Anagram ranks anything Mario-related

Board 8

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Board 8 » Anagram ranks anything Mario-related
Minus world glitches
The only certain death in the universe is Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons.
Not changing this line until I beat Seven Heroes (2/24/07) - Fulfilled 2/20/18

Anagram posted...
even though I'm sure you just chose the most technically complicated Mario video you could find.
No, not even close. It's a famous video. There's more technically complex stuff out there than this (most of it is also pannenkoek).

Swapping cartridges from Tennis to Super Mario Bros while holding in reset to access "hidden worlds" on Super mario bros.
- Cape Feather Tier
Mario Kart (Series)
Cape Feather: As a kid, this was pretty much the only item I wanted. I loved flying around in SMW, finding the secret stuff in the clouds, looking for secret exits. The speed of it was very fun, as was trying to control your movements by crazily pressing backward and trying not to collide into things or fly too far. I understand why we rarely get flying items in Mario, but what I don't understand is why there are so many. You have the feather, the leaf, the winged cap, the P-balloon, the bee mushroom, and I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting. Like, there are clearly so many restrictions on what Mario characters can and can't do, but there appear to be no such restrictions on the power-ups they use.

- Kuribo's Shoe Tier
Luigi Wins Without Doing Anything
Kuribo's Shoe
Super Paper Mario
1-1 Theme
Minus World: This is my second favorite video game glitch, after Missingno. What makes them so good is that they're unintentional, still playable elements in their games, which lends a weird, creepy factor. Looking it up the Wiki, it tells me that the world is actually World 36-1, but the came can't display 36, so it just looks like -1, which is kind of disappointing. The idea of a secret accidental reverse world in the game is really compelling. I'm almost slightly surprised that Missingno and the Minus World never got any kind of shoutout by Nintendo in later games. It would be really easy to add a pokemon or level inspired by them. It has to be an intentional decision not to do so, right?
Count Bleck
Bayonetta Nintendo Content
Charles Martinet: I know very little about this insane weirdo. Just google him, and he looks completely insane. He does look like the kind of man who could devote thirty years of his life to saying "wahoo" in four different voices. And man, he is really good at those four voices. He's great as Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi, and I read him explain once the logic he used in how to voice each. He didn't just make up random voices, he actually put thought into their personalities and used it to inform his acting, like making Waluigi try to mask his insecurities by acting like he's hot shit. But "Mario ambassador," what does that even mean? He surely got removed by Nintendo for some reason. I just want to know if it's a better or worse reason than Kojima replacing Hayter, the guy everyone loved, with Keifer Sutherland for no reason at all.
Hammer Bros.
Glitzville: Why does a wrestling level take place in a medieval Chinese building? Who cares! See, this is why Paper Mario is so good. Instead of having grass level, fire level, ice level, it has things like an archeology level, or a pro wrestling level. Everyone loves Rawk Hawk of course, he should've been the party member instead of Mini-Yoshi. The idea that the cartoony Mario world, which is full of just nonsense, can have something as seedy as a rigged wrestling tournament, and Mario needs to rise through the ranks for whatever reason, is great. It's at odds with the normal Mario atmosphere in a way that enhances the game instead of detracts from it, and in a way that can't really be done in the normal platforming games. The Paper Mario games (the three that matter, anyway) really do a fantastic job of utilizing the resources and genre they have access to in creative ways.
Super Mario Maker 2
Hexagon Heat
Mario vs Chrono Rivalry: I was hoping no one would nominate this, I really didn't want to deal with it. Six matches this went on, SIX. Mario wins four, but one of his losses involves LFF. Crono wins two, but two of his matches involve weird rulings by CJayC. I don't hate this rivalry, and I agree that it's sort of more interesting than Link vs Cloud, since there is no discussion possible anymore about who the strongest character is in these contests... but Crono also fell off hard, while Mario did not. I think GameFAQs is probably the only site on the internet where this would even be a rivalry at all. I'll say this, though. Even though two of Mario's victories are dubious, neither is anywhere near as bad as Link vs Draven. That one to me is the most questionable decision in the entire history of the contests, because at least Mario and Crono were never going to actually win the contest itself. I'll also say this, I've contributed pictures for about a dozen matches, and only one ever got accepted, which is this: I was bummed when these got rejected:

