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TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/15/17 9:52:38 AM
Sorry for being a bad DM.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicICORAY has a job.
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/10/17 6:47:14 PM
ICORAY respects women
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicDo you have tinnitus?
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/08/17 8:23:22 PM
I get it in the bathroom at my parents house randomly.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicHow many countries have you been in?
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/08/17 7:52:09 PM
New Zealand (airport only)
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicAnything worth watching on HBO?
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/07/17 12:56:33 PM
Bump. Almost done with True Detective season 1. Pretty good stuff. Probably going to watch Deadwood next.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/06/17 12:12:00 AM
The creature walked right up to him and stopped. Hanagamas began crying and shaking as he had never seen something so terrifying in all of his life. The creature didn’t move for several moments, then the back side of its body began to rise up. Its legs didn’t move as its body contorted in impossible ways as it stood up revealing a human like shape. It revealed its head which it had been dragging behind it through the chase. Through the goopy membrane of the creatures skin Hanagamas could see a human face, Tardis’ face. He had been running on all fours, legs out in front with his torso pointed towards the sky. His arms were broken and bent in unnatural ways and his face seemed to have no life left in it. Hanagamas attempted to call out his name, but before the words could leave his mouth Tardis dug his hands into his own chest and ripped out two rip bones. Hanagamas screamed in terror as the creature that had once been Tardis descended on him stabbing him hundreds of times, over and over with his broken ribs. The whole time the creature skewered him its gelatinous flesh quivered and it let out an echoing howl that resembled some unworldly animalistic pleasure that filled his ears and was the last thing he heard as he slowly bled to death at the hands of Tardis’ parasitic host.

Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/06/17 12:11:39 AM
Melon pulled out the empty magazine and reloaded. By the time he was back in firing position Knuckles was gliding straight for him. Melon let out a few shots before contact but Knuckles stuck him in the shoulders with his claws and pinned him to the ground. Knuckles let out a pained yell as he began wildly slashing Melon across the chest. Blood poured from Knuckles’ abdomen as he fought. He was losing strength as he desperately slashed at his foe. Melon managed to push Knuckles off of him and scrambled across the room. Knuckles struggled to get to his feet but was ready to charge Melon for one last attack. Melon pulled a handgun from the wall and pointed it at the echidna. They stared each other down for a moment, daring the other to make the first move. As they gritted their teeth preparing for their final showdown Larry’s trident came flying into the armory coursing with plasma energy. The two could only watch as the trident flew into a shelf holding dozens of grenades and mines. The intense heat of the plasma energy set off all of the explosives at once. The blast filled the room and obliterated the entire armory. Larry stood outside breathing heavily as debris and bloody remains came flying out of the small room coating the floor of the ruined control room. Larry let out a victorious laugh before collapsing to the ground exhausted and bleeding from his wounds.

Hanagamas had been wandering around, searching for a victim for his molotov cocktail. He was so pleased to finally have a decent weapon, he couldn’t wait to watch his victims burn. He found himself in a poorly lit corridor. Lights kept flickering on and off and many of the doors didn’t have lights next to them indicating that they would open electronically. He tried forcing a door open with brute strength but it was much too heavy for him to budge it. Something about this area was very unsettling to him. It almost seemed unfinished and abandoned. Wires and tubes ran haphazardly along the ceiling, he felt like something was watching him, hidden in the darkness that surrounded him. This felt all too much like an old scifi horror flick and he knew that he would need to get out of this area immediately. He was overcome with anxiety and turned back and ran in the direction from whence he had come.

As soon as he started running he heard a loud crash behind him. He looked back to see the vague shape of a creature chasing after him. It was nearly translucent but was definitely there. It ran on all fours and he saw no trace of any kind of head on the creature. He didn’t waste his time staring at it for too long and ran as fast as he could. The beast let out an echoing howl as it gave chase. Hanagamas readied his molotov cocktail and as he turned a corner he threw it back hitting the beast directly. Flames burst outward engulfing the creature and were almost immediately extinguished as it seemed the beings strange translucent skin reflected the heat. Hanagamas attempted to turn and run again but he tripped over himself in his panic. He scurried back in horror as the headless creature continued to scramble towards him. He found his back against a wall. He was too petrified to attempt to stand up.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/06/17 12:10:59 AM
Knucks started wildly swinging his fists and ran towards Melon. Melon managed to deflect the blows with the piece of scrap metal that he had picked up, but the piece of aluminum wasn’t going to be able to withstand too much more of a beating. He kicked Knuckles in the stomach knocking him back and getting some distance. In this moment Melon reached over and grabbed one of the surviving computer monitors and heaved it at his foe. Knuckles smashed the monitor to pieces with one punch and charged at Melon once again, who jumped over a table to try to get some decent cover. Knuckles was too fast, me caught up to Melon and sliced him across his back before he could get to cover. He folded his arms and laughed as Melon scurried away.

As Melon ran through the rubble and debris he found a broken pipe from the sprinkler system. He pulled it free and was ready to swing it like a baseball bat. Before he could get a read on him Knuckles came gliding straight towards him from across the room at tremendous speed. Melon swung the pipe and struck Knuckles hard, but it wasn’t enough to deter the attack. Knuckles landed on top of Melon and stuck his claws into his guts. Melon let out a pained grunt as Knuckles stood over him victoriously. He was preparing for the killing blow when he was suddenly struck hard from behind, knocking him off of Melon.

Larry had followed the sounds of the alarms and was not disappointed. He came across two other tributes already in the middle of a fight, one of which looked like he was down for the count. It was time to capitalize on their exhaustion and finish them both off. Larry bashed Knuckles with the blunt end of his trident knocking him off of Melon. Larry looked down at the injured Melon Master and figured he would simply finish him off once he was through with Knuckles. Knuckles turned to face his new foe with a look of surprise on his face. Larry smiled and activated the plasma that coursed through his weapon as bolts of energy shot between the prongs of his weapon. He swung wide at Knuckles who jumped out of the way, trying his best to keep his distance from the deadly weapon. Larry swung the trident again and again as Knuckles continued to dodge. Larry had a great advantage of range and Knuckles just couldn’t manage to get close enough to him.

