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Community » Hornswoggled
I was in therapy a number of times as a kid, and a few times as an adult, and none of it ever did shit for me.

Although I do have the self awareness to know that the problem is me, and not the concept of therapy.
I had no idea who the "popular kids" even were. I was in special ed in middle and high school, and was only really around them.

Basically every kid in school was more popular than me, because I'm an asocial weirdo.
I still have PTSD from the Brony Wars of 2012.
Oh, Andy.
69f here in Michigan.

I only know of Zaxby's from Wings of Redemption lore.
NoxObscuras posted...

How? Even if you don't listen to his music, the song Happy was everywhere

Oh, that song. I've heard it here and there, but never knew who sung it, or cared.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I had to look up who the hell Pharell Williams is.
No. I'm not bothered by much.
A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.
He needs to get interviewed by Angry Joe again.
"Hey, the latest fast food slop is pretty good!"

Yeah, it's supposed to taste good. That's it's primary function. It's engineered to be tasty and addicting.
Here's a short vid of him having an angry freak out in his car
This guy.

He's this crazy homeless guy who makes videos from his car. In this video he talks about how he got fired for alleged harassment of a younger co-worker. He keeps insisting he did absolutely nothing wrong, and that HR is just out to get him, even though he explains exactly what he did, and he clearly brought all this all on himself, and he just can't see it at all.

He also says that what HR did to him was worse than the Holocaust.

This is the real shit buried deep in Youtube that I love.

I remember being suspected of having it as a kid, but I eventually got diagnosed as autistic.
lol Steve Shives.
No. I have zero good memories from school.
I say it's time to bring back the Congo volcano burrito.
gamepimp12 posted...
The last arc of dragonball super was literally him going hard for the namekians as atonement for his past mistakes.

Is that from the manga? I only saw the anime.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
I'm a geezer. Enlighten me.

You've never heard of the great Doug Walker, who recently cameoed in a very popular tv show?
Is Trump Black like Goku Black?
Any creatures on the wing of the plane?
What were they thinking?!
That's a massively complex question with no easy answer.
Because I'm an autistic recluse who hates socializing.
I like how the site won't let me use it with my VPN on.
Why did they even have to bother with rounding up the villains when Strange could have just pressed the button and put everything right from the beginning?
I had some for the first time. They weren't exaggerating the taste.
His name is Hands. He looks like a roadie for Metallica.
Super Sonic is too op.
TMOG posted...
I stopped watching when the show became less about folklore and cryptids and monsters and stuff and every single fucking episode and plotline was about angels and/or demons

It's funny to go back and watch the first season, where encountering even a singular demon is like a really big deal.
One time I was really drunk and I ate a whole container of the Pickle Rick Pringles, and I threw up.
I had enough after season 9. That's when I lost interest completely.
That's just how they say hello in NYC.
Get the Burger Andy haircut.
What's ol' Sleepy Joe up to now?
Erm it's called Diet Dr. Pepper.
When did this trend of the media trying to pit the generations against each other start? There's just a general obsession with "generations" now that I don't remember being a thing, like, 20 years ago.

I've never wanted kids. I don't know what the fuck about life would make someone want to have kids.

That's just me.
And I have the right to forage for food when I am hungry.
Moviebob made a 'Magneto Was Right" video years back. It was one of the big videos that made me come to dislike him intensely.

Did you notice the ape extras who were wearing masks and not the full ape makeup?
Sounds like the kind of awful but comedically stupid thing street degenerates in the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe would do.
Peeing your pants is the coolest!
When you go into a restaurant that you've been to a few times, and they remember what you're gonna order before you tell them.

Why do you remember me? What's so goddamn memorable about me? Am I funny to you? Am I a clown?
Rex is the name of the tree that was turned into the cross that Jesus was crucified on.
Hayame_Zero posted...
Controversial opinion: I genuinely think the Screenwave team needs to be around again. James having ZERO other personalities around him just comes off as lonely and empty.

Yeah, bring back the slobs. Their lack of chemistry with James was really funny.
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