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wanderingshade posted...
Only beetles I find are Carpet Beetles. Fuck those things. I have no idea how they get in the one side of my house. I smash about 20 of them every Spring, and they don't even live in colonies.

Yes, I hate these, too. They eat my insect and feather collections, bastards.

crickets and Millworms is what they get LOL. I guess they are drinking the water . The water dish was empty and that never happens. But I know in the AM before work I am dumping them outside. And you know what. For one second I felt bad that they would have to go out in the heat LOL .

Superworms are a special variety of mealworm that is very big and super, duper fat-- like, 3x fatter than your standard mealworm.
Jiek_Fafn posted...
We were having some work done in the yard this week and the crew accidentally dug up a wasp nest. Neither party enjoyed it. The crew took refuge in the garage to find that there were more nests in there. Then went out to their truck to escape.

We called an exterminator that came out the same day. So hopefully no more issues.

Dayum, man.
What will you rename your account after your transition?
What are you feeding him, superworms? Man, I want a darkling beetle that big!

Also, WTF at being freaked out about it. It's a fucking beetle, man. It's in your lizard's cage. It's not going to crawl up your rectum while you're asleep. I don't get why you are afraid of this thing but not the mealworms. For a lot of people, it would be the opposite.

One day the crickets brought in these weird mite things that ended up swarming all over my bedroom

Ugh, that's so fucking disgusting! I hate mites! (and it's one thing to have a bug/spider problem where the bugs are well-behaved and stay off the furniture like my spideys do)

why not breed the mealworm beetles and get free mealworms then?
it sounds like your lizard is just smart af and has found a way to domesticate mealworms.

Far more likely that they burrowed into the litter/sand and hid there until they pupated, since that is exactly what mealworms do if not eaten in time.
We do, but unlike Asians, we secrete fatty acids that odor-causing bacteria om-nom on.
squall567 posted...
How did the Nazis and the Jewish population work towards peace after the Holocaust?

They had bigger fish to fry (Cold War) It's also the only reason why the US occupation of Germany and Japan was successful - they feared the commies far more than they hated each other.
And by the time the Cold War had ended, an entirely different generation was in power.
Yeah, it's already known that air pollution greatly increases dementia risk.
Here's the updated tally.

Updated purgatory list:
Fenris/Feihongwong (meh, I actually liked debating with him sometimes, even though I found his China stanning annoying just like everyone else)
Forsaken Hermit (NOOOO!!! His political jokes are hilarious!)
S_A_S (sunhawk)
Vigero (Vigrim)
Will_VIIII (NOOOOO!!!!!)

Throwing guns away just because they're out of ammo.
To be fair, there was a 1960's Lost World-type movie where that actually worked (badguy couldn't aim worth a damn, but when he chucked the gun at the protagonist afterwards, he managed to nail the guy in the head, knocking him out cold)

Only exceptions are Germany and Russia and Ireland/Scotland
Sean Connery played a Scottish guy, though. So yeah, Brits for everything, including Americans who weren't born in the UK.
My pet peeve: rotting corpses don't stink. (unless they have actual maggots/necrophages in their flesh, it's at least somewhat excusable for people infected with a zombie virus) IRL, if someone dies and is rotting in their house, you can smell that shit from the doorway, even if the house is pretty well sealed/energy efficient. And good luck getting that smell out of anything that was in the house at the time.

BTW, the only time this happens IRL is when a small animal (e.g. opossum) is absolutely, positively teeming with maggots. (Even a dead armadillo will have a significantly reduced odor) Or you have a rare situation where decomposition couldn't take place.

Movie: characters that walk in slow motion with a massive explosion going off behind them, impervious to heat and shock waves.

Yeah, that's not nearly as bad as people standing on a tiny (like, 1 or 2 ft diameter) island of stone, surrounded by molten lava. Even worse when it's INSIDE a volcano, since the walls of the crater trap some of the heat.
DrizztLink posted...
Then the shots would have had excellent grouping, but that's really the only difference between them and the other morons.