As the two fought they took no notice that Melon had gotten to his feet and was heading for his armory. He jumped over the debris in front of the door as best he could in his injured state and pressed his code into the panel. He smiled wide as the green light flashed on and the door slid open. He had finally made it back to his stash. It was exactly as he had left it. Fully stocked with guns, ammo, explosives and food. All he had to do now was get rid of the two idiots that were fucking around outside. Without hesitation he grabbed an assault rifle and loaded up a magazine. He stayed inside the room but took cover behind the debris that had fallen in front of the door. They were still completely unaware of him as they danced around one another. Without hesitation Melon pulled the trigger.

The automatic fire sprayed through the room. Larry barely had time to turn and look when he caught three bullets in the back. He fell to the ground bleeding heavily. Melon continued to spray bullets as Knuckles jumped around the room doing his best to avoid being hit. The little fucker was fast, but there was no way he could keep this up forever.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/06/17 12:10:10 AM
As he ran past the pillar his blaster was knocked upward and he was quickly downed as his opponent swept his legs out from under him. He looked up to see the face of Faye Valentine smiling down at him. She stepped on his blaster preventing him from raising it and she pointed a pistol at his face. He gritted his teeth and began to sweat as he awaited his execution. His heart was thumping out of control but suddenly she stepped off of his blaster and pointed her gun away from him. He lay on his back confused. She had just tried to kill him and now she was giving him a chance.

Finally she spoke, “I like a man whose not afraid to run headfirst into battle,” she said with a coy grin. He didn’t know whether to take it as a complement or not, but at this point he was just happy that she hadn’t blown his brains all over the floor. She reached out and helped him to his feet. “I think we should team up,” she told him. He wasn’t sure if he could trust her or not, but she had spared his life when she could have easily ended him. He nodded in agreement satisfied in finally getting the reciprocation of a partner that he had been attempting to find.

Ryan was sitting in his room crying. He had a good thing going with Faye and he didn’t understand why she would betray him the way that she did. He left to get her some food and when he came back into the room she bashed him in the back of the head with a gun. He thought for a moment that he should be thankful that she didn’t use that opportunity to kill him, but he was still very bitter over her betrayal. Why can’t women just do what he wants them to do. He sat in his bed staring through a small porthole that gave a view of the night sky as he sulked throughout the night.

Melon’s memory had served him well and he finally arrived to the outside of the control room where he had originally set up his base of operations. What should have been a glorious return for him was cut short as he found the entire control room had been put under siege while he was away. The door that he had sealed off had been blown open and nearly all of the computers were burnt and damaged beyond function. Small fires still flickered around the rooms as it seemed that even the sprinklers systems had been damaged by this chaos. So much for the advantage of pinpointing his enemies locations,” he thought as he looked around at the damage. He was relieved to see the armory door still intact, but it was blocked off by a pile of smoldering debris. Getting into that room was the only thing that was going to put him back on top and he wasted no time jumping in and start pulling away the hot pieces of metal that blocked his path. His hands burned as he dug his way through, but he had no other choice if he wanted to survive. He had nearly cleared his way to the doors keypad when he heard loud footsteps approaching from behind him.

“Hey man, stop fucking with my art,” a highly inebriated Knuckles called out as he walked towards Melon. Knuckles was slurring his words and was nearly stumbling over himself, but Melon knew that he could be deadly without hardly even trying. He saw how he effortlessly sliced open Mead’s throat during the bloodbath. Knuckles was pounding his fists together and was obviously drunk and looking for a fight. Melon stepped out of the pile of rubble and grabbed a chunk of metal debris. They stood more a few moments sizing each other up. Melon had gone through way too much shit to get back here to let some fucking cartoon character take it away from him now. Knuckles gritted his teeth, held up his claws, and said “Come on baby, let’s dance.”
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/06/17 12:09:40 AM
He started to walk towards the ladder when he was shocked to see someone climbing down from the dark hole in the ceiling and into his train car. He backed away from the ladder in anticipation, he had no idea who was coming towards him, but he had little means to defend himself.

Jen climbed down into the mysterious car below relieved to finally have found a way out of the duct system. She took a deep breath and turned around and nearly cried out when she saw Koga standing against the far wall staring at her. She wasn’t expecting to be brought face to face with an opponent she was just trying to find a place to relax. She looked at him wild eyed. Her hair was a mass of tangles and her clothes were covered in grease and sludge from the sewage system. Neither one of them knew what to do or say as they stared each other down from across the train car. As they stood in silence the ladder retracted into the ceiling and the hatch closed. Jen let out a gasp as the train started moving once again and quickly began to pick up speed. She was obviously very shaken and on edge. Koga held up his hands to let her know that he wasn’t going to threaten her and sat down in a seat as far away from her as he possibly could. After several minutes of inspecting her surroundings and sizing Koga up Jen finally began to relax and sat down on the opposite end of the car from Koga. The comfort of the cushioned seat made her feel relaxed almost instantly. As the train continued to fly through the maze of tubes under the moons surface towards an unknown destination Jen eventually fell asleep. Koga looked over at her from across the train, not sure what to expect when she woke up, but he couldn’t allow himself to attack her in such a vulnerable state. Where ever this train was taking them it seemed to have some sort of plan for them in mind.

MrKoopa woke up with his head on the bar. He hadn’t realized he was so tired he didn’t even remember falling asleep. He looked around for a moment and didn’t see Knuckles around anywhere. “So much for working together,” he thought as he stood up. He immediately felt sick as he breathed in the smell of decay from Sunny’s poisoned corpse rotting behind the bar. Figuring he had spent enough time trying to make friends and shooting the shit Koopa grabbed a bottle of whiskey and stuck it in his back pocket and started to walk out of the pub. He stopped at the entrance and had a devious thought. With a smile he pulled out one of his proximity mines and walked back over to the bar. He stuck it on the underside of the counter next to where Sunny had mixed up his fatal cocktail. Next person that goes in for a drink is going to get more than they bargained for.

