Lurker > ssj3vegeta_

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Anyone else feel like smoking some cigarettes?
ssj3vegeta_301/29 4:49pm
***Official WWE Royal Rumble Topic spoilers***
ssj3vegeta_27801/29 12:13am
Do you ever search for your old school crushes on social media?
ssj3vegeta_701/28 9:40am
Do you murricans actually call muggles ''NoMaj''?
ssj3vegeta_401/27 10:05am
Would you have stayed in da cab or tried to climb out?*warning scary*
ssj3vegeta_101/27 8:59am
Why do men like dis exist?
ssj3vegeta_2801/26 1:03pm
Why do you think women prefer to fuck mean guys over nice guys like us?
ssj3vegeta_5801/26 7:39am
Why do women like dis exist?
ssj3vegeta_2501/25 5:45pm
Dere's LITERALLY been 11 school shootings dis year alone in da US
ssj3vegeta_1101/25 3:13pm
So be honest, which one of you guys did dis?
ssj3vegeta_501/25 12:50pm
Anyone else wish dey had a cute white gf you could explore da world with?
ssj3vegeta_601/25 9:50am
Your thoughts on users who say ''I can't evremember da last time i got modded''?
ssj3vegeta_801/25 7:49am
Alexandra Daddario tied up and showing amazing side boob
ssj3vegeta_1401/24 6:58pm
Holding A Stick Helped Senators End The Government Shutdown
ssj3vegeta_501/24 1:51pm
What are your thoughts on hella dark, ugly, generic brown eyes?
ssj3vegeta_2401/24 1:51pm
Saw a goth chick wear just overalls with a fishnet top, no bra
ssj3vegeta_701/24 1:47pm
Has sbollen given dese moderators any bonuses yet?
ssj3vegeta_301/24 1:34pm
I haven't ordered pizza since last year....should I order some today?
ssj3vegeta_601/21 5:08pm
I think i'll finally stop making all these disgusting, perverted topics.
ssj3vegeta_901/21 4:26pm
Are black women in general gorgeous iyo?
ssj3vegeta_1101/21 3:48pm
dis will be my reaction when a cute as FUCK white chick finally
ssj3vegeta_701/20 11:25pm
Ahh! I burned my hand!!!
ssj3vegeta_1001/20 9:03pm
Lets cut da bullshit and admit dat Naruto is a good series *spoilers*
ssj3vegeta_601/20 7:36pm
Which CE users do you think will make da most impact on da world?
ssj3vegeta_1901/20 7:08pm
Whats da biggest e-fight you've ever been in? and what was it about?
ssj3vegeta_601/20 4:42pm
CE's reaction when dey see my topics
ssj3vegeta_301/20 3:19pm
A sexual consent app has finally been created!!!
ssj3vegeta_601/20 12:54am
Its literally almost 1 am....why da fuck are you awake and posting on CE????
ssj3vegeta_101/20 12:51am
Who do you blame more for making you ugly?
ssj3vegeta_2101/19 5:26am
Japan also had a false missle alert last night
ssj3vegeta_1101/18 6:41pm
Why can't she just leave him da fuck alone?
ssj3vegeta_301/18 6:04pm
You have 1 message from the moderation staff
ssj3vegeta_2401/18 6:01pm
How old are you and would you fuck an 18 year old?
ssj3vegeta_5201/18 11:20am
Photographer Photoshops Wedding Couple To Look 30 lbs Lighter
ssj3vegeta_1101/18 9:52am
My ass a lot like locked topics on CE
ssj3vegeta_101/18 9:26am
My ass a lot like da new gamefaqs moderation system
ssj3vegeta_1001/18 2:41am
liberally lean from the land of dairy queen
ssj3vegeta_201/17 10:28pm
So da T shirt idea doesn't work...
ssj3vegeta_301/17 10:17pm
*shines ultra-violet light on CE*
ssj3vegeta_401/17 10:05pm
Fucking basketball is interfering with my ESPN FC show, fuck off bitch!!!
ssj3vegeta_101/17 10:02pm
Sex robots will be da womens biggest challenge dis year, did #metoo pave da way
ssj3vegeta_2801/17 7:16pm
Shall we have another ''Dresses so tight you'll lose circulation'' topic?
ssj3vegeta_201/17 7:10pm
Are you more of a talker or a listener?
ssj3vegeta_3901/16 6:00pm
Would you be willing to go to a CE meetup at Dave and Busters with dese users?
ssj3vegeta_2701/16 3:35pm
Hey FF_Redux
ssj3vegeta_401/16 3:06pm
You think _Goggalor_ listened and got help
ssj3vegeta_3801/16 2:16pm
ssj3vegeta_201/16 1:53pm
Wtf, Scarlett Johansson got full on nude in a movie????
ssj3vegeta_1601/16 11:22am
If you don't want to get hit on in da gym, just pretend you farted
ssj3vegeta_201/16 9:36am
Had another nightmare about bears
ssj3vegeta_901/16 7:54am
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