Well, that and they probably don't mistake hostages/fellow soldiers for Hamas fighters and shoot them against the direct orders of their commanding officer. Or film themselves raiding homes and playing with Palestinian womens' panties. Or record themselves calling for a mixed military and civilian insurrection should the hostages be released, like that one idiot did. AFAIK, it's almost entirely the reservists who actively participate with the West Bank hilltop youth settler terrorists in attacking Palestinian homes/farmland.

That said, I don't think the warplanes shelling the neighborhood were part of the elites.
BunkerBoy posted...
He claims he is a semi professional poker player

He took a picture of a thousand bucks to flex, lmao

Uh-huh, yeah, I believe it. I bet he claims to have a 9-inch penis, too.
mobilebloechel posted...
You spoony bard

It had some bad translations, but that wasn't one of them (I remember they translated "you're late" literally, when it should have been "you're too late")

Breath of Fire II takes the cake, along with Dokapon for the GBA (Dokapon makes BoFII's translaters look competent) Buckler = Backlaw and use of incorrect pronouns
vs the description of the P-Shield: "This is made from the same stuff as potty from a master" (I think it's supposed to be pottery, clay, or ceramic shield)
DrizztLink posted...
Can't imagine why that one would have been the mods, I don't remember any particular drama.

Well, we know it wasn't by Neo since he would have explained to everyone why he was closing the topic. No, there was no drama, but I could see some nanny-mod closing it because "it's dangerous discussion" (the topic is about eating potentially spoiled food, you see)
Gwynevere posted...
I was super confused why your QoL topic got locked. This place is actually going to shit a bit faster than I thought it would

Yeah, I have no idea either. BTW, I skimmed through all 35 pages of CE and recorded all of the locked topics.

--Live prevouisly recorded?? (got their answer, so probably closed the topic)
--Can a horror movie be truly scary if you *want* the protagonist to die? (only response is a clarification of the question by the TC)
--Apparently there's an emergency situation at the International Space Station (probably closed by TC due to erroneous info in OP, but possibly by mod)

--Republicans are saying that Trump is more popular with blacks now by Haejin (devolved into "tagging war", closed by Neo)
--Popular leaker turned out to be white pedo cosplaying as a jpn woman (closed by Neo because it requires having a Twitter account to read conversation that the topic is about)
--Why do people hate optional QOL features by ssb_yunglink2

--Crunchwrap Supreme left unrefrigerated in wrapper overnight. by Doe
--By popular demand, this is a Scotty_Rogers AMA topic. (descended into dogpiling personal attacks, TC bailed)
--Do you have the DSM? by Bass_X0 (only one response)
--Anyone been playing XDefiant? by ffmasterjose
--C\D: "Economics" is the science of scarcity aka the have nots by WingsOfGood
It's always been this way, but in the pre-fandom it was incredibly rare, and generally only happened when it crossed into endless flame wars, endless offensive posting, or as a precaution because they saw serious ToU violations in the forecast (e.g. a Truth or Dare topic on LUE back in the day. FYI these always led to dares to violate the ToU.)
Even the other members of that subreddit think that this guy is insane.

Sandalorn posted...
Maybe he will handcuff himself to a door or something.

Good to see I'm not the only one who gets Loomer vibes from this chud's plans.

BunkerBoy posted...

I have a difficult time believing that this guy has the money for an indefinite hotel stay.
And now Israel and Hezbollah are having a contest on who can burn more acres of forest. Hezbollah with hundreds of missiles, and Israel with fucking trebuchets. WTF, humanity, WTF?!
I wonder how many endangered Middleastern plant species will go extinct thanks to Hamas, the IDF, and Hezbollah.

DrizztLink posted...
Bold fucking strategy, I'm amazed they didn't reflexively shoot each other fourteen times in the back.

Well, this was an uber-elite group, and not a bunch of out-of-practice, barely-trained-to-begin-with reservists who hadn't slept in several days. My guess is that they tend not to consist of settlers or people with pro-settler ideologies, either.

BTW, the rescued male hostages and their families are all begging Netanyahu to forfeit the war and agree to a ceasefire to bring the other hostages home (don't know about the female one)
DrizztLink posted...
Is it ignoring when they never understood them in the first place?