- Hammer Suit Tier
Dire Dire Docks (Theme)
Dr. Goomba Tower
Chris Pratt
Triple Jump: Everyone loves the triple jump. It's a great idea, too. Gives Mario more height in exchange for needing more room to maneuver, and lets slightly more skilled players (but not crazy skilled ones) do more impressive things. Almost anything that increases Mario's ability to do platforming at the cost of requiring more skill is good to me, as long as it's not some kind of super aggravating glitchy thing.
Super Mario Bros.
Beep Block Skyway
Vivian: Yeah, I know what you're doing, you saw how I ranked Birdo and wanted to nominate the other LGBT-adjacent character. So be it. I'll say this: when I played TTYD as a teenager, I never questioned that Vivian was a girl, because they obviously removed all of the gender stuff from the game. Never even occurred to me to ask. And as a character, Vivian was great. Useful in battle, reasonably compelling as a character when she falls out with her sisters, all of that works really, really well. Not the best companion, that title of course goes to Admiral Bobbery, but still good. According to the Wiki, Vivian is "inconsistently" either a transwoman or a male crossdresser, and in the Japanese version, her sisters insult her with male insults. I believe it. Like, to be clear, Vivian is no Birdo. Regardless of the pronoun issue (which is confusing even in Japanese), Vivian does not look or act anywhere near as gross as Birdo does, and so won't place anywhere near that low. And you know what? I completely respect wanting to identify as a girl, then dressing as a cute goth witch. Goth has to be the single fashion style with the greatest divide in how good it looks depending on your gender. Go ahead and identify as female, then take advantage of the fact that girls are socially more able to wear silly clothes than boys, that's fine. It's probably true that if you remove her trans/crossdressing element, her character changes for the worse and loses some of its complexity. Like, the bullying she undergoes from her sisters takes on a whole different meaning if it's because of trans stuff. The thing is, obviously this game is from 2004, and there's no way any of that was being thought about by the writers. I'm sure that to them, "Vivian being a boy" (I don't mean that offensively) was just a way to include some more jokes, and now it's become more complicated, the exact same way as Bridget from Guilty Gear, where they clearly made the character to be a boy as a weird sex fetish thing in the early 2000s, and now pretend that it was always their intention that s/he be a respectful portrayal of transwomen. I'm actually curious how this will be handled in the remake. I don't think they'll just completely cut Vivian's gender issues again, but at the same time, I can't imagine they'd include trans insults in a Mario game, so I don't know where they're going with this. God, this was longer than I anticipated. This makes me not want to do one of these topics about Persona, because I know someone would nominate that one scene with Naoto.
Hell Valley Sky Trees

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island: Played this a lot as a kid. I still don't know why Smash classifies Yoshi and Wario as different series from Mario, though. I know you can say the same about DK, but I feel like DK has more of an identity outside of Mario than they do. Anyway, yeah, good game, but it gave us the babies, so it came at a cost. I learned about this game from my friend Josh. Josh's parents bought him way more games than mine did, so I had to go over to his house a lot to play them. The problem was, Josh was a really bad sport and would turn off my gameboy or the N64 if he started losing, which was frequent, because I was way better than him, even though he had more time to practice. But I can't complain! Josh introduced me to Smash, Pokemon, Yoshi's Island, Star Fox, Starcraft, and Mystical Ninja Goemon, so my gaming tastes do owe a lot to him.
Smash 64 Commercial
Pirahna Plant (Smash Bros)
Mini-Yoshi (TTYD): I know people like this character, and I agree that the idea of a Yoshi that's born in front of you, and your actions slightly affect what color he'll be, is a cool idea. But I just wanted another enemy race person to join you. There're a million games where you can play as or ride on Yoshi, but only two games where you can fight alongside a Goomba. I do like that because he's born while you're calling yourself Gonzalez, he keeps doing that for the entire game. But hey, at least he does everything you expect and want out of a Yoshi. He eats enemies, he throws eggs, and he floats for a little while. I sort of wish more games kept the SMW 'different colored Yoshis have different abilities' gimmick. Anyway, let's do this: Black > White > Pink > Blue > Red > Green > Orange.
Mario Lemieux: Really, this is the best real-world Mario you could come up with? A 58-year-old Canadian former hockey player? Well, I'm looking at him, and he appears to be very excellent hockey player, so good for him, I guess. 21 years of professional hockey is nothing to sneeze at. "His numerous ailments included spinal disc herniation, Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic tendinitis of a hip-flexor muscle, and chronic back pain so severe that other people had to tie his skates." Ouch, how common are such injuries and ailments in hockey? Obviously, I know about the brain problems football players suffer from.
Swapping Cartridges: Such a cool concept. It's amazing that this kind of stuff occasionally actually works. As a kid, I wondered how people even discovered these things in the first place.

