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Dota 2 Mafia 2 Topic 1 - A Moba Mafia of Moderate Mayhem

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Board 8 » Dota 2 Mafia 2 Topic 1 - A Moba Mafia of Moderate Mayhem
"What does a hero truly need?

Hello, and welcome to Dota 2 Mafia 2. You are one of the chosen few heroes to Defend your Ancient in a constant, multiplanar war. What are the Ancients, you ask? Two halves of the same whole a slightly-corruptive, yet immobile, shattered consciousness that over eons has terraformed their surroundings and some of the lesser creatures around them into a reflection of an aspect of their former self. It isn't entirely clear.

Point is, you are a Hero one of the few who resist the corruptive forces to not turn into a creep. Your goal is to topple your opposing Ancient whether you're the RADIANT, colloquially known as Town, or the DIRE, colloquially known as "Mafia." You are to work with your team... wait... you mean you don't know who they are?

Who writes this crap? Ugh. AFK in fountain, GG GL go next.
At least try!
Ughhhh, FINE.

Most of you are of the RADIANT side. Beautiful, lush forests and cherry blossoms, glowing quartz crystal still just as sinister as the DIRE side, which is your standard withered trees, polluted soil, and igneous rock. DIRE has their act together a bit better, and is more coordinated. Your goal? Destroy the opposition utterly so you can freely siege the enemy Ancient to return it to wherever it is elder gods go when they die. Or, to put it succintly:

Town weed out non-town players and eliminate them using the abilities provided to you and your votes.
Mafia gank other players at night and use coordinated tactics to get them to turn on themselves.

...Who am I, you ask? A retired hero, now a shopkeeper. I've seen this battle again and again. I may have some wares for you later, if you pay in coin; you'll find me a bit of the way's to the forest. And don't try to pull anything funny on me . I've seen and handled worse than gods in this place.

Please review the rules below.

1.) This will be role-madness style. As it has developed, it's been made clear I needed to confirm it as such. It is experimental in part because I am new to hosting, and in part because I believe I've written up something so fun could be had for anyone. Balance may be a bit skewed. It should work just fine, as I've put some thought and effort into this, and if not... well...
2.) Leave your Haterade at the door. This is a game . We are ostensibly all working adults, and if you want to bring certain bigoted views or commit TOS violations, do it on your own time. Calling someone scum or scummy is fine. Calling someone a jackass is pushing it. Calling someone worse is grounds for not being invited back.
3.) Timing and Actions. I am a full-time librarian. I do not always have 100 percent access to computers throughout the day and night, and I am aware other players in this game have time zone differences, so am relying in part on a co-host @PunishedBen . I am also relying in part on my own attention span to DMs, which aren't always reliable (your host is, unfortunately, part deaf and occasionally fails to hear the phone if the vibrate isn't enough.)

I enjoyed the 8 PM Eastern end time of Simple Mafia just past (or rather, I would've, if I wasn't ill, so knock on wood that won't happen again,) so let's aim for that for start/end of day, and to make it clear:

Days last for 48 hours or until someone is eliminated by vote.
Night lasts for at least 23 hours, or longer if a player is eliminated early in a day.
There will be a twilight period of one hour after a stop is called for flavor and resolving of abilities. I will resolve stops earlier if any occur during the middle of a day without ending a day (for example, if a player is modkilled.)

Day actions, if secret, are due before 6 PM, or two hours before standard end-of-day, and resolve in the order I receive them.
Night actions are due before 7 PM, or one hour before start-of-day, and will resolve after I have determined interactions between who has done what.

You are limited to one day action and one night action only , unless otherwise stated in your role DM or your item's description. Day actions include passing items, using items, or using any abilities your role DM indicates you have, unless otherwise stated by the item or ability.