Pretty sure they know really super basic RoE like "don't shoot unarmed civilians who are surrendering, begging for help in Hebrew, and stripped down to prove they didn't have bombs" and "make sure to communicate with other units frequently so you know where they are at all times and don't accidentally shoot/shell/bomb them"

Don't forget basic gun and driver safety, since some of these incidents involve IDF soldiers accidentally shooting or running over each other.
But hey, I guess when you have a universal draft, you have to "settle" with enlistees with traffic violations, and you have to let them drive vehicles of war, too.
Don't forget, at least 3 (VERY likely 4) hostages and -- (this is just from a single incident) 5 IDF soldiers killed and another 7 wounded due to blatantly ignoring RoE.
According to the IDF, as of this point, at least 48 IDF soldiers killed by "friendly fire" and "other accidents" such as getting run over by tanks, killed in controlled demolitions, or -- get this -- accidental firearms discharges (unfortunately, they include incidents where the wounds were self-inflicted, such as a soldier shooting something and getting killed by shrapnel, or accidentally shooting himself)
They refuse to disclose the number of wounded from "friendly fire" I bet the number is shameful.
The father of one of the hostages died just hours before the IDF rescued him.

Heartbreaking. This is on Hamas, Netanyahu, and his fascist cabinet.

Yossi Jan, the 57 year old father of rescued hostage Almog Meir Jan, 21, died hours before he could learn his son was coming home on Saturday.
My brother died of grief and didnt get to see his son return. The night before Almogs return, my brothers heart stopped, Almogs aunt Dina Jan told the Kan public broadcaster Sunday.
Yossi, my brother, was glued to the television for the whole eight months, clinging to every piece of information. Every potential hostage deal that exploded in his face broke his heart. He lost 20 kilos (45 lbs), he couldnt bear it in any way. He closed himself off, didnt want to see people. Everyone was worried about Yossi, but he wasnt able to communicate with anyone.
Dina said she had received a phone call from the army telling her that her nephew had been rescued, and the officer told her they had been unable to reach Yossi.
I was so happy I didnt know what to do, she told Kan, and said that she went to her brothers home to tell him the good news.
I drove like crazy, I knocked, Yossi, Yossi, Yossi! and nothing. I got no answer. The door of his house was unlocked and I saw him sleeping in the living room. I screamed Yossi to him and he didnt answer me. I saw the color of his skin, I touched him, but he was dead, she said.
I Googled complaints on it. So far, I've only skimmed a single reddit thread, but this is what I'm seeing:

--Lead actress can't act for shit
--The CGI and esp. makeup quality are really, REALLY bad. Crap production values in general.
--It's chocked full of cheap-ass, done-to-death tropes
--Fans loved the stuntcased Moss and were pissed that they kill her off within 10 minutes of her first appearance

Funny comment:
10 minutes into the show I was saying to myself, please dont be an evil twin, please dont be an evil twin...
MagiMarthKoopa posted...
But most guys in hentai are ugly

That's so the porn-viewing male doesn't feel (sexually) intimidated by the hentai guy's sexuality.
Trump in 2017: I never claimed that global warming is a Chinese hoax!
*Tweet still exists of him claiming precisely that, up until 1/6/2021*
DarkChozoGhost posted...
There's clearly a massive amount of racist homophobes review bombing, and that's the vast majority of bad reviews. That's not to deflect from any legitimate criticism, but denying it's a significant component of the hate is silly

And let's face it: when you have that type of review bombing, it's safe to assume that half the reviews come from people who never even watched it.
Pikachuchupika posted...

Save energy at home

Change your home's source of energy

Walk, bike or take public transport

Switch to an electric vehicle

Consider your travel

Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle

Eat more vegetables

Throw away less food

Plant native species

and more

You forgot installing energy-efficient insulation, siding, roofing, etc. (which saves on energy costs)
Also, purchase a smaller home, as these require less energy and fewer resources to maintain.

BTW, FYI, "consider your travel" means "coordinate your commute/planned errands. Try to do all of your shopping in a single outing rather than separate trips, especially if all of the desired locations are in the same area or same direction."
Bio1590 posted...
Dude, Poland absolutely does not need any US influence to have a huge Anti-Jew movement.

I was talking about Europe drinking the far-right koolaid and pinching off politicians of the exhibitionist type.

