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Topic | How did you choose SNES over Sega Genesis, or vice versa? |
anth0ny 09/15/17 7:33:14 PM #14 | I was one of those rotten kids that had both... but i pretty much let anyone come over that wanted to play the shit out of some games to ignore their miserable lives I remember this kid named anthony stayed over for like 3 or 4 days... cried when his dad forced him back to shitty shitty reality --- moo |
Topic | Judge: Sessions can't deny grant money to sanctuary cities |
anth0ny 09/15/17 7:24:14 PM #65 | Lordsai posted... Amazing how we take care of fucking illegals than our own homeless. Homeless are all of a sudden "your own" when it comes to brown people?? that's kind of adorable --- moo |
Topic | I made out with a 17 years old girl and I'm 28. How should i feel? |
anth0ny 09/15/17 4:28:38 PM #265 | who psted --- moo |
Topic | What is your favorite song from the band Weezer? |
anth0ny 09/15/17 2:23:54 AM #14 | @CrimsonAngel *siiiiiiigh* --- moo |
Topic | What is your favorite song from the band Weezer? |
anth0ny 09/15/17 2:22:33 AM #13 | Pink Triangle --- moo |
Topic | Wood... |
anth0ny 09/14/17 9:17:05 PM #4 | Owwwww --- moo |
Topic | Wood... |
anth0ny 09/14/17 9:16:50 PM #2 | pain from my fucking guitar falling on my fucking leg --- moo |
Topic | This TERRIFYING Creature was found on a TEXAS Beach after HURRICANE HARVEY!! |
anth0ny 09/13/17 9:27:53 PM #8 | let's see what it taste like deep fried before i decide to be scared of it --- moo |
Topic | I made out with a 17 years old girl and I'm 28. How should i feel? |
anth0ny 09/13/17 7:46:00 PM #262 | still no answer --- moo |
Topic | ce, post here to find out your tag! |
anth0ny 09/13/17 12:40:51 AM #42 | ! --- moo |
Topic | What % of the posters on this site would you estimate are "good posters? |
anth0ny 09/13/17 12:40:23 AM #12 | Go_Totodile posted... There are very few genuinely good people here. geeze --- moo |
Topic | Hi!!! |
anth0ny 09/12/17 1:05:16 AM #4 | bout' that time, eh tc?? --- moo |
Topic | What are you're coping strategies for when your troubled |
anth0ny 09/12/17 12:49:25 AM #22 | byron posted... chill02 posted...Do something that keeps your hands busy. It's hard to focus on anything else that way. ooo igi --- moo |
Topic | Why are full bushes so uncommon in porn? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 11:31:52 PM #30 | excellent excellent question, tc --- moo |
Topic | So, uhm, WHY did Trump win? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 8:44:48 PM #15 | Comey seriously drove rednecks to the polls. That fact can NOT be downplay d --- moo |
Topic | How many times a day do you blame libs/cons for things happening in your life? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 8:30:26 PM #7 | Cons don't believe in public education nor teaching safe sex --- moo |
Topic | Do people even exchange phone numbers anymore? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 8:00:00 PM #2 | wait a minute... does getting a number make me old fashioned?? whatevs --- moo |
Topic | I like everyone, and everyone likes me! |
anth0ny 09/11/17 7:57:56 PM #6 | this is a bro gimmick lame --- moo |
Topic | I took my gf to the zoo and the zookeeper thanked me for bringing her back |
anth0ny 09/11/17 7:55:35 PM #10 | 3khc posted... She obviously a giraffe. ... --- moo |
Topic | Just asked a cute girl from class on a date |
anth0ny 09/11/17 7:54:19 PM #3 | pics@ or it's never happenin' --- moo |
Topic | Have white people ever been repressed or enslaved or anything of that sort? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 6:05:38 PM #64 | Yikes. Welp. Im out. Later mouth breathers. --- moo |
Topic | Have white people ever been repressed or enslaved or anything of that sort? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 5:55:21 PM #50 | Once upon a time whites were the Africans of their age and Julius let his people collect them as slaves. I forget when that slave trade ended though. Mongolians were selling whites to italians in the 13/14 century --- moo |
Topic | What CEgals are considered the female equivalent of ''Nice Guys'' here? |
anth0ny 09/11/17 4:21:21 AM #74 | ZzZz!!! --- moo |