4.) Votes, votals-keeping and Stop calls . Keep your votes and actions taken clear. The easier it is to follow what you're attempting, the easier it is to keep the game going. Use this with ##vote: <target> or ##unvote - I will attempt to keep votals accurate.
5.) Flavor . Mafia is a game of truths and falsehoods. You can lie about your flavor, if you like, but do not attempt to use the actual wording from your flavor as an argument for "wait why would I do that Isquen said this." Like back in the Pokemon side of Star Wars/Pokemon Mafia, flavor does not necessarily equate to alignment nor ability. And if I've been warned for modkilling over it in the past, so shall you be. If you have any questions about your flavor, I encourage you to look up your assigned character.
6.) Flips . Role flips for dead players will happen at the end of day phase. There are no janitor roles or items to alter these. Once a flip is posted, the death is final .
7.) Items exist in this game. Unless I have told you otherwise, your item is essentially a one-use consumable role that works in addition to your normal role. For my own sanity, if your item(s) mention day actions or night actions, they may only be used if you have not otherwise performed an action. Sharing items with other players also counts as performing an action.
8.) There is an a money system in play. Every living player will passively generate 100 gold at the end-of-day. After Day 1 resolves, the secret shop opens up, and is available for anyone, unless otherwise noted, to use their night action to visit and purchase items. The shop inventory will be revealed midway through day one, and the shop may add items throughout the game. Inventory may change day to day, and will be revealed midway through each day if so.
9.) Standard Mafia rules will otherwise apply . If you have questions about the game that I am able to answer without compromising the game, please either DM me on here or on Discord (I am on the B8 Discord pretty much constantly, even if invisible or away.) Please refrain from deleting or editing posts, as well; doing a minor typo fix is inevitable, but changing your entire argument on the fly is a no-no.

Here is your player list, in alphabetical order by username.
1 - changmas
2 - Corrik7
3 - ctesjbuvf
4 - HanOfTheNekos
5 - hbthebattle
6 - htaeD
7 - Kirby321
8 - Lea
9 - Lopen
10 - MZero
11 - Obellisk
12 - PoppyTheNinja
13 - red13n
14 - TheSultanOfSlam
15 - UltimaterializerX

Please check your inboxes before the game for any need-to-know information for relevant players.

The game will begin at 8:00 PM Eastern time, a little under one hour from now please do not post until go, but read the rules meanwhile .
[Rock and Stone]
*In the distance, a low horn begins to blow, bounty runes spawn and immediately vanish, and a rooster crows. You hear a voice of a Narrator wishing you well.* Vo_announcer_dlc_stanleyparable_announcer_battle_prepare_19.mp3/ revision/latest?cb=20201009093840
(delete spaces)

The game has begun! Day 1 has started, and will end on Wednesday, September 7th at 8:00 PM. With 15 alive, 8 votes are required to lynch a target.
[Rock and Stone]

Some people do not have their notifications set. Those that do are now pinged. Those that were not able to pinged are not pinged.
"You can only mention up to 10 users per message"
[Rock and Stone]
A complicated game after a simple game.

I have a feeling this is going to be rough..
Hello Here is a pineapple
This is gonna be fun is what it is. I may not have played DotA 2, but I liked the MOBA terminology sprinkled into the introduction lol

Anyway, I don't believe I see anything about an anti-claim mechanic in the rules, so I'm just gonna say right now that I'm a Miller.

When I got my PM, I was debating on whether I should try and bait a shot from Mafia, but every time I've done that in the past, Mafia never took my bait. So I doubt it would've worked here. I figured I'd follow Lea's precedent from Nickelodeon Mafia and reveal my Miller role immediately to avoid investigative roles outing themselves over me.
Kirby321 is 60% epicsauce, 40% epic failure
Soo... how was your day?
I hate millers... like I think I way over think the claims out the gate but it makes sense. I was a Miller one of my first games didnt claim and got insta murdered so It makes sense but it is also a convenient claim for scum.. has Kirby been scum yet??

