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she had alot of fun, she didn't know what she was in for but she enjoyed talking to people
we up!
dude what the fuck
Hes legit proof you leave your mark on the world, no matter the cost

I don't see it lasting more than an hour

12pm central

but yea just wanted to invite yall since yall know my mom at this point.

Just keep it clean and also shes been through alot so you know, don't be bringing up shit

I think giving this heads up is fine with the TOS as long as I don't say where or give a link

even I know what this is, the game Bungee did before Halo

they're putting an emphasis on "Classic" so I guess they released another at some point? I was not aware
that pic gives off a very cynical vibe like "eh"

I hope its not ANOTHER deconstruction of Superman
of course they announce they're taking it back as I'm reading through the topic LOL

but still, this is something people don't take lightly, people may have lost faith in them at this point
Someone in my stream mentioned if I had heard of this but didn't elaborate

this is far worse than I could have ever imagined, so many people praised this game.

Post release management is equally important to actually making a great game in these modern times
also thank you everyone

I just so tired
GenesisSaga posted...
I'm sorry for your loss regardless of how close you were or weren't. I sympathize with that surreal feeling...

Around covid's peak I had a great aunt I had only met twice in my life pass, and this was only a year after seeing her that second time, so the memory of her was still fresh. She seemed nice, but I just didn't know how to feel about her passing. Regret for not knowing her better I suppose, and sorrow for her immediate family for losing someone so precious to them. It made me worry a lot about my older relatives I'm in good contact with. Our time on this earth is so limited. Yeah...

Stay strong, Punny.
Yea I think you get it

I'm trying not to feel too much regret because I explained the circumstance of my family's situation being so far away, it wasn't anyones fault, but its still a damn shame it had to be this way. Perhaps with the advent of social media I can try to make an effort to connect with my cousins. I don't really do Social Media tho
Underleveled posted...
I'm really sorry man. I feel like I keep seeing you post about bad things happening to you and your family and it just breaks my heart because, and I really mean this, you're one of the best guys on here. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
thank you, I really appreciate that. I'm an old timer now and I'm not sure what I bring to the table anymore but that means alot

yea, my life always crumbles like this but the thing is, this time it had been a long time since it last happened. I've been really good the past several years. I guess life thought it was long over due or somethin. last 6 months have been terrible
My dad's family consisted of 4 brothers, The youngest died from cancer 15 years ago, my dad went 13 years ago now

and now him, he was the second youngest.

I have met him only three times, and one of them was at my dad's funeral here. The thing about my family is my mom and dad came here to America in their 20s , so I'm first generation. Most of my family stayed in the mother land, so the thing is maybe yall have had relationships with your aunts and uncles and cousins, I never had that. it was just us for the most part. Also, I am not mexican, they came from another country, so we can't easily visit my family either. My mexican friends visit their families in Mexico all of the time, we didn't have that

Like 20 years ago this uncle actually moved to California so thats how I met him the first time, and my dad actually went over there for a summer to help him start a business.

I remember he actually came to visit us at our home here one time with my cousins, it was a delight cause as I said, we never really had that

unfortunately we never kept in contact. My mom's family is the same, she has two sisters but they stayed for the most part in the Motherland. One of them had 2 kids and those two moved to Cali as well. I have met them a few times but never maintained a relationship. but I digress

Now I only have one more uncle on that side. They have all had kids, and some of my cousins have had kids (I think that makes us second cousins? I'm not sure)

so the bloodline is moving on

I just, feel bad that the immediately family is almost gone. I'm imagining in the future how my immediately family might disappear one day. Its a strange feeling, it feels like mortality is starting to creep up on us

At the very least, If theres an afterlife, my dad has some company now.

Yea man, Life is short
My PC is 12 years old and can't play current games but I'd rather just buy a console than build a new one for thousands of dollars (not that I can even do THAT but I digress)
My PS4 sorta just stopped working right after I played it for some hours last week. Apparently it was still "working" (I was playing an online game and my friend said it was still registering everything from my controller) but stopped displaying

then when I tried to reset it, it didn't work and turn on right. It was til the next day it started working right again

I think its the beginning of the end for it

but yea, I can relate
yea that discord sucks and is a even tighter circle jerk than b8 ever was

We probably won't ever have a proper replacement, if you want to keep in touch with the peeps here, you'll have to do it in individually in other places.

