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It's a pump and dump he's pulling after 3yrs of radio silence, and goobers think that MOASS is only days away.
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That is way too fucking young to be going out, how awful.
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Denying people's access to asylum is a human rights violation. The continued internment of those who do make it through this process is also a rights violation.

These are monstrous things for any president to do, let alone one who was so vocal against Trump's actions which did the same.
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People have been sounding the bell about Adobe's shit practice for a long while now. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The shitberg, if you'd rather.

Fuck Adobe.
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I think he's right.

Hejiru posted...
How are there so many young Trumpers?

The same way there were so many young Trumpers last time, in 2016.

Radicalization is not exclusive to your uncle on facebook. The youth get targeted extremely hard by the alt right radicalization circuit. A lot of things we believe to be mainstream are fueled explicitly by figures within the alt right or aligned with alt right views - look at how Sweet Baby Inc has been talked about in "internet discourse".
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Hambo posted...


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PiOverlord posted...
Gatekeep against those who wish to "make it bigger." They are enemies in disguise.

Gatekeeping isn't just about making a hobby "bigger" but also stopping certain types of people with interest in what the hobby from participating within it. That's what gatekeeping actually is.

Gatekeeping won't prevent the commercialization of your favorite hobby. It will however push out a bunch of people the in-group doesn't like - and more often than not, the people that those in-groups don't like are women, people of color, etc.

So no, gatekeeping isn't good. But weirdos like to pretend it's good because they don't understand who and what actually threatens what they like.
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Where's the option to escape reality instead
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I'm rapidly losing my hope that the SH2 remake will be 1) announced soon 2) good.
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Necronmon posted...
Did pepole forget we spent over twenty years trying to mold Afghanistan into a functional democracy only for it to be a total failure

A lot of the reason why it was a failure was no fault of the Afghan people, but rather consistent and deliberate sabotage at the behest of corporate interests and bureaucratic incompetence.

Furthermore, these situations are so wildly disparate that it is very difficult to believe that any reasonable person approaching this situation in good faith would ever think this way.

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ItsNotA2Mer posted...

Is this source legit? I'm unfamiliar with them.
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Trumble posted...
Until people who respond to such criticism with "but Hamas!" or with genocide downplaying/denial are consistently moderated for trolling (or offensive in the latter case), your second paragraph is only true in theory.

I literally just did it.
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The Libertarians didn't kiss the ring, therefore they are evil to them.
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Sepucher posted...
Be it needing to borrow or even receive money from them or being able to live with them again if it comes to that. Is that an option for you?

No, but not because they'd be unwilling.
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Even the ones that did were almost certainly forced to under threat of death or harm to their loved ones.

It's actually ok to say you just don't want a genocide to take place without putting any weird caveats on it.
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Dusk got really mad that someone pretended to be him, huh.
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CountCorvinus posted...
Same person also told me he thinks Biden should should choose Liz Cheney for a running mate.

That's some extreme brain rot.
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Rocksteady was always more enamored with making fun gameplay in the Arkham series rather than good stories.
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I am continually astonished and frustrated by those who will say, "but wages have gone up!" after decades of stagnation.

Congratulations yes, you have correctly identified that wages have raised significantly in a short period of time. That's still well below where they should be, and it is not indicative of how many people are struggling. When you then combine this fact with how many people have been heavily rent burdened for much longer than COVID, the fact that any transported good is exceptionally more expensive than anything that isn't heavily subsidized, the cost of energy skyrocketing, gasoline continuing it's steady rise per gallon...

This isn't a "vibe" thing. This is a demonstrable reality.
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Printerscape posted...
I mean I dont really care. Make it $90k/year, who cares? But know that prices will go up.

You're exceptionally keen on the idea that your assumption that this is some simple if/then statement, or that nothing else could be done to stop rising inflation. It is really funny.
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Printerscape posted...
Suggested that $30k/year is a living wage by providing an example.

Your example was dogshit and people told you why it was dogshit.

Do you revise your opinion on what is a living wage, or do you keep the schtick going?
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Probably not until sex-ed class. Our household wasn't exactly open about talking about that stuff lol.
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a really chubby white and grey cat sitting on its hindquarters and contemplating life (or just a chubby cat sitting down in whatever position is easiest for you)

the goofier the better, so no qualms there.

thank you very much :>
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Tmaster148 posted...
Considering he's said he's gotten by on a "free high deductible plan", it's more like he's just lucky he never experienced any serious healthcare troubles rather than having better healthcare.

lmao that makes it even funnier
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Imagine going to grab the average rent prices per month and then conspicuously forgetting to do the same for things like groceries and utilities.

And then also imagine forgetting to deduct some of the biggest taxes in your little quick maffs calculation. And also ignoring a massive healthcare cost burden that you never had to experience because you had better healthcare than 90% of US citizens.

But surely this will change OP's conclusion once they fix these mistakes and account for the things that they overlooked. They said they support a living wage, after all!

Any day now, surely.
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action52 posted...
The one post with the meme wasn't doing that, it was a joke in which the world has become a Christo-fascist dystopia, and showing people who DIDN'T want that but helped make it happen by giving the GOP power due to their hatred of Hillary Clinton.