- Super Mushroom Tier
Staff Roll Theme (Mario 64)
Super Mario Strikers (2005)
Hide and Seek mods
Bowser Theme (Super Mario World 2)
Mario Quiz Cards: Okay, so I was going to go through all of these and find the most embarrassing ones, but there are literally thousands, so I gave up early on. Here's a compilation if you're interested:;_1995-1997) . That said, of course it's hilarious to see Luigi as a Confederate soldier or a Russian cosmonaut or running away from vaccines. And it's hilarious that Mario and Peach boycott Bowser for refusing to let Rosa Park onto his bus, but a certain younger brother is absent from the boycott. The era of Nintendo renting out its properties to insane trash is long since over, and sadly will never return, which denies us more ill-conceived things like the Mario flash cards. God, can you imagine if there was official "Luigi the Confederate soldier" art made today? I'll defend Luigi on the reading a book about WWII and Hitler, though, nothing indicates that that's specifically a Nazi book, it could easily just be a regular history book about Nazis.
Puzzle Plank Galaxy (Theme)
Bah (NSMB Music)
Donkey Kong (1981)
Wreck-It Ralph: I only saw the first movie, and it's fine. It's pretty good. I think it's sort of interesting that in pop culture, video games are always portrayed as being stuck in the 80s forever. I don't know the last game I played with lives and points. Surely there are way more kids today who play Fortnite than who ever played Donkey Kong 2, and video games in media are still portrayed as beep boop platformers. Anyway, the story of a guy wanting to be more than he was meant to be, and then teaming up with Sarah Silverman is as old as time. But, like, to be clear, all of the real video game stuff in this movie is there for like one minute, and has no effect on the plot. Yeah, it's funny to see Bowser for five seconds, but it could have as easily been a random fake Bowser stand-in. Imagine if instead of Wreck-It Ralph, they'd used a real character from a forgotten 80s game, like, I don't know, Tapper, where the guy gets bored and has the same adventure Ralph does. Then again, I guess that's what they did with the Chip and Dale movie recently, and everyone complained about it, so maybe this was the right choice after all. Anyway, I never saw the second movie. I read the original idea for it was the arcade getting a cabinet for Wreck-It Ralph 2, and Ralph having to team up with his future self and not really liking him, which is cleverer than what they actually did, which as far as I can tell is fifteen minutes of Disney Princesses. And I know that the movie ends with Sarah Silverman saying goodbye as she goes onto a new adventure without Ralph, breaking them up... which is also the ending of Frozen 2. I don't know, I'm just saying this is a little weird and sounds bad.
Mushroomy Kingdom
Rainbow Road (Fat Bearded Guy Song)
Jim Carrey as Wario in SMB2: I can see it. As a kid, I loved Jim Carrey. He's definitely lost the veneer he once had, though. Would he be the best Wario possible? Maybe not, but I'm sure he'd be at least a pretty solid one. What I'm wondering is how much his Wario would be similar to the real Wario. Like, obviously his Eggman is very different from the real Eggman, so although he can definitely pull off being a cartoonish wackjob, I imagine his version wouldn't quite line up with the video game's.
Gust Garden Galaxy (Theme)
Tonkachi Mario
Talking Flowers
Trials of Death
Dennis Hopper
Anya Taylor-Joy
I'm a Chuckster
Do the Mario: Uploaded 17 years ago, god... Anyway, was this real? Was this really at the end of every episode of the cartoon? Because it's REALLY absurd. That's not even what "the Mario" should be. "The Mario" should be like jumping with one fist raised above your head, and the other held parallel to your waist. God, you just could not make something like this anymore without irony. Yeah, 1989, even back then this is pushing it. I think my favorite part about this is that the Wiki has translations of the lyrics into German and Italian, but no other languages.
Kublai Khan
Tetris Attack
Backwards Long Jump

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
- Frog Suit Tier
Wall Kicks Will Work (Star)
Lou Albano
Practice Makes Perfect (Legacy X)
Blindfolded Mario Maker Guy
Dong Dong Never Die
Mario Bros.
Stanley the Bugman
Chill (Dr. Mario Theme): Not a fan. Some of the sounds are really grating. The theme itself seems passable, though. This was never going to be one of the classic Mario songs.
Torpedo Ted
Mario vs Sonic at the Olympic Games
L is Real 2401
Grandpa Mario (Serving Tray)
Steak (Boss Fight)
NBA Street V3
Coins (Mario Kart): According to the Mario Kart Wiki (separate from the Mario Wiki), coins in Mario Kart were an idea contributed by Miyamoto. Of course. I'm aware that these slightly increase your speed, but I've never noticed the difference while playing, and I've played a lot of Mario Kart. I've also never been excited to get them from an item box. There's no instance where I want a coin instead of a red shell, literally zero.
Mario Paint
Yoshi's Safari
Racist Mario
Jump Rope Challenge (SMO): I don't remember this at all. I looked it up, and it looks difficult. I'll tell you this, I never got the best item in Mario RPG that requires you to super jump 100 times on an enemy's head, the best I could ever do was like 20~ jumps. This looks annoying, but nowhere near as bad as the pachinko thing.
Fat Yoshi
Thunder Cloud (Mario Kart)
Casio Hellburst
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels: It's just SMB1, but harder. I don't know, it is better than Donkey Kong Jr, so I'm obligated to put it above that game, but that just makes me regret putting DK Jr so high. There's nothing memorable or interesting about this game at all, other than the fact that Nintendo so didn't want to bring it to America that it reskinned Doki Doki Panic and instead gave us a game that added a ton to the Mario lore, sort of by accident.
Donkey Kong Jr. (1982)
Special Mariko Broken (Sket Dance Chapter 91/Episode 39)

- Poison Mushroom Tier
Mario Kart Tour
Mario Teaches Typing
Bowser's Big Blast: It's literally luck. There is literally no skill involved at any point. You might as well just spin a wheel to choose the winner. If you were allowed to choose the order you go in, that would involve at least a minor amount of skill at statistics, since whomever goes first has the lowest chance of losing, in exchange for potentially going last in the next round. But you can't. It's the Chutes and Ladders of Mario Party minigames. But although it is completely devoid of any skill, it's not as annoying and bad as some of the worst minigames. You at least aren't going to destroy your finger by pressing a button ten-thousand times in a second or something.
Watch for Rolling Rocks (0.5x A Presses)
Luigi Meeting Himself
Super Hornio Brothers
Pink Gold Peach
Paper Mario: Sticker Star: This was the end of Paper Mario, and everyone kind of knew it going in. I remember that no one was excited for this game. It was immediately obvious that it had ditched everything that made Paper Mario good other than the paper gimmick. But what no one expected was for them to replace the experience progression system with just having to keep stickers around. If you don't know, you battle by using limited-use stickers. Each time you defeat an enemy with one, you lose it, and have to find a new one somewhere. There's no level up system, which means there is literally no incentive to ever fight non-bosses. All it does it waste time and resources. And the bosses are all defeated by a single sticker they're weak to, so there's no actual strategy involved. It's shocking that this is a real product, it's so awful.
Pachinko Game (SMS)
Yakuman DS
Big Bertha x Mario (Mario Comics)
Wendy O. Koopa
Hotel Mario Cutscenes
Petey Piranha
Mario Galaxy 2 Glitch