Oh, for those who need more info on Braun:
Grzegorz Braun holds anti-American, anti-Protestant, anti-LGBT views, aligning himself with traditionalist Catholicism. While in the Sejm, his activities have been characterised by a series of antisemitic incidents and pro-Russian stances, culminating with the incident where he extinguished a Hannukuh candelabra in the Sejm that led to his exclusion from the session and punishment.

In September 2021, Braun, in a speech in the Sejm, accused the government of increasing suicide rates in children via their actions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. He finished his speech addressing the minister of health, Adam Niedzielski, with the words "You, sir, will hang." These statements caused Braun to be excluded from further participation in that Sejm's sitting.

On 27 January 2023, Braun destroyed a Christmas tree decorated with baubles themed with Ukrainian, EU, and LGBT pride flags located in the building of the Krakw District Court. He said that he had staged a "parliamentary intervention".

On 30 May 2023, Braun disrupted a lecture on the Holocaust by the historian Jan Grabowski at the German Historical Institute in Warsaw by invading the room and destroying the event's microphone and speakers. Braun has been quoted accusing Jews of being "the enemies of Poland" and alleging their desire to undertake a "hostile takeover" of Polish territory and to place ethnic Poles in reservations. Braun has also claimed there exists a plan to turn Poland into a "Jewish state".

On 12 December 2023, during the first session of the 10th term of Sejm, Braun doused candles lit in celebration of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah with a fire extinguisher. After extinguishing the candles, Braun described Hanukkah as "satanic" and said he was restoring "normality". He later said that "those who take part in acts of satanic worship should be ashamed".
He then doubled down with a post on X/Twitter that declared, There can be no place for acts of this racist, tribal, wild, Talmudic cult on the premises of the Sejm!
In other news, that asshole Polish MP who doused a hannakuh candelabra because it's "Satanic" won a seat.

Shame on you, Europe, shame. You need to take some powerful antifungals to get rid of those 'Muricah spores.
CassandraCroft posted...
But someone please tell me just what the utter hells is America's obsession with the gun? I do not understand this love affair you have with guns.

The love affair we have with guns doesn't come from any single source. First of all, you have to look at our nation's prehistory. Part of the reason that it is in our constitution (aside from the no-longer-existent citizens' militia as a substitute for a standing army, which the Founding Fathers strongly opposed) is that the British had a habit of disarming the populace to prevent uprisings. It was one of the many cited acts of British colonialism/imperialism that led to the Revolutionary War.

A big part of it has to do with lobbying and propaganda from pro-gun groups like the NRA (and its paid-off politicians) since the 90's or so. There was far less of an obsession with it before then, but it was definitely there.

Much of the gun obsession between the 1920's and 1980's came from Hollywood's influence. From 1920's/30's/40's gangster movies where Al Capone etc. looked badass with their tommy guns (which some demographics even glorified, as they viewed the gangsters as "sticking it to the banks that caused the Great Depression") to Westerns, to action movies. The only other industrialized nation that glorifies firearms in its media AFAIK is Japan, which has some of the most restrictive gun laws on the planet.

So in summary: It's been there since the beginning of American film, and then sent into overdrive by gun lobbying groups. Some of it has existed since the Revolutionary War due to Britain's history of disarming American colonists.
Intro2Logic posted...

Yeah, it's really bad, but the backlash (and lack of support from Gantz for the confiscation) only applies to foreign outlets. Don't get me wrong, that's REALLY bad, but Trump would do exponentially worse.

Israeli society is tearing itself apart between the "judiciary reform" and this war.
DnDer posted...
Asking Google about anything IDF just generates current headlines.

But, given how crowded Israel and Palestine are, and the behavior of the IDF historically... I'm going to wager those bases are a lot closer to residential homes than you expect.

Just a gut feeling.

The border areas tend to be suburban and rural. That said, you have to bear in mind that "military structures" includes more than just military bases. The border guard outposts (which consist almost entirely of women) didn't stand a chance (esp. since many of the women weren't even fucking armed for some reason, WTF?!)

Oh, and FYI the illegal settlers are rioting in Palestinian territory, again, and the IDF/police are doing zilch about it as usual. Assholes.
SHRlKE posted...
Good some of the hostages have been returned. I imagine the families of those had given up hope. Cant imagine the emotions they must be going through.