Topic | Literally a new Rick and Morty episode and no topic about it *spoilers* |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:32:12 PM #7 | get. a; room --- moo |
Topic | Stuff teens in the mid 2000's did |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:31:07 PM #4 | pretty sure that's still a thing --- moo |
Topic | Literally a new Rick and Morty episode and no topic about it *spoilers* |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:10:03 PM #5 | Ughhh --- moo |
Topic | Literally a new Rick and Morty episode and no topic about it *spoilers* |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:08:55 PM #2 | what about me vegy?? :< --- moo |
Topic | If there's even a 1% chance climate change will impact human activity on Earth, |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:07:19 PM #10 | Alucard188 posted... billcom6 we need companies to make more money --- moo |
Topic | ITT: We virtue signal |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:05:37 PM #2 | Ghengis Khan did nothing wrong --- moo |
Topic | bob barker's face at the bottom of CE |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:04:43 PM #5 | I HATE bob barker --- moo |
Topic | Princess of Japan to give up royal status after marrying a commoner |
anth0ny 09/10/17 11:04:09 PM #45 | this is a good omen --- moo |
Topic | Most evil politicians ever? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 10:49:53 PM #13 | Hojo from FF7 in close second behind Clintons, almost a tie imho --- moo |
Topic | What CEgals are considered the female equivalent of ''Nice Guys'' here? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 10:41:37 PM #55 | Im. Fucking. BOREDDDDDDddddd!!! --- moo |
Topic | Most evil politicians ever? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 10:36:51 PM #7 | AlephZero posted... the clintons AlephZero posted... the clintons AlephZero posted... the clintons --- moo |
Topic | What CEgals are considered the female equivalent of ''Nice Guys'' here? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 10:09:30 PM #48 | it is true isnt it --- moo |
Topic | What CEgals are considered the female equivalent of ''Nice Guys'' here? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 10:06:54 PM #47 | ssj3vegeta2 posted... Cegals are perfect this true??? --- moo |
Topic | Where's a mod when you need one? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 9:55:44 PM #4 | may b they are all suhleeping!!! --- moo |
Topic | I made out with a 17 years old girl and I'm 28. How should i feel? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 9:35:24 PM #259 | could make things soooooo much easier but noooooo --- moo |
Topic | I made out with a 17 years old girl and I'm 28. How should i feel? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 9:34:46 PM #258 | UnhndredDescole posted... anth0ny posted...when was this topic from anyway are u going 2 answer the question or not??? --- moo |
Topic | You guys aren't really taking North Korea seriously? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 9:32:35 PM #22 | #northkoreasentushurricanes --- moo |
Topic | does it make me a bad person to go after a girl thats in a relationship? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 9:28:59 PM #23 | jk! --- moo |
Topic | Do you find anime girls attractive? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 9:16:42 PM #2 | the internet has brainwashed me to believe 2d>all --- moo |
Topic | does it make me a bad person to go after a girl thats in a relationship? |
anth0ny 09/10/17 8:55:10 PM #17 | So I met this doctor... --- moo |
Topic | Damn Kelly Clarkson |
anth0ny 09/08/17 10:08:34 PM #3 | she QT imho! ^_^ --- moo |
Topic | someone put these guitar strings on for me |
anth0ny 09/08/17 10:04:07 PM #16 | y --- moo |
Topic | someone put these guitar strings on for me |
anth0ny 09/08/17 10:03:48 PM #15 | can't i just string this guitar and play songs for you guys like a normal. fucking. person --- moo |
Topic | someone put these guitar strings on for me |
anth0ny 09/08/17 10:03:04 PM #14 | whyyyy whyy whyyyy Y y YYYYY --- moo |
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