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Community » Chewisbeast
People passing out probably aren't actually locals. The locals here are insane weather wise, I saw people last week and, in mid-high 90s, they were saying they were now shedding their winter clothing for just long sleeves and pants with a light they don't consider it hot untill it's near the 120s. They're all freaks out here.
My hoa just sent everyone to collections after telling us not to pay while they fix their website that keeps adding charges to us from the other neighborhoods they manage
I never use my 3ds/xl, just use my 2ds since it feels better to hold to me.
I remember I played it for like 30 games, hit masters and went back to being hardstuck plat in league.
5 moral playoff wins and they fire him? Insane
Maybe I'm out of touch with League, but scripts aren't that big of an issue to warrant an anti cheat are they? Like unless it's banning people inting games I don't see the point.
I have been pulled over once in my life. Was doing whopping 36 in a 35. Cop thought the speed limit was 30, unlucky he pulled me over right next to the 35 sign.

Didn't apologize or anything and made fun of me for mumbling. Still remember and hate that fat fuck.
I feel targeted
Zesteria is the only tales game I have never finished and I have 0 want to even attempt to finish. The gameplay for me was just so bad with the whole combine with your party system. Xillia had the better system in that aspect as it didn't lock you out of party members.

Story wise it was meh from the start and from the playthrough I watched it remained meh. Twist was that great ot shocking, characters were pretty bland and did nothing to promote intrest in them. Hell Berseria did more for me liking the characters in this game which is actually insane.

Gotta be the worst in the series (by a good margin imo but I'm sure you could make some arguments for the older games or the side piece games). It killed all the hype I had for Berseria when it was announced because of how utterly disappointed I was with Zesteria. Probably also why I rate Berseria lower on my tales lists too, Zesteria was so bad it just put a sour taste on every tales game since. Legitimately one of the worst games I've played in the genre.
Abyss is the all around best tales game.

Symphonia, whole being a classic, doesn't hold up gameplay wise imo simply because of free run. (My absolute scorching hot take is DotnW is better but it's also my personal favorite so loads of bias)

Vesperia is just a wannabe Abyss and is the one I kick out of my top 3 for Graces.

Graces has the best combat, serviceable story, serviceable endgame and isn't just a ripoff like vesperia.

I throw in 4 hot sauce packets and 4 packets of crackers to really complete it.
I'm guessing none of these are in Vegas. I think I can count on one hand how many times I've seen someone get carded and kids run rampant in some of the casinos here.
Still love the team for what they did, but damn everyone but Edey was scared to shoot. Like the whole team just forgot they were playing basketball, I blame Spencer and those damn Rutgers hypnosis powers.
2 3pt attemps is very surprising l, expecting a shift out of the half into more attempts. Also if Furst sees the light of day again in this game I swear to God I will reignite the fire Painter alarm.
The_Popo posted...

You can literally heave full court shots
Said in the 1st post you can't just heave half/full court shots.
Would you rather be able to always make a three in basketball, or always be able to do a perfect kickflip whenever you wanted?

with basketball, you can always make a three on a basketball court, including slightly beyond the three point line to a couple feet behind it. Not half court/full court shots. Nothing else changes when it comes to your basketball ability, and if somebody blocks your shot obviously it doesnt go in, its not a magic thing that makes it still go in if its blocked.

or, be able to do a perfect kickflip 100% of the time. Youre not any better at skateboarding in any other way, but when youre on one you can do a picture perfect kickflip 100% of the time.

what do you choose?!
Man I'm so proud of the boys this year, they played like ass this game though and need to just keep calm. I think most of it came from them fucking up against double digit seeds though so I'm expecting much better play vs ucon/bama
You can just set a screen and shoot behind your man so the 3s get off without much trouble. Defense wise you just switch off and guard their worst player who probably only shoots like 40% in general and less from 3 and even if youre giving up some mid range shots you are getting a better trade in general since you legit can't miss.
Purdue managed to not disappoint me for the first time in years, and on my birthday no less.
Masters in ME and OLS
Red Rock
NeonOPPAl posted...
This post sounds like you think you're a single man army driving the force of change on CE lol
Which ironically is a trait of toxic behavior
It was weird he was banned when others in the past made way worst topics and posts that escaped bans and suspensions or were given a slap on the rest.

I don't know vegy personally at all, but he never seemed bad or misguided. He had a gimmick and stuck with it. Sure he got a little spammy with them sometimes but jumping to a perma wasn't the right answer so I am glad he's being given another chance.
I'm sick often so blood draws are pretty quick and easy for me. My veins are apparently top tier for easy access too from techs comments on them. Rest of my family has really leather like skin and needles just don't go in easy so glad I dodged that bullet I guess.

Fun story, last time I went for routine bloodwork (like a week ago), there was a woman in the room next to me that straight up started crying. She made the tech also put her jacket on her because she said she couldn't look at her arm or else she would faint and still believed that the needle was broken off in her arm.

Meanwhile I'm giving like 9 vials of blood and my tech was thanking God she took me and not her.
I was stuck at like 144p and buffering, loaded videos in incognito mode and they were 1080p and no issues.
I think I speak way to loud when I talk so I try and compensate for it by toning it down.

Anyone who talks to me says they can't hear me and that I mumble. Friends can't even hear me over my headset despite me deep throating my mic.
Anyone have a topic/post/article that can eli5 this for me? I know nothing concerning ivf
I'll buy it on sale
I really like their phillys, their cold subs are a bit meh imo
dummy420 posted...
I feel like whatever team goes into the half down on points has the advantage. Atleast they always win whenever I see a game.
Pretty much. Winning team takes a "play to not lose" approach while team behind adopts the "play to win" mindset.

Defense play calling gets more prevention based rather than pressure based, offensive play calls become time management and conservative. Next thing you know other teams caught up and you're forced to make a play.

By that time the team that was leading needs to make a move, they are essentially iced playing against a defense that has been in rhythm. And either throw a pick trying to force something or just 4 and out.
Zikten posted...
Its hard for me to get into football, cause I've never really understood all the rules. Other sports I can grasp better. Baseball, hockey, soccer, basketball. I get those. Football is kind of weird though
You're in luck, the refs don't know the rules either most of the time!
Bleuets posted...
No way thats accurate

Maybe he was looking at the 40 instead
I bought an Xbox one and only played halo 4 on it. So I guess technically ya, but I thought I would end up playing more games and just never did.
Firehouse if I want a hot sub, jj if I want a cold one
Community » Chewisbeast