- Blue Shell Tier
Mario Pissing
Blue Shells just Before the Finish Line: We all know this feeling. It's brutally unfair to be in first place the entire time, then get hit by three blue shells, a red shell, and a lightning bolt during the last quarter of the third lap, and go from first to ninth. It's the most frustrating thing, but I also can't justify turning off blue shells. If someone gets to first place and manages to get two items to defend themselves with, and blue shells don't exist, then they're going to win. The only other ways to stop them is lightning (affects everyone), a triple red shell (rare for the second and third place racers), or items like the mega mushroom or bullet bill (very rare for anyone close enough to first to realistically hit the leader). I kind of wish the games could be balanced better, but at the same time, I know that would make it impossible for less-skilled people to participate, and being a real competitive game is not the point... but that doesn't change how annoying it is to lose because of something completely outside of your control. To quote Captain Picard, "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose."
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
The conspiracy theory that every copy of Super Mario 64 is personalized
a darkx alt
It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.
Gooper Blooper
The azuarc of the contest universe is long, but it bends toward Guruship.
Admiral Bobbery (because he's my favourite in TTYD too!)
Injuring your hand playing the original Mario Party
Super Mario Bros. 2
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Fortune Street
Congrats to azuarc who beat me by 1 point!
Luigi Mario
Not a stinky alien. :(
Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5719-6555-8388
Mary O.
Bear Bro
Paratroopa1 posted...
No, not even close. It's a famous video. There's more technically complex stuff out there than this (most of it is also pannenkoek).
I just saw this, even though I already ranked Vivian somehow. How does this video have as many views as it does, when it's so dense and specialized?
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
To answer how it got views, We need to talk about parallel universes
It's tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.
Anagram posted...
I just saw this, even though I already ranked Vivian somehow. How does this video have as many views as it does, when it's so dense and specialized?
Because it's interesting and it made the rounds eight years ago, idk
WarThaNemesis2 posted...
Luigi Mario
Do you just mean Luigi, whom I already ranked, or the live-action version of Luigi?
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
Anagram posted...
Do you just mean Luigi, whom I already ranked, or the live-action version of Luigi?

The Luigi known as Luigi Mario
Not a stinky alien. :(
Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5719-6555-8388
I always appreciate TJ "Henry" Yoshi.

Luigi's Up-taunt.
"[Freud] started his scientific career by trying to explain the sexuality of a fish. And he failed."
Shocked you never saw The Wizard. I wouldn't bother though, I can't imagine it's actually good now. Since I wasted a nom I'll do two this time.

Mario + Rabbids

Super Mario World
Super Mario Odyssey
"A blank page or canvas, his favorite. So many possibilities."
- RIP Stephen Sondheim, 1930-2021
The Super Mario Bros Super Show
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Tanooki Suit
"so is my word...It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:11
This video:
Wario's Mario Party 1 & 2 Voice
Someday, I too will become Florida Man.
Mario is Missing
The only certain death in the universe is Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons.
Not changing this line until I beat Seven Heroes (2/24/07) - Fulfilled 2/20/18
Koopa Bros
Warp Whistle
Emerge Tremfyant
Why do people act like the left is the party of social justice crusaders?
I Am A Teacher: Super Mario no Sweater
Congrats to azuarc for winning the 2020 GotD Contest
"I like goldfish." Godric
Shy Guy
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Mario Paint - Mysterious