They haven't. Up until the hostage rescue, they were rioting in the streets because they were THAT pissed with Netanyahu (esp. after the bodies of those 4 elderly men who survived for at least 4 months were found.) Didn't help that Netanyahu compared the protesting hostage families to "Hamas-supporting college students in the United States," and several of his Knesset members said equally disgusting or worse things to their faces. Gvir's police thugs also IMMEDIATELY arrested a peaceful family member after he was beaten by a nationalist. Ben Gvir has been butthurt for a long time that he can't get the police to assault left-wing Israeli protesters.
Ricemills posted...
Ah yes, the Hamas tunnels under the hospitals and school.
I see IDF done their propaganda well.

So you're insinuating that Hamas tunnel networks don't exist?
Ricemills posted...
"hiding the hostages in civilian house" is a dishonest propaganda.
Where do you think they should have keep them? In the mystical hamas confinement facility?

This is the same level of propaganda where Israel bombed schools and hospital then blame it with "Hamas is hiding there".

Disgusting that these genocide supporters still slurps everything Israel spew out of their ass without even doubting it.

Some of the originally released hostages have confirmed that this happens, though-- they were locked in a room at a family's house or forced to be a house slave.

Where do you think they should have keep them? In the mystical hamas confinement facility?
You mean the Hamas tunnels?

emblem-man posted...
And I'm saying it's bad that they hid the civilians among civilians in a refugee camp.

They weren't in a refugee camp. They were in a building in a city in central Gaza that the IDF hadn't infiltrated/bombed to the stone age, yet.
Hold on, my previous post was incomplete.

The Originalists claim it's not a federal Constitutional right, either, it's a "Constitutional privilege." Seriously. But owning guns, of course, is a federal constitutional right.

Turtles and tortoises are testudines, and yes, they are a type of reptile. Birds are also reptiles, technically.
Anapsid, Diapsid, and Synapsid are classifications of skull structure, which is used in paleontology/fossil identification. There are some doubts that such skull classifications can be used for accurate taxonomical placement (in particular, anapsid skulls are no longer viewed as a separate clade from synapsids, and it is believed that not all species that SHOULD fall into the taxonomic groups of anapsids actually have anapsid skull features.)

Identifying vertebrate clades and groups by bone features is important in paleontology since usually, all we have of un-distorted fossil remains are the bones (and carapace in the example of testudines) By distortion, we're talking about the loss of mass and firmness of body tissues (compare to freezer-burnt items from old-ass ice-accumulating freezers, or a plant that is shriveling away. Or shriveled fruit. The soft tissues could also be compressed/crushed.)
Are you asking for "good-ass-cologne" or a good "ass cologne?" Because those are two entirely different things.
If it's the latter, I'm not sure you'd want to spray cologne on an area that close to your balls, esp. if they're low-hangers.
Dungeater posted...
if u had more social awareness than uncooked pasta, you would understand that the implication is "kradek. you stick out for causing problems."

but ur too self important and too lacking in said awareness

...Says the guy with so little self respect that he doesn't even bother to take the minuscule amount of effort needed to use proper grammar.
Smashingpmkns posted...
Comedies just aren't box office hits anymore. They've been pushed to streaming movies or wrapped into TV series.

Also I think the definition of a box office hit has also changed since the early 2010s. If a premise isn't making 9 figure returns then it's gonna be a lot harder to make your film if you're not already a big name. And comedies thrive when it's new blood.

That's probably true. I'm guessing that comedies generally don't make very good money in international sales due to cultural and word-play/language differences. Monty Python (both the series and the movies) is incredibly popular throughout the Anglosphere, but I have no idea if it was liked in other parts of Europe. The Foolie Coolie anime was somewhat of a hit in the United States, but it's not a movie, and a sizable percentage of the jokes fly over the head of anyone who isn't a massive anime nerd.

Come to think of it, it seems like the only American movies that do well internationally are action-based (though some dramas IIRC do well in Europe)

Besides, you can't really blame people for not wanting to watch a comedy in a theater. Other moviegoers are loud and annoying enough in action and horror movies.
Joe Rogan

AHHH ha ha ha ha ha!!!