However I do think Kirby is a good player and probably wouldn't do that

Hello Here is a pineapple
Sultan and Kirby are scum

Also Ulti will be relieved to know that I will play this game like last game as it worked out well from a gameplay perspective. I mean sure you get taunted and you're scum who shot a guy with diaries but oh well

With that said ta ta for now
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Where is everyone??
Hello Here is a pineapple
Post #9 was unavailable or deleted.
I have a night 0 ability where I can make it so only scum players can talk for the first hour of game

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
##vote: Kirby
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Post #12 was unavailable or deleted.
Not enough minerals
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
howdy all. let's start with an obligatory "league of legends is more fun than dota 2" that hopefully doesn't get me modkilled for stating.

and to follow that up, Lea astutely pointed out in one of the recent dead town chats that my pre-existing flowchart may, in fact, be manifesting my own roles and perma-town alignment. As an attempt to manifest a different alignment literally one time ever...I present to you: the Anti-Flowchart.
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
For the record and its funnier to be silly about it cause joke phase but

Didn't like the overly verbose nature if Kirby's claim
Didn't like Sultan's reaction to the claim

My vote is completely serious. Let us fell this scum with alacrity.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Lopen posted...
I mean sure you get taunted and you're scum who shot a guy with diaries but oh well

happens! be sneakier next time
The Artist Formerly Known as Hannyabal
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
Lea doesn't like my reaction to a miller claim when she also does not like a Miller claim Hypocrite much.

I genuinely hate millers ill never put on in a game I run but to each host their own
Hello Here is a pineapple
Post #21 was unavailable or deleted.

i'm back on the FAQs after a very lengthy absence, spent my time on an offsite board, i played a bunch on Epic Mafia back about 10 years ago so I know the basics of the game but I expect this to be a fairly different experience for me.

i don't really have thoughts on the miller claim, the justification for it makes sense to me. i didn't like this post though:

TheSultanOfSlam posted... I hate millers... like I think I way over think the claims out the gate but it makes sense. I was a Miller one of my first games didnt claim and got insta murdered so It makes sense but it is also a convenient claim for scum.. has Kirby been scum yet??

However I do think Kirby is a good player and probably wouldn't do that

feels like he's waffling back and forth a lot to seem like he's being thoughtful but not actually saying a lot. i also think the conclusion is unnatural - "i think he's a good player so he wouldn't fakeclaim miller"? wouldn't a good player be more likely to make a bold play like that?

##vote: TheSultanOfSlam
TheSultanOfSlam posted...
Lea doesn't like my reaction to a miller claim when she also does not like a Miller claim Hypocrite much.

I genuinely hate millers ill never put on in a game I run but to each host their own
Saying things like this means you just shouldnt host.
PoppyTheNinja posted...

i'm back on the FAQs after a very lengthy absence, spent my time on an offsite board, i played a bunch on Epic Mafia back about 10 years ago so I know the basics of the game but I expect this to be a fairly different experience for me.

i don't really have thoughts on the miller claim, the justification for it makes sense to me. i didn't like this post though:

feels like he's waffling back and forth a lot to seem like he's being thoughtful but not actually saying a lot. i also think the conclusion is unnatural - "i think he's a good player so he wouldn't fakeclaim miller"? wouldn't a good player be more likely to make a bold play like that?

##vote: TheSultanOfSlam

I mean that is a decent point.
If I rephrase I mean something that I dont think Kirby would do

Hello Here is a pineapple
Leafeon13N posted...
Saying things like this means you just shouldnt host.

Beacuse I think millers are dumb means I shouldn't host? Okay then Red
Hello Here is a pineapple
TheSultanOfSlam posted...
Beacuse I think millers are dumb means I shouldn't host? Okay then Red
You can say they are dumb. Saying you wont use a basic role that foils a common scanning role limits claim options.

So yeah. You shouldn't host.
Leafeon13N posted...
You can say they are dumb. Saying you wont use a basic role that foils a common scanning role limits claim options.

So yeah. You shouldn't host.

You can use other roles thar serve the same purpose that are more fun but thst is merely an option
Hello Here is a pineapple
TheSultanOfSlam posted...
Lea doesn't like my reaction to a miller claim when she also does not like a Miller claim Hypocrite much.

I genuinely hate millers ill never put on in a game I run but to each host their own

I've been Miller in a Sultan game

##Vote: Sultan

Lynch all liars
MZero , to the extreme
Lopen posted...
For the record and its funnier to be silly about it cause joke phase but

Didn't like the overly verbose nature if Kirby's claim
Didn't like Sultan's reaction to the claim

My vote is completely serious. Let us fell this scum with alacrity.

Kirby is always overly verbose though
MZero , to the extreme
Post #30 was unavailable or deleted.
A light start, this is nice. I was rather worried I'd have to walk into a page and a half.