We will Truly go our separate ways
I feel like theres two lines missing

Like, "You get into a coma and You wake up in the world of the last game/anime/movie you played/watched"


"In order to wake up, you must overcome the challenges of the world"
Thank you to those who have reached out to me to want to help

and thank you again for the kind words everyone

and also thank you for letting me vent

I might be a gruff bastard but I seriously love my pets with all of my heart and I take care of them as best as I can. So it hurts all the more when I lose them, and this all has been helping me
Yea I always hear 4 is not good and tactics isn't great because its part of 4

the DS one I always hear its okay or its bad
and the weird voice acting doesn't help

I have owned that game 4 times and never played it, I always get turned off by multiple people saying its not that great and then I sell it . rinse and repeat lol
Snake5555555555 posted...
Toy Story
Monsters, Inc.
The Incredibles

Hate leaving Finding Nemo off, I just think it's slightly less influential than these.
this is what I was gonna say

feel like these were the heavy hitters and most influential
I heard of Suikoden only because 2 was so high in price back in the day so i started to try to keep an eye for it

then I got my hands on a copy of 1 and i Genuinely liked it but it was like early to mid 2000s at this point, so I definitely missed the boat, I wasn't there when it all got released
I thought Sea of Stars was good, I heard good things

with that said, was Suikoden regarded as good back in the day?

that gamebreaking glitch sounds like a scale tipper though
Listen, I know how this board is, the rules, and most of the people

but I'm just gonna say I started to accept donations because I honestly do seriously need help for these things

I obviously can't link to it, nor can I tell you where

but for those of you who want to help maybe can find out where to find the info
or contact me

I don't expect any help but Just wanted to mention it

Thank you to those who it may concern
Thank you for the nice words yall, and I'm sorry to those of you who had to do this yourselves

I have lost pets before but this is the first time I've done this

I know I did the right thing but that doesn't make it hurt less. I know I shouldn't but I keep dwelling on the what if. Unlike my other pets I felt like this was preventable. This is the first time in my life there is a death based on decisions I made, barring killing bugs or pests or something.

its weighing heavy on me. Its just as heavy as it would've been a human because it was my pet. I can be a leader but I'm not sure I could be a commander in some sort of military thing

I never felt like this with my other pets in any of these regards

I hope my boy will forgive me in the next life
Thank you everyone
One of the worst parts of this is that I brought him home and I put him on the ground so the rest of my cats could see him. Most came and smelled him. Mina, the Tabby of the same litter, stayed by his side. Willow, the third tux cat I have, the last triplet, was scared out of her mind, and she actually started running from me. I think she thought I killed Oreo or something. She looked so scared and sad and she was meowing frantically.

It broke my heart

luckily some hours later she came around again. but I'll never forget that look she gave me

I buried him in my backyard afterwards, unfortunately it started raining while I was digging so I kinda had to cut it short, I hope its not too shallow

There is a plant in my back yard in the middle, I buried Tanny to the Right of it, I buried Oreo to the left so he can be with his brother
Guys, my mom moved in on me and she fought cancer, and she won

but then shortly after they took away her disability and social security

then I had go to be rushed to the hospital and racked up a 5000 bill

I was bed ridden for a month and a half at the start of this year by the flu after the hospital visit (it wasn't covid, got it checked)

my car was broken into last month and insurance won't cover the damage

my phone stopped working

My twitch account randomly soft banned me last month without explanation

then randomly decided to delete EVERY clip I had on my account for the past few years

THEN logged me out, and I can't log in because I have to provide a security code that they text you...which I cannot receive

Then both cats got sick and I had to pay for one of them a few weeks ago to go to the vet

which I had a hard time paying since you know, I can't make money off of twitch cause I can't log in because I don't have a phone which I cannot replace because my money went into helping my cats

and now this. I am so broken right now, guys

we are barely making by by the skin of our teeth from month to month. Everything is so horrible , and thats before shit like inflation everywhere and all of that

I realized I haven't given any updates here on the past several months but this is why, I'm at my breaking point
His name was Oreo, middle name was Blizzard

in 2019 a cat I adopted gave birth to 5 kitties and he was one of them, he was going to be 5 this year

The other male kitty of the litter was Tanny and he passed 4 years ago at 11 months, so both boys are gone now

The issue was he developed a Urinary Tract Infection and it clogged him up. The vet hospital I went to considered it an emergency and they were actually frantic about it, but the problem it would've cost nearly 5000 dollars to do the procedures and care for the next few days, and 1000 if they did one procedures and sent him home. Unfortunately those are not in the cards right now, especially since I already spent nearly 500 on another cat I own, Sophie, She developed Jaundice and stopped eating, she was 6 pounds under weight. Oreo was acting weird a week ago but he was still eating and playful, so I prioritized Sophie, and I guess Oreo couldn't hold out anymore, I had no idea he had this. He was still peeing but I guess it wasn't good pee. Sophie is still not out of the woods yet but shes LOADS better than she was, shes still taking meds at the moment.