BTW, the following comedians and celebrities make this claim. Are there some patterns here?

Tim Allen
Roseanne Barr
Adam Carolla
Dave Chapelle
John Cleese
Tina Fey
Ricky Gervais
Greg Gutfield
Kevin Hart
Goldie Hawn
Bill Maher
John O'Hurley
Chris Rock
Joe Rogan
J.K. Rowling
Rob Schneider
David Spade
James Woods
Yes, it hampers gym performance in a multitude of ways:

--Hampers weight-loss gains
--Interferes with sleep and sleep quality (which negatively affects weight loss, gains, and recovery)
--Prevents protein synthesis for muscle growth
--Prevents HGH and collagen synthesis for tendon growth
--Interferes with your muscle cells' metabolism and its ability to utilize energy sources
--Interferes with muscle and tendon recovery
--Induces dehydration, esp. when hangover kicks in
--To the surprise of no one, #3~7 means that muscles and tendons are more likely to sustain injury when you're drunk or buzzed. Ligaments are also more likely to suffer strain from what I've read.

Searching Google, supposedly alcohol interferes with athletic performance for up to 3 days after drinking, but I didn't fact-check it.

BTW, it's amazing how ethanol interferes with so damn many metabolic processes.
Man, this board is a bunch of squares. Were I on 261, WOT, or LUE, the "I will not drink alcohol" would be at least 10 percentage points lower, if not 20. (Though FYI, I do not and have never imbibed alcohol)
near as i can tell it never once mentions trump but these ppl are finding hitler similar to trump and rather than have any kind of revelation they are blaming the documentary makers

It's from the same mentality as the Wolfenstein outrage and their conspiracy-mindedness (Remember, these are the same people who are convinced that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.) "They always call us Trump supporters Nazis!" Therefore this is documentary is a carefully timed dogwhistle to demonize Trump -- and remember, Trump has warned them that "they're not after me, they're really after you. I'm just in the way."
Bass_X0 posted...
I agree. If Hitler had died before World War II, the issues that caused the war would not have been resolved and someone else would have taken his place.

The Holocaust would have happened either way. Sadly, it HAD to happen, so that the world could see the evils that modern science + eugenics was capable of. Today we have the Nazi/WWII frame of reference, and we take it for granted. People prior to the late 1940's didn't have that -- and it wouldn't be until a couple decades later that we even began to understand the psychology behind the Holocaust.

Killing Hitler might have, in the worst case scenario, kicked the can down the road, so that the Holocaust happened with BETTER technology (which would have meant exponentially more deaths)

Worse still, by that point, Nazism might have become far more entrenched in parts of the west, particularly the United States (when we entered WWII, Nazism had only existed for around 5 years. Now imagine how widespread it would have been 10 years later.) Imagine the ramifications of the United States entering WWII and experiencing a failed coup or two. That would NOT bode well for civil liberties (which already didn't fare so well under WWII.)

The German POWs might not have been treated so generously in such a timeline either. Which would have had serious consequences for food security in the United States, as the German forced POW labor was essential for growing and harvesting crops, what with all the able-bodied male citizens off fighting the war, and women and non-conscripted African Americans working in the factories (and, let's be honest, due to biological/hormonal differences, women simply are not as productive as healthy non-elderly men at labor-intensive agricultural tasks - irrelevant today, but not back then.)
Back to the entrenchment of Nazism in some countries, this also would have meant more central and Eastern European allies for the Nazis (not necessarily on a national level)
""Front Groups:
Really? You think the Catholic Church has a bunch of these?""
Corporations aren't the only ones who have their hands in several non church related things. Until the Catholic Church started saying that gay people should be left alone, they gladly helped with silencing that group.

That's not what a front group is. A front group is an organization owned and controlled by an entity, but pretends to be independent of it. Examples include The New Cult Awareness Network (Scientology front group) and Epoch Times (Falun Gong front group) Plus all of those climate-denialist and pollution-denialist front groups of polluting industries and conservative think tanks.

