I had to put one of my cats down today

Board 8

One of the worst parts of this is that I brought him home and I put him on the ground so the rest of my cats could see him. Most came and smelled him. Mina, the Tabby of the same litter, stayed by his side. Willow, the third tux cat I have, the last triplet, was scared out of her mind, and she actually started running from me. I think she thought I killed Oreo or something. She looked so scared and sad and she was meowing frantically.

It broke my heart

luckily some hours later she came around again. but I'll never forget that look she gave me

I buried him in my backyard afterwards, unfortunately it started raining while I was digging so I kinda had to cut it short, I hope its not too shallow

There is a plant in my back yard in the middle, I buried Tanny to the Right of it, I buried Oreo to the left so he can be with his brother