He walked through a large plaza with many doors that looked like they would one day lead into stores or restaurants, but for now most of them just seemed empty. He tossed another one of his proxy mines under a bench when he saw a figure running through the shadows in the distance. He didn’t know what to expect but he took out his blaster and got low as he ran towards cover. He looked around and didn’t see the person anymore. He got up and started heading in the direction he saw them running towards. He got a few feet into the open and he heard a deafening bang as he felt a bullet fly straight past his head. He fell to the ground and rolled out of the open. He didn’t have a good read on his target, but whoever they were they were inches away from killing him. He held up his blaster and let out a few shots in the direction of his attacker. The laser blasts exploded as they collided with metal pillars and walls. Hoping those shots caught his attacker off guard he got to his feet and began running towards where he had fired ready with his blaster.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/06/17 12:09:03 AM
Night 3

Mario VS DK was continuing his search for a fellow competitor to engage in battle with. He had been searching for the entire day and was completely overwhelmed by the vast emptiness of the this base. Although the spaces felt claustrophobic as he wandered the narrow hallways surrounded by doors, the passages seemed endless and he began to question if he was ever going to run into anyone in this place again. Exhausted he slumped against the wall and closed his eyes trying his best to relax. He began humming a song to himself as he rested. As minutes passed he started to sense that his humming was echoing in his mind. He considered for a moment that he was starting to lose it, but when he stopped humming and rose to his feet the muffled echoing continued. He noticed tubes and ducts covering the ceiling of the hallway. The sound was traveling from somewhere else in the base. Someone must have heard him and decided that they would try to reach out to them. “Big mistake,” he thought to himself as he eagerly raised his mace. With a smile he did his best to follow the ducts to track down whoever was stupid enough to reveal their location to him.

Dan0429 was still getting over the shock of coming to his senses in outer space. The electric shock that blasted him days ago had fried his mind and he was still having a hard time grasping what was real or not and he continuously felt like he was going to black out. He was wandering around aimlessly when he heard a faint sound coming from the walls. He got closer and he recognized a familiar tune coming through one of the vents. This was the break that he was hoping for, contact with another person. He wanted to yell out into the vent to call whoever was humming to him, but he was so dehydrated that all his voice would allow to come out were mere squeaks. Using practically all of his strength he began to hum the tune back into the vent hoping to draw the attention of whoever was on the other end. He slumped against the wall, using all of his strength to hum into the tubes, hoping that his savior would come answering his call.

Koga had been resting peacefully on the train for several hours. The seats were very comfortable and he was able to regain a great deal of his vigor just by sitting back and relaxing. He had no idea where the train was headed and he really didn’t care after spending several days trapped in the concrete tunnel. Every now and then he would look out one of the windows and catch a glimpse of lights from what looked to be an intended stop for the train, but it never slowed its course. The lights of the platforms flash by as fast as they appeared as the train zoomed by. He wasn’t too worried about the train not stopping, he wasn’t hungry and at the very least he was safe in here. He decided to continue resting and worry about getting off of the train when it becomes an issue for him. He closes his eyes and falls asleep for several hours.

He rests in a deep sleep but is awoken suddenly as the train jerks to a stop. He looks out the windows and all he can see is the darkness of the concrete tunnel, there did not appear to be a platform or anywhere to get off in sight. He pushed on the doors and they didn’t budge, he was slightly relieved, because he didn’t want to get stuck out in the tube again, but the sudden stop filled him with anxiety. The train remained still for several minutes and eventually a hatch slid open in the roof of the car. Koga looked up and saw a ladder descend from a small hole in the ceiling. He couldn’t tell what was up there, he could see nothing but darkness. Seeing as it looked to be his only option he began attempting to muster up the will to climb out of the safety of the train.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicHow is Bloodborne distinct from Dark Souls?
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/05/17 9:47:35 PM
You don't have the option to block which requires more aggressive play. Of course you can play Dark Souls like that, but Bloodborne was built around it.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicYou all should get married.
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/04/17 8:32:51 PM
FrndNhbrHdCEman posted...
Stupid Pirate Guy posted...
My wife and I split up, then I fucked her, now she wants me back.

Hoes man.

Prolly preggers.

I bought her the morning after pill and watched her take it.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicYou all should get married.
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/04/17 6:57:47 PM
My wife and I split up, then I fucked her, now she wants me back.

Hoes man.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/03/17 11:26:57 PM
Hello my friends. Sorry for the delays but I did think of how I want this story to end. It's always in the back of my thoughts, you are not forgotten.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicAnything worth watching on HBO?
Stupid Pirate Guy
09/02/17 7:43:25 PM
My HBOnow free trial ends on the 20th. I'm all caught up on GOT and Westworld. Anything else worth checking out while I get it for free?
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicThis 31 y/o Alabama Teacher gets 3 YEARS for CEMETERY SEX with a Student!!!
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/26/17 9:56:02 AM
I bent my ex over a bench at a scenic overlook on top of a mountain and fucked her as I could see for miles. It was the middle of winter so I just pulled my dick out and we had mostly clothed sex, but it was definitely one of my best bangs. Would do again.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicAlcohol is a bitch.
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/26/17 9:50:20 AM
My tolerance for getting drunk is super high, but I always get the worst fucking hangovers. I guess drinking just isn't for me.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicConservatives vow REVENGE over Sony's Preacher depicting Jesus having SEX!!!
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/25/17 8:19:32 PM
Marked for spoilers
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicZikten topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/25/17 5:13:27 PM
TopicWhich PotDer has the most "sex appeal" iyo?
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 7:31:27 PM
Whoever provides the most sex.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicIs this black girl hot?
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 6:52:48 PM
wwinterj25 posted...
Fuck yes.

Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicThere are always a lot of cute girls working at Starbucks
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 10:02:16 AM
Too bad they're working so I can't flirt with them.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 12:46:49 AM
Tardis woke up in his corner of the room where he had made a truce with Larry the night before. He tried to get up but somehow his energy shield had surrounded him in his sleep and left him stuck in a claustrophobic state. Apparently the shield had properties that he hadn’t known about. It was clear that Larry was looking for him when he woke up, but something about the shield made him invisible. He was grateful at the time, because by the look on Larry’s face he had sinister motives, but now that he was alone he really wanted to get up and move around again. He tried to pull his arms free but it almost felt like the shield was tightening itself around him, encapsulating him like some kind of cocoon. The more he struggled to free himself the more the shield pushed back on him and after several hours it had tightened itself around his body and began contorting him into a shape of its own desire. The energy cocoon twisted and bent his back and limbs in unnatural ways but he felt no pain, almost as though the shield was injecting him with a sedative, making him complacent to whatever it was attempting to do with him. Unable to move and entirely helpless Tardis could do nothing but cry uncontrollably as he felt himself lose all control of his body. He felt his mind weaken and he could no longer think rational thoughts. Whatever this shield was it wasn’t just an advanced piece of technology like he had assumed; it was some type of parasite that was taking over him. As it contorted his body in unnatural positions he lost all control of his mind, he gave into the insanity of the parasitic shield creature and let it seize full control over him.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance

District 9

District 10

Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 12:45:09 AM
He picked up the bloody harpoon off of the floor that had previously been extracted from his leg and attached it to his belt. He held his trident out in front of him as he walked down the halls ready to attack anything that moved. He eventually heard the sounds of alarms going off in the distance. He decided to slowly make his way over there and see what the commotion was about.