If you notice similarity between this and EarthBound music, it's because there is some composer overlap. (Also Hip Tanaka composed the Dr. Mario song you didn't like but this is much different.)
Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition
Congrats to 2020 GotD Guru champ azuarc!
SMB Wonder - 1-2, Pirahna Plants on Parade
Angry Sun
Axem Rangers
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Super Mario 64 DS
Italian people
For your Azuarc .
At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
- Cape Feather Tier
Mario Kart (Series)
Super Mario World: The definitive 2D platformer. All others need not apply. This is the height of the genre, at least in two dimensions, and I cannot possibly imagine anyone disputing that. I remember as a teenager, people on B8 would say SMB3 is better, but there's no way that opinion still holds today, right? SMW is just perfect in every way.
Cape Feather
Admiral Bobbery: He's perfect. Every other military-esque thing in Mario is either some kind of spear-wielding toad or a goofy airship, and then this guy just walks in with his captain's hat and ship wheel on his back and acts like a 19th century sailor for no reason. What military did he even serve in to become an admiral? Then he tops it off by having the best backstory, in that he has a backstory worth anything. The idea of this guy's lover dying of illness while he's out at sea is so strange, too, it's so un-Mario. No one dies in Mario. Even when Bowser is turned into a skeleton, he's still not dead. But Scarlette the bob-omb did, I guess. This guy just lends so much more credibility to Mario's team. Everyone else is either a dumb teenager, a con artist, or Flurrie (ugh). This is the only person who joins Mario in the game who plausibly looks like he can handle himself in a fight, and then on top of that, he's probably also the best companion in the game as well.
Super Mario Odyssey: SOME of its levels are imaginative and fun, like the Sand Kingdom, Luncheon Kingdom, Bowser's Kingdom, and Metro Kingdom, and most are alright. Moon Kingdom and Wood Kingdom can suck my balls, though. I feel like a bit of an opportunity was missed, honestly. This is a game where the premise is that Mario needs to travel all around the world, so they should've leaned into the different countries element. We have a Mexico-inspired kingdom, a NYC-inspired one, and a Japan-inspired one. Just throw caution to the wind and dump the Lake Kingdom and Snow Kingdom and whatever, and make every level a real world country stand-in. The last level can stay as the moon, because that obviously ratchets up the tension and craziness. Ah well, despite that, the game itself plays perfectly, and the gimmick of controlling enemies with the hat is perfect, and the final battle against Bowser is perfect, so I can't complain that much. It was also a wise decision to not make it required to get all of the power moons.

- Kuribo's Shoe Tier
Luigi Wins Without Doing Anything
Kuribo's Shoe
Super Paper Mario
1-1 Theme
Super Mario 64 DS: I know a lot of people complain that this game ruins the balance of the original, and sure, even as a teenager, I immediately knew that Luigi was way better than all of the others and completely breaks the game. But like, I don't care about balance in a goddamn single-player platforming video game, get out of here. I know the game plays a little differently from the original, and it doesn't quite 'feel' right, but again, I don't care. I'm fine with putting this at exactly the same level as the original.
Minus World
Count Bleck
Bayonetta Nintendo Content
Charles Martinet
Hammer Bros.
Pirahna Plants on Parade (Level): I have complete respect for SMBW for doing something a little different. Like, it could have easily just been another NSMB situation, where it's just the most standard, soulless Mario fare possible, and they actually did try to add weird new stuff to the equation. Does it all work? Maybe not. But this is like the second level in the game, right? It's telling you right away that this jaunt into Marioland is going to be a little different than normal. I noticed in 1-1, it starts off similar to SMB 1-1, but then immediately changes into something new and different. I am glad they got away from just redoing 1-1 forever, unlike a CERTAIN blue hedgehog and his grass stage I could mention. And yeah, the idea of Pirahna plants doing a parade with Mario and singing along, and if you kill them they stop singing, is genius.
Super Mario Maker 2
Hexagon Heat
Mario vs Chrono Rivalry

