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Community » TheDurinator
...what's with the watermelon?
ItsNotA2Mer posted...

Nothing will ever be worse than the Sith Dagger, but the shark had already been jumped by that point.
Social media has absolutely destroyed society, and it can't be fixed
Tattoos are trashy as fuck and you're permanently marring your body by getting them
Defense wins championships
Florida going for the gentleman's sweep
A rare long-running series where the first game is the best.
Derwood posted...
Schools arent a nightmare because of Gen-Z

Schools are a nightmare because of the Millennial parents.

HighSeraph posted...
You have to choose law to recruit Ravness don't you?
Get ready for some absolutely killer insurance rates when you finally get a license.
The only one I played was Kiwami 1 and I didn't like it.
No, I only listen to my local sports radio and it's on AM.
Kajagogo posted...

Antifar posted...
What the fuck kind of keylogging link is this? It's no wonder Xitter remains the undisputed top dog.
Still a ripoff, play 5 instead.
DA:O is rolling over in its grave.
Holy shit that Dragon Age trailer lmfao
Is somebody camping his respawn point?
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Is there a reason that images of cockroaches are censored in Japanese games? Infinite Wealth and Yugioh have blurred out cockroach pictures in their games. Why is that? Is it illegal to show a cockroach in Japan? >_>
It's just a running joke.
Unironically expected something about Tekken.
I never use butter on pancakes, only maple syrup.
Alternate Topic Title: WNBA to continue to be insolvent for the forseeable future

Women's basketball has lightning in a bottle with Caitlin Clark and instead of trying to capitalize on it to grow the sport she gets left off the Olympic team and players are trying to murder her on the court.

HairyQueen posted...
I would say this game will be unfairly compared to BG3, but after reading this I firmly believe that they've spent the past year+ pivoting and frantically trying to copy as much of BG3 as they possibly can and it's going to end up a janky unfinished mess.
Filet mignon
There are two people in a relationship, one of them is right and the other is the husband.
Building houses doesn't make you a YIMBY. Supporting building low income apartments across the street from your house makes you a YIMBY.
Mexico City's water crisis was caused by the incredibly stupid decision to drain Lake Texcoco, not climate change, although it certainly isn't helping the situation.
The Caitlin Clark saga takes an even more bizarre turn.
Get a job that isn't customer-facing.
Neptunia Mk2
Unicorn Overlord

Ah yes, because when I think of playing DW, I think of a create-a-warrior mowing down the actual dynasty warriors. This is some serious monkey paw shit.
One of the biggest bait and switches of all time
My hype levels had exited the atmosphere at the end of 2, but then 3 went in a completely different direction and 4 just felt confused, although I did enjoy it having a true final ending for the franchise.

The Mari love interest hijack is really odd if you don't know that she's literally Anno's wife inserted into the movie. It's extra odd in the story since she was like 80 and groomed Shinji.

Rebuild was fine but EoE is still the GOAT.
It has the worst gameplay but the best story of the trilogy.
Mark Hamill - Luke Skywalker
Harrison Ford - Indiana Jones
Johnny Depp - Jack Sparrow
Mariska Hargitay - Olivia Benson
James Gandolfini - Tony Soprano
Sean Bean - any dead character with a British accent

Season 1 was perfect
Seasons 2-3 were fantastic
Season 4 was great
Seasons 5-6 were mediocre
Season 7 was bad
Season 8 was a war crime
No, The Sopranos is.
It's a mediocre shounen elevated by a godlike adaptation.
A couple of times, it was ok.
Yahoo should have won the search engine wars.
Great but held back by the linear map.

SM >>>> Dread > Fusion > (extremely large gap) > Metroid > Return of Samus
No, because it's the 5th most popular sport and all of the best athletes play in the NFL or NBA where the money is.
Only on gacha
Reminder that the only burger at McD's that's actually meat is the quarter pounder.
ellis123 posted...
Sadly they've flat out stated that the game is way too large and they are very unlikely to ever port it.
XBX will be a switch 2 launch title along with TPHD and WWHD
Cue conspiracy theories in 3...2...1...
I like turkey, and I like turkey sandwiches, but turkey burgers are gross. The texture and flavor do not mix to me, just eat a turkey sandwich.
X-2 had EASILY the greatest battle system of any JRPG ever made. It also had a ton of stuff to do and a very easily missable 100% for completionists.

But the story, oh lord the story. What were they thinking?
Blue_Dream87 posted...
Victoria 3
Please respect yourself and your time more by not playing a reskinned cookie clicker. I hope they can save it in the future but it seems impossible to fix the core gameplay loop of the construction queue.
4 was the peak
Sure why not, I'll use it if I'm in a plane that's crashing.
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