That's certainly what people think they're saying when they share it around, sure.
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I hate that that whole video didn't have a single audio clip contrasting against a native speaker's pronunciation and his own. I totally get that different regions have different sets of phonetic application of vowels, that isn't particularly revolutionary to me...but I want to be able to hear them back to back if you're going through a seven minute long technical explanation of the difference, damn it lol

gripes aside great video
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VeggetaX posted...
I'm just gonna grind and get skills before moving forward. That skill that gives you health back from an execution makes life easier

Where ya at in the game if you don't mind me asking
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divot1338 posted...
Literally no one has done any of that here.

You don't think calling women who didn't vote for Hillary handmaidens qualifies as that?

That's weird.
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Cartoon_Quoter posted...
Nine days later. Not too bad. Next up is definitely getting that mining to 99. Then I really need to grind divination for another 40M gold to buy the next bond.

Your lack of farming levels disturbs me.
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A scam to shore up the RNC's desperately floundering fundraising efforts.
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VeggetaX posted...
Like most FromSoft games, I think the hardest part is getting the controls down.

I found that part very difficult. Not just because I was "unlearning" years of playing Dark Souls games, but because I found it difficult to weave prosthetic tool stuff into the rhythm of katana usage/deflecting.

But once that finally "clicks", obstacles are much less daunting than they were before. Just don't (light spoilers with one non-spoiler boss name) don't make the mistake of getting hung up on side bosses like Lady Butterfly early in the game. You might benefit from grinding out a little bit, upgrading your stuff, and coming back later on. Because while you absolutely can take on side bosses early on, you don't necessarily have to.
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LSGW_Zephyra posted...
Maybe with a slight midwestern emphasis

It's either Fargo or the bayou with television programs, most of the time. Or if they want to portray a business executive that's evil (thinking of you, Doctor Who) then vaguely New York sounding/northeast sounding.
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Diceheist posted...
I don't think Bernie could've won the 2016 primary even if the DNC did nothing, but the fact that they broke their neutrality clause at all is worth condemnation.

I think he had an excellent chance of winning the primary, but they were always ready with the McCarthy-era play of shouting "COMMUNIST" if Clinton ever had to actually contend with him in any meaningful way.

Which is why I find it incredibly frustrating that people will then try to portray Clinton as this super progressive pro-woman pro-equality Christlike figure...and those who did not vote for her as the sole and primary reason why she lost the election to Trump.
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Crash Bandicoot, I guess.
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RetuenOfDevsman posted...
I would kill everyone trying to bake chicken.

If you can track temps to get med-rare on your steaks, you can temp track to hit 165 on chicken. Don't let it intimidate you! You got this. :)
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AssultTank posted...
The meat department will split packages on request.

Some stores get weird about this. Might be a more YMMV sort of thing.

Still...just freeze the meat for later, it's not that big a deal.
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That's less a counterpoint and more my exact point.
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Kai_Laguna posted...
At least half of congress supports this shit.

And a not insignificant portion of those who say they support it really only support it in "certain conditions".

It's a shared failure for a reason.
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Every minute Congress fails to act in protecting the unfettered access to all aspects of pregnancy health care is a failure.
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No way, a new strand game?!
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Sucks like hell, but I'm glad you're ok.
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bigblu89 posted...
Did you consider yourself free of blame when GW Bush was in office?

You think you're cooking here but I think you forgot to turn the burner on.

Most people on this board were literal children and teenagers when Bush was in office. The way the US handles activism and protest is not good and far from the democratic ideals it espouses, but it's not even comparable to being killed or forced into labor camps for dissent.

It's a false equivalence which distracts from the question of what oppressed people face in regimes like those ran by terrorists, whether the question was meant to or not.
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I'm not shocked to see the percentage of people who voted no.
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I'm hearing nothing but good things about RTD's return and the new season, tbh.
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Atari's mother is very proud.
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He never believed the Bigsby skit character was right, though.

He very much beliefs the TERF bullshit, and his TERF bullshit is very much in line with his questionable views on other things like homophobia which have also been a part of his work for decades.

And pointing that out isn't a hollow objection. It's a trend of behavior that was a problem way back when - and it was called out back then too.
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When a large majority of advertisers pulled out of the platform, it's entirely unsurprising that they'd be less picky over who they let advertise there. And the groups filling the gaps they left behind have very deep pockets.
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Toonstrack posted...
But it is consistent with hoe hes always acted, or better, reacted, to the response to his content.

One thing I'd argue here: while consistent with how he always acted, he has always had his own upbringing and life experience of living as a black man in the US, of working his way up through an extremely prejudiced entertainment industry.

Once he got outside of that bubble of his own experience - the part that helped inform his speaking of truth to power, the part which gave his comedy punch and spoke to a reality poorly handled in an overwhelmingly white society - it turns out he has the same shit takes as any affluent (and predominantly white) boomer. He should shut the fuck up and keep Daphne's name out of his fucking mouth as long as he's going to perpetuate the same harmful power dynamics that he was so keen on criticizing in the first place.
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Choco posted...
yup, but eevee got a gigantamax form or something
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