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Community » Zareth
Stopping now would be stupid.
What would Bligh do?
Building and attacking are enough to worry about, creeping and hero leveling just adds too much to the formula for me.
What would Bligh do?
User728 posted...
No to any socialism of any sort (including social security, etc). If we want to discuss UBI, sure. Socialism is a non-starter for me.
Do you even know what socialism is
What would Bligh do?
The campaign of Warcraft 3 is very easy. I beat it on normal no problem.
It's the regular game that's hard. I can't even beat the computer on easy in a 1v1. There's just so much micromanagement involved.
What would Bligh do?
keyblader1985 posted...
Buzz Windrip? Doremus Jessop?
What would Bligh do?
He does take issue with passing laws to compel speech.
This is pretty funny when you consider that the people passing laws over pronouns are requiring people to use the gender they were assigned at birth. As far as I know there's no law requiring you to use a person's preferred pronouns in the US.
What would Bligh do?
I'm absolutely terrible at them. I can't concentrate on making combos with what pieces they give me while simultaneously dealing with the trash I'm sent over by the opposing player.
What would Bligh do?
Haven't had an Icy in like 25 years
What would Bligh do?
Watching Bugs shit all over Yosemite Sam is funnier than watching Tweety shit all over Sylvester
What would Bligh do?
I wish they could just like irradiate my nuts or something instead of painful surgery.
What would Bligh do?
Anti-lock brakes
What would Bligh do?
Yeah there is no reason to have more than one character. You can change your appearance whenever you want and you have all the classes available to you when you unlock them.
What would Bligh do?
captpackrat posted...
They absolutely knew what they were doing.
What would Bligh do?
ConfusedTorchic posted...
it's not a slog, and you don't need to grind in the slightest
Grinding actually makes the game harder!
What would Bligh do?
ParanoidObsessive posted...
The version where you play literally any other game than FFVIII.

It's a very shit game.

What would Bligh do?
Jen0125 posted...
My entire life I haven't wanted kids. My entire life has been filled with people older than me telling me that I'll eventually want kids and I'm being silly. I'm 35 in June and still don't want kids. People really think they know better than you.
This, except I'm 36 in June.
What would Bligh do?
1 step forward, 2 steps back
What would Bligh do?
Maybe one day the Masai will realize that mutilating a teenager's dick with no anesthetic isn't a very good coming-of-age ritual
What would Bligh do?
Now get some lightning bolts, flayed skin, and severed heads on it and you've got yourselves a Night Lords car
What would Bligh do?
What would Bligh do?
You mean you don't arm wrestle vertically?
What would Bligh do?
Should have been dead for at least 10 years by now. Doubt it will anytime soon. As long as it's even slightly profitable it'll stay up.
What would Bligh do?
josh posted...
haha yea imagine still using a name you came up with when you were 14 haha
I switched mine a while ago, because fuck ZeroXtreme24
What would Bligh do?
Isn't GameStop like 90% FunkoPops now
What would Bligh do?
helly gonna helly
What would Bligh do?
Binding of Isaac is way better.
What would Bligh do?
Never play 2. It ain't worth it.
What would Bligh do?
Silent Hill has 1 great game and the rest range from meh to terrible.
RE has quite a few great games.
What would Bligh do?
Price is Right is probably the worst aging game show of all time.
What would Bligh do?
What would Bligh do?
Red Mage sucks ass in FF1 dude.
What would Bligh do?
Hugh Jackman wants to stop playing Wolverine but he likes money way too much
What would Bligh do?
I decided to shave my head and grow a beard and I look much less dopey than before
What would Bligh do?
I play Breton in Morrowind because I'm too much of a wimp to pick High Elf.
What would Bligh do?
Metalsonic66 posted...
Seems legit
I love how Steve's reason for leaving Blue's Clues was that he was going bald and he didn't want to confuse the children over why he no longer had hair
What would Bligh do?
Once you hit a certain skill level, it becomes 99% luck based.
What would Bligh do?
3 lives had always been the standard on arcade games for a while at the time
What would Bligh do?
FrozenBananas posted...
How to do you think people felt when they saw this when they were stuck playing SNES still? :/
DKC 3 came out a few months after the N64, and everyone knew about it at the time.
What would Bligh do?
adjl posted...
Get in the damn excavator Shinji
What would Bligh do?
Reeve because in my headcannon he is a fanboy of the main party but he's shy so he uses his talking cat robot to communicate with them
What would Bligh do?
Gravy is made out of meat, while spaghetti sauce doesn't have to be.
What would Bligh do?
Say, PO, random question. Do you think the world is filled with more assholes or more non-assholes?
Don't ask questions you already know the answer to
What would Bligh do?

Scary shit
What would Bligh do?
I remember back when toys had zero articulation and you sort of just banged them together to fight
What would Bligh do?
Ferarri619 posted...
What do you think will be the final straw?
A country giving a psychopath full control of their nuclear arsenal with no failsafe. A Big Red Button that actually works. I'd like to think that no country is that stupid but you never know.
What would Bligh do?
More like Jen Stacked lmao gottem
What would Bligh do?
MagicalPrincess posted...
No it hasn't. Not here where I go. Hopefully it won't close.
Go complain about how vaccines are illegal or whatever the hell it is you do
What would Bligh do?
We're only allowed to talk about apolitical things here, like Metal Gear Solid or Fallout
What would Bligh do?
PikachuMaxwell posted...
Better yet, you can make them at home!
Yeah but they suck compared to the ones you can get there.
What would Bligh do?
Very on point for Skard
What would Bligh do?
Community » Zareth
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