MrKoopa was still hanging out in the pub where he had been for the past day. He had removed the bow from Sunny’s dead body and took the remaining arrows for himself. He couldn’t believe that idiot actually poisoned himself when trying to slip something into his drink. Koopa thought that they were getting along fine and was willing to trust him. He had personally acquired a decent arsenal and was willing to team up with someone to take out some of the weaker links on this base, but apparently Sunny was his own worst enemy. “Tough shit,” Koopa thought with a laugh as he grabbed another beer.

He began to chug down his beer when he heard footsteps coming up into the pub, he held onto his blaster under the table but made sure to keep it out of sight. Knuckles came stomping into the room looking pissed off and gave Koopa an acknowledging nod. Without a word Knuckles grabbed a beer from behind the bar. He popped the cap and looked down to see Sunny’s dead body already stinking with his skin turned a sickening green color that was already melting off of his flesh. “What happened to this asshole?” Knuckles asked.

Koopa smiled, “Too much to drink I suppose.”

They shared in a laugh as Knuckles sat down at the bar a few seats down from Koopa. Knuckles guzzled back his beer and reached for another one within seconds. He had cuts all over his arms chest, Koopa figured that this character had gotten into enough shit for now and was just trying to relax, but he held onto his blaster just in case. He figured that this might be a decent guy to team up with if he doesn’t end up getting shit faced drunk. Koopa struck up a conversation about Knuckles’ injuries and Knuckles went on to explain how he was just trying to let off some steam when a bunch of assholes came in and decided to ruin his fun. He seemed extra pissed off about the fact that they all got away without having their throats slit by the claws sticking out of his hands. Koopa slid Knucks another beer and told him that it’s nothing a little drink can’t mend. “Amen,” Knuckles said as he chugged back his third beer in minutes.

The two of them carried on a friendly conversation and Koopa felt confident about getting this character to work together with him. They joked and shared stories as the continued to drink, all the while unaware that they were being watched. Up in the air duct in the ceiling Jen looked down on the two drinking together. She wished that she had a bomb that she could drop down there and take the both of them out, but she was completely weaponless. As she listened to them carry on she became jealous because she would enjoy drinking away her sorrows as well, but she had no idea how to actually get out of the vent system that she crawled into after her she awkwardly slipped away from Melon after their affair.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 12:44:38 AM
He was happy to be greeted by sunlight shining through the windows in the ceiling. He looked down the hallway and found a sign hanging nearby. The sign pointed out uninteresting areas nearby, but a symbol in the corner of it caught his attention. He remembered from the map he pulled up in the room with all the computers that all of the major sections of the base were broken down into individual areas that were identified by a corresponding symbol. He searched his memory and remembered this symbols area location in proximity to the room with the computers and his armory that he coded so only he could enter. He plotted a mental map in his mind of how to get back to his weapons and took off running down the hall as fast as he could on his injured leg.

Dan0429 woke up on the floor feeling completely disoriented. His mouth was parched dry and he struggled to stand up. He looked around and recognized nothing around him. His vision was hazy and he lumbered about clumsily as he attempted to get his bearings. He eventually saw something he recognized, a bathroom sign. He ran inside as fast as he could and threw his head under a sink and began guzzling water from the drain. After hydrating himself he stood up straight and looked at himself in the mirror, he gasped as he couldn’t believe his appearance. His skin was blackened and charred in several spots and his hair had turned white and was sticking straight up. He had no recollection of what had happened to him or how he got here. He started scrubbing the burns on his face only to be met with an excruciating pain as he cracked the charred layers of skin. He put his face in his hands and shook his head in disbelief, he needed to find someone and get help. He ran out of the bathroom and was shocked as he looked out of a giant gallery window revealing the bright Earth in the distance. He fell to his knees. Last thing he could remember he was home with his family, now he was helplessly trapped; injured, alone, and lost in space.

Mario VS DK was dipping in and out of rooms hunting for other tributes that he could smash with his electric mace. He couldn’t believe the size of this base. Room after room filled with either nothing or just a few simple desks. He wanted to be thorough and not miss a potential target, but the task was getting incredibly frustrating. He walked into another room. Nothing but a table and chair in the corner. In his anger he yelled out and smashed the cheap furniture to splinters with his mace. He was really itching to take someone out. He felt abandoned by Faye and needed to take that aggression out on someone. He figured that she had just used him at the time, but he didn’t understand why she stuck around for most of the next day only to disappear later. He knew she was playing games with him and he fell right into them. The girl was good at what she does, that was for sure. He relaxed for a moment and calmed down. He didn’t want to keep smashing things and put himself a position to be ambushed. After a moments rest he continued to search the rooms one by one, hoping to find someone whose face he could smash in.

Larry woke up in the corner of the room where he had fallen asleep the night before. His leg felt much better after injecting himself with the serum and he figured that his truce with Tardis had lasted long enough. The guy did provide some food so Larry decided that he would make his death quick and painless as he slept. Larry rose to his feet and took his trident in hand, but as he looked around he found that Tardis was nowhere in sight. He had fallen asleep on the opposite end of the room from him and all that was over there was a pile of tiny bones from the rabbit that they shared. He was annoyed that he was denied an easy kill but was also slightly relieved that he wouldn’t have to betray his truce so soon.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 12:43:45 AM
He rested his head on his arms and tried to get some sleep. He eventually drifted off to sleep. He didn’t know how long he slept, it could have been hours or just mere minutes but he was awoken by the sound of a strange chime as a vacuum tube opened up inside of the room. Curious, he climbed out from under the table and into the light. His eyes winced at the bright sun once again as he walked towards the tube. He reached inside and pulled out a bottle that was full of a strange liquid. He read the label one the side, “Self-Lighting Molotov Cocktail”. He held onto his explosive prize with a rekindled hope in his chances for survival. He was suddenly filled with energy once again and was ready to blow some shit up.

