is she dressed as my sleep paralysis demon
Veilguard almost certainly killed the franchise.If Andromeda didn't kill Mass Effect, Veilguard won't kill Dragon Age.
even lower quality than I can drawPost em then
Muskrat is literally threatening politicians if they don't agree with him, telling them he'll show everyone their DMs.The conservatives are eating each other alive, you love to see it. Good 'ol Family Values (tm) men don't want their wives to know about all the twinks they've been sexting.
They(she wasn't it)? went off the deep end a few years ago after finding out they were trans or something, idk if they were always unhinged or what.Mead is nonbinary now. For now at least. They're clearly not right in the head, so who knows for sure. I think it's common for depressed people who don't know why they're depressed to think they might be trans. It certainly could be part of it, but it's not always the case.
even Duckbear had his useNo he didn't
Sticks use the Hall effect, so unless you damage the stick in some way, drift should be impossible!Wow, they're finally learning. Hopefully Sony and Microsoft will take note.
He's got Mickey's nose thoSo did cartoon Sonic
Still waiting for Titan Quest 2.Grim Dawn? is literally cartoon sonic. Except for the shoes.
Damn. Could you name some games that you're interested in?Lots of "everything new sucks ass" people on this site.
His entire career has just been him paying people more skilled and intelligent than he is to do the work for him while he takes credit. That's always been his thing.Yeah this
Is stick drift fixed?Highly unlikely; Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft all use the same shit quality potentiometers because they're cheap.
Metal Storm did it much betterWell I would hope so considering that's the game's whole gimmick
Why?A lot of it is DLC. And a lot of the Smash characters are third party and probably have specific clauses stating they can only be in Ultimate as of now.
Lol, does TC even know what a VPN is?It's for naive people who think it will protect their data
Why would they have half the content?Smash has like 60 characters and MK8 has like 80 courses. There is no way the next games will have that many.
Because people want more of what they already like, they don't actually want originality
They both will have like half the amount of content
Oh man, that was such a heartwarming movieI thought it was pretty funny. I laughed so hard I thought my insides were gonna fall out! wouldn't buy that lemonade, it might taste a little... gritty