001210/05 10:40pm
Can we petition streaming services to allow us to decide if an episode is too...
joe400012810/05 10:02am
What is a insanely simple meal plan to maximize weight loss?
joe400014410/05 1:30am
Edward Snowden takes over an hour to answer just one question
joe40001510/05 1:02am
I over-eat a lot to cope with depression, I need a healthier 'pity party'
joe400013310/04 11:18pm
I keep forgetting how good Agents of Shield is *No Spoilers*
joe400011010/04 2:53am
Melania looks like the wife in a law and order episode that everybody suspects..
joe40001910/04 2:17am
Senior Counselor to Trump/Bikini Model Hope Hicks likely responsible for Trump's
joe400012710/03 6:38pm
I am driving a normal highway in CO and I guess I have to pay fines? Where?
joe400011510/01 3:24pm
I need a vice to replace binge eating... Something calming for when I'm anxious
joe400011809/28 5:37pm
Maybe my favorite collegeHumor video
joe40001409/27 7:15am
FYI Cobra Kai is really good
joe4000124509/27 3:31am
Do you support the BLM movement?
joe40001109/26 4:39am
ITT:We challenge each other's political beliefs with vids, articles, discussions
joe40001109/23 4:19pm
I'm trying to just lay in bed an fall asleep without anything to distract me
joe40001109/18 3:48am
I saw "Bill And Ted Face the Music" *No spoilers*
joe40001409/17 11:15am
I hate NDAs
joe40001109/16 10:43pm
Rewatch Cobra Kai vs Start S2 The Boys vs Continue TNG S3 Rewatch?
joe40001309/16 6:39pm
This is day 6 of my water fast. (I'm being healthy about it)
joe400016609/11 7:01pm
Thinking about seeing a movie but worried about 'rona, is this safe enough?(vid)
joe40001509/10 5:43pm
Just watched a cashier explain covid death numbers to a customer!
joe400011809/07 3:53am
I'm staying at my friends and because they have kids they don't care about COVID
joe40001709/06 7:02pm
I get to the end of most days and I can't really remember everything I did...
joe400011709/06 5:28pm
People who lost their interest in gaming and then got it back, how?
joe400012509/06 3:28pm
The worst thing about the left is how much ammunition it gives the right
joe40001109/04 1:08pm
When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything
joe40001409/03 3:44am
Rubin Report attacks Jacob Blake and defends the 17yo gun kid
joe40001609/03 2:37am
Dave Rubin is increasingly full of shit, can people detail the mistakes in this?
joe40001409/02 2:34pm
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