Koga woke up on the hard concrete floor of the seemingly endless tunnel that he had been traversing for the past several days. He was starting to get anxious. He was almost out of food and there was still no exit from this place to be found. He considered turning around and looking for the hatch that he originally entered from, but that was several days ago and he couldn’t even remember which way was which anymore as the concrete walls all looked identical and messed with his sense of direction. He rose to his feet and was struck with a spell of dizziness. He stumbled towards the wall and caught it with his hand as he waited for his head to stop spinning. An unbearably loud ringing echoed through his brain as he fell into the wall but managed to stay on his feet. It felt like several minutes had past, but eventually his head stopped ringing and he was able to stand normally again. He shook himself off, not sure what to do next.

Before he had a chance to consider his options a light appeared at one end of the tunnel and was heading in his direction. He stared at the light, almost like he was in a trance. He couldn’t believe his eyes as a tube shaped train car pulled up right next to him and stopped. He had been in these tunnels for days and this was the first time he had seen them actually being used for any purpose. The feeling was surreal but also relieving as the metal door on the train slid open revealing large, cushioned seats and soft, pleasant lighting. He didn’t even hesitate, he practically jumped aboard the train and made himself comfortable on the large cushioned seats. After a couple of moments the door slid shut and the train took off down the tunnel. Koga didn’t care where the train was taking him as long as it was somewhere other than here.

Melon Master found himself alone in the stinking sewer tunnel. He didn’t remember falling asleep. All that he could remember was going at it with Jen repeatedly. There was some weird kind of satisfaction about plowing a girl in such a disgusting place as this sewer. The girl was definitely a freak if she wanted to get it on in a place like this, but what kind of gentleman would he had been if he denied her. He wondered for a moment where she wandered off to, but didn’t dwell on the thought for long as he realized that he had been breathing in the sewage for several hours. “At least this place is new,” he thought. “Wouldn’t want to be in this place if this station was fully occupied.” He got up and put pressure on his injured leg. It hurt a little, but he was certainly able to walk. He walked along the grated platform for several minutes and found a ladder leading up to hatch. He climbed up and peaked through the opening. Once he was convinced no one was around he pulled himself out and found himself in some sort of storage room. He rummaged for supplies but there was nothing of use to be found in here. He exited the small room and found himself in one of the long main hallways of the base.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/24/17 12:43:03 AM
Day 3

Sunlight poured into the dormitories as the metal shutters opened up to reveal the distant Earth as night turned to day according mechanical AI that controlled most of the base. The light shown on Thecolorgreen’s face waking him from his deep slumber. He sat up and let out a satisfied yawn and stretched out his arms as he looked over to see Faye Valentine naked and asleep next to him. He was thrilled by his luck. He managed to have found the perfect living quarters right off the bat and without ever having to leave he accrued a massive supply of food and had several companions come and go. He was mostly fond of his visitor from the night before who lay naked next to him turning her head away from the intruding sunbeams. She was by far the best lover that he had ever had in his life and he barely had to work for it. “Space must do something to the girls out here,” he thought to himself with a snicker.

Being careful not to wake Faye, Green slipped out of bed and walked towards the kitchen. As he shoved a piece of bread in his mouth he was still feeling happy about his current situation, but he felt that he could be better armed to protect this area and his woman. The kitchen supplied several sharp knives, but that was about it. He grabbed one of the knives and walked back into the dormitories towards one of the desks that had been smashed up during his fight with Madsack way back on the first day. He picked up the longest piece of wood that he could find and began carving its end down into a point. He felt a little silly carving a wooden spear when he was living on the most sophisticated piece of technology ever created by man, but at least a spear would give him more range than the knives. He tried his best to whittle quietly on the opposite side of the room of Faye so as not to disturb her rest.

Faye lay awake in the bed listening to Green carve into the wood. It was clear that the guy had no idea what he was doing and had just been surviving on sheer luck. Worked out well enough for her though, even though she had to sleep with the guy she got herself access to a great place to rest, plenty of food and a human shield throw at any enemies if they stumbled upon them. She adjusted herself in the bed and got more comfortable preparing to sleep as long as possible. As she started to close her eyes she noticed a metal object underneath the bed opposite to her. She couldn’t believe it as there just so happened to be a handgun lying there. She wanted to grab it, but she also didn’t want to draw Green’s attention. She continued to pretend to sleep as she planned to grab the gun as soon as she saw a proper opportunity.

Hanagamas wandered around the station the entire night before, he hadn’t gotten any sleep after his encounter with dan0429. He was frustrated that he still had yet to find a decent weapon or even any food for that matter. His food disappearing from the cafeteria the day before killed his morale, and then he would’ve been killed by Dan if it weren’t for Knuckles flying into a rage and getting between them. He was exhausted and starving. He had been aimlessly wandering around for hours. As the sunlight poured into the hallways as the shutters rose his eyes stung from the light as the lack of sleep had completely caught up with him. Wanting to get out of the light he pushed his way into the nearest room. It was a large room with a table surrounded by chairs on all sides. He groaned as light poured in through the glass ceiling. Feeling completely exhausted and defeated he climbed under the table and tried his best to get comfortable.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicNot going to lie, kinda wish the Confederacy had won the civil war.
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/19/17 10:04:50 AM
Go out with your swords and become that conquerer.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/18/17 10:21:38 PM
Tardis2015 posted...
you still alive?

Yeah, I've been slowly moving this week. Definitely in a better place to get some writing done, but haven't moved my desk yet >_>
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicHottest guy on potd? Active users only
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/17/17 1:39:21 PM
Probably me
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/11/17 5:47:03 PM
I'm starting to feel like a negligent father with this topic, sorry bros. On the plus side my wife got a new job and I can hopefully move out soon, which will be much less stressful for me.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicAnswer a stupid question, ask a stupid question.
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/10/17 10:20:01 AM
Because they're waiting to surprise us with a surprise birthday party.