""Violence: Amount of approval when used by or for the group, its doctrines or leader(s).
I'm not aware of the church doing this today. In fact, the last two or three popes have leaned towards being antiwar. Do not forget that there are rad-trad and other breakaway Catholic groups, which are not part of the Roman Catholic Church. You also have individual bishops with their own views, which can also be cultish (it is next to impossible for the Vatican to have the level of oversight needed to keep tabs on all of them)""
That is still too recent for it to not count. Imo, more passage of time is needed.

Are you fucking serious? Under that definition, both the Democrat and Republican parties would be checking the "violent cult" box since continuously since at least the 1950's (and BTW, they both have tons of front groups. If you're going to claim that our two political parties have been cults for the last 70 years *as I predict you will*, then you're basically diluting the definition of a subversive cult, in addition to dipping into philosophical debate territory.)

""Sexual Favoritism
Really? You think the Catholic church does this?""
Do they allow female priests? Seriously, I don't know. But half joking, they do tend to help cover up a certain sexual favoritism amongst its clergy.

That's not sexual favoritism. Sexual favoritism is the cult equivalent of the Casting Couch.
aarrgus posted...
Cults are just Religions with no political power.

Some of the cults I listed definitely have political power.
masterpug53 posted...
What on earth are you on about? This is the movie that a significant chunk of the fanbase keeps propping up as 'the good one' out of the prequels. It's perfectly relevant to point out that a very stupid scene is made profoundly stupider by said fanbase's attempts to handwave it, and why many years ago it was the straw that broke the camel's back to make me go "y'know what, I think I'm done being so deeply invested in this universe / franchise."

The franchise has always thrown out handwaves at this level of shit-tier, though. Even for bad special effects in the original films. The horror-movie-level stupidity of the characters is a problem throughout the entire series as well.
Baron_Ox posted...

Yeah, no shit. Humans discovered alcohol and cheese in the same way (though the milk that made the cheese wasn't just tossed in some corner and ignored for awhile, it was carried in an animal stomach, which humans have always used for containers.)

The answer for how humans discovered any fermented or aged foods is almost always "someone decided to eat something that was vastly past its sell-by date" Humans are omnivores, and food security has existed in industrializard nations for less than a century if even that (YMMV based on your definition of food security)
There are New Religious Movements that are cults, though. Similar to how there are religions that are cults.

That is true. Here is an incomplete list of cults, minus the WELL KNOWN violent ones (not all of these are currently active)

--Alamo Christian Foundation
--Children of God / The Family International
--Christian Science
--Church of God Restoration
--Church of Wells
--Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints
--Kingdom of Jesus Christ
--Jesus Morning Star
--Palmyrian Catholic Church
--Plymouth Brethren Christian Church
--Twelve Tribes
--Westboro Baptist Church
--World Peace and Unification Sanctuary Church aka Rod of Iron Ministries (breakaway Moonies that perform religious rituals with AR15s and crowns of gold-plated bullets)

--Avatar Course (breakaway Scientology)
--Church of Scientology
--The Family (Charles Manson's hippie murder cult)
--Happy Science
--Juche (Kim Jong cult)
--Love Has Won / Galactic Federation of Light (this one has a weird ending which is worth a read)
--Order of the Solar Temple / Ordre du Temple solaire
--Ramtha's School of Enlightenment

--Amway (pyramid scheme)
--Aryan Nations
--Erhard Seminars Training
--Freedomain Radio (Stephen Molyneux's AnCap cult)
--Lyndon LaRouche movement
--Scentura (pyramid scheme)
--That JFK Jr cult that split off from more "canonical" Qanonism
--National Labor Federation/NATLFED
--various cults of personality

--Aryan Nations / Church of Jesus ChristChristian
--The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord
--Darul Islam
--Children of Thunder (tried to take over the LDS church by murdering its leaders. Bizarre, fucked up, and worth a read.)
--God Worshipping Society/Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
--Grace Road Church
--Nation of Yahweh
--Order of Nine Angles
--Order of the Solar Temple (murder-suicide cult)
--Rajneeshpuram branch for the Rajneesh movement (YMMV on it being "lesser known")
--Word of Faith Fellowship

Obviously, the Taliban is also a violent cult.
Yeah, even Canada has been infected by the chud virus, now. Let's hope it isn't severe enough to affect their election results.
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