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
- Hammer Suit Tier
Dire Dire Docks (Theme)
Dr. Goomba Tower
Italians: I dunno, man. They gave us spaghetti, lasagna, and the Latin alphabet, but they also gave us fascism and Jersey Shore. This is a mixed bag. But Italian food is the most neutrally acceptable food for sure, it's in everyone's top five, so they at least gave us restaurants that can always act as a neutral ground, so I'd say that mostly redeems them.
Chris Pratt
Triple Jump
Super Mario Bros.
Beep Block Skyway
Hell Valley Sky Trees
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Shy Guy: It's very strange to me that shy guys still exist, because the role they fill (humanoidish enemies who walk back and forth) is already filled by koopa troopas. It's like a galoomba situation, where every few games, they'll show up again and you'll be like "oh yeah those guys," shy guys show up all the damn time... in the spinoffs and Yoshi series. In the mainline games, though, it's just SMB2. Like, despite the fact that you think of shy guys as one of the definitive Mario enemies, as far as the real games are concerned, they showed up literally one time in 1988. They just have such a strong spinoff presence that they have the veneer of being as important as koopas or boos. Like, seriously, I'm looking at the Wiki, and they're in every single Yoshi game, RPG, Mario Party, Mario Golf, Baseball and Soccer, half of the Mario Karts and Tennises, and in every Smash except the first one. I honestly did not realize until just now that shy guys are basically the Daisy of Mario enemies, they seriously have zero presence in any of Mario's actual adventures whatsoever.
Smash 64 Commercial
Pirahna Plant (Smash Bros)
Mysterious (Mario Paint): See, THIS is perfect space music. Pay attention, Mario Galaxy music, this is how you do it.
Mini-Yoshi (TTYD)
Koopa Bros: At first, I was going to rank Koopa Troopas, then I realized this was a specific group. I... I played Paper Mario like a million times as a kid, as I've already mentioned, and I don't remember these guy at all. But the idea of parodying the TMNT with Koopas is solid. It's kind of a shame they don't take it all the way, with giving all of them different weapons and naming them after some kind of historical theme. But yeah, this is one of those things that just sets Paper Mario apart from the mainline games. It's allowed to make weird references that require way more explanation. The mainline Mario games rarely have things that reference stuff outside of the Mario series, right? I'm not forgetting anything obvious? All I can think of is FLUDD being vaguely like the ghostpacks in Ghostbusters.
Tubular: I didn't have access to the internet consistently in the mid 90s, and I didn't have a strategy guide or the instruction manual. So imagine my surprise when I figured out how many hidden levels there are in SMW. I was absolutely not good enough at the game to beat the special levels, among which was this one... except then I realized I could cheese a lot of them with the Blue Yoshi. I know this level has some infamy as one of the craziest and most challenging, but honestly, whatever. It's fun. I'm sure I could beat it today if I wanted to. I'm glad they tried weird ideas even back then, but like... this isn't the definitive Mario level to me or anything, it's just a mildly fun and interesting one.
Axem Rangers: I remember finding these as a kid and being like "was that a goddamned Power Rangers joke?" And the answer is sort of no, because it's just parodying sentai in general. But as a kid, I didn't know what that was, so I interpreted them as just being a riff on the Power Rangers. They are... fine. Completely fine. I feel like this might have been the first time in any game where I encountered a team of enemies who each have their own team-based abilities, like you have to take out Axem Pink early to stop her from healing the others, etc. It's kind of interesting that Mario has never encountered like an Anti-Mario in any of his games, you know? Where you'd have a boss fight against another platformer guy you have to chase and jump onto. The closest thing is Bowser Jr in SMS.
Mario Lemieux
Swapping Cartridges
Tanooki Suit: THIS is the other flying power-up I forgot. As a kid, I remember being very confused by this and the relation between raccoons and flying. Is this... is this the most overtly Japanese thing in Mario? Like, I know that there are samurai shy guys in one of the Paper Marios, and in Odyssey you go to a Japanese-themed level and fight samurai monsters, but in terms of recurring elements in the Mario series. Mario I would say is very apolitical and anational. Like, obviously Zelda takes place in a European fantasy world, but then every so often, there's a ninja clan, or some kind of weird demon mask, or Ganondorf pulls out a katana. That kind of thing is much rarer in Mario, and altogether absent in other Nintendo properties besides Pokemon. How often does Peach put on a kimono, or someone throw one of those paper lanterns into the air? I wonder... are we just conditioned to Japanese cultural items through osmosis, and that's why we always accept it? Or is Japan just cooler than most countries, and they know it? Like, I can't recall the last time I played a video game and went to an India-inspired level. This reminds me of those goddamn awful Harry Potter prequels, where they leave Britain, and it's like, a significant part of the appeal of Harry Potter is how aggressively British it is. Yes, the magic stuff is important, but the British cultural elements lend a lot to the series. I don't care about seeing 1930s wizards in Germany because I don't care about German culture in relation to Harry Potter. Germany can make its own cultural things. I go to a Harry Potter movie, I want to see ugly anglos saying snog and having ridiculous last names. Similarly, anyone who says they want Persona 6 to take place outside of Japan, you're crazy. The aggressively Japanese cultural elements of Persona are half of the appeal. I don't want to see Persona in the United States, I don't want to see it anywhere except Japan. The only non-Japanese elements I want to see in Persona are Thor so I can equip him to be immune to physical damage, and Alice because Japan is obsessed with Alice in Wonderland for some reason. I bring this up because this is very much not the case for Mario, where even if they excised that Japan level in Odyssey or the tanooki suit, the games would still feel the same. And its presence in Odyssey doesn't stand out that much because you also go to Mexico and US-themed levels anyway.
Warp Whistle: I was in my thirties before I realized this was a reference to Zelda 1. I remember as a kid, I never used these or warp pipes, because I wanted to actually play the game. But they are a great concept, and I assume are key to Mario speedruns in the modern era. To compare them to the Zelda item, it's a little interesting, because I think of Zelda as putting more effort into the diegetic elements than Mario, but neither of them make any attempt to explain why this thing summons a whirlwind that takes you somewhere else. Anyway, the poor warp whistle has been completely outmoded in later games, where Mario has access to a spaceship or a giant flying hat.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
- Super Mushroom Tier
How Many Super Mario Games Are There? (Video): Stop posting 45 minute videosssssss but I actually did watch it, and there was some mildly interesting information in it. Here is the Official Anagram "Mainline" Mario Game List, excluding remakes and such, no one is allowed to dispute its authority: SMB, SMB2, SMB:LL, SMB3, SML, SML2, SMW, SM64, SMS, NSMB, SMG, SMG2, NSMBW, SM3DL, NSMB2, NSMBU, SM3DW, SMO, and SMBW, with New Super Luigi U being borderline, but all other games starring Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, and Wario being clearcut as not counting. I'm glad this question has finally been put to rest.
Luigi's Up-Taunt: Your link didn't work for me, so I found a youtube video of every character doing his up-taunt. I'm actually kind of surprised that so many have scared faces to do it with. Pichu pulling off its head is hilarious. Oh man, Chrom is in this game. Remember Chrom? I wonder why it doesn't work for ROB. Or did you mean his up-taunt in general? Because it's a very solid taunt. Luigi is probably the character who's changed the most since Smash 64, and mostly to his benefit. Or maybe not? Let's check the Smash tier list. He was dead last in Smash 64, and in Smash Ultimate, he's 39 out of 82. Looks like the highest he's ever been is B tier. Poor light, floaty, slow Luigi. Better than Mario in Melee and Brawl, worse than Mario in woah wait a second, how the hell is Mario #22 in Ultimate, but Dr. Mario is #78? They're like the exact same thing!
Staff Roll Theme (Mario 64)
Super Mario Strikers (2005)
Bowser Meets Bowser: It is obviously funny that Nintendo of America's new president is named Bowser. It was right of them to poke fun at the idea. I didn't even realize Bowser was a real name. Too bad there's no one named Koopa for them to make that joke in Japan with. But like, although the fact that this guy's name is Doug Bowser, this is the most not a joke joke ever. It's just him telling game Bowser that he's not the new president, and telling him to leave. I feel there was a lot of missed opportunity here, like with Mario busting down his door to save Peach, only to realize there's been a mistake, and then cutting to Peach wondering why Mario is taking so long to rescue her.
Hide and Seek mods
Bowser Theme (Super Mario World 2)
Mario Quiz Cards
Puzzle Plank Galaxy (Theme)
Bah (NSMB Music)
Mario + Rabbids: Do you like X-Com? ... I actually don't, I'm very bad at it, which I'm slightly ashamed of, because I do like tons of games adjacent to it. I think what makes these games stand out to me isn't the rabbids themselves (I have never liked rabbids) or any of the gameplay, it's that it managed the impossible task of making completely believable Mario-style guns for the heroes to use. Like, imagine Mario with a realistic gun. Doesn't work, right? These games came up with several different guns that completely fit into the Mario aesthetic. But boy oh boy, I don't really like the rabbids, and I suspect no one does, because the game just forces you to always include a rabbid on your team. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I'd like the game more if instead of rabbids, it just had Rosalina, Daisy, Toad, and uh... God, I need two more human characters... Wario and Baby Mario, I guess. I'm sorry, does anyone like Rayman? He's like the most forgettable major 90s platformer protagonist. Him and Earthworm Jim. I'll say this for Sonic, his games usually are better than Rayman and Earthworm Jim.
Donkey Kong (1981)
Wreck-It Ralph
Mushroomy Kingdom
Rainbow Road (Fat Bearded Guy Song)
Jim Carrey as Wario in SMB2
Gust Garden Galaxy (Theme)
Tonkachi Mario
Talking Flowers
Trials of Death
Mary O: Completely fine tutorial person. It was either this, or making it like Daisy or something. Can you imagine writing a ton of in-character tutorial dialogue for Daisy, or Kamek, or something like that? Mary O is a good pun name, at least. She deserves to show up in a Smash Mario Maker level.
Dennis Hopper
Anya Taylor-Joy
Angry Sun: So, is it really the sun, or just some entity that looks like the sun? I really want to believe that even in the Mario universe, the sun can't be destroyed by a koopa shell. And this just raises way more questions once you factor Mario Galaxy into the equation. I know a lot of people really like the angry sun as an enemy, but like... it could equally just be a bird. It's just a sun with an angry face. I sort of like the SMM2 version of it better, because at least it has a weird, ugly Aztec theme going on.
I'm a Chuckster
Do the Mario
Super Mario Bros Super Show: I watched this like four times as a kid. I don't even know what channel it was on. I remember literally only one thing from it, which was when my mom walked in. Mario was playing poker with someone, and every time Mario won, it played the coin collecting sound, and she laughed at that.
Kublai Khan
Tetris Attack
Super Mario Bros. 2: See, I think the key difference between Mario and Zelda is that Zelda focuses on problem solving. There are puzzles, you have a set group of tools to solve those puzzles, you get more tools as you go along, and some of the puzzles are actually enemies who will try to stab you to death, but some of your tools let YOU stab THEM first. The challenge of Mario is not puzzles, it's just your prowess at platforming. How good are you at making precise jumps, or dodging things? There's rarely a lot of intense thought put into a Mario game on the part of the player, it's purely about your ability to time things. Mario doesn't really get new tools as he goes along, either. He just has his skills of running and jumping, and instead just gets temporary power-ups used to let him access new challenges reliant on timing. Unlike Zelda, it's always usually clear what is expected of you, and the question is just if you can do it. Which is why this game is so weird. The platforming segments are completely different because of the weightlessness of everything, there are way more mazes and puzzles and bosses that require a second to figure them out, there aren't really power-ups, and many of the challenges are about finding ways into or out of things while being chased. And we all know why this game is the odd one out, so I won't go into it. I will just ask, is this the only successful use of "it was all a dream" in video games? I can't think of anyone else trying it, even LA implies that at least something to what happened was real. It's crazy how much this game impacted the series. It gave us character selections, the idea of everyone having different advantages, playable Peach and Toad, Luigi's high jumping, Peach's floating, Mario being the well-rounded guy, it gave us shy guys and bob-ombs and Birdo, it established that there's a THE Toad... It's honestly more consequential to the series than probably any other game besides SMB1. Too bad it's not actually that good to play!
Backwards Long Jump