Why do I always dry hump people in my sleep?
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicBest Video game that starts with this Letter: B
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/09/17 5:44:38 PM
Guybrush is my homeboy.
Topic$1 billion, but everyone in the world gets to see you deed everytime >_>
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/09/17 5:21:27 PM
Sorry mom
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicITT:Garbage Youtubers nobody should ever take seriously
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/09/17 5:18:18 PM
That banana guy
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicWhat was the last game you bought and when?
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/09/17 11:47:59 AM
Breath of the Wild for Wiiu on its release date. Still haven't even taken it out of the plastic wrapping.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicWhat's your Top 5 favorite bands / artists?
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/08/17 12:48:21 PM
Alice in Chains
Pink Floyd
Jimi Hendrix
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/03/17 7:50:49 AM
KogaSteelfang posted...
Nice, hope writing this was an enjoyable distraction.

Yeah, very much so. I've been so stressed that I've been neglecting the things that help me to decompress. Was falling behind on my workouts and neglecting my writing, but I think I'm back on track.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicWhat game did you buy into the hype and get, but ended up regretting?
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/02/17 2:18:56 PM
Duke Nukem Forever
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 3:09:52 AM
SunWuKung420 posted...
Ok, I'd never poison myself.

Literally the fate the simulation had in store for you.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:46:00 AM
Suddenly Sunny didn’t feel right. He started to sweat profusely and he felt like his throat was sealing itself shut. He tried to call out for help, but all he could manage to get out was a pained gurgle as he fell to the floor. Koopa got up concerned and looked up over at Sunny. He was grasping his neck and his veins were popping out all along his face colored with a bright green glow. Sunny couldn’t believe it, he mixed up the drinks. He poisoned himself. His vision grew dark and before he lost consciousness the last thing he heard was Koopa yelling out, “Cheers mate!”

Koopa saw the vial of poison on the bar next to where Sunny had been mixing their drinks. He had no idea that the idiot had tried to poison him, but it was fucking hilarious that he couldn’t even keep track of which drink was which. He laughed hysterically as he watched Sunny convulse on the floor in pain. It took several minutes but Sunny finally laid still after his painful last moments as the poison destroyed his body from the inside. Koopa chugged down the last of his drink and tossed the empty cup on top of Sunny’s corpse. “Tasted like shit, ya bitch!” he yelled out followed by another hearty laugh.

Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:45:39 AM
SunWuKung had made his way back up into the main areas of the lunar base. He was unsure how he wound up the maintenance area, last he remembered he was in a tunnel with Koga and he woke up in a completely different area. He shrugged as he still continued to believe his battle with Melon to be a victory and he was feeling quite good about himself. He started to examine the remaining special arrows that he had found in the cornucopia. There were only a couple left. One of them was green and had a hollow tip. He believed that this had to be a poisonous arrow. Intrigued he unscrewed the arrow head and dissected the delicate technology to find a vial with bright green fluid housed inside of it. He removed the vial and decided to test his theory. He walked up to a nearby potted plant and poured a couple of drops from the vial into it. Within moments the plant began to wilt and turned brown. Sunny was delighted by this discovery and decided that keeping the poison out of the arrow for a more devious strategy would be a better move. He discarded the rest of the arrow and put the vial into his pocket as he continued to walk down the main boulevard of the lunar base. After several minutes Sunny saw a sight that filled him with glee; a pub. Without hesitation he ran inside ready to have a nice drink.

MrKoopa was sitting at the bar enjoying a drink. He had went out for a while searching for the other tributes with no luck and figured that this place was the best to hang out in and kill time. He was starting to relax when he heard loud footsteps running up into the pub. He prepared his blaster under the table ready to take out anyone who meant to threaten him. He stared at the door and felt at ease almost immediately when he saw Sunny come walking through. Sunny was surprised to see Koopa just sitting there, but he was in a good mood and welcomed the company. He asked if he could join and Koopa motioned for him to help himself. The two sat and drank beers together for a few hours. They shared a few laughs and told stories from their homes. Koopa knew that he could take this guy out any time he wanted with one clean shot from his blaster, but he was enjoying the company even if this guy was kind of a tool. “Better than drinking alone,” he thought.

After talking for some time Sunny proposed a toast and offered to mix up a special drink for them. Koopa asked if he knew what he was doing and Sunny assured him that he had a lot of experience working in bars and could whip up something delicious for them to enjoy together. Sunny walked back to the other side of the bar and began pouring different types of liquors and mixers together. The bar was high and Koopa couldn’t see what he was doing. He tried his best to hide his sly grin as he poured the vial of poison into Koopa’s drink. He nearly laughed out loud by how devious he was being, but he managed to hold it in. When the drinks were done he placed one in front of Koopa and held onto the other for himself. “Cheers!” Sunny exclaimed loudly as he held out his glass. Koopa clinked his glass on Sunny’s and took a big sip. Sunny laughed a girlish giggle as Koopa drank, but quickly cleared his throat. He then took a large swig from his drink and slammed it down on the table. He stared at Koopa smiling, waiting for him to keel over from the poison any second. Koopa smiled and took another drink as Sunny stared at him.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:44:59 AM
He laid down and began softly licking her vagina. Her pussy tasted delicious as he slid his tongue up inside of her. He then began sucking on her clit and he could feel her quivering with delight. He licked her good for several minutes before she stopped him and told him to fuck her now. She laid back and he wasted no time thrusting into her. She wrapped her legs around him and pushed him into her hard. Her wet pussy felt so good. He continued to thrust as she grasped him with her legs. Within minutes they both began moaning as they reached orgasm together. He had cum inside of her, but she didn’t seem to mind. She continued to hold him inside of her with her legs. He caught his breath and within a moment he was ready to go again and began pumping into her once again. She screamed in joy as he filled her with his seed again and again.

Larry had found a small room where he was relaxing and tending to the wound that he had received from wwinter earlier. He was thankful that he had been sponsored a first aid kit so early on because an injury like this could make all the difference in these types of games. He had injected his leg with a serum that was meant to speed the healing process and bandaged the wound up once he managed to removed the harpoon. He was doing his best to relax when he was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

Tardis entered the room and stood over Larry. Larry grimaced and picked up his trident, but remained on the floor. He pointed it at Tardis who held his hands up trying to show that he came in peace. He pulled the dead rabbit from his belt and showed it to Larry. He told him that if he could figure out how to get the thing skinned and cooked then they could share it. Larry smiled and tossed the bloody harpoon towards Tardis. Tardis didn’t know what he was doing but he started ripping off the skin of the animal with the harpoon. It was not a pretty process and Larry found it to be quite entertaining, but eventually Tardis managed to remove all of the skin from his kill. “You know how to cook this thing?” he asked Larry. Larry simply smiled and reached out for the rabbit carcass. Tardis handed it over and Larry stuck it into the points of his trident. He then activated the plasma energy concealed in the weapon and within moments the rabbit began to smoke and darken in color. Tardis laughed as the rabbit cooked in this unconventional manner but the plasma energy got the job done within minutes. They both sat down and ripped shreds of meat from the rabbits bones, thoroughly enjoying the much needed protein. They agreed to a temporary truce, but Tardis still slept as far from Larry as possible, just in case he decided to try to get at him with that trident.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:44:16 AM
He was entranced by this odd phenomenon. As he watched it looked like the small creatures were merging together and taking on a different shape. He was completely hypnotized as he watched the creatures swirl around and take form. After several moments they all seemed to come together in one mass. It was red and black and seemed to be moving like it was covered in bugs. It morphed and took the shape of a face. Not just any face, but his face. He watched in awe as the odd creatures studied him and mimicked his reactions. He was fascinated, but suddenly the copy of his face split open in the middle.

He couldn’t look away, it was as though he was being controlled. He watched in horror as the copy of his face was mutilated showing his skin rotting off and eyes exploding in great detail. The skull ruptured open and showed his brain being unraveled and torn to shreds as it escaped the gaping wound in its face. He could not look away, he wanted to scream but he couldn’t. As he watched the display of these creatures mimic him then show him dying horribly his heart began to pound in his chest even heavier than before. He stood in horror watching the nightmarish display until he could stand no longer. His heart ruptured and he fell to the ground bleeding from his mouth. As he died he wondered if this odd lifeform was the cause of his demise or the hypothermia that he had been suffering from. The question was meaningless as he lie bleeding next to the tank. The creature morphed once more to match the twisted look on wwinter’s dead face as it began to sing its haunting song once again.

Thecolorgreen was still hanging out in the housing area of the colony. He saw little reason to leave at this point. He had access to all the food that he could want and a nice comfortable bed to rest on. He was still unsettled by the disappearance of all of his friends the night before, as well as the body of The Sack. But he tried to not let that bother him too much as he prepared to make this place his base for survival. He had access to knives from the kitchen so he wasn’t completely defenseless. He headed into the kitchen to get himself some food. He walked out with a hot cup of soup and nearly dropped it on the ground when he looked up and saw the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen in his life standing right in the middle of the room. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but he was so nervous that only an awkward squeak came out. The tall woman walked towards him and asked him if he had anymore food. He nodded awkwardly and motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen.

As he started to cook up some more soup he began to calm down. The woman introduced herself as Faye Valentine and she was just looking for a comfortable place to rest. He explained that his spot was the best and she could have any bed that she wanted. She smiled at him as she ate her soup. After eating the two of them walked out into the sleeping area. Green suggested that they try to get one of the tvs working and made a joke about how shitty the cable must be on the moon. Faye simply smiled at him for a moment before she walked up to him and began to make out with him. Green couldn’t believe his luck and he went for it. She stuck her tongue in his mouth and he pulled her into his bed. He grabbed her large breasts and she responded by grasping his hard cock through his pants. They began tearing off each others clothes and were soon naked.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:43:35 AM
Knuckles seemed to appear from within the fire itself and looked down at dan with a vicious smile. “This guy ignored me before,” he thought to himself. “Now he’s going to know to fear the Knucks!” Knuckles jumped in the air and took off soaring towards his target as hanagamas ran from the room grateful to have a way out of the situation. Dan had barely had a chance to right himself after being hit by the debris when Knuckles landed on top of him. Knuckles struck fast cutting dan deep along his face. He pulled his fist back preparing for a killing blow when dan tossed his whip in Knuckles’ direction. The whip flew towards Knuckles with little force, but the barbs still caught him in the arm and stuck into him. He stopped his attack as he attempted to pull the whip from his flesh without cutting himself open. As he struggled he watched as dan0429 scurried away. He took the moment of solitude to concentrate on freeing himself. Once he removed the barbs from his arm he threw the whip into the blazing fire and spit on the ground. He sat back down and resumed watching as the fire raged on.

Koga was still walking along the high platform in the seemingly endless tunnel system. The dim lights and same looking concrete walls were really starting to get to him. He hadn’t seen a sign of another person since Jen ran off terrified of him, and he had absolutely no idea where Sunny had run off to. Everything in this area looked the same to him and for all he knew he had just been wandering around in a circle over and over again. There were no apparent exits and he was getting really uncomfortable. He let out a loud scream just to see if anyone might respond to it. He shouted so loud that his voice echoed repeatedly as it bounced off of the concrete walls. He waited a moment in anticipation but heard no reply. Feeling tired he decided that he would try to sleep even though he was greatly unsettled by his surroundings.

Wwinter pulled himself up after his encounter with Larry and walked his way back into the labs that he had just been in. His heart was thumping uncontrollably in his chest and every inch of his body ached in pain. He was hoping to find some type of medical supplies that could alleviate this feeling, he was willing to try anything, he was truly desperate after suffering through this pain for nearly a full day straight. He walked into a room that he had not entered yet. The room was dark, but as he passed the threshold of the door lights began to slowly turn on revealing a long room with several large glass containers lining the walls. He forced himself to move along seeing another door in the distance. He prayed that it was a medical bay of some kind. As he passed by the tubes he noticed that most of them were empty. But every now and again one would be filled with water and contain some kind of sea creature from earth. Some had small coral reefs complete with starfish, urchins and sea sponges. Others were filled with jellyfish that floated around oblivious to how unusual their home was. His chest ached as he continued to walk.

He had nearly made it halfway through the room when he heard a strange sound coming from one of the tanks. He slowly approached it but didn’t notice anything inside. It was very odd though because it sounded almost like the sound coming from it was a disconnected voice. It sounded tiny, but also powerful, like it was driven by a force beyond his understanding of nature. He began to turn away and continue on when it sounded like the creature called his name. He looked again but still saw nothing. He walked up to the glass and saw what seemed to be thousands of nearly microscopic organisms floating through the water in a strange pattern.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:42:38 AM
Knuckles was feeling much better after having a decent meal in his stomach. He loves the drink but by god does he hate the hangovers. He was feeling mad at himself for putting himself in such a weakened state. He was lucky that no one took advantage of that, but he needed to be smarter about things. He smashed his fists together in anger as he walked into a room with several computers. He figured here would be a good place to let off some steam. He started smashing his clawed fists into computer monitors and other expensive equipment. As the machines flew into tiny pieces he laughed loudly, relishing in the glory of his destruction. He flew into a rage and started flying around the room wildly punching anything that looked to be of value. He couldn’t help himself. The thought of causing all this damage reminded him of the good old days of smashing up the Eggman’s toys. As he continued his rampage an electrical fire burst forth from one of the outlets. The fire traveled from computer to computer and quickly turned into a sizable blaze. The smoke detectors went off causing an alarm to sound and a red light to start flashing in the room. Sprinklers descended from the ceiling, but Knuckles was enjoying himself too much. He jumped up and punched several of the sprinklers causing them to jam up and allowing the fire to continue to blaze below. He found a safe corner of the room, laid back and enjoyed watching the chaos he created ensue.

The sound of the fire alarm could be heard throughout the nearby areas of the base and many curious tributes decided to investigate. Mario VS DK turned his attention to the noise. He was going to call out to Faye to come with him to check it out, but when he turned to look at her she had mysteriously disappeared. He thought that she liked him after what they had done the night before. He was hoping to have another round with her once things settled down, but she just took off completely. He was a little bummed out by this, but decided to check out the alarm anyway. He walked down a hallway until he came to an open door with smoke pouring out of it. He poked his head inside and decided that it wasn’t worth proceeding any further inside. That room was fucked and it would be in his best interest to keep moving. As he turned to leave a piece of fiery debris flew out the door and just nearly missed him. He heard a sinister voice laughing as he took off running down the hallway away from the blaze.

Hanagamas entered the room from an area where the sprinklers were still active. He looked at the destruction of the smoking equipment and wondered what had happened here. The fire was still blazing heavily on the other side of the room and he decided to get a little closer to investigate. As he walked across the room he heard the strange sound of a chain being unraveled and dropped to the ground. He looked over and saw dan0429 staring at him with a vacant look in his eye. Dan’s clothes were covered in burn marks and he looked like his brain had been fried but he started swinging his whip around to the side. Hanagamas lacked a proper weapon and thought of the best route for escape. Dan looked at him with vacant eyes as he swung the whip. He launched the whip forward straight towards hanagamas who dove out of the way. The whip barely missed him as its barbs stuck deep into a wooded desk. As dan struggled to pull the whip free hanagamas took off running for the door he had entered from, feeling stupid for entering a dangerous situation without any means to defend himself. Dan pulled his whip free and was ready to launch it at hanagamas once again when a piece of flaming debris came flying straight at him knocking him off his guard.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
TopicPotD Battle Royale Season 4. Official topic
Stupid Pirate Guy
08/01/17 2:42:08 AM
Night 2

Jen sloshed through the water of the drainage tunnels that ran beneath the large passage above. The water wasn’t overly dirty, just some patches of oil here and there. She was grateful that the colony had been unoccupied up until recently or there would be no telling what kind of disgusting filth could be floating through this water. She trudged along for some time, having no true destination in mind when she came to a raised platform that would at least get her out of the water of this sewer. She climbed up and was happy to be on dry land once again, but her clothes were soaked and she was shivering from cold air blowing through the open tunnel. She huddled up and continued to walk along the platform when she heard loud banging coming from the inside of one of the walls. She was tempted to run in the opposite direction but she didn’t have time to react as Melon pushed through a metal grate and collapsed on the floor. He breathed heavily as he got his bearings. He was relieved to have made his way out of the tight duct system where he had been trapped after his encounter with Sunny. He managed to free his foot, but his ankle was swollen and he was sure that he wouldn’t be able to walk without a limp for at least a couple days. As he gained his breath he looked up and saw Jen standing over him shivering.

Jen smiled down at him remembering him as a friendly companion from the night before. Melon was glad that she didn’t seem to be a threat to him at the moment, because right now he just wanted to lay on the ground and get some rest. She attempted to help him to his feet but he was unable to put pressure on his ankle and slid down the wall. Her touch was cold as ice. He hadn’t realized it before but she was freezing and soaking wet. He motioned for her to come sit beside him so he could warm her up. She sat down, but her clothes were still soaking wet and Melon’s body warmth was doing little to alleviate her discomfort. She looked at him shyly and after a moment she started removing her wet clothes until she was down to her underwear. Melon tried not to look as she undressed. She threw her body on him almost immediately. She grabbed him tight and continued to shiver.

Melon spoke up. “I think it would work better if we laid skin to skin.” She nodded with an uneasy smile and Melon removed his shirt. She pressed herself against him, but she still was unable to get comfortable. After a few moments she removed her wet bra without hesitation. Melon was caught off guard, but before her knew it her soft breasts were pressed tightly against his body. She was still shivering. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sat in his lap trying to get as much of his warmth as possible. She rubbed her butt on his lap trying to get warm and before long she felt his pants stiffen up and poke into her.

She looked at him and gave him a smile. “Well, I think that will help warm me up,” she said as she began undoing his pants. She smiled wildly as she removed his throbbing cock from his pants. She immediately stuck it in her mouth and began sucking him off. Melon moaned in delight. After a minute she climbed back on top of his lap and slowly slid his cock into her wet pussy. She moaned as he stretched her out. She immediately felt relief from the cold that had been troubling her as his warm dick spread her open. As she slid down Melon grabbed hold of her ass with both hands and slammed her down as he thrust into her. She let out a loud moan as he thrust into her again and again. He grabbed hold of her tits and sucked on her nipples as she joyously rode his cock. Her moans turned to loud screams of pleasure that echoed through the dark tunnels.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
Topicare you going to be married with kids and live happily ever after?
Stupid Pirate Guy
07/31/17 5:43:08 PM
Sure. I did the first two already and happily ever after will come when we get divorced.
Guybrush is my homeboy.
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