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Community » GEKGanon
Is anyone else somewhat baffled by how the names seem backwards? Like... Rise of the Planet of the Apes is first one, and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is the second one. It seems like a reality in which apes run a planet would need to dawn before the apes themselves rise.
Steam Name: gekganon
ai123 posted...
You're argument is that a trans woman choses to forfeit her masculinity, and therefore cannot complain if men are less masculine?

There's a whole festering heap of transphobia and ignorance right there.

Sort yourself out.

My argument is if someone is going to complain about declining masculinity, they shouldn't be the poster child for it. If we're going to talk about "declining masculinity", then we're talking about traditional gender roles, which would be applicable to this individual as well.
Steam Name: gekganon
Waxitron_Gazer posted...
jesus dude did you take time off protesting planned parenthood to make this post?

I'm sure your comment made sense to you at least.
Steam Name: gekganon
cuttin_in_farm posted...
I like how body shaming and criticizing how someone looks is immediately okay so long as youre saying something you dont like.

Did the irony just completely blow past you that the person whining about the "decline of masculinity" is someone who was born a male and is so thoroughly bereft in masculinity themselves that they identify as a woman, while also being morbidly out of shape? If the term "the pot calling the kettle black" needed a supporting description, this would be it.
Steam Name: gekganon
Mothman Prophecies. Boring as shit.
Steam Name: gekganon
When you only have one life to live and then your consciousness is erased from existence, it seems pretty weak to off yourself for chronic fatigue of all things.
Steam Name: gekganon
ArsGoetia posted...
i did
and i dont wanna bang manlets (or pies)

Are you looking for a large man to bang?
Steam Name: gekganon
ArsGoetia posted...
im not tryna to bang a college campus
food can be hot but you dont wanna put your wang in it

Who said anything about banging? That wasn't the question.
Steam Name: gekganon
1337toothbrush posted...
I remember when people were demanding $15/hour as a *minimum* wage over a decade ago. It ain't worth shit now.

$15 as a minimum wage would be fine. A high schooler looking for their first part-time, entry-level job getting $15 an hour is fine. We're talking about managers though in this topic. $15 for a managerial position is not fine.
Steam Name: gekganon
A gorillion silverbacks.
Steam Name: gekganon
ArsGoetia posted...
taylor swift is 5'11''
average man in the year 0 was 5'6''
jesus was a manlet

Height is not the sole factor of being "big". A college campus can be big, sprawled across a large portion of a town or city, but not tall.
Steam Name: gekganon
No, Taylor Swift isn't bigger than Jesus. She's like 130lbs max. Jesus was a carpenter in a time where everything had to be done manually. The dude was probably unbelievable jacked. Easier way bigger than a tiny woman.
Steam Name: gekganon
Mr_Karate_II posted...
Its just as fun now for me as it was when I first played it.

How? The game shows its jank horribly at this point, and despite their attempts to improve certain builds, some builds just never ever work. Trying to build a summoner Necromancer for example, which is like the base line thing for what a Necromancer should actually be capable of, doesn't work. Skeletons die instantly against more difficult enemies, and after 20 years, they still get stuck in doorways and shit.

Getting the right items is a massive slog compared to D3, and once you've managed to build a good character, the end game content is extremely lacking. I don't have the patience to fight the same boss 30 times in a row in an afternoon trying to find a decent item anymore, especially when the pay off is so low.
Steam Name: gekganon
Mr_Karate_II posted...
In my opinion, IV is as good as II is

4 is way better than 2. 2 honestly isn't that good. It is remembered fondly through the thickest of nostalgia goggles because it was a fun online experience at a time when there weren't many experiences like it. Even with the Resurrection update, it plays like old milk at this point.
Steam Name: gekganon
$15.00 an hour to be a manager. They could afford the most luxurious of boxes to live in. Maybe even a tent. Or they could rent an apartment if they find 3 roommates.
Steam Name: gekganon
SilvosForever posted...
Was kinda f'd up when they sight unseen tried to defend their scientology rapist friend.

Not really. Very rarely does someone break the law and their friends and family just immediately bail on them. Even murderers have family members crying for them in court and shit.
Steam Name: gekganon
NeonTentacles posted...

Nailed it on the first try. +50pts to Weebfyndor.
Steam Name: gekganon
Heineken14 posted...
While I agree, D3 also felt like that when it launch. It didn't really get GOOD until later and especially with Reaper of Souls.

Well, that was mostly the fault of the real money auction house, which they killed. Do you really think they are going to kill the monetary sinkholes on D4? I don't.
Steam Name: gekganon
I'm just going to put it out there... I think Diablo 3 is the best game in the franchise. Diablo 2 is slow. Diablo 4 is slow. Diablo 3 is the most action packed one, where leveling your character and getting good equipment actually feels like an achievable task that makes a performance difference, since you can reasonably get to a point where you're just cutting through enemies like butter. You can pretty reasonably max out a character in the span of a season.

Levelling and character building in D2 and D4 feel like the most unrewarding, tedious, grinding slogs on the planet. I played through the entire D4 campaign thinking "When is my character not going to feel like shit?" It never happened. And they want me to play seasons? A new character every few months that will never feel good. Nah...
Steam Name: gekganon
Irony posted...
How long before Rathbone is king?

Steam Name: gekganon
emblem-man posted...
Remove the pudding and add some eggs and you've got yourself a typical breakfast don't you?

Beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes are a typical breakfast? No.
Steam Name: gekganon
K181 posted...
Full English breakfasts, meat pies, fish and chips, and British Indian cuisine disagree.

Who wants black pudding, beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms for breakfast? This is closer to chili than any sort of breakfast.

Fish and chips is literally just run-of-the-mill fried fish with a side of flaccid, soggy potato wedges.

And "British" Indian food is Indian. You don't get to claim it as British just because British tried claiming India.

And let's not forget such British favorites as... beans on toast, and mushy peas.
Steam Name: gekganon
I've always used a regular toaster. Never had a toaster oven.
Steam Name: gekganon
Cuticrusader09 posted...
Taking stuff in and out would drive me nuts. My small appliances stay on my counter -coffee maker, microwave, toaster oven, fancy Japanese rice cooker and fancy Japanese water boiler.

Steam Name: gekganon
I had a cellphone since 2002, but I didn't have a smart phone until about 2021.
Steam Name: gekganon
Anyone have Han Solo frozen in carbonite to offer up? Perhaps that will serve as proper payment.
Steam Name: gekganon
Community » GEKGanon