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
- Frog Suit Tier
Wall Kicks Will Work (Star)
Lou Albano
Practice Makes Perfect (Legacy X)
Blindfolded Mario Maker Guy
Dong Dong Never Die
Mario Bros.
Stanley the Bugman
Chill (Dr. Mario Theme)
Torpedo Ted
Mario vs Sonic at the Olympic Games
L is Real 2401
Grandpa Mario (Serving Tray)
Gooper Blooper: Who keeps nominating SMS bosses? I'm going to find you and destroy you. He's just a boss who shows up and you fight him. Pull off his tentacles, pull out the cork in his mouth, etc. There's a lot of pulling involved in his battles. I love how verbose the Wiki is about this character. "Gooper Blooper is a larger than average Blooper who never displays much in the way of intelligence and, like most Bloopers, can only speak in indiscernible "bloops". He appears to be loyal to the Koopa Troop, most especially his Bloopers, and will attack anyone who poses a threat to Bowser's plans or attacks his Bloopers, showing that he is also ruthless. He has even attacked ships and sports events on occasion. He also aims to destroy Mario, likely due to his interference in the Koopa Troop's plans and that he tore off one of Gooper Blooper's tentacles upon their first meeting." All of that text to say that he's just a squid. Has Mario ever fought a humanoid enemy in any of his mainline games? Not counting Bowser and his family. I don't think he has, it's always some kind of goofy monster. Even Link occasionally fights another human.
Steak (Boss Fight)
NBA Street V3
Coins (Mario Kart)
Luigi Mario: I'm just going to rate the movie version of Luigi here, who is... well, he's Luigi. Why the hell does Google's cast list for this movie list Luigi before Mario? Anyway, John Leguizamo, I just realized he looks a little like Johnny Depp. Check it out, I'm not wrong. Not young Johnny Depp, modern Johnny Depp, they look similar. Look, this character isn't elevating the film, but he's not even the bottom twenty problems with it, so I'm not going to get too much on his case.
Mario Paint
Fortune Street: What the hell, this is a S-E x Mario crossover party game? How have I never heard of this? Oh, look, all of the characters are DQ instead of FF, that's why. I don't understand DQ's popularity at all. The first one, sure, back when it was groundbreaking. But every subsequent game is just the most generic JRPG you can imagine, and they're still insanely popular in Japan. Modern FF may suck, but at least it's not literally the same thing every time. Oh gross, this is just Monopoly? Jesus, just make a Mario Party clone, that's what people want. If I want to play Monopoly, there are a billion variations for me to play, I don't need a Mario x Dragon Quest crossover version.
Yoshi's Safari
Super Mario 64: Chaos Edition: I found an explanation of this and watched a little in actino. I'm not really a homhack afficiando, but this seems not fun at all.
Racist Mario
Jump Rope Challenge (SMO)
Fat Yoshi
Thunder Cloud (Mario Kart)
Personalized Mario 64 Cartridge Theory: I had to look this up. This is just completely stupid and not even worth addressing. Even as a kid, I don't think I would have believed this.
Casio Hellburst
Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
Wario's Mario Party 1 and 2 Voice: Honestly, I have nothing really to say about this, it sounds like a bad impression of Wario, that's fine, except that Wario clearly yells "oh my God" in one of them. Am I crazy? Is that in a real Nintendo product?
Donkey Kong Jr. (1982)
Special Mariko Broken (Sket Dance Chapter 91/Episode 39)
Mario is Missing: I knew about this game as a kid, but I was never able to find a rom of it, so I've still never played it. God, a point-and-click for Mario, what a completely wrong genre for h--is THIS where that creepy image of Luigi is from? Goddamn, that's his expression in every single screenshot. Wow, this Wiki page listing all of the errors in the game's geographical knowledge is insane. Yeah, gonna level with you: I've never played this, but I get the feeling it's trash.