A miller claim... meh, thanks for that.
Sultan is sultaning.
Lea doing a thing
Lopen doing a thing
Ulti doing a a thing
Welcome back Poppy.

( SBell )
*spits out spaghetti*

( SBell )
that a for real CC?
Leafeon13N posted...
Saying things like this means you just shouldnt host.
I was going to say this person is suspect for chiming in with an unimportant tangent like this and apparently they aren't even a player in the game??
PoppyTheNinja posted...
I was going to say this person is suspect for chiming in with an unimportant tangent like this and apparently they aren't even a player in the game??

that's Red. he is in the game.
( SBell )
Obellisk posted...
A light start, this is nice. I was rather worried I'd have to walk into a page and a half.

A miller claim... meh, thanks for that.
Sultan is sultaning.
Lea doing a thing
Lopen doing a thing
Ulti doing a a thing
Welcome back Poppy.
Everyone is doing a thing hurray? Quality take.
Post #37 was unavailable or deleted.
PoppyTheNinja posted...
I was going to say this person is suspect for chiming in with an unimportant tangent like this and apparently they aren't even a player in the game??
Red prod at someone for saying something dumb. Never.
Leafeon13N posted...
Everyone is doing a thing hurray? Quality take.

I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress.
( SBell )
##Vote: Kirby

don't really see mafia CCing a miller claim on Day 1 so this is an easy call
poppy, you'll need to unvote first.

Also not even willing to entertain multiple millers?
( SBell )
I think Kirby is usually verbose for what he believes is an apparent point

Really don't see why you'd go into that much detail unless you had to look townish. Self preservation.

Seems more like "I saw a bunch of day 1 miller claims work here and I'm gonna try it as scum but gotta make up a reason"

Sultan still gauging. Prefer Kirby greatly even if the reaction wasn't a great look.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Obellisk posted...
poppy, you'll need to unvote first.

Also not even willing to entertain multiple millers?

Is that a likely thing? I thought role madness style meant everyone would have a different role.
Kirby321 posted...
So I doubt it would've worked here. I figured I'd follow Lea's precedent from Nickelodeon Mafia and reveal my Miller role immediately to avoid investigative roles outing themselves over me

Lea posted...
Copycat. Except you made one mistake - I claimed when I was Untargetable, but did not claim when I was Miller last game. And that worked out because I got shot. So that's an odd thought. In general I think it's weird to feel the provide that level of justifications for what's a pretty basic claim.

This exchange is also condemning to me. Someone putting this amount of thought into it should remember clearly how the claim benefitted town and why.

Rather it seems Kirby only remembers that Lea did not get lynched. He doesn't even remember details of the claim.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
A reminder that swapped votes will not count unless the person unvotes first.
[Rock and Stone]
hi guys, i see this game has already gotten a bit spicy

PoppyTheNinja posted...
##Vote: Kirby

don't really see mafia CCing a miller claim on Day 1 so this is an easy call
I wouldn't be that quick to assume that, especially in a role madness game, ESPECIALLY on page 1.
Spicy is not what I would call anything here.
Compared to most early day 1s this is pretty spicy

I'm not sure whether that makes it particularly spicy on an absolute scale but claims and counter claims are cool
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
Lopen posted...
Compared to most early day 1s this is pretty spicy

I'm not sure whether that makes it particularly spicy on an absolute scale but claims and counter claims are cool
I guess? A miller counterclaim with role madness declared and not a whole lot of activity certainly doesn't feel spicy to me.

Hell at a glance Lea feels pretty believable so it isn't even all that contentious.

My first thought is that I dont like Sultans 1st post.
He was in Chris' role madness mafia. He should know what thats like. Calling it rough even with a simple game in between comes across as a forced statement.

Not 100 % sure what to make of the 2 miller claims yet. Though I am believing more of Lea. Fake claiming Miller is a bold move for scum. But maybe Kirby thought he could get away with it in rome madness.
Sword IGN: Pandora
Brilliant Diamond IGN: Aurora
Board 8 » Dota 2 Mafia 2 Topic 1 - A Moba Mafia of Moderate Mayhem
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