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Community » UAZaqwert
SHRlKE posted...
at no point did I know who was who or who was the good guys / bad guys

That may be the point though. In every conflict ever fought, all sides consider themselves the good guys. Reality is way more complex than what the winners ultimately write in the history books.
gamepimp12 posted...
i dont get why this is a big deal.

its one unitard styled option out of the almost dozen styles of pants available.

It's not a big deal, it's just standard media-outrage bait.

Athletes get to pick from numerous options and that's just one of them many things men or women can choose to wear.
For perhaps the first time in gaming history we are at a weird spot where the hardware is ahead of the software.

For the past 50+ years, pretty much all of video gaming history, the software has been straining against the constraints the hardware was placing on it.

Game developers ideas and ambition were much bigger than the hardware would allow.

But now modern AAA game development is unsustainably long, complicated, and expensive.

The hardware now allows more complex software than developers are capable of actually producing quickly and reliably.

A car that can go 300 mph is useless if you aren't even capable of handling a car that goes 200 mph correctly.
Wrong. If you let something take over your life it can define you.

A person who is addicted to drugs is mostly known a drug addict, because they let it define their life.

If you're 200+ lb overweight you have let your addiction to food completely take over your life. It's the defining characteristic of your existence and until you fix that issue, nobody will see anything else.

Harsh reality is still reality.
WingsOfGood posted...
the pledge of being an ally

Ally'ship should be a two way mutually beneficial relationship.

Israel is about the worst "ally" any country could ever ask for. We send them many billions of dollars every single year and get nothing in return. They provide us no essential natural resources nor hold any strategic value at all. They are constantly involved in or on the verge of being involved in military actions against dozens of countries, threatening to drag the USA along with it.

The USA supports Israel primarily because major donors to both political parties want it that way.
Large boobs aren't real. Real women are completely flat and have large, square chins.

I design video game characters.
TotallyNotAGirl posted...
There is no way a draft is happening in the U.S.

This. Support for the military and the federal government is pretty much at an all time low, especially amongst the draft age population. Any attempt at a draft in this era would cause massive civil unrest and would end up causing way more anti-war push back than anything else they could ever do. I'm beyond draft age and generally supportive of the military and I'd be adamantly against a draft.
As a cohesive show it's never been particularly good.

They throw tons of "gags" at the wall though and inevitably a fair number of those gags are funny.
People throw the term "realism" around like that's a good thing. I don't want my video games crammed with realism. Entertainment is largely great because it can escape the bounds of realism. And that's why most entertainment is not realistic at all.

I want my video games to be maximally enjoyable. Different levels of physical attractiveness are a thing, and like almost all living mammals human beings are biologically programmed to prefer physically attractive people.

Babies as young as a few months old can be tested and demonstrated to show a strong preference for "attractive" faces. Attractive people are both consciously and subconsciously preferred and favored in virtually all social settings and situations.

There's a reason the vast majority of actors and actresses are MUCH more attractive than the average person. They don't look like the random people in line and Wal Mart at even though those people are far more a realistic depiction of an average person.

I want my video game dudes buff chads and I want my video game girls hot and sexy. I want to see and celebrate the ideal in my entertainment and most other people do as well.

We've entered this very strange era where a very vocal minority of misfits are threatened by depictions of conventionally attractive people. They dress up their bitterness and insecurity as some sort of social crusade but their true motivations are as transparent as grandma's underpants.
Dakimakura posted...
Why don't people like Rey? She feels like a breath of fresh air for the series to me. Maybe I am just biased because she is so damn cute.

They were trying way to hard to force (haha) "girl Luke"

The difference is Luke has a very interesting and compelling arc. He had actual growth, ups and downs, heroic feats and tragic defeats, interesting relationships and profound conversations with characters around him, etc.

Rey had none of that. You're just supposed to accept her as the new Luke. It all feels unearned and forced because it was.

The Star Wars sequels weren't actually sequels. It as an attempt at a soft reboot made by a disjointed team of people with wildly different visions so you got the steaming pile of crap they were.
"I think porn is way too easy for young children to get to."


DJ's do absolutely nothing. You could replace every single DJ in the world with a mix tape and nobody at the club or party would notice or care.
boomgetchopped3 posted...

Whatever they want to do. Its an open market.

It mostly was a few decades ago, mega corporations buying each other and consolidating is making large budget gaming less of an open market than it's ever been. Lots of great IP's are now being held hostage by people who didn't make them or grow them and are just bastardizing them now.

The indy scene is the only open market in gaming and the types of games indie developers can produce are still greatly constrained by budgets.
Anything provided for "free" is usually abused. You want some sort of incentive for people to use resources wisely and not be calling an ambulance because they stubbed their toe.
Anyone being honest with themselves has certainly noticed this trend of western devs making the female characters in video games unattractive on purpose. The make them more mannish looking, less feminine, etc.

It's crazy how what the customer actually wants is never fractured into ANY of these missions statements. You are selling a product, isn't it smart to actually do things your customers like? Nobody likes ugo-female characters in games except ugo-female activists who don't even play games.
Community » UAZaqwert