- Poison Mushroom Tier
I Am A Teacher: Super Mario no Sweater: I had to look this up. Is this the most obscure Mario merch ever? God, I've said this before, but Nintendo is obviously very defensive of its properties now, can you imagine if they still rented out their characters for these kinds of ugly monstrosities?
Mario Kart Tour
Mario Teaches Typing
Bowser's Big Blast
Watch for Rolling Rocks (0.5x A Presses)
Luigi Meeting Himself
Mario Screaming (Video): Most things on the internet are bad or forgettable. I will forget about this ten seconds after placing it in the tier list. I do like the autotuning to make it sound really awful, though.
Super Hornio Brothers
Hand Injuries (Mario Party): God, some of these minigames. Let me tell you about Star Fox Adventures. I played that game as a kid for a few hours, got to the point where you had to do some challenge against a dinosaur that was lifting something, but it was really pressing a button super fast. I just straight-up couldn't do it. To this day, I've never played past that part. This is also why I hate Ocelot's torture sequence in MGS1. It's a good sequence, but I hate playing through it.
Pink Gold Peach
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Pachinko Game (SMS)
Yakuman DS
Big Bertha x Mario (Mario Comics)
Wendy O. Koopa
Hotel Mario Cutscenes
Petey Piranha
Mario Galaxy 2 Glitch

- Blue Shell Tier
Mario Pissing
Blue Shells just Before the Finish Line

- Veto
ProtonJon: Is this some mid-level LPer? Get out of here with this. The only LP I watch is Game Grumps.
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
NFUN posted...
This is the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life
Paratroopa1 posted...
This is the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life
thank you. I'm glad you appreciate it, unlike my so-called "friends" trying to study in the library
List the ominous stern whisper from the delphic cave within:
They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin
Mario Tennis
Mario 3 > Mario World forever, but that is sadly the minority opinion now

So I guess I'll nominate Mario 3 now
Board 8 » Anagram ranks anything Mario-related
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