Heres the thing of note, he was apparently pretty far gone. once I made the decision of putting him to sleep, I said my goodbyes and I even called my mom so she could say good bye, they sedated him.....and he passed while sedated. She checked him before applying the juice and she told me he was gone already. She still applied it anyways, but he was on his way out, so if I had paid for everything, it might not have mattered.

He was my sweet boy, I am so heart broken right now. I hope hes with his mama and his brother, he doesn't have to suffer anymore

<img src="">
my two boys here
There were 3 tuxedo cats in the litter and I always called them the triplets
Dedf1sh posted...
I know one from a different board but I don't think that he ever posted on B8.
Man they are everywhere
let me explain

there was at one point in this board at its busiest that there were a bunch of users that had Shadow and 7 in their name, and I jokingly referred to them as the ..well, Shadow 7s

Shadowhalo17 is probably the most prominent and longlived one here, but I remember when I called attention to it, a few of them actually sorta came out of the wood work and started posting in the topic and it was humorous seeing them in one place

I don't think there actually 7 of them but I thought it was a funny coincidence, and IDK why I just randomly remembered about that right now.

I am struggling to remember any other of them
GTM posted...
Where's the topic for free steam game lust goddess
I seriously thought you were joking with that lol
I don't know what the fuck the first two are, but hey, they're free

Sonic was free in previous April Fools but incase you missed it

I dunno what the fuck this is, but hey, its free!
the 4 in the initial tweet, which include the christmas ones and 2001, are now gone

so yea apparently it was all a horrible mistake
they canceled the replacements just now


Which one is gonna stay?
they actually canceled the Fugitive redeem, apparently it was not supposed to be part of it

well...maybe this ALL was a mistake? Possible cancellations all around lol
looks like is done, then
apparently 2001 is no longer available
Dedf1sh posted...
Is this some kind of download or is it just "watch it online without paying"?
it gets added to your account then you stream it

and Beetlejuice is a free rental atm

get on that shit

I even put down the name correctly in Backloggery

I don't know how this happened lol
I don't know what the fuck these are, but hey, its free
I uh...also did not expect this to end up this way, I didn't think it would not only go this route, but I expected a happier ending

personally I woulda finished the meal. like how you finish a guy's last cigar(ette) or drink. I would have felt so guilty but this probably would've happened no matter what he was doing

I guess they would never tell you if you called the hospital, huh? the Hippocratic stuff and what not

well, Either way, I'm very sorry that had to happen to you and I'm sorry for the guy too
not that I want to keep topicality but because no one is gonna look him here looking for that, you gotta put that in their faces separately !
you should make another topic for that!
Pun saw free game

Pun post free game

Pun Happy

Seriously though I had no idea it even RELEASED today, I really was just trying to spread news here

i dunno what the fuck this is, but hey, its free!
TomNook7 posted...
Punnyz - this is the fighting game master right here. Back in the day I fought this guy online in Street Fighter IV or something, and he just relentlessly fucking destroyed me, and eventually when I was like "cough cough okay i gotta run" he was nice enough to still be like "ggs"
I'll do one for you in return. one time we played in MVC3 and I swept you with haggar and you told me "HOW ARE YOU THIS GOOD?" and I was I? Lol

REALLY back then we used to not be too fond of each other but it was really light and not too hateful as other examples
and I can't remember what the topic was, it was "What RPG character you remind me of" or Possibly even "Suikoden character"

but you chose Pahn for me, since he was big and strong, but you saw him as a total idiot because he was always like "WHERES MAH FUUD I"M HUNGRY", you even went on a small rant about how you hated his official art because it gave him too much dignity and made him look cooler than you thought he was Lol.

and even back then I found that hilarious and it always stuck with me. I still laughed about it right now. I was like "Yea, I'm like that, aren't?" lol
Let me know when the PVE modes are free or you can use the coins to get them
I